Curves vs Skin and Bones!



    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I like a woman with some curves! I need something to grab on to.................lay my head on. SOmething to carress to rub spank!.................damn! :bigsmile:

    Im feelin sexy all of a sudden!!!

    Everybody needs a bosom for a pillow. :P

    Ohhh definitely. Finally someone who knows what I was talkin about! a nice soft bossom for a pillow!...................and maybe some spankin...ha!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    By the way, I agree about the word "curvy." Some people use it as some sort of mask for being overweight, and I don't think it has anything to do with weight; it's about body proportion.

    Yeah, I agree with you both. Lets be honest, most of us girls don't carry most access weight in our boobies. Sometimes I think the question should be rephrased. "Would you rather your girl to be slightly overweight or underweight." hahaha Either way, I think the answer would probably end up being the same....It's all about the person, frame how and where they carry their weight, and course, the eye of the beholder.
  • Morglem
    Morglem Posts: 377 Member
    Curves just scream sex appeal. Plywood does not.

    Yes yes Yesssssss!!

    I'll pass..

    OMG! I'm with you. The girl on the bottom is scary skinny :(
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I want to be able to fill out my clothes. I read an interview that designers want the clothes to look like they are on a hanger. This such a messed up world! Not sure if this is going to far but I fail to understand anorexia, if you want to look like a model, why do you end up looking like a skeleton? I understand wanting to be skinny but I feel like they take it so far and are completely contridicting themselves.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I'm not quite 5'2, small frame, but I have always been attracted to men who are a lot bigger and taller. I agree that it is kind of a primitive thing. It makes me feel safer.

    See how it is?

    Poor guys like myself at 5'7 always get the shaft. Here we have a beautiful (I know this), intelligent, witty, friendly, SHORT girl...

    And as usual she wants the jolly green giant.../sigh!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    p.s. you need to stop staring at that photo, Cris. hah

    Can you blame me lol?

    Honestly though...that just happens to be very near my ideal body type, and her tattoos were good illustration for the other thread lol.

    Who could blame you. I think every woman on here is jealous of this ho. My favorite part is the sand on her butt/legs. hott.

    Hott just begins to cover it lol.

    I wonder if this hirl knows she's been the subject of I don't know how many threads here at MFP lol? Mine weren't the first in which she appeared.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    By the way, I agree about the word "curvy." Some people use it as some sort of mask for being overweight, and I don't think it has anything to do with weight; it's about body proportion.

    Yeah, I agree with you both. Lets be honest, most of us girls don't carry most access weight in our boobies. Sometimes I think the question should be rephrased. "Would you rather your girl to be slightly overweight or underweight." hahaha Either way, I think the answer would probably end up being the same....It's all about the person, frame how and where they carry their weight, and course, the eye of the beholder.

    That topic should be started!! Overweight vs underweight. It would clarify a lot!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    This is usually how most people view skinny vs curvy....




    Kim Kardashian often a leading example of curvy!! Might I add, she is DAMN hot. :D Even I drool a bit every time I see her.
  • Gemini_at_36
    Curves, curves, curves, god gave them to me.....I'm making the most of them....Although at 278 pounds I could stand to lose a little curve.....:wink:
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    A feminine curvy shape is good.
    The body of a 15 year old boy is not good.
  • KS_4691
    KS_4691 Posts: 228 Member
    Weird NSV for me... I used to be a 00 and now I'm a 2 and I've been super self conscious about it. But everyone (male and female) seems to love that picture of the woman with tats, and right now I look pretty similar to that from behind (without tattoos though). So maybe I don't look too terrible with the extra weight? Haha.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    There's a band that plays Renn Faires called The Jolly Rogers. They do a song appropriate to this thread...

    * * * * * * *

    I‘ve traveled all over and one thing I have found
    Skinny girls have nothing to wrap your arms around
    I‘ve been to every corner of this great big world
    And found there’s nothing better than a curvy, curvy girl

    Nothing can compare with the natural curves I love.
    Even when I’m sleeping it’s curvy girls I dream of
    Curvy girls are lovely curvy girls are great
    Curvy girls make me want to master…my own fate

    So if you are out there looking listen to these tips
    Find an ample bosom and some child bearing hips
    An hour glass figure with all the curves just right
    That’s the best thing in the world to keep you warm at night.


    I know those waifish models are what they say are hot
    But what I am looking for those girls they just ain’t got
    I’ll stick with these curvy girls that give me so much joy
    And you can keep the models that look like pre-teen boys.


    More than a handful’s wasted well I say that’s just bull
    For I have two good hands and they should both be full
    If you want my attention well here’s a sure bet
    All you need to do is flash me your curvy silhouette


    * * * * * *

    I've been underweight, and I've been overweight. Honestly, I felt better overweight. Granted, I feel best of all strong and healthy and fit, but if I had to choose between skinny and pudgy, I'd take pudgy.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    I like a woman with some curves! I need something to grab on to.................lay my head on. SOmething to carress to rub spank!.................damn! :bigsmile:

    Im feelin sexy all of a sudden!!!

    Everybody needs a bosom for a pillow. :P

    Totally agree here
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I'm also one of those small petite women who ends up with taller, muscular men... In my ex's case he's taller but with a little weight on.
    I like the security of a tall muscular mans arms around me...

    Me too. I'm not quite 5'2, small frame, but I have always been attracted to men who are a lot bigger and taller. I agree that it is kind of a primitive thing. It makes me feel safer.
    I'm 4' 10 1/2". It's not that I'm actually attracted to taller men. It's just that *everyone* is taller than me. Seriously. 5' 2" seems tall to me.

    As far as the original topic. I have no desire to be skin and bones. I definitely prefer being curvy. Ideally, I'd like a classic movie star type of body. Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell, Claudette Colbert, Jayne Mansfield etc. I like softness. I do not necessarily want defined muscles.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    p.s. you need to stop staring at that photo, Cris. hah

    I think *I* need to stop staring at that picture!!

    Suzi, I think you and I would get along wonderfully with a small amount of effort lol :).

    :) hehe, i think we'd get on fine. me debating with you doesnt mean i wouldnt like you.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    This is usually how most people view skinny vs curvy....




    Kim Kardashian often a leading example of curvy!! Might I add, she is DAMN hot. :D Even I drool a bit every time I see her.

    every single one of those women has a great body imo
    I think posh spice especially looks amazing there, but they all look great.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    p.s. you need to stop staring at that photo, Cris. hah

    I think *I* need to stop staring at that picture!!

    Suzi, I think you and I would get along wonderfully with a small amount of effort lol :).

    :) hehe, i think we'd get on fine. me debating with you doesnt mean i wouldnt like you.

    Done deal :)

    Btw, if Posh Spice is in the middle with the blue...I agree completely. I'd choose that girl over the others in those specific pictures. I've seen Kim look stunning on others though.
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    p.s. you need to stop staring at that photo, Cris. hah

    I think *I* need to stop staring at that picture!!

    AND ME!! :O Shes gorgeous!!! :)

    seriously she is hot.... i want an *kitten* like hers!!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    p.s. you need to stop staring at that photo, Cris. hah

    I think *I* need to stop staring at that picture!!

    Suzi, I think you and I would get along wonderfully with a small amount of effort lol :).

    :) hehe, i think we'd get on fine. me debating with you doesnt mean i wouldnt like you.

    Done deal :)

    Btw, if Posh Spice is in the middle with the blue...I agree completely. I'd choose that girl over the others in those specific pictures. I've seen Kim look stunning on others though.

    posh spice is the first one. She is very thin and underweight, but i still think she looks good, but im not always the most realistic when it comes to ideal womens figures. I do like the waif look best, although appreciate other figures too.
    Funny how (at least) 2 out of three, or possibly all 3 of the celebrated curvy women there have implants.
    Not that i mind implants at all, or any other form of body modification, but if its pushed as this is an ideal curvy woman, seems just as unfair and unnattainable for most women, as pushing the waif-look
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    I totally agree with you elisabat. Me being 4'11".....

    Curvy is definitely loads better!