Women: Male Piercings and Tattoos



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Really really really not.
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    in my Opinion, i like a few tatoos but the "illistrated man" look is not attractive. again that's only me, as for piercings, a face full of pins might as well be a pin cushion. a few OK, but...well that's just MY OPINION.
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    I love most tattoos and piercings on potential partners. I will say I am not a fan of tribal tattoos.
    And you also like hairy men! Ewwww!!!!! :wink: j/k

    HA HA. This is true, my taste is questionable at best. But at least that leaves me the big, hairy bikers. :D
  • BuffTexan
    BuffTexan Posts: 270
    I love most tattoos and piercings on potential partners. I will say I am not a fan of tribal tattoos.
    And you also like hairy men! Ewwww!!!!! :wink: j/k

    HA HA. This is true, my taste is questionable at best. But at least that leaves me the big, hairy bikers. :D
    :happy: Just joking with you. I celebrate our differences! It's great that we all have different likes/dislikes, isn't it? Imagine if everyone was the same! Ugh!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    love tats. love piercings. love branding (only on dark skin- just minging on a white guy because they tend to go a bit of a funny colour).
    in a previous life i used to be a piercer. went out with a few very heavily pierced and tattooed guys. nom nom nom.
    my hubby has 1 crappy tat and was pissed when he got it. he's scared of needles. i'd love it if he chucked a few things on there to make his skin less..... boring!

    but facial tattoos aren't good, unless they belong to your culture. mike tyson does not suit his face tattoo (but i wouldn't say that to his face!). he is not a maori. but lots of maori do have face tattoos and they look great. mind you, i love the tats they get on their butt cheeks (both cheeks get a swirly pattern).

    maybe you should talk with a traditional tattoo artist (like a samoan, maori or tongan one). you tell them about your life, and they design a symbolic tat from that. you may get some inspiration from that. i'm going to get one when the time is right.

    good luck, but yes, deffo a chick magnet!
  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    love tats. love piercings. love branding

    Glad to know I'm not the only fan of scarification here :) To me, tats look good as long as it's not overdone or colorful (very few can pull off colors). As for piercings, I can stand colors there, as long as it stays on the face (anything south of the chin looks unattractive to me). Having symmetry i.e. do something on one side, do the same on the other is a huge plus in my eyes.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    TATTOOS! :love:

    personally i think it depends on the frame of the lad/man, i LOVE tattoos on muscly men either on the arms or chest. Makes them just pwhaaar! :wink: but on skinnny lads, i think tattoos look awful. Same with piercings, im not too keen on them on lads. I dunno, makes them look different if ya get me?! Mind you ive got my ears and nose pierced, but peircings look better on girls :)
  • xBigBellyx
    First...in the movies, these tattoos are much more aggressive looking, the stills don't do them justice:



    As I said in the movie they are somehow...thicker, while still leaving open areas to accent his physique.

    I don't want THOSE tattoos, and dragons are overdone. I have my own ideas, but that thick, black, but still open style is cool.

    I Love the tattoo he has in this, and i do agree with them not looking at all like that in the movie( seriouslu hot!). I have quite a few friends who have designed their own tats and i think they look so great as you know noone else has them. i too am hoping that once get to my goal weight i can design my own i know what i want but maybe too much for me being a girl, black an white lillys all the way up my back. i also love peircings. i dont have many anymore 5 in ears belly button, but had to take others out for my old job, including my tounge!!!!!!!! i still hate the feeling of it not being there.
  • jaycurran
    Hot, tattoos and piercings. Mostly Tattoos though. Love any kind of samurai tattoos. But I always think its best when the guy has a story behind the tattoos, and that they're there for a reason. :D
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    It's funny. I was at my gym yesterday and realized how many people at my gym have tattoos. I live in the city in a "hip" neighborhood, so I'm sure that's a contributor, but I got to thinking: I wonder if people who take pride in looking good just like decorating their body as well.

    I have 3 large tattoos. I plan on getting more when inspiration and financial means hits.

    I have loved tattoos since I was 12, and I still do.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Hot. Hot. HOT.
    Any tats are great...love arm sleeves...meh love them all!

    Piercings....well all those work as well lol

    That wasn't a very descriptive reason as to why it's all hot...but it just is. So deal with it. =)
  • Hannahluux
    Tattoo's & Piercings.. YUM <33
  • kelmarie25
    kelmarie25 Posts: 6 Member
    Full sleeves, snakebites, septum. It's all good!

    I'm a female with half sleeves, and I used to have piercings. I appreciate a good tattoo!
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    Both are WAY hot IMO!
  • scubacat
    scubacat Posts: 346 Member
    Hubby has a couple tattoos and I like them although I dont have any. I'm not a fan of the huge gaping holes in ears though (gauges?) I just don't get it.
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    I do love a tattooed man, piercings are ok. No huge gauges though.... I for one am getting my first tattoo next week. I'm very excited.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    the tat george clooney has in dusk til dawn is stunning- nice and thick, but still shows enough physique. is that the kind of thing you're after?
  • bluevwgurl
    bluevwgurl Posts: 220 Member
    Tattoos are awesome. IF its quality work. Piercings, well that depends on the location. For a guy, If we're talking gettin' the junk pierced, I'd say, um, no. Great in theory, but eh. No. And no monstrous holes in the earlobes ....unless you're looking to be led around like a dog...
  • bluevwgurl
    bluevwgurl Posts: 220 Member


    Still have to say...she's not quite as 'confident' as the other girl lol. That girl KNOWS she's the center of the internet...

    wtf is up with her socks?
  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
    I don't mind tats on a guy if tasteful & minimal. My hubby kinda wants a tat and I'm thinking two dragons fighting. I'll probably design it for him when the time comes (if ever--he's tat free & that's fine by me). I DO NOT like piercings on a guy. Old fogey I'm sure, but I don't. I especially don't like the two earring thing that has become common. They were earring more often than I do. I prefer the lean mean military look, very short hair & plenty of muscles. :)