**Team Body Rock - August Challenge** (Closed Group)



  • laranay13
    I have emailed & friend requested .. vicky1506 & laranay13 and still haven't heard anything.. I'm so hoping they didn't drop out :ohwell: If any of you ever talk to them please let me know..

    Also I still need pictures from several people. If you don't plan on sending a pic please let me know asap, thanks!

    Team Body Rock... PLEASE unblock your diary if you haven't already because if you don't email or post what you've done and I can't check it then I can't give you the credit you deserve!

    I'm still here!! I didn't get your email but I found this and I am getting ready to log all my stuff...It's been a long day today for me. I will email my pic asap :) Both my challenges are complete
    August GW:137 <---8lbs for the 8th month-I CAN do this.
  • SouthernCityChic
    SouthernCityChic Posts: 119 Member
    laranay13- So glad you're still on the challenge!! :happy:
  • SouthernCityChic
    SouthernCityChic Posts: 119 Member
    So far our team is kickin some booty!!!

  • SouthernCityChic
    SouthernCityChic Posts: 119 Member
    Ok.. Some may not like this but ... starting Tuesday I need everyone to email me (please do not post in the forum for point credit on your log) & only when you are completely done with everything (please not several times during the day) with your daily totals which includes .. How many ounces of water you drank, Daily challenge status, & if you were under your Calorie Goal. If I don't get the email I can't give you your points. This is the easiest way for me. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to go over the forum or search everyones diary everyday. I do need the diary to be unblocked so I can verify things are getting done from time to time. This is a honesty based challenge so please always be honest with all totals. Please don't forget pictures if you haven't already or if you don't plan on sending one please let me know that too. Email me Sunday night or Monday morning with your weekly weigh in. I wanna do the best I can for you so please meet me half way. I push for everyone to complete all challenges. I'm always here for you all so if you need anything just let me know!

    **Please remember emailing me nightly on MFP is the only way to get your daily credit on your log.**

    I had a few that did not email me so I went into their diary (the ones that were unblocked) & got the info I needed to complete their log. If you emailed me this doesn't apply to you!
    Thanks in advance :) & Good Luck to All!!! :happy:

    Opinions & Comments on my blog, please ... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/SouthernCityChic/view/tbr-please-read-131843
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    No worries Nicole, that's all good with me, I did wonder how you would manage to keep track of everybody! I'm afraid my hubby has gone to bed early feeling unwell, and I still don't have a pic, I will get one to you, but won't be until tomorrow now.

    I'm just about to go to bed ... just drinking another glass of water to get my water intake up to where it should be!! I did my extra run this morning by running with my boy to school, it was such fun, we raced eachother and had such a laugh! I really need to do that more often. Stayed massively under my calories due to all the exercise I've done! Did my bootcamp this morning, took another 10 seconds off my time trial run, did 30 day shred and my extra run to school. I managed to do all that before I went to work!! Amazing what you can fit in when you're heads in the right space!!

    Night all!
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    Stupid question but was just was just reading through the challenges and as you tube doesn't work on my phone I wanted to ask what are up and downs? I don't own a computer so can't check on there either. Can someone explain please?
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    up downs are like burpies but without the push up bit ... that might help ... as long as you know what burpies are!
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    up downs are like burpies but without the push up bit ... that might help ... as long as you know what burpies are!

    I'm really sorry I've never heard of them! I have never done any excercises other than walking, skipping playing sports with the kids so I'm a bit useless when it comes to knowing what these things are.
  • Flodanna
    Flodanna Posts: 19

    Check this for up and downs, this was sent to me when I signed up to be team leader. I haven't looked at it yet though.

    Finished my challenge today all and was under goal weight for today, all while being in the hospital with my hubs. We are out tonight though, (I guess it's already morning) and I am ready for a good work out later today!
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member

    Check this for up and downs, this was sent to me when I signed up to be team leader. I haven't looked at it yet though.

    Finished my challenge today all and was under goal weight for today, all while being in the hospital with my hubs. We are out tonight though, (I guess it's already morning) and I am ready for a good work out later today!

    Thanks but you tube won't work on my phone its such a pain! Well done completing all your tasks I'm struggling and im on holiday so don't know how you managed in a hospital! Hope he gets on ok tonight x
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I was worried about doing the squat lunges, but I can do those (after watching them on you tube); but I honestly am not so sure about the up and downs! Thank goodness I live alone because watching a 325 pound woman try to do those will probably be a hilarious site! But I will give it my best shot!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Ok then ... description of up downs ... if you follow this I'll be mightly impressed!!

    Start in a press up position, jump your feet forward so they're near your hands, then stand up, jump as high as you can, then squat back down with your hands on the floor, jump your feet back to press up position ... and repeat!

    I've done my 50 sit ups, done my 30 day shred and a run! Looking good for staying under my calories, I need to drink another couple of glasses of water before bed, but I have one with my right now ... so should be all good!

    How's the rest of you body rockers doing?
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    I'm just going to admit it... I did fabulous on Monday. Yesterday, however, was a very long and stressful day. First week back to school for us teachers. I dropped the ball. Not only did I have to work for 11 hours, it was raining and my house was a disaster. I didn't eat terribly, but I didn't do well and I didn't get a workout in. I'll do much better today! I have a spin class this afternoon and I'm all over the challenge! Sorry guys! But the scale did go down .5 lb :)
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    I'm doing good I think! I'm getting all the physical stuff done, although I was absolutely wrecked yesterday because the extra 1 mile landed on my C25K day! and I forgot I promised my 4 year old I'd take him swimming too. On the up side, I burned over 1000 calories! I'm struggling with eating them all though. I'm eating more than 1200 gross calories but not 1200 net and I found that previously when I ate all my exercise calories I did better on the weight loss side of things. I'm dreading weigh-in on Saturday even though I've been under calories since last week and I've been doing more exercise......... maybe I'm just being silly! :ohwell:
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks for the description of up and downs think I might fall on my face lol.

    Just one other question are we ment to be doing c25k or 30ds? I'm just confused as I seem to be the only person not doing it.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I have not seen anything as of yet posted to be doing the C25K or 30 DS....I think others are doing those because that is their regular exercise routine. I would love to do the C25K and started it last month, but am restricted from it per my doctor. Hopefully will be able to do it after losing another 25 pounds or so.
  • SouthernCityChic
    SouthernCityChic Posts: 119 Member
    Reposting with links for exercises you may be confused about...


    This is the week one team challenge. This should be done in addition to your normal workout routine.

    This is a challenge and is not a replacement!

    If you need a beginner workout please contact your team
    captain for ideas.

    Week One Daily Exercise Challenge

    Each team member that completes their daily exercise challenge receives one point, if all team

    members complete each daily exercise for all 6 days the team is then awarded an additional 5 Bonus


    Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 100 Jumping Jacks*

    Day 2 Exercise Challenge – Walk, Run or Jog 1 Mile (extra)

    Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 50 Situps or Ab Crunches*

    Day 4 Exercise Challenge – 40 UP and Downs *

    Day 5 Exercise Challenge – 25 Pushups *

    Day 6 Exercise Challenge – 25 Squat Lunges*

    Day 7 Rest! You deserve it!

    If you are uncertain on how to do an exercise get with your captains as they will have a weblink to each exercise.

    Ups & Downs weblink...


    Squat Lunges weblink...



    Week One Weekly Team Challenge

    Each team member in order to get the weekly team bonus points must all log every day and not go over

    their target calories and log at least 64 oz. of water each day. If each team member does this all 6 days

    your team will be awarded 5 Bonus Points.

    *Feel free to do these exercises in sets if you are unable to do them all at one time. Please do your best

    as you are much stronger than you believe.

    Please note each week the exercises will increase in difficulty. This will push each team member.

    Modifications will be provided for those who unable to complete the exercise as intended.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    No bikermum, you don't need to be doing 30 day shred or C25K! Some of us are just doing those things anyway ...

    Sounds like we're doing good, it's hard when life is so busy eh? BUt we can do this, we can make August our best month so far!!

    Jennyocox - I'm having the same problem with eating all my exercise calories, and have found the same, I lose more consistently when I do eat them. I'm thinking if I have like 400calories spare again (like I did on Monday) I'm going to fill it up on protein shakes ... crazy how exercise makes you less hungry!

    Well, it's thursday here, I've done my bootcamp this morning. Will do my up downs when I get in from work. Happy August butt kicking everyone!
  • Flodanna
    Flodanna Posts: 19
    Logged eveything and did my challenge. Today just under my calories, ready to do better tomorrow!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Man those up downs are hard, had to do them in 4 sets of 10, Pheweeee! But .. they're done!! Hurrah!