Loose 10lbs in august red team support-



  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    I dont even know what the first challenge was. I cannot get the spreadsheet link to open on my iphone. Ugh!
    just to burn 500 calories from exercise each day this week :)
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I dont even know what the first challenge was. I cannot get the spreadsheet link to open on my iphone. Ugh!

    Mini-challenges won't be posted on the spreadsheet - that will only be team weight updates. The mini-challenges will all be posted on the original "Lose 10lbs in August" thread...which is now "Lose 10lbs in August Challenge (Part 2)".
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    So here's my personal goal for the next 4 weeks - I meet with my trainer again on August 27th and am making it my goal not to miss a single workout between now and then. Here's my workout schedule:

    Monday - Zumba
    Tuesday - run/weight train
    Wednesday - Zumba (if the Wed night class ever starts) or 30-45 minutes cardio of choice
    Thursday - run/weight train
    Friday - 30-45 minutes cardio of choice
    Sat/Sun - run one day/rest one day (days can be interchangeable)

    So far I'm 2 for 2, but I'm counting on you guys to help keep me accountable on this! I really want to impress my trainer and see some AMAZING results! :happy:

    This week's calorie burns thus far:
    Monday - Zumba = 786
    Tuesday - Run (316) + Weight Training (382) = 698

    By the way, how's everyone doing on water?? I know here in Joplin it's HOT and it's really important that we all stay very hydrated. Plus, drinking lots of water REALLY helps with the weight loss. :drinker:
  • koukla702
    koukla702 Posts: 171
    Hey Red team! Just checking in ~ I burned over 800 cals yesterday for spin class, super busy today and didn't get to go to the gym or do my 30DS but will kick it up a notch the next few days!! We can do this! :o)
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Hey Guys!

    So day one and two went fab! I've burned around 2000cals already so woohoo! Onto day three now and i'm starting to wonder if i've bitten off more than i can chew with regards to 10lbs in a month, only because it seems to take a while to loose anything these days. Doesn't matter how hard i work! But on a positive, the scales are showing a loss so far so looking good for friday!!

    I cant really give a difinitive exercise plan really, I am doing 30ds so thats something everyday, as its the summer holidays at the moment here i have both boys around and fitting in the gym is sometimes difficult. But i'll do my best! Even if i'm cleaning my house everyday for the cals lol!

    ANyway good luck today guys!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Kell, no one is going to come after you if you don't make 10lbs this month...most of us didn't make it last month. The whole point of the challenge is to push yourself to try and get there, and to keep going instead of giving up. Even if you only lose 2lbs this month because that's all your body wants to give up, that's still 2lbs less for you to ever worry about again.
  • NSkip4
    NSkip4 Posts: 21
    I'm glad people have took to the Spartan Idea....


    Go Team Spartans!
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    So as a scale-a-holic I'm a little grumpy that on the first week of the challenge my body keeps vacillated on the weight right now (need more fiber or something I think) :P" Stupid body! But I'm hopefully I work the kinks out by Friday--and if I don't I'm sure I'll "suddenly" be skinnier for next week. LOL! this is my first MFP challenge so I'm really taking it to heart. Anyone who feels bad about missing a day of challenge, DON'T just remember today is a new day, and the real goal here is to keep yourself motivated, eh? Don't start kicking yourselves--that goes against the plan! You still have the whole month!

    NSVs, managed to jog (super slow) 1.5 miles w/o stopping.
    not eating ANY of the macaroons I made for my husband's work last night--and asking him NOT to bring any home.

    I've been rockin' the exercise for the challenge:
    Monday: 931 cals
    Tuesday: 638 cals

    We are the Spartans! Go team Red!
  • kdm97
    kdm97 Posts: 111
    I didn't get to the gyme yesterday but I'm going today and I will meet my 3500 calories for the week. I bout the 30DS on yesterday so I'm going to incorporate that in my exercise plan so that i can have more of a variety.

    Happy Hump Day Spartans!!!
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    This challenge to burn 500 cals a day had come at absolutely the right time for me. My little girl is teething and is absolutely miserable at the moment. So when she finally drops off to sleep it'd be sooo easy for me to veg in front of the telly! But because of this challenge I've been getting off my bum and jogging on the spot for 15-20mins burning about 200 cals, then getting shred done (which if she wakes up, she likes watching me do anyway, weirdly) Burning 200-250 cals and then making the rest up by putting her in the pushchair and walking!

    Can't guarantee that I can definitely keep it up but it's going well atm! :-) And I'm sticking to the diet well as well! I tend to lose 1.5lb a week so I dunno if I'll make 10lb in a months but I'm really striving for it!

    Thanks for this challenge guys!
  • jjclem07
    jjclem07 Posts: 127 Member
    Third week in a row with Zumba! haha, this Spartan is learning dance moves.
    I will find different ways to burn those 500 calories and this one I like.

    Good for you!!! Keep your body guessing!!! Confuse the hell out of it and make it give up the pounds!!!
  • jjclem07
    jjclem07 Posts: 127 Member
    So my first and best NSV to date is my husband said, "I can actually get my arms all the way around you for a hug. I love this!"

    ....Question: The biggest loser at the end of this month gets a prize, right???

    ....Seeing as how we are The Spartans...may I suggest Gerald Butler as the trophy???
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Sure you can! I wouldn't mind a bit of Gerard!!! Yum yum!
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    Go Red team...working on this one day at a time...
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    I've been terrible about logging what little I can do for exercise. I know I'm not anywhere near the 500 calorie burn goal though. All I am allowed to do is leisurely walking and my normal housework/cleaning...therapist and doctor won't let me do more. Not even power walk! It's frustrating that I cannot help out the team more.
  • katie_kaboom
    All right! Signing up for Zumba lessons and they start next week. I am super excited!
  • Janeway72
    Have done 35 mins on the gym ball using the DVD. I put it down as lo impact aerobics because I was out of breath doing it so I'm working the heart and lungs. I also did 30 mins on the recumbent bike. Which takes my weekly total to 1497 calories. So I'm on target. I think my legs might drop off though, they are so tired.
  • mellissabee
    mellissabee Posts: 19 Member
    Holy Motivation! Keep it up that's so awesome!!!!
  • mellissabee
    mellissabee Posts: 19 Member
    So yesterday I ran for 50 minutes and burned 600+ calories. This morning I'll be doing 30 minutes strength and 30 minute interval training on the elliptical.
    **Some people were mentioning not eating their exercise calories but you always should. If you create a deficit below your daily caloric needs you could slow down your metabolism and the weight lose WILL eventually stall. I'm not saying you should eat them all but you should never go below 1200 Calories.

    GO RED!!!!