200+ Haulin' Off The Weight



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Are we all on TOM right now, or right around there? Our internet vibes must have forced us to all cycle together.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Best Friend brought me some mac and cheese today. I'm SO wishing I hadn't eaten it. *burp* Now, I'm popping Tums like candy.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    It's official. I'm sick. Rhea and Vomit. yay.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    RainSarah - Yay for new shoes and motivation! Hang in there, we're here for you! I also hear you on wanting the "girls" to shrink... I'm a 16E here, and all you can get in that size are pretty much nanna bras. Nothing nice goes any bigger than a 14D... I long for the day.

    Pam - Sounds like an awesome weekend!! Way to go on the burn, and yay for NSVs!!

    Sorry to hear everyone's having TOM issues... I don't get a TOM due to being on the Depo-Provera contraceptive injection... pretty awesome.

    Thanks for all the compliments on the photos :smile: feels good!

    Ugh, my final flight last night was delayed... Being just a regional flight it was a tin-can with wings, and all 18 of us on the flight were on the plane and the safety talk had been given and everything... waiting... waiting... nope, can't use that plane. Disembark and try and find another plane we can use.
    Arrrrrrrrgh! Just wanted to be home!!

    Did get home last night, only ended up being delayed by about an hour, but decided i wasn't going to go to work today... got in too late. Phoned work and explained that my flights had been postponed, and they were really good about it.

    By the time i got home though, pizza was it for dinner options... So i'm going to have to officially PASS on weigh-in this week... i'm so pumped with sodium it's not funny!!

    But i've just been for a long walk with the Other Half and the pups before he went to work, so it's a good start on the road to recovery. And i'm waiting to hear whether Teags wants to go for a walk this morning also.

    It's so nice to be home.
    All is good!
  • lyyzza
    lyyzza Posts: 22 Member
    sorry to just drop in... but is this a closed group?

    New and clueless (still)...
  • qofsheba
    qofsheba Posts: 72
    Exercise Advice requested! I have a WII--no xbox or other game systems left since the kids moved out. I like the EA Cardio workouts and also do Wii yoga. any other programs you know of for the Wii?

    Working at giving myself at least two very good days before we take off on Wednesday. My usual way would be to start eating anything I want last Friday and then binge all through the vacation.

    My goal for vacation is to be sensible. My goal when I get home is to break the cycle of hitting my low weight on Friday and then be back up on Monday.

    I keep saying this: but you guys are awesome.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Lisa - There is nothing closed about this group! Come on in!! Tell us a bit about yourself - Goals, family, whatever... and prepare to be subjected to the innermost details of everyones' lives!!! :P

    Now, ladiies. This is completely unrelated to anything on this thread, but it is a time of need, and i really don't have any other friends to turn to...


    This is Virginia. She is one of my mum's best friends. they met while doing their Masters' in Adelaide a couple of years ago.
    Virginia works for the government in Malawi, and her life is now in danger. There are people in Malawi who feel that she is doing bad things - trying to take over the government or something - and there have been threats (VERY REAL threats) that she may, one day, just... DISAPPEAR.

    This is so serious that she has made arrangements for my parents to have her two little boys, Victor and Prayer, if anything should happen to her. This is huge.

    Virginia is trying to get a visa to australia with her boys, but it's not that easy. Malawi isn't quite considered dangerous enough for her to have priority for refugee status... And she's not able to get special considerations even though she is personally and politically in a HUGE amount of danger.

    Here are some excerpts from her emails to my mum:

    "my dear, time is running out, lets launch the process otherwise my age will soon limit my visa application."
    "I am ready. the boys thinks I am a liar. They keep asking why aunt Susy is no longer pushing for our trip to Aussie."
    "I am considering running away as soon as possible otherwise we are going to join the suffering bandwagon."

    Of course, it's going to be a costly process. Virginia is part of our family, and we're doing whatever we can to try and get her over here, and get her and her sons safe.

    I actually don't know what i'm asking of you ladies... Ideas... I don't know... I guess i'm putting it out there that if any of you would be able to help in any way - financially... helping raise some funds... - That would be so awesome.
    I feel bad asking for money, i know you ladies all have lives of your own, but if you have ANY ideas that could help out with this situation, it would mean so much to me and my family - and it could be the difference between life and death for an amazing woman...

    Sorry to be a downer on the morning, but as i say, i don't really have anywhere else to turn for help!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Not a great week for us overall (TOM, darn you!), and many missed weights. what up gals?

    This week's chart (I didn't post your name if you said "pass" or didn't weigh in):

    Victoria 194 194 193 (-1.0)
    Kendal 212.6 pass 216
    Amy 195 191 191 (0)
    Sarah 208.6 204.8 204.4 (-0.4)
    Kerry 173.9 174.4 169.8 (-4.6)
    Hailie 249.8 250.7 248.7 (-2.0)
    Karen 220 218 219.5 (+1.5)
    gonnadoitjenn 310.4 310.1 306.1 (-4.0)
    wigglentwink 195.7 191.2 189.5 (-1.7)
    silver02bullet 210.8 208.8 211.4 (+2.6)
    Bobbie (k2quiere) 333.6 323.2 321.4 (-1.8)
    Kristi (kwick2010) 232.4 ? 233.4
    ladyg0915 276 274 276 (+2.0)
    Sarah (rainvc) 242 237 236.8 (-0.2)
    Katheryne 280.4 ? 282.4
    Stacey (sgc2005) 211 pass 207
    qofsheba 200 197.5 195 (-2.5)

    Technically, this week's winner is Kerry, but I think she won't have any problems me saying her 4.6 loss was basically going back to what she was the week before, due to TOM and such, so in a close second is gonnadoitjenn with a 4.0 weight loss! Nice work lady!
  • KatheryneLynne
    qofsheba...aside from the EA cardio you've been doing. I love Just Dance 2, I also have Just Dance (the original), am ordering the Country Dance, and will get Just Dance 3 when it comes out this fall. I can really work up a sweat with them. Kind of similar to Dance Dance Revolution if you are familiar with that.

    Also, UFC Trainer is a good work out. My husband like to say it's a "P90X lite." The only problem I have with it is with the warm up and cool down. I get tired of doing the exact same every day.

    And now they have out a Zumba Wii game as well. I haven't tried it yet so I'm not sure how fun/useful it is.

  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Woo hoo! I will happily take "second" place as it definitely motivates me when I am in that position. I want to be a first place winner all on my own one week. I'm a competitive person and it drives me.

    I can thankfully say that I am not on TOM but rather just finished last week. It was my first cycle in 6 months and I was so happy to see it! Only two more cycles and then we start Clomid. :)

    Today was another busy day at school and I am feeling it when I get home and I am STARVING. I am not counting all the walking I am doing as exercise but hopefully soon I will have my pedometer to help me track things.

    Have we decided on the next title for September? We are so close to filling up the second thread full of chatter! :) Keep up the hard work ladies!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    My walk tonight: First I decide to take Vinny and didn't really think about the fact that he may be skittish because he was lost for two weeks and has been home maybe a month? Well he was. Running like a lost dog all over the freaking place, whining for the first mile. Granted its been a long time since i've taken him on a walk so part of his spasticness on the leash is my fault as well. The whole way he is all over the road. A car could be ten feet away and he is wanting to walk out into the middle of the road. We get two thirds of the way home and two enormous dogs walk up to us. People are coming down the road after them, and they are sweet but VInny doesn't like HUGE dogs and is yet again skittish growling, etc. Turns out the people aren't the owners but the dogs came onto their property so they are trying to catch them so they are somewhere safe for the time being. The dogs want to follow me, so I stop until they get leashes. Ten minutes later, a million cars driving up and down the road and Vinny acting like a moron we get to move again. Then all Vinny wants to do is run at mock speed down the road so trying to reign him in is a total cluster f situation. Granted he only weighs 21 lbs so its not like I can't handle him....what normall takes 45ish minutes took over an hour. And my mom also called in that time to tell me she may not be able to come up tomorrow night to watch G for the rest of the week because my dads angiogram he had this mornign is making his heart skip beats so they might have to shock his heart in the morning to get it back into rhythm. So it both makes me worry for my dad and worry that I might have to take Gracie to work with me again this week. She and I can only handle one day of that. Its too much for her at my work being couped up in an office like that all day. And I came back to a dirty kitchen because my husband didnt' clean it up like he said he would..

    So while it wasn't compeltely a mess and its done and over, it was a total Ga! hour.

    On a positive note - logged all my cals and got my exercise in for the day. Yeay me!:drinker:
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Lacey - Doing well! Keep at it and the dog will enjoy walking once again!

    Now ladies - I've worked out what i'm going to do about my friend. I'm going to do a 200km walk-a-thon type thing. And i've worked out how you ladies might be able to help...


    A challenge!! Walk/run/ride 200km in September. It would be awesome if you ladies would like to join in, i could use the moral support... it's going to be difficult, but hopefully it will be worth it!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Monday: 2239 calories burned/ 1450 calories consumed /789 calorie deficit and my scale is showing a loss after the end of my TOM (thank goodness!).

    Hosanna: I don't think walking 200km will be in the cards for me for September (due to the foot surgery recovery) but I think it's a great challenge! I'm kind of confused as to how it will help your friend though...?

    Lacey: Your walk with Vinny sounds like an effin' nightmare!! I'm glad you survived (I'm glad Vinny survived too). I hope your dad is ok. The Hubbs' dad has had problems with erratic heartbeats over the past year and it freaks us all out. He is doing much better now as he is on medication that controls that.

    Jenn: I'm glad there's someone out in the world who is happy to see her period. I'd be happier to never see it again.

    Katheryne & Sheba: I have EA Active and the Wii Fit for the Wii and I like them both a lot. I have UFC Personal Trainer and Zumba for the XBox and they are pretty awesome too. I don't know how Zumba works for the Wii with the controllers but it is a great cardio workout and I love the music.

    Kristina: It kind of seems like we are all TOM or PMS-y around the same time, which is totally weird! Now that my TOM is over, my scale is heading back down and I'm crossing my fingers that I break into the 180's this week.

    Lisa: Welcome!! We LOVE new people. Jump on into the conversation and tell us about yourself. We weigh-in and post it to this thread anytime between Friday and Monday and then Kristina posts the chart Monday night.

    Sarah(wNt): I am so sorry you are sick!! Running from both ends TOTALLY sucks. Feel better and try and stay hydrated.

    Nava: It's been hard for me to teach The Hubbs not to bring me "treats" I can eat when he's thinking about me (he used to have a tendency to show up with ice cream, chocolate or candy on a whim), now he shows up with a Diet Pepsi. Luckily, my best friend lives a zillion miles away or I'd have to deal with her bringing me wine and cheese whenever the mood struck her (and I LOVE wine and cheese).

    It's Tuesday and I'm kind of torn about what to do for a workout. My quad is still bugging me and I guess I could rest it but that means having to stick to the under 1500 calories for the day thing and I HATE that. I did that yesterday and I wanted to gnaw my arm off come dinner time (as it was I was popping teriyaki tofu like they were Skittles as me & The Hubbs were putting together our salads). Maybe I can go for a leisurely stroll or something to burn a few calories so I can EAT today.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Haha Amy - I'll be finding people to sponsor me to do it :smile: Hopefully we can get some cash together and get her over here safe and sound!!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Amy: be careful. Well done for listening to your body yesterday - LISTEN TO IT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! 1500 cals today with healing will be better than 1500 cals for a long, long time because you really, really hurt youself. Lecture over!!! Thanks for the persevernance and the will power. You are right, I CAN do this - so why don't I just get on with it??

    Sarah: hope you feeling better soon - yukky and energy sapping. Prayers are with you.

    Rain: yah for new trainers and fitting into a previously ill fitting bra. On weeks you feel down, try looking at the big picture - you have lost 18lbs - that is something to be very pleased with.

    Pam: thanks for expanding on 'metal show' - was wondering why peeps would go look at iron, steel, copper (I can be sooooo dense sometimes!) Oh, I am going to start shred on Thursday - how are you doing with it? Oh, and stretch stretch, stretch those legs.....

    Kerry: grotty day - you need to close those eyes and relive the high of 7.2 miles - the day will then fly by and you can relax in bath later!!

    Karen: do you realise you have lost 46lbs since march? You are a star.

    Hallie: how is college going?

    Lacey: your walk sounds mad. Hope Vinney settles soon.

    As for me - house clean and tidy enough - supposed to take The Dog back to vets tomorrow but thinking I may go today instead - wish he would get better - feeling very sad for him now as although he perks up at times, it doesn't seem to last very long and he can't seem to get comfortable. With the amount of money we are shelling out I would expect them to have come up with something better by now.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Needed to add - do not begrudge spending money - I just wish they would make him better. On a more positive note - dropped off his samples and picked up some special dog food and he has eaten - hurrah
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Annette: what are they saying is wrong with your dog? I'm so sorry you're going through all that. That sucks and it is expensive to pay for medical treatment for pets.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I just need to mark where I was when I realized that you all had turned like 3 pages...I get one full night's rest, and I have to spend an hour or so catching up...sheesh

    BBL with a proper post
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    good morning, ladies! just wanted to say hi and happy tuesday. Ready for the long weekend!!! and it's the first Razorback game on Saturday....woo pig sooie!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Pam: I used to love hiking, but I haven't been in ages. I have developed a fear of heights in my adulthood that I never had as a child, so I try to stay away from anywhere I may have to look down past my feet. I would so like to do it again though. Maybe when I feel like I can better control my body in case of an...um...slip-up :blushing:

    Nava: A pass every once in a while is not a bad thing, so long as you don't do it every week. Sometimes we have to be honest with ourselves before we slip too far in the wrong direction. At least you haven't disappeared on us, as many are wont to do :happy: :flowerforyou: PS: I had mac & Cheese with dinner last night at Panera...soooooo good. Can't do that too often.

    Kerry: Your runs absolutely amaze me. I will become a runner one of these years just to feel what you describe :love: On another note...ice cream is ALWAYS good; 47 diet cokes, on the other hand, not so good, especially for the teeth.

    Amy: I both love and hate rest days, if that makes sense. My body loves them, which is why I'm taking one today...I'm so sore. My mind says, stop being a wuss. The mind will get over it, just as the body will enjoy it. Also, I hat the idea of tofu...does that make sense. A meat substitute that is not meat is like substituting ice milk for ice cream...that was a bad idea from the start. I will say, however, your description of marinating and broiling did make that salad sound very good! For today, just take it slow; a nice walk will give you some extra calories without over stressing those muscles.

    Kristi: Steroids SUCK on many different levels. You can definitely lose it, and I hope you're feeling much better :flowerforyou:

    Karen: It's always amazing how some people, even parents, feel like they're either helping or doing you a favor by giving "advice". Sometimes it's just good NOT to say anything. Like you wouldn't be doing whatever it takes to make your baby better without their two cents. I am glad that finally something is working. :flowerforyou:

    Sarah: Sodium is my downfall every time. I am way down from where I started, but I'm still over far too often. Imagine my surprise when I first started keeping track and I was over by almost 18,000 that week. Now I'm down to being over ONLY almost 4000 for the week. I'm so sorry that you are sick; that really stinks! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hosanna: Glad that you made it home safely, if a little late. I'm very sorry to hear about your family's friend. If I hear of anything or come up with any ideas, I will surely pass them along. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with any of the immigration/emigration laws for either of those countries...truth be told, I have a hard enough time keeping up with the bs laws they have in effect here in the US. I pray everything works out.

    Jenn: Congrats on your...um...second WINNING place finish this week!! We have lost almost the same amount of weight in total :happy:

    Lacey: I'm so glad that you were able to see the positive in that situation. The two dogs we have, that belong to my children, are not walked nearly enough because we aren't home. It's like every weekend is leash training all over again. I have to wrap the leashes around my hand twice to keep them at about 3-4 feet from me or else they are all over the place, and since there are two of them and one of me...well, it makes me crazy. Funny thing is that the smaller of the two is the hardest to control. She literally chokes herself the whole time until she's wheezing as she's flattened out on the ground trying to pull me faster. Stupid dog :noway: I also hope your dad is ok :flowerforyou:

    Annette: I know how much we all want the vets to just fix it, the same way we want the docs to just fix it. I then sit back and think how hard it was for my docs to figure out what was wrong with me when I could explain ALL my symptoms, many of which couldn't be seen. I can hardly imagine trying to diagnose problems with a baby or an animal that can't explain anything. My daughter wants to be a zoologist working with large mammals. I don't even want to begin to think what that will be like trying to diagnose an animal that could literally bite off your head just because something hurts. I do hope your doggie gets better.

    Ok, an hour later, and I'm finally caught up...unless you all went on a typing spree while I was reading and responding. So, I was absolutely exhausted yesterday from lack of sleep on Sunday night, but I forced myself to go to the gym. I only did half of my normal workout, but it was enough to make me feel better about taking a rest day today and possibly tomorrow. On a positive note, an entire weekend of eating like crap did little to affect the downward movement of the scale, as I am down another 5 pounds as of this morning :drinker: . My weight always goes back up by Friday, so I know my weigh-in then will not look this good, but it feels so good right now :happy: