Sexy in Six: Week 6



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good bright chilly morning all...

    amylou..lad you had a safe trip...enjoy your stay.

    drtamm..i know the southern food i live in SC. ask your mom if she could please bake/broil your meat..that is one reason we have two turkeys for thanksgiving. SonIL like fried, we prefer the baked. so he fries one and we bake one. have a great visit with family. least the drs are looking into it. some would just say theres nothing wrong with you....

    everyone remember we are here to help each other thorugh this holiday time. it's now thanksgiving week here in the states. this is the pre-turkeyday eating fest. keep a picture of the scale in your mind of the lowest reading you saw. i did that yesturday. it reminds me i am almost in onederland and i want there bad.....:tongue:

    well everyone have a great weekend and stay warm...we will be at around 47 today. poor shanell is working at their sale outside today. hope she dressed warm.

    check back later. cathy
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Cathy, Good chilly morning right back to you. I'm freezing here. I guess I am going to break down and raise the thermometer here. My pond has frozen over. It seems too early for these kind of temps. 47 sounds almost toasty. With our wind chill factors it's been around 1 degree. I like your idea of picturing the scale with the lowest weight so far for continued success through the holiday.

    Amy, Glad your internet is working. We would have missed you. Get a good rest.:yawn:

    drtamm, You should be eating your exercise calories. Are you doing that? Beg Mom to start baking instead of frying. Have a good day.

    coffee w/creamer, skim milk, pumpkin bread, oatmeal w/ dried cherries
    salad & soup
    chicken enchilada
    ?? not sure yet

    Workout; not sure, probably a dvd since it's so cold out. Lots of studying here today. I will go to the health food store today too.

    Have a good day.
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Good morning!!

    Already did the Shred DVD today, my mom watched me do it because she is a physical education and health teacher and wanted to see if she should buy it for her classes. Her comment on Jillian - "she's kind of tough!" haha, yeah, Kind of. :laugh:

    Mealwise today:
    B: multi grain cheerios, skim milk, ocean spray white cranberry juice light
    L: Subway - 6 inch turkey on wheat, honey mustard, lettuce, cucumber, pickle and olive
    S: jello sugar free fat free orange snack cup
    D: mexican restaurant in town - not sure what I will get and it will be hard to calculate cals!!

    Glad I worked out today to leave room for Mexican with two of my close friends from home tonight.

    Cathy - what a good idea to picture the scale reading when you're tempted. I will keep that in mind!!!

    Stay warm today ladies, Deb - our windchill is about that bad too!! Hence why I didn't get to do the C25K today outside. BRRR!!!!

    Have a great day!
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Hello everyone. I'm so happy that everyone is doing so well. I 'm sorry I haven't been on in a while but i have been so busy with work. I don't care what the challenge is called as long as we can do another one. You ladies have encouraged me to start challenges with my families. I'm not at my goal weight of 278 for thanksgiving but i have made progress. i'm at 291. 7 pounds down.

    how about SLIM&SWEAT for the next challenge. where we also set a challenge for exercise too.

    hopefully i can lose 3 more pounds by final weigh in

    Katy...Twenty Something Holiday Challenge, Sixers Holiday Challenge
    Tan... SLIM&SWEAT

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Quick hello ladies..
    Busy day around here but I got to the gym for over 1.5 hrs this morning and burned 900 cals so that's good. I will now be able to have a hot chocolate at the Santa Claus parade today :bigsmile:

    meals are
    1/2 sprouted gain bagel w/ almond butter & banana slices
    luna bar
    lentil vegetable curry, 1/4 cup skim milk cheese
    1/2 sprouted gain bagel w/ hummus & hemp seeds
    apple & 12oz starbucks hot chocolate :drinker: :bigsmile:
    homemade spicy peanut pad thai, mixed green salad w/ balsamic vinegar
    low fat choc pudding

    did aerobics & C25K

    So my friend who had the massive stroke a few weeks ago passed away in the night. I wish I could be there to comfort and mourn with the family.

    I'm glad everyone is safe at their destinations and finding good ideas to help through the holidays! Good luck this weekend!!! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i am so sorry pedal....she is at peace and no more pain....prayers be with you.
    made cookies today, having trouble staying away from them. i am over a little. but, have a good dinner. and i am done for the day.
    going to shanells tonight to watch a dvd, than home and bath and pjs.
    check back later, cathy
  • alliestar79
    alliestar79 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey Ladies!
    I am so thankful to have found you all and i can't wait to start the challenge with you on Tuesday!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Welcome Allie! Yes, this is a GREAT group. Of course people join our group along the way, but originally this group stems from one that started almost 20 weeks ago! And the support is great. Let us know something about you :smile:

    Well, I did well today. And I was feeling hungry so I decided to have more supper and skip on the hot chocolate and the choc pudding. Just those two things gave me almost 450 calories! :noway: :noway: But I ate it with some second helpings of supper. I'm a little full now... It's funny how with so many changing habits, it really feels unpleasant in a whole new way to be over-full. So now I'm on to tomorrow's challenge of birthday dinner at the in-laws.

    Good night ladies!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning ladies....

    welcome allie, why are you waiting to begin on tues. jump on into the hot tub (since it's cold out). don't waste another day.

    **thinking** pedal, i am sorry i didn't support your efforts in eating well on your thanksgiving. i guess that is what i call being self absorbed, it's wasn't that time here and happening to me. i wanted to let you know you did a great job in staying healthy.

    **thinking once again** as i had said to allie why wait another day. i just finished watching "ruby" and she is so heavy that going off her plan for one day could delay her weight loss and possibly kill her, because she is so heavy. there could be some truth to that for any one of us. i for one, if i had not started lossing when i did, because i am diabetic i could have by now had heart trouble, leg/foot trouble, all the bad things. but, as each day goes by that i stay in control is a step closer to becoming more "normal" health wise. any of us could be facing something we don't see coming until we gain. saying "one day won't hurt", which could be true, but, it's when one day turns into 2, 3, and the scale moves up. just a light bulb going off over my head that as long as i eat healthy and sensibly i WILL be ok. everyday counts, don't beat yourself up for having something you shouldn't, going over calories. life goes on and it's beautiful. just eat and enjoy it. you are not eating the whole package of ice cream, cookies, what ever are you? i would have sat down and ate at least 10 of the cookies i made at one sitting. not counting the other sittings i would have grab more yet. i was aware of what/how many i was eating and thinking ok, enough had your taste.

    sorry just a rambling day. hope everyone has a super sunday and enjoy life......
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good Morning All,

    Pedal, Sorry to hear about your friend.:flowerforyou: But on a more positive note, you are really doing amazing with your willpower to change for the better. I am just so impressed by you and the others who are so committed to this healthy lifestyle.

    Cathy, You are also very impressive with your committment and motivation for others. I don't know about "Ruby", but am glad you have chosen the healthier way to live.

    Beware the rambling begins...
    With all that said, I started my morning off on a bad note. I don't know why I did it. I thought about it briefly (maybe that was the problem), but fell back into an old habit. I went out to buy a newspaper and came home with a big, gooey, glazed, deep fried donut. I have now started my day off with almost 600 calories and it wasn't even that good. What was I thinking? That is not the only mistake I made. I did not exercise yesterday, when there was no good reason not to. And I went over on calories yesterday, not by much but still I should have planned better. I also jumped on the scale this morning to see that I am up 0.2 pounds and that made me feel kind of bad. Why am I sabbotaging myself?

    On a positive note. I did get myself to the health food store yesterday and found some interesting things. I found goji berries, but they were $9 for the smallest bag so I will wait on those. I did get some agave nectar (it's kind of high in calories), stevia liquid drops (sweetener I will try in my coffee), xyletol (another type of sweetener). I also found some zinc cough drops I like to have on hand for the winter that were a much better price than the cold-eze I usually buy. I also bought almond milk which is lower in calories than skim milk. I would like to find some of the cake batter protein powder too, but I think I will have to order that online. OK enough with the grocery list. I will strive to do better today with my eating. Here's the plan.

    1: 600 cals+
    3: soup & salad, sweet potato
    4: apple & popcorn
    5: sweet & sour meatballs
    6: skim milk & 1 small square dark chocolate

    Walking dvd or tredmill before 11:30am

    Have a good day ladies:smile:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, very good points!
    When I was about 16 I had this epiphany which has revisited me recently (and is along the same lines as your thoughts this morning). People can often be heard (or hear themselves) wishing they could have a second chance to make choices in a day or week or on a particular occasion. I thought, imagine this: Imagine we had made some choices we really REALLY wished we could re-make. We wished it so much that a divine hand offered us that chance - a SECOND CHANCE! to change decisions we wanted to change. But there was one condition. We wouldn't remember we'd asked for the second chance. We would have to rely on our intuition, our inherent good judgment and following what we know to be right. So imagine today is that day. Don't waste your choices because what if this IS your second chance to put things right?? It's a bit abstract, but sometimes is genuinely helps me make the choice I know is TRULY the best. The "what if this IS my second chance" choice. Does that make sense?
    And Cathy, I didn't feel unsupported over Thanksgiving but thanks for the consideration :flowerforyou: How are you feeling about the weekend? I really like your holiday tips - you have great survival techniques!!

    Deb, don't worry too much about yesterday and today. Take your "second chance" as of right now!! If you were watching yourself from the future, what would you want to see in your own actions today?
    Hey, I'm having sweet & sour meatballs for supper tonight also! Thanks for the compliments about my progress :wink: I'm seeing more good times than bad and that is what counts!

    Thank you for the condolences ladies. I'm just glad she didn't have to stay in limbo any longer. That was her worst nightmare.

    Well I need to get breakfast going here but wanted to say hi! I may be back later or possibly not. Hugs to everyone :bigsmile:
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Good Sunday morning ladies!!

    So, wedding is over!! Things went well, bride was beautiful! I wore the black dress, and looked great if I say so myself :wink: I didnt get any pics of me, things were just too busy! I got some great pics of my daughter (flowergirl). There were some formal pics that the photographer took of me and the bride before the wedding, so when those come back I will post :)

    So, now the only busy thing for me is studying for a Bio exam Tuesday, then Thanksgiving get togethers on Thursday and Friday this week.

    I didnt eat all too bad at the wedding- 2 pieces of beef wellington, 2 small slices of prime roast, 1 roll, some strawberries and melted chocolate, yum!, 1/2 piece of wedding cake(amazing!), 2 pieces of wrapped marinated shrimp and one glass of chardonnay.

    After the wedding, a friend called and wanted to hang out for a bit, so we met up and went to Hooters, he ordered me wings as well, but I only ate like 3 of them and drank like 2 glasses of water.

    Im hoping to get back to my routine today. Im going to study for a bit, then go to the park and walk/jog for atleast 30 min.

    Well, I will come back and do personals later. Have a great day :flowerforyou:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Welcome Allie!!!! I just joined this amazing group of women on this challenge having found them on the boards like you did, and let me tell you, what you have seen this week is just a small part of how wonderful they all are. The support, encouragement, forgiveness and inspiration that you will find here is unparalleled to anything I have ever experienced. And I say forgiveness because sometimes even when we feel that we have sabotaged ourselves or messed up an entire day, it really helps to come here and realize that in the scheme of things one little hiccup cannot do that much damage as long as you move past it and learn from it. That is a big thing that these women have helped me realize.

    Pedal - I too am sorry to hear about your friend, but I'm sure you take comfort in the fact that she didn't linger in a state that she wouldn't have wanted to be in. :heart: Thank you also for your post on second chances and thinking about every decision as "what if this is my second chance?" What a beautiful and inspirational way to think about. it. :flowerforyou:

    Cathy - great post. I have seen Ruby's show too and it really helps to put things in perspective doesn't it? :smile:

    Deb - I agree with the other ladies, and would tell you it's just one doughnut!! judging by your plan for the rest of the day you are already back on track and that's all that matters!!

    Katy - So excited for you!! I'm glad you had a great time at the wedding and you let yourself enjoy the wedding goodies (CAKE!!!) Can't wait to see pictures!! Good luck studying, not cool to have a test right before Thanksgiving though! :ohwell:

    on to plans for today. It will be about controlling portions but I think it will work out. Leftovers for lunch and a yummy dinner complete with my mom's potato salad which is my absolute favorite food in the whole world. It will be hard to stick to one helping but as long as I tell myself that portion will still be there to eat tomorrow I think I will be okay.

    B: Oops!! woke up late and had to get to church so missed breakfast for the first time in a while!
    S: jello sugar free fat free orange snack cup, a few almond M&Ms :blushing:
    L: leftover meatloaf, macaroni and cheese and baked beans (one of my favs, need portion control!!!)
    D: Steak, potato salad and maybe some fruit, not sure yet.

    Workout will be shred DVD later tonight I think.

    Have a good Sunday ladies!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    evening all...
    well son made dinner tonight. oh boy. first he marinaided the pork chops in beer most of the day. than he made a rub before putting them on the george forman. he put way too much hot sauce and crushed red peppers. talk about hot:noway: than he made dirty rice, it was good, but, again a little hot. now here i am trying my best to eat it. i DISlike spicey hot food. i will eat a little, but, not this much. even him who loves spicey couldn't eat it. the only down fall was he didn't do dishes. WAIT!!!!! i cook and do them, what's the deal here?:grumble:

    had a pretty good day today. didn't get to my laundry done until late, infact still doing it. have bag packed for gym tomorrow morning and the steam room. can't wait. to just sit and not hear anything...:bigsmile:

    everyone have a good night. i have 1 whole calorie left for the day........not that's planning...:wink::wink:

    see ya'll tomorrow.........cathy
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hello ladies!

    I have been doing better since those first two days at my Mom's. We had baked foods the past 2 nights!!!! YAY

    This am I had turkey sausage while they had sausage and bacon. I have been working out 30 min on treadmill and 1 dvd for the past two days also. Keeping moving!!!

    I need to read the post, but I hope all is well w/ you ladies. I am very happy that I stuck w/ this 6 weeks.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    well, things went pretty well today. Food didn't go quite as planned and I think I went slightly over but not by much. Didn't get as good a work-out in as I'd hoped so my calories got a little wacky but I will make up for it tomorrow. Or at least, I'll try!! I didn't weigh today and will try not to tomorrow either... too bad we have a birthday celebration the day before our final weigh-in but it's life, right? And it's my baby's birthday so I will make healthy choices and have FUN! :heart: I hope to stick to my plan with the cake. Chocolate cake is truly my cryptonite and I make really good icing too... :laugh:

    Well, it's time to get Leith to bed and set up decorations!! :bigsmile: Likely won't check in tomorrow so have a great last day of this challenge ladies!! Make it count :flowerforyou:
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Aw, Pedal Happy Birthday to your little one!! Enjoy the cake, you deserve it for all the hard work you do!!
    I hope everything goes perfect with her party!!:flowerforyou

    DrTamm- Great job on keeping up with exercise while visiting family, that is AWESOME!! Im glad you have joined us as well, hope to see you in the next challenge :)

    Cathy- Im SO jealous of your gym with the steam room!! There isnt any gyms within an hour of me that have a steam room or even a sauna.. and I love love love either one!!! Enjoy your trip to the gym :)

    AmyLou- Glad you arrived at your mom's safe, and are having a good time. Good job with keeping up with your exercise while visiting family as well :) You and DrTamm are my role models!! :happy:

    Kristin, Deb, anyone else I missed..- I hope everything is well with you ladies and you had a fabulous weekend!!!

    So yesterday I didnt get exercise in, and I felt like I was grazing all day!!! Today is a new day, and I will take advantage of that and begin fresh again!!

    1. fiber one cereal, almond milk/ egg whites with provolone chz and salsa
    2. Greek yogurt (honey) and fruit
    3. Salad and sandwich or just large salad
    4. v8 and chz stick maybe
    5. Soup (need something lighter)

    Exercise- May setup my 7 day pass and begin using it today for the local "Anytime Fitness" gym near my house. If not, then I will use the gym at school or go to the park!

    Okay well I hope everyone has a great day today!!!

  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi Girls,

    Eek, yesterday my friend stopped by with fresh homemade pumpkin bread w/cranberries & walnuts for me. It was so good that I had to wrap it & freeze it this morning or I would have eaten the whole thing. I weighed again this morning & am up even more than yesterday.
    for the remainder of today I must try for the PERFECT day to get me going in the right direction again.

    pumpkin bread, coffee w/creamer
    banana & natural peanut butter
    soup & salad
    pasta, w/ chicken breast, peppers, bountifuls salad dressing, & 2% cheddar cheese

    Exercise: 1 hour at community center

    Katy, Glad to hear the wedding was a success. Please let us know when the pictures are posted. Fresh start for me this morning too, lets get it together today for a good beginning to our new week.

    drtamm, Your making progress with those positive changes. Keep it up.

    Cathy, It seems your son is trying to help you by cooking you dinner. He is making progress too, just in a different way. Getting them to clean up too is hard work, but just keep after him and he will learn to do that too.

    Have a great day.:smile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hiya ladies! I can't even begin to catch up on posts right now! Got to work a little late and so no time to even post meals right now. I've been weighing myself lots and was down a little on Saturday and up a little this morning. :sad: We'll see where I am tomorrow for our FINAL WEIGH IN!!!!!!!!!!!!! And...make sure to look for a post for the Sixers Holiday Challenge! I will maybe even start that today with some ideas I have...but I'll let you know if I do!

    Well...have a FAB morning and I'll check back in a while!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Argh! I am hating my water restriction. That and the fact that the Dr. told me to increase my sodium over the weekend has put me up 2 lbs! I've also not been kicking it as hard at the gym, because that's where I suck down quite a bit of water. I did go this morning, for an hour walk on the treadmill, but I had to keep my pace slower and the incline lower than I normally would have. As it was, I drank almost half my day's allotment while I was there :grumble:

    Anyways, back to the doctor's this afternoon. Am hoping he lets me increase my water by another 32 oz. I will beg and plead. And then tell him I've been going over anyways by about 20 oz. And cheating by drinking other things instead. But, what's a girl to do when she's thirsty? lol