Sexy in Six: Week 6



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good sunshine morning.... here it's shining bright. cold and crisp outside. great holiday weather. i like it....:tongue:
    had a great workout at the gym. (don't take son to work this whole week, plant closed). i set my alarm for 5:45 and went and did my workout and sat in the steam room for about 10 mins. felt so good. than straight into the shower, it was great.
    the scale is super sweet this morning. hope it will be even sweeter tomorrow morning. i always seem to be up a little when i do weights the day before. going to try to drink more water today and see if that helps.

    drtamm and amylou.....great job on the workouts and watching what your eating. your plan has to follow you where ever you go, it doesn't take vacation:wink:
    katy...glad the wedding was good.
    deb...your doing great
    kisitin...get to work :wink: you will be fine on weight tomorrow..
    pedal...happy birthday to little one.
    shanell...she has been real busy at work and with the girls....

    well, time to get some more laundry done and do some house cleaning.
    back later.....
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Options's the meal plan so far for today:

    Old Orchard - Healthy Balance Pomegranate Cranberry, 8 FL OZ 29 calories
    One A Day - Womens Multi Vitamin, 1 tablet 0 calories
    Multi Grain Cheerios & Banana, 1 meal 255 calories
    284 total breakfast calories

    AM snacks
    Coffee - ground, 2 cup 0 calories
    Nestle Coffee Mate - Coffee Creamer (Sugar Free Vanilla Caramel), 2 tbsp 30 calories
    Kashi Tlc - Soft Baked Ripe Strawberry Cereal Bar, 1 bar (35 mg) 110 calories
    140 total AM snack calories

    Diet Coke - Soft Drink, 12 fl. oz. 0 calories
    Carrots - Baby, 14 pieces 35 calories
    Ae Yo-Lite Yogurt - Yogurt, 6 oz 80 calories
    Mission - Carb Balance Whole Wheat Fajitas, 1 tortilla 80 calories
    Kraft Singles - Swiss Fat Free Slices, 1 slice 30 calories
    Butterball - Grilled Chicken Strips, 3 oz 90 calories
    315 total lunch calories

    Afternoon snacks
    Kashi - TLC Chewy Granola Bars - Cherry Dark Chocolate, 1 bar 120 calories
    Apples - Raw, with skin, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb) 72 calories
    192 total afternoon snacks

    Chicken...not sure how I'm going to prepare it yet, but it's thawing. Maybe I'll just brown it and have some green beans and a baked potato...I dunno...

    Exercise plan--1/2 hour run on the treadmill and then today will be my first day back at BodyPump to do weights since I hurt my back. I'm a little nervous, but I'm just going to use lighter weights and be very careful.

    My motivation for this brand new running shoes!!!!!!!!!! I'm SO excited! They were supposed to be my reward for losing 10 pounds, but I didn't have the money to buy them. Well...yesterday I was shopping and found a pair I fell in love with on sale AND I had a 15% off coupon! WHAT A DEAL!!!!! So I splurged and bought them and I am SUPER excited to try them out tonight!!! YAY!!!!!!

    Well...I get my hair cut today! I managed to squeeze in an appointment on my lunch hour. Was lucky to get in before Thanksgiving! I'll let you know how it turns out! Not doing much different, just trimming it all up! Alrighty then...back to work. I'll check in again later. Hope everyone is well! Don't forget to take measurements for tomorrow!!!:bigsmile:
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi everyone!

    Just wanted to say good morning. I'm working on a research paper I should have started long ago!! oops!

    I'll check back in for personals and menu plans later but I am planning on doing the NYC Ballet Workout since I am at home and my mom actually has a VCR.

    Pedal - I know you said you would probably not check back in but just wondered how many calories you usually burn when you do the NYCB workout. I know it wouldn't be exactly the same for me but wanted to estimate. Does anyone else do this workout?

    Cathy - I love the way you put it for DrTamm and I - the plan doesn't take a vacation!!! perfect!!! :bigsmile:

    have a good Monday!!
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Good Morning ladies,

    Kristen I hear you on the running shoes...I am in desperate need of them but I can't afford to buy any right now.
    Chipper congrats with the scale and the workout
    Petty sorry about the 2 pound gain

    I'm doing the lemonade cleanse today because I filled myself with not so healthy foods this weekend because we had a potluck game night.

    Congrats ladies for hanging in there. I hope everyone has a Lose tomorrow on the scale.
  • pdxmomof2
    Good morning ladies. Wow, last day of this challenge. I have loved this challenge as much as the last. I have not had much progress in loosing weight but feel like I am making progress with food choices, etc and its because of reading all this wonderful information that you all lost on here! And knowing that everyone is having their ups and downs. helps us not give up! Just had to get that little speech out of the way! I love you gals!

    So, I have been at the beach since friday. i was really worried that I would not get in some exercise so friday I did this insane class at the gym called Camp24 at 24hr Fitness. Yikes! That was a bit much. I am pretty sure I burnt on the upwards of 1000 calories but I barely walked out of there. It will be awhile before I try that one again. Needless to say I was sore Saturday. No exercise. Yesterday we went Chantrel mushroom hunting and it was a hike! It was hikes straight up and down for about 2 hours. I got some great exercise from it. Sore again today but feeling good about what we did. Last night we had dinner with our friends here and had the mushrooms(*yummy!) and risotto. I kept my portions very small since I knew the food was not good for me. Lots of cheese in the risotto and lots of butter to saute the mushrooms.

    Today I am going to go to the gym tonight when we get home. It may be a late one but its going to happen.

    My sister in law ordered some designer jeans that she found at Nordstroms on sale for almost half price. She ordered 3 sizes and planned to send the ones that didnt fit back. Well she fit in the smallest size she ordered. Our friend fit in the next ones and I squeezed my big behind in the last pair. I am going to purchase them from her and my goal is to wear them with confindence by Christmas. Right now they are tight. I can zip them but they are tight. They also create this wonderful muffin top affect. I am sure some of you know what I mean or can remember a time when you experienced that. So there it is. I would even take them fitting by New Years.

    Sorry for the long post! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, sounds like it.

  • alliestar79
    alliestar79 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!
    A little about me...hmm. Well I live in Nashville Tn with my husband of 2 years. I am a training analyst for Dell Inc. and i can't complain about much. I am addicted to Biggest Loser and Paula Deen. I love LOVE to travel and read. I have a tender heart, but I am pretty darn sassy most of the time...comes with the red hair. I love to run- especially to the podcast of C25K, but i have belligerent kness so i have to take it easy :)
    I have struggled with my weight for a long time and decided in Feb. (at 203lbs) to get over myself and all the excuses i made to not get healthy. I started trying to eat better and when March came i quit smoking and then April rolled around -I joined a gym. I lost 30 pounds.
    I lost track of my goals in September when i went to a wedding at the beach. Long story short, i completely lost sight of my goals and what i had accomplished and ended up back in self destructive mode.
    So here I am. I have gained some weight back and i am ready to lose that, but to also finish this journey.
    My starting weight -203
    My current weight- 180 (as of Tuesday last week)
    My goal - 145

  • pdxmomof2
    Welcome Allie!

    You will love keeping in touch with these ladies. They are great. We dont mind you coming on here when you have a bad day and leaning on us or coming on here on a good day and tooting you own horn as loud as you want to!

    Good luck with your weight loss goals!

  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Amy- It is amazing that this is the last week of the challenge. I have enjoyed it every step of the way. I thought it would be difficult fitting into the challenge being a newbie but it was wonderful. Lots of love and support. Thanks everyone!!! Amy, congrats on the jeans and it is fun to work towards wearing something. Good luck and take a pic when you can wear them, and celebrate.

    Cathy- Thanks for the tips on staying fit while away. I am working hard to keep my goals at eye level. I am focusing toward healthy eating while I am away!! I will be away for at least a month to find a job so I must stay w/ my goals. I want to get some weight lose numbers like you and I can't do that eating up everything thats offered to me.

    Allie- Welcome, congrats on getting back on track and you will be at your goal weight soon enough. You have tackled some serious hurdles already. Good luck, look forward to posting w/ you more.

    Everyone- I am excited today. I feel proud that I have stuck w/ my goals of removing this weight no matter how long it takes. WE can only fail, if we give up.. and I know we WONT do that. YAY

    BF: English muffin (wheat), cheese slice, fried egg (oil spray)
    L: tomato soup, turkey slices (2), tomato and cucumber salad
    S: granola bar... don't know which one yet....

    Off to do some kind of workout before I stay online all day, planning my healthy lifestyle.

    Take care,

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey girlies! Quick check in. Two things:

    1. I am going to start a post for our new challenge right now. So, it will be there in the morning. And I will bump it again when I get to work tomorrow. So, look for "Sixers Holiday Challenge".

    2. Tomorrow look for "Sexy in Six FINAL weigh in" which I will start right now also. Post your final weigh in as well as your measurements.

    YAY! Can't wait to hear from you all! So, remember, I am starting these BOTH right now, so you can look for them in the morning!!!