Why I won't eat fish (seafood)



  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    Oh dear. I eat tuna at least 4 times a week - high protein, good mixed with lots of chopped vegies. Guess I better get my hair tested. Sadly, it's always something. I happen to use sweet-n-low in my coffee too - 2 packets a day. Hey, I gave up smoking. I'm running 3 -4 times a week, walk a lot more than I used to. I've even cut back on my wine and margaritas. Please don't make me give up everything!!

    I was just stating my stance on eating tuna, fish, seafood. I wasn't looking for a fight.

    I guess this can be said about aspartame as well. We know it's toxic, a poison, but it's good tasting so it is okay.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    If we are going that route, tilapia and catfish may not be healthy for us according to some recent research. The cons may outweigh the pros nutritionally.

    If one is worried about parasites, chicken probably isn't all that safe compared to fish, though I would want to look for some research in this area.

    For the record, I eat lots of types of animals. I also read research papers, opinion pieces, and other articles with a grain of salt, so to speak. Everyone has an agenda. It's pretty difficult to find "unbiased" reports. People are funny like that.

    You are right. Even the US agencies are at odds with each other, the FDA and the EPA.


    No offense taem, but posting links to "nytimes.com" isn't exactly reputable. Their opinions and bloggers. Let's post some expert advice and/or facts.

    I'd like to hear what Alan Aragon, Lyle McDonald, and Martin Berkhan have to say about Mercury and Fish. Also the NIH studies.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    *chuckles to himself*
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member

    Look at the chart on Lyle's page, and then read below.


    Please look at the FDA's report on mercury, there is a difference in found in McDonald's chart.

  • overzoelous
    overzoelous Posts: 161 Member
    Fish/shellfish concentrate mercury in their bodies. With all of the steroids, hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides that are pumped into chicken/beef/pork, I'd take fish over the others any day. I highly doubt that you could eat fish to the point where you became legit crazy, like some hatters did. Everything is harmful for us these days. The FDA denied aspartame (artificial sweetner commonly found in diet drinks) multiple times before it was finally allowed to be used in food/drink. There is an uproar with that too because people believe that when aspartame is metabolized a small amout is toxic, causing cancer. I wish I had the will power to be a vegan or have the money/ability to wake up at the crack of dawn to get all of my foods fresh from the local farmers market, but I don't. So, finally, my answer. Yeah, I still eat fish and other meats, even though I know what's in it. Gotta die of something :]
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    Dont always believe everything you see! Where is the proof?! :)
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    Oh, for the love of Tom Cruise, would y'all stop???!!! I love my fish, chicken, cow, pig, etc! I'm going to eat them, dammit! I have a better chance of getting run down by a car while running...(God forbid!).

    Ok, that is all.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    Thanks for the differing opinions. I respect them but I guess we can agree to disagree.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member

    Look at the chart on Lyle's page, and then read below.


    Please look at the FDA's report on mercury, there is a difference in found in McDonald's chart.


    Taem there's a MINOR difference between both charts. Check the tuna levels in both. Salmon, Shellfish, Tilapia, etc.

    You're stretching.
  • sabrafox
    sabrafox Posts: 70 Member
    There are higher levels of mercury in fish than there were in yesteryear, but that doesn't mean you have to swear off all fish.
    The lower on the food chain the fish, the lower the levels of mercury. So tilapia, a fairly small whitefish will have less than say swordfish, which is a game fish that isn't caught until several years old.
    Additionally, wild caught fish tend to have lower levels of mercury than farm raised fish.
    Even game fish can be safely eaten in small quantities.
    A few ounces of tuna twice a week (fyi, the recommended amount for pregnant gals) is perfectly safe.

    If you choose to eliminate all seafood from your diet, that is certainly your right.
    However - I think the benefits far outweigh the risks, especially when you make wise food choices.
    Plus, it's delicious!
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member

    Look at the chart on Lyle's page, and then read below.


    Please look at the FDA's report on mercury, there is a difference in found in McDonald's chart.


    Taem there's a MINOR difference between both charts. Check the tuna levels in both. Salmon, Shellfish, Tilapia, etc.

    You're stretching.

    I guess my point is that there is mercury poisoning in fish and seafood. yes, it is small. but you know there is poison in there. if that's okay with you, that's great. I can't do it anymore it defies my sense of health.

    For some carbs are bad, for some fat is bad. these foods make you fat, they are not poisons.

    So, if government agencies says these foods contain trace amounts of poison but hey, tons of great protein, you are still going to eat it? (you said you do, it was a rhetorical question)

    If a light bulb breaks, do you pick up the glass with your bare hands? there are unknown amounts of mercury in that blub. I guess that would be okay if it had great protein and omega fats?
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    Moderation.... fish, such as canned tuna and wild caught salmon, are safe to eat twice a week. I know a lot of people who eat fish regularly, including myself -- I have yet to see myself or one of them suffer from mercury poisoning.

    People overreact to everything they read and try to influence others with the same biased knowledge.

    Fish is probably better for you more than all the genetically modified beef, chicken, soy, and pork. A little mercury here and there is the least of my worries.
  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    I hate seafood...too fishy. :)
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I guess my point is that there is mercury poisoning in fish and seafood. yes, it is small. but you know there is poison in there. if that's okay with you, that's great. I can't do it anymore it defies my sense of health.

    For some carbs are bad, for some fat is bad. these foods make you fat, they are not poisons.

    So, if government agencies says these foods contain trace amounts of poison but hey, tons of great protein, you are still going to eat it? (you said you do, it was a rhetorical question)

    If a light bulb breaks, do you pick up the glass with your bare hands? there are unknown amounts of mercury in that blub. I guess that would be okay if it had great protein and omega fats?

    Wow taem. Are you really going to compare eating tuna, salmon, and tilapia two or three times a week to picking up a light bulb with your bare hands?

    So are you going to not eat chicken or beef anymore because even though you cook it there's still traces of bacteria in it?

    Are you not going to walk across the street anymore on a hot day because the asphalt has chemicals such as sulfur, carbons, nitrogen oxides, and polycyclic hydrocarbons?
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I got to throw my two cents in here. Yes, seafood contains traces of mercury. Avoid large fish, as the FDA website mentioned, but the government provides pregnant women on the WIC program (Women Infants and Children) canned tuna because it's a high quality source of protein, contains omega-3 fats and extremely low levels of mercury.
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Just curious...

    Those of you who are opposed to eating fish - do you take a fish oil supplement?
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    Moderation.... fish, such as canned tuna and wild caught salmon, are safe to eat twice a week. I know a lot of people who eat fish regularly, including myself -- I have yet to see myself or one of them suffer from mercury poisoning.

    People overreact to everything they read and try to influence others with the same biased knowledge.

    Fish is probably better for you more than all the genetically modified beef, chicken, soy, and pork. A little mercury here and there is the least of my worries.

    Well I can respect your thoughts since you eat it yourself. I am not trying to force people not to eat it, the message header said why I won't eat it.

    The knowledge isn't biased, the EPA, an agency I have no control over is against the FDA's statement that pregnant mothers can eat tuna. I am stating a fact, then even others here have confirmed, there is mercury poisoning in the fish.

    So, again, my point is, if I mix a small dose of poison in your food would you charge me for attempted murder or give me money because it came with protein and omega fats?
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    Just curious...

    Those of you who are opposed to eating fish - do you take a fish oil supplement?

    You can get b12 or omega fats through other means.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    I guess my point is that there is mercury poisoning in fish and seafood. yes, it is small. but you know there is poison in there. if that's okay with you, that's great. I can't do it anymore it defies my sense of health.

    For some carbs are bad, for some fat is bad. these foods make you fat, they are not poisons.

    So, if government agencies says these foods contain trace amounts of poison but hey, tons of great protein, you are still going to eat it? (you said you do, it was a rhetorical question)

    If a light bulb breaks, do you pick up the glass with your bare hands? there are unknown amounts of mercury in that blub. I guess that would be okay if it had great protein and omega fats?

    Wow taem. Are you really going to compare eating tuna, salmon, and tilapia two or three times a week to picking up a light bulb with your bare hands?

    So are you going to not eat chicken or beef anymore because even though you cook it there's still traces of bacteria in it?

    Are you not going to walk across the street anymore on a hot day because the asphalt has chemicals such as sulfur, carbons, nitrogen oxides, and polycyclic hydrocarbons?

    As I said, chicken and beef do not have toxic poisons in them. Fish and seafood does. I cannot knowingly and willingly eat a toxic poison. If you do, good for you.
  • ehs5mw
    ehs5mw Posts: 65
    I understand your point, but I think the point others are making is that there are always risks no matter what you are discussing. It would be fantastic if we could avoid all of the air pollution, but we need to breathe in order to live. It would be nice if all water was safe, but people risk it because it is required to live.