Why I won't eat fish (seafood)



    Mercury is highest in large fish, such as Tuna. You will be perfectly fine eating Salmon and Tilapia. The amount of mercury in fish poses a much smaller health hazard than the salmoneall, ecoli, antibiotics, steroids, hormones, bleach, and amonia found in other commercially availalbe meats (chicken, beef, and pork). Also, you can buy wild Alaskan fish online that are caught in costal waters and are not farm raised...thus reducing the impurities they are exposed to in their lifetime.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Mercury is highest in large fish, such as Tuna. You will be perfectly fine eating Salmon and Tilapia. The amount of mercury in fish poses a much smaller health hazard than the salmoneall, ecoli, antibiotics, steroids, hormones, bleach, and amonia found in other commercially availalbe meats (chicken, beef, and pork). Also, you can buy wild Alaskan fish online that are caught in costal waters and are not farm raised...thus reducing the impurities they are exposed to in their lifetime.

    Chunk Light Tuna is relatively low in Mercury. It's the solid white albacore that is much higher (almost double the amount).

    Either way, I can enjoy 1 can of tuna a day and live a long and healthy life. Not really worried about it honestly.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    I dare anyone here to go into google, and type "why is...insert food here...bad for you"

    See? We'd all be dead if we followed this reasoning. You know the saying "you pick your poison?"
  • VulcanLover
    i don't eat fish because it tastes like fish lol...well accept tuna...that's not so bad.

    Same here! I hate the taste and texture of all aquatic meat.

    You don't eat steak then either? Ahi Tuna has the same texture as beef (unless you ruin your beef by cooking it all leathery and well done). RAw salmon also has a texture like beef...

    the only way tuna has the texture of beef is if it's over-cooked, which should be a crime IMO.

    No, no, no, just the opposite. Uncooked or lightly seared ahi tuna or raw salmon has the consistency of nice, rare beef. Problem is, people overcook their beef, so they have no idea how nice a smooth it should be:)
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    Oh, for the love of Tom Cruise, would y'all stop???!!! I love my fish, chicken, cow, pig, etc! I'm going to eat them, dammit! I have a better chance of getting run down by a car while running...(God forbid!).

    Ok, that is all.

    Ok I am SOO using "for the love of Tom Cruise" in my everyday vocabulary from now on Hahaha
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    I get so incredibly tired of people overblowing the Mercury thing way out of proportion.

    You have to eat an insane amount of fish including tunafish over a long period of time (YEARS) to be affected by the mercury.

    It's getting really ridiculous. It's like people not wanting to use smartphones anymore because of the cancer thing.
    It's kinda like the fear of drinking too much water. For most people, it would be near impossible to do so.

    Here is another article about the reluctance of labeling mercury warnings on can tuna and the (biased organization) Oceana with regards to mercury in tuna.

    http://dinersjournal.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/24/national-study-finds-high-levels-of-mercury-in-tuna/?scp=28&sq=boy mercury poisoning&st=cse

    Here is a youtube video on a local news group testing mercury in their area.


    This ABC's report and it includes a story about a boy whose mercury levels affected him. So, yes you can get sick more quickly than you thought, but the good news is, there is a way to know how much poison you are eating.

    Still, that defies some logic of health, but oh well.


    Here is a 2009 report on mercury in the USA.

    "While fish gets most of the bad press regarding mercury, other food products also contain mercury. In early 2009, Environmental Health Journal reported on a study conducted by a team led by Renee Dufault that found high fructose corn syrup had high levels of mercury. Many mass-marketed food products contain high fructose corn syrup due the prevalence of corn production in America and the government's corn subsidy. Popular products sweetened with high fructose corn syrup include most sodas, ketchup and even bread."

    Read more: Foods Containing Mercury | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5376461_foods-containing-mercury.html#ixzz1U4qDrmGd

    So do you not eat any ketchup or bread????
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    I won't touch it. it smells bad, theres too much mercury, not to mention all the crud thats been going into the ocean for the last 50 years, and shell fish do not clean their houses. nope, too many unknows and crabs espically have all kinds of parisites. nope, i'll stick with chicken.

    Yeah, because chickens are clean and are never injected with growth hormones.

    The fish/mercury hype is way over blown. I am 27 and have been eating it my entire life with no sideffects.
  • sandy729
    sandy729 Posts: 232 Member
    Me too...fish is too fishy!

    i don't eat fish because it tastes like fish lol...well accept tuna...that's not so bad.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    No offense taem, but posting links to "nytimes.com" isn't exactly reputable. Their opinions and bloggers. Let's post some expert advice and/or facts.

    I'd like to hear what Alan Aragon, Lyle McDonald, and Martin Berkhan have to say about Mercury and Fish. Also the NIH studies.

    I could not agree more with this statement!
  • bassettpig
    bassettpig Posts: 79 Member
    As I said, chicken and beef do not have toxic poisons in them. Fish and seafood does. I cannot knowingly and willingly eat a toxic poison. If you do, good for you.

    Re "toxic poison": Are there poisons that are NOT toxic? Odd choice of words....

    Regarding chicken and beef not having the aforementioned "toxic poisons", have you read anything about feedlot beef (E. coli) or how the houses that chickens are raised in have such bad air quality due to the ammonia that people working in them have to wear respirators? Or for that matter about mass-produced eggs?

    It's good that you are concerned about the safety of your food. Just saying you might want to educate yourself more on a wider variety of food-related topics. There are a lot of things to look at....
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    This sounds like something that would be reported on Fox News. haha!!
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    There are a lot of SAFE fish one can eat. I wouldn't stop eating all fish, heck I even eat Tuna once a week. If you go that route you might as well ban beef, because of cholesterol and mad cow. I'm not seriously suggesting this btw, just making a point that there are endless studies out there that point to one food being harmful in one way or another. Research the risks and make your own decisions.

    But here is the thing. Would you rather have brain damage or heart disease? You can fix cardiovascular disease, you can't fix your brain.

    Here is another new york times article on mercury, it is a bit more recent.

    Dude it's a newspaper, haven't you any links to peer reviewed articles that are far more credible than a newspaper?
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    What about farm-raised fish? Lower in mercury, better for the environment due to overfishing...I like it.

    I agree that fish without mercury is great. No argument from me.
    Whereas Queen without Mercury is just wrong :(
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    it's good for you
    it will kill you
    it's good for you
    it will kill you

    it seems like you can have this discussion about almost everything we put in our bodies these days.

    maybe i should just stop breathing too because the air quality is getting worse all the time and that's probably affecting my health.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    it's good for you
    it will kill you
    it's good for you
    it will kill you

    it seems like you can have this discussion about almost everything we put in our bodies these days.

    maybe i should just stop breathing too because the air quality is getting worse all the time and that's probably affecting my health.
    Breathing gives you cancer, everybody knows that ;P

    BIG WINK just in case anyone thinks I'm being serious here!! (you know what this bloody place can be like)
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    What about farm-raised fish? Lower in mercury, better for the environment due to overfishing...I like it.

    I agree that fish without mercury is great. No argument from me.

    Whereas Queen without Mercury is just wrong :(

    Bahaha! Love it.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    I get so incredibly tired of people overblowing the Mercury thing way out of proportion.

    You have to eat an insane amount of fish including tunafish over a long period of time (YEARS) to be affected by the mercury.

    It's getting really ridiculous. It's like people not wanting to use smartphones anymore because of the cancer thing.
    It's kinda like the fear of drinking too much water. For most people, it would be near impossible to do so.

    Here is another article about the reluctance of labeling mercury warnings on can tuna and the (biased organization) Oceana with regards to mercury in tuna.

    http://dinersjournal.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/24/national-study-finds-high-levels-of-mercury-in-tuna/?scp=28&sq=boy mercury poisoning&st=cse

    Here is a youtube video on a local news group testing mercury in their area.


    This ABC's report and it includes a story about a boy whose mercury levels affected him. So, yes you can get sick more quickly than you thought, but the good news is, there is a way to know how much poison you are eating.

    Still, that defies some logic of health, but oh well.


    Here is a 2009 report on mercury in the USA.

    "While fish gets most of the bad press regarding mercury, other food products also contain mercury. In early 2009, Environmental Health Journal reported on a study conducted by a team led by Renee Dufault that found high fructose corn syrup had high levels of mercury. Many mass-marketed food products contain high fructose corn syrup due the prevalence of corn production in America and the government's corn subsidy. Popular products sweetened with high fructose corn syrup include most sodas, ketchup and even bread."

    Read more: Foods Containing Mercury | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5376461_foods-containing-mercury.html#ixzz1U4qDrmGd

    So do you not eat any ketchup or bread????

    Once I learned that aspartame contains a toxic substance that is not binded with other chemicals and is not inert naturally?, I stopped eating aspartame.

    High fructose corn syrup, on the other hand is not a toxic substance, it can be eaten in moderation. However, I am on a diet to lose weight and HFCS is not good for me because of my diet.

    My point about me not eating seafood or any food that has a poison is pretty logical. I won't eat poison, no matter the level.

    Jamie Oliver's food revolution has an episode where he demonstrates how to make chicken nuggets: we use the empty shell of a chicken (skin and bones after the wings, breasts and so forth are taken out), then that carcase is then finely blended, then breaded (don't forget the ammonia and other colorings) and then cooked. He asked the children in LA if they would eat it and they all said they would because they were hungry.

    Now, people here say that even though they know that they are eating food with mercury poisoning, they would still eat it, even though they don't know the mercury levels. Now, I did post a video url of an ABC and CBS news television show showing that there are unacceptable levels of mercury found in our fish and that the fish are not labeled so that consumers don't know how much mercury is in the fish they are eating. There is one company that checks each fish's mercury levels but not many retailers are using this system.

    Again, I am going to say this. I will not eat a food that contains poison. The news show tells us that we do not know the specific amounts of mercury per fish and that the charts given is not reliable, as mercury levels in fish are not the same. I am not taking any chances.

    If those that don't know how much mercury they are eating say a chart is telling them it's okay, fine. I am not stopping them.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've always wondered why we never hear warnings that seaweed contains mercury, yet it grows in the same seawater as the fishes.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    it's good for you
    it will kill you
    it's good for you
    it will kill you

    it seems like you can have this discussion about almost everything we put in our bodies these days.

    maybe i should just stop breathing too because the air quality is getting worse all the time and that's probably affecting my health.
    Breathing gives you cancer, everybody knows that ;P

    BIG WINK just in case anyone thinks I'm being serious here!! (you know what this bloody place can be like)

    It is funny, but you know, if your children comes home from school with breathing problems because of a chemical plant spewing out harmful chemicals in the air, that won't be funny.