The Kickin' Christmas Crew! [Closed]



  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    GREAT JOB JONI!!! That's completely awesome. And Mandie, let us know how your interview went. I will weigh in tomorrow, but I just wanted to pass along my congratulations! =D
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Great job Joni!!!
    Mandie, I hope your interview went well yesterday.
    Ali, hope everything is going okay...

    As for me, I did not lose (and I did not gain)... I know why...I ate like a starving pig all weekend in Niagara Falls.

    Well, this is my last week at my job... They offered me my job back yesterday (from the outsourcing company) and it was a joke... The salary was 5000$ less then what I'm making right now and I thought I was poor as it is...5000$ less is going to kill me and I will lose everything. Might as well take the severance package and have my current employer pay my salary for the next 8 months and look for something else that will pay more... VACATION, HERE I COME!!!!! I can't wait. I need time off and Holiday season is coming fast. I'll be able to go shopping during the day, when less people are in the malls...
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    My weigh in today was 154.8
    -So nothing too exciting, but i'm happy to see the scale moving down. Thanks for all the best wishes for the job - they offered it to me! I'm just waiting to be "officially hired" once my background checks come back through and they know for sure that i'm not a criminal :wink: More details on the job to come later.

    Keep up the hard work everybody, and thanks for always being so supportive. You all rock!!! :flowerforyou:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Thanks girls!

    Mandie, that's brilliant news about the job - bet you're glad to have that one out of the way and then things will slowly fall back into place. When are you due to start? How's Drew doing?

    Celine, weekend in Niagara Falls - that sounds AMAZING! I've seen them on TV but have never been to your side of the pond but if I ever do then that would definitely be on my list. Did you go with the hubby? Are things going a bit better now?
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Oh Mandie, That is so great!!! I'm happy for you that they offered you the job! What a burden off your sholders now!

    Joni, The weekend was great and yes, I went with the hubby...we are working on our problems and he is trying to patch things up. If you ever do come to Canada, Niagara Falls has to be on that list of is so magnificiant to see all this water coming down and to hear it and to be behind it was one cool experience. I've been there before, but that was 12 years ago and with my ex. This is a romantic place and you need to make new memories...but it's so far away from me that we can't just pick up and go whenever we feel like took us 7 hours to drive. My typical weekend getaway is usualy a maximum of 2 hours drive, so we can take advantage of the maximum time...not sitting in a car driving... But it was a fun weekend nonetheless. Very enjoyable. The whole time, when walking down the street, he was always looking for my hand if he wasn't already holding it. he kissed me all weekend and hold me close to him...but he never was able to say "I love you" and that hurt still... One day at a time is all I can ask for.
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Hi Everybody! It looks like our little crew is doing well. I am not sure if you guys know that I posted on my wall on Sunday that I won't be logging food or exercise for 14 days. I am re-grouping from a downward spiral I was in for awhile and it takes about 14 days for me to regroup and pull myself together on the weightloss and mindset for this continued journey. I do plan on logging in to MFP chatting, commenting, etc with you all. I am glad about the new jobs, new adventures and new journeys everyone seems to be heading for...I think we are getting this next year off to a grand start. As we get closer to Christmas it will almost be a bittersweet time because it will be the end of our group :-( What will we do without eachother we have really grown into a little MFPer fam-bam! I am sure we will figure it out.
    Joni- for the next couple weigh-ins just keep my number the same. I will weigh in again on November 21st and hopefully will shatter that number in the box now! My goal is to get under 200 by Biggest Loser's finale, which I think is December 13th.
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Congrats Mandie! I'm so excited to hear about your new job. Are you guys all settled in yet?

    Joni, great job on the bf loss once again!

    Celine, I'm glad you had such a good time on your getaway, Niagara Falls sounds amazing. Haven't been there yet (on my bucket list), but all the pictures my friends bring back always make me envious.

    Alli, I agree with you. I am also sad about what will happen once Christmas hits...and I was thinking, maybe we could just make another holiday crew? Haha I seriously have no idea what I would do without you guys, I joined this early in my MFP journey and I look forward to encouraging you all and being supported by you guys in return. I suppose we will cross that bridge when we come to it...

    I weighed in at 181.2 this morning, down .4 from last week. I am in a wedding this Friday that's out of state (Vegas, here I come!!!!) so I will be gone from MFP from Thursday to next Monday. I will probably weigh in on Tuesday, but I also know that I will probably be eating a lot and not getting that much exercise. Have a great week everyone, and I can't wait to hear what you'll have been up to!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    I sure would like to find 5Ks in my area. I am going to start training...what are some of the things you guys do to train for it. A friend of mine runs every weekend. I am trying to find out when I'd have time. I already get up at 5am for the kids, dog and work and get home oh wow hardly ever before 6pm..usually between 6:30-7pm I have such long days. But I am really working myself up on the running, I've been doing in 1-2 times a week on the treadmill. I was suppose to run this trail with my friend Saturday, but its suppose to start raining.
    Everyone is doing so great. I am glad I changed my goal it looks a little more obtainable. Let's get it this week ladies. I guzzled down 101 ounces of water yesterday, trying to beat that number today...we shall see.
    Wow thanks for that! I missed Saturday because my friend ended up going to Texas and she was the one I was gonna go with. I guess for someone that isnt use to working out in that kind of weather I got a little intimidated...but I think I will push through...thanks for the support and I definitely need to look up 5k in Richmond, Ca. I didnt see anything the last time I looked it up.
    I don't what you are doing for running, are you using a program or just running when you feel like it? I used the C25K program and loved it and the best part is it only takes a 1/2 hour of your day, it is great cardio as well. That is basically my training. I now currently run every morning before work and try and do 4 miles. I always get in the 3.1miles (5K) but it all depends on how Paden (my dog) is doing on whether or not we will push through for the full 4 miles. Other than that I don't do anything special but I also don't run any more than 4 miles in a day. I have no interest at this time pushing for a 10K so Joni may have some other special tips for you.

    Oh and as for the trail you are supposed to run on Saturday - even if it rains I would go, I find running in the rain so refreshing and who know you might enjoy it, don't let a little weather ruin your workout plans. :happy: Just another small note, I am assuming you have only run inside on a treadmill?? When you go out on Saturday be very aware of where you put your feet, trail running and running outside is so much different than inside on a treadmill.

    If you ever have any other questions feel free to ask away :happy:

    Edit: I also just googled Richmond, CA 5K races and came up with a whole ton of them - once you find out who sponsors the races in your area they are easy to find, Good Luck.
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Girls, here's the solution to your worries: (I follow MPF on Facebook and noticed they just released this!) Means you're stuck with me now! :happy:
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Happy Hump Day all, it has been a good week and really looking forward to the long weekend. One more work day left and then 3 days off and it looks like I will have those three days to myself, sounds like the hubby is heading up North so it will be super nice and relaxing three days which may include some shopping :bigsmile:

    Mandie - So excited for you, the new job, the weight loss and being really happy again. :bigsmile:

    Celine - I am so happy that things are working out with you and your hubby, Niagara Falls is amazing, I haven't been but my parents travelled through their this summer and the pics my Dad brought back were just breathtaking. It is on my Bucket List and some day I will make it to the East side of Canada.

    Alicia - Let me know how the running goes and if I can help you with anything, I don't in any way, shape or form consider myself an expert but I can offer you opnions from my experiences. Sometimes that is better than hearing from someone who doesn't run at all. :happy:

    Joni - I think the Groups is a fabulous idea. :happy:

    I have officially decided to weigh myself again at the end of November and also do my measurements again and I hoping that I will once again be happy with what I see. With the way my clothes are fitting I know something is changing and that alone feels fabulous, I am just hoping everything else agrees :happy:

    Hope you all have a fabulous day and Congrats on the losses this week!!
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Ok, let the votes on a group name begin :-)
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    In keeping with our theme...."The Kickin' Christmas Crew!"...hahah I know I'm not original, but I really like our name as is :tongue:
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Hellooooo friends,

    Just wanted to say bye till Monday. Leaving for the airport in a few minutes, hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week!

  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I am really bad with making things up but the first thing that popped into my head when I read your post Joni was "Femme Fatale's" - I don't know if anyone will like that just my first thought. :happy:
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    I'm really horrible at finding names for groups.... But I like our name as it is and I also like Kim's idea. What about "Femme Fatale Kickin' Crew"?

    I know, I suck.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    How about, "Joni's Kickin' Crew" since Joni is the one that brought us all back together :flowerforyou:

    Otherwise, we could go with "the group that rocks your face off" lol
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    I like Joni's Kickin Crew too.... and I'm back yall. I I know I said 14 days, but I missed logging and I been super working out and just started jogging. I did my first jog this morning with my friend. We walked around the trail the first time, which is about 2 miles and then the second time we jogged and she was amazed that jogged the entire time no stopping to walk or take a break. I did the whole 2 miles I was scared of myself, especially since when I run on the treadmill I stop at like 4 minutes. It felt good....but then we went spinning and then took a body pump class I am SUPER WORE OUT. But I need to kick into high gear we are close to our challenge end for Christmas and wouldnt it be nice to meet our goals especially since we changed them to be more obtainable. During this time of the year the average person gains between 7-10 pounds I dont want to be that person this year. (And I am stil piggin out on Thanksgiving too):drinker:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Ehm.... I love you girls, but having my name in the group name just makes me feel a little self conscious. How about "Kickin' the pounds Crew" or "The Kickin' # Crew"?

    Weighed in at 163.6 today which is 0.2 up but I think that's due to TOM which is just around the corner. Hoping for a good loss next week!

    I had an awesome me-me-me weekend. Took a break from my social life, ran a 10k race on Saturday morning, went shopping, took a bath.... it was so relaxing!

    Alicia - that's so great! I find it a lot easier to run outside rather than on the threadmill because you actually feel you're going somewhere. And I agree with you, this year I do NOT want to be the person that gains weight over Christmas!

    Have a great week girls :flowerforyou: