The Kickin' Christmas Crew! [Closed]

138 days until Christmas! Where would you like to be by the time we can start shoveling snow again and Santa Claus brings us prezzies?

I would love to be at my goal weight of 141 pounds then. Scratch that, I WILL be at my goal weight then. I'm on a roll at the moment but for those days that I reach a plateau or feel depressed and want to give up, I need you. I need you to encourage me and hold me accountable, and together we can do this!

Members are:


So ladies, how are you all doing today?


  • paulaGetshealthy
    Doing great! Finished Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, and I'm about to head to the treadmill for a 2 mile run :)
    Can't wait for dinner: Whole Wheat Pita Pizza. YUM!

    Feel free to add me, ladies!
  • sreimer07
    sreimer07 Posts: 154 Member
    It's a been a rough day, but it will be better once I get home and get on my elliptical :)
  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    Doing good! What about you?

    I'm so tired so might go to bed soon!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    It's been a crappy day! Weighed in this morning and was up 2. Then my last day of working (due to my position being eliminated) was Saturday. Then I went to sign up for unemployment and was told that the laws have changed in NC and I have to wait over a year before I can draw. So needless to say it has been a stressful day. So I really need this challenge to keep me motovated and focused!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Oh you know...i'm just doing the norm today: hanging out with my 6 teenage "daughters" but luckily they chose to watch a movie tonight so I had a few spare minutes :happy: Feel free to add me. I can't wait to get to know all of you ladies (and of course stay in touch with my tried and true pals)
  • sreimer07
    sreimer07 Posts: 154 Member
    It's been a crappy day! Weighed in this morning and was up 2. Then my last day of working (due to my position being eliminated) was Saturday. Then I went to sign up for unemployment and was told that the laws have changed in NC and I have to wait over a year before I can draw. So needless to say it has been a stressful day. So I really need this challenge to keep me motovated and focused!

    omg you have to wait a year? thats ridiculous!
  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    Hi there! I'm so glad to have a motivating thread to last through Christmas. I weighed in yesterday at 181.4. My signature says I've lost 15 pounds, but I found a couple of those so I have 2 pounds to lose until it's current again....:blushing:

    Today pretty much stunk for a Monday. Here's to hoping everyone has a better week!
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Just finished an eight hour drive to Anaheim, going to disneyland this week. A little tired and need sleep so I will check in tomorrow, hopefully not on an iphone. Happy to meet you all though!

  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    It's been a crappy day! Weighed in this morning and was up 2. Then my last day of working (due to my position being eliminated) was Saturday. Then I went to sign up for unemployment and was told that the laws have changed in NC and I have to wait over a year before I can draw. So needless to say it has been a stressful day. So I really need this challenge to keep me motovated and focused!

    Omg here in the UK you can do it right away! It is a joke though cause I've been messed around so many times!

    Defo stay focused! We'll soon whip your backside! :p
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Morning all!

    I'm in London (UK) and waking up to a city which has been destroyed in many areas by rioters for the past 3 days. It's absolutely incredible. Luckily my area is safe but I have many colleagues who are scared of going home and one got attacked on the way home last night. What has the world come to?!

    Otherwise I'm quite pleased with my day so far, woke up early and did some kettlebell circuits and am planning on going to a coreball class tonight. Haven't done that one before but I have a feeling it will attack my abs!

    Kim - have a lovely time in Disneyland!
    Rebecca - hope Tuesday treats you better!
    Paula - that whole wheat pizza sounds incredible - can you share the recipe?
    MamaDee - really hope things turn around quickly for you!

    Hope you all have a great day, girls!
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Hi ladies, good morning! Feel free to add me. :smile:
    My name is Alyshe`. My last weight in was sunday July 31. I was 155. My next weight in date is going to be sunday Aug 28. I hope to lose a minimum of 10 lbs by then. I have 19 more days left. I'm not going to weigh in before then because I don't want to be disappointed or get complacent. My goal by Dec. is to lose 30 pounds. I am doing another challenge also right now. A 90 day challenge with my beachbody coach and so far I have done really reall good. My main workout program is p90x but on tuesdays I do Turbo Fire and periodically go for a run.
    My stats height 5' 3", weight 155, bmi 27.5, measurements: arm 12 1/2", bra line 34", waist, 33 3/4", hips 41 1/2", thigh 24 1/2".

    *Paula pizza is so good I also cant wait to hear the recipe.
    *Waves to Mandie. :bigsmile: How is Florida!?
    *Joni sending prayers your way. Hope the riots stop soon. Releaved to hear that your area is safe.
    What stats would you like? height, measurements, weight?
    Hav fun working out :flowerforyou:
    *MamaDee I think Jonie speaks for us all when she say hope thing turn around quickly. I dont know what your job was before but maybe this time around you cacn find something better. :smile:
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Hello all - I have to make this quick as i am on at work and we aren't allowed to do that anymore :frown: It sucks but what do you do???

    Feel free to add me, hope everyone has a good day and I will see you tonight :happy:
  • sreimer07
    sreimer07 Posts: 154 Member
    Morning all!

    I'm in London (UK) and waking up to a city which has been destroyed in many areas by rioters for the past 3 days. It's absolutely incredible. Luckily my area is safe but I have many colleagues who are scared of going home and one got attacked on the way home last night. What has the world come to?!

    Otherwise I'm quite pleased with my day so far, woke up early and did some kettlebell circuits and am planning on going to a coreball class tonight. Haven't done that one before but I have a feeling it will attack my abs!

    Kim - have a lovely time in Disneyland!
    Rebecca - hope Tuesday treats you better!
    Paula - that whole wheat pizza sounds incredible - can you share the recipe?
    MamaDee - really hope things turn around quickly for you!

    Hope you all have a great day, girls!

    I think i need to watch the news a little more, but why are they rioting??

    Hope you have a wonderful day!
  • sreimer07
    sreimer07 Posts: 154 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope you all got a wonderful nights sleep and woke up ready to conquer another day. :)

    I have a question for you all, since you started your weight loss journey what have you found to be your favorite exercise?
  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    Good morning everyone! I hope you all got a wonderful nights sleep and woke up ready to conquer another day. :)

    I have a question for you all, since you started your weight loss journey what have you found to be your favorite exercise?

    I hate the gym with a passion so I use ea sports active 2 for the Wii. I love it. The pounds fly off!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Well, I finally stepped on the scale this morning...

    157 is my starting weight. That's back up to a bmi of 23. :blushing:

    I'm not too shocked that I gained about 3lbs in the last few weeks. That's what I get for slacking off. I'm hoping a bit of it is water weight. My goal for Christmas is to be maintaining somewhere in the 140s. I'm thinking 145-148 would be wonderful. So I guess I have another 10-12 lbs to lose total. That SHOULD be quite doable in 4 1/2 least you'd THINK so! haha
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    I think that can definitely be done, Mandie!

    Exercise-wise I change it up quite a bit. I used to do loads of step and spinning classes at the gym but I've discovered strength training is so much better for toning and getting rid of my cellulite! So at the moment I'm doing kettlebells and boxing circuits a lot. The one constant for me is running. I used to hate it but now I'm addicted to it, it helps me relax, focus and I've become a lot stronger mentally. And to make my core stronger I'm now doing planks every night before going to bed, but god I hate those :smile:

    Off to bed soon - have a lovely afternoon/evening ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    I've learned that I enjoy runnng. Who knew...? I started about 6 years ago with a friend and I hated it with a passion but did it because we signed up to run a marathon so we had to. Just this year, since I started taking nutrition and getting in shape a little more seriously, I've found I actually like it. At least most of the time.

    I read somewhere that once your workout becomes comfortable it's no longer effective. I think I'm in that rut. I need to mix it up a bit I think. Anyone else?
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    I've been busy at work, so I'm a bit late. My name is Celine and I'm from Ottawa, Ontario in Canada. Last night I did a 15km (close to 10 miles) walk and tonight I hope to be able to rollerblade 30km (about 20 miles) if the rain can hold on till after dark.

    My start weight is much more than any of you...and I feel bad about that. I've always been a slim girl until I got pregnant with my daughter 10 years ago. I managed to lose most of it then I got pregnant again and again and again...but at the end of the day I only have my precious daughter, my angle. I gained so much from the 3 lost pregnancy and never lost the weight again. So my start weight is 266.5 lbs and hoping to tose 25 lbs by Christmas.

    My question is, do we weight in every weeks and post our weight??
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Hey Celine! That sounds like a lot of kilometers to me, well done!

    For the challenge, I will be weighing in every Monday and will post a chart on Tuesday where I'll include everyone who posted their weight. However, I don't want to be imposing anything on you so if you're like Alyshe and not weighing in for a month but maybe tracking inches instead, that's ok. This is a support group more than it is a challenge, we're all here to hold eachother accountable, laugh together and listen to eachother's rants when needed. Does that sound ok?