The Kickin' Christmas Crew! [Closed]



  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Regarding exercise, I usually love the elliptical followed by a cool-down walk on the treadmill. I will probably log all my exercise as walking and swimming this week since I'm with friends and family and don't have my usual gym access. Two full days at Disneyland/CA Adventure is going to be a lot of exercise, especially since we have park hopper tickets. As for today, it's been really good so far. I am currently seeing my baby "nieces" and spending time with one of my best friends. I'll probably head out to the pool later to get some exercise in before going out to dinner with friends. Have a wonderful evening/morning ladies! (I think I'm the furthest west...)
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    ...To finish of my post from this morning now that I am at home. My name is Kendra, i started at MFP at 190 lbs, so far I am down 20., I was doing so well until May long weekend - that is when I decided that I should start working out at home, I restarted C25K so I could run outside (which is so much better than on a treadmill) and turned my spare room into a small gym. The running has been going fairly well but the strength hasn't really happened at all since I made this change. My eating has also gone to **** since this change, I don't know if it is because it is summer or what the problem is but I am totally finding it hard to keep on track with anything lately. I have recently decided to change my hours at work and am doing my cardio in the morning before work and going to give one last attempt at trying to do my strength after work which should only take me about an hour if I can get into the groove and actually do it.

    I need this group to help me to stay accountable, have people to check in with and to give me **** if something doesn't look right. I need to get back on track and I want to get back on track but apparently I don't want it bad enough or I would have never fallen off to begin with. I am reaching out for everyone's help, I need it, I really, really need it. Asking for help is really hard for me I don't usually do that, I just tend to suffer in silence. Please feel free to friend me, I will need all the help i can get from this point on.

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you and sorry my little blurb is a little on the long side. :happy:
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Hi everyone!!! :happy:

    I'm Jamie! I joined mfp last year weighing over 200 pounds. Last October I hit my lowest weight of 153 (I'm 5'9'') but with my husband coming home from a deployment, moving across the country, and life I gained a few of them back!! I'm currently at 161.8 and my goal is to get down to 145 by Christmas. I am the mom of 2 little boys, work 35 hours a week but still am trying to make it to the gym at least 4 times a week. Eating right is REALLY important to me, along with staying active! I am so excited for this group! :happy:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Things are so crazy at work today I won't be able to go to boxercise class. Sigh. Guess I'll go for a run tonight then... I hate when life messes up my plans :smile:
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    So, I posted my END goal for this challenge yesterday but also, just so you can all hold me accountable, here are my "mini" goals along the way :smile:

    SW on August 9th: 157 (i'm a little over 5'9")

    153 by September 3rd
    150 by October 15th
    147 by November 26th
    145 by December 19th

    Also, for those of you that don't know me, feel free to read my profile to find out about my life! haha in short: I am 22 years old. I live in FLORIDA (I moved here from Minnesota about 4 months ago). I graduate from college in LESS THAN 2 WEEKS with my degree in Psychology!!! yay and my husband & I work together for 3 weeks at a time as live-in behavior coaches/houseparents for a group of 6 teenage foster girls. We then get a full week off to recover! haha anyways, I do pretty well during our time at work but those 7 days off in a row kill me because I get lazy and tend to eat alot or go out to eat several times. I can't wait to get to know all of you better! Have a happy wednesday! :flowerforyou:
  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    21 years ago today I ran away to Vegas with my sweetheart and tied the knot. I was 18 and he was 21 so we've pretty much defied the odds. We've both gained a bunch of weight together and we're in the process of losing it together now. For our anniversary, my hubby is making me dinner. Grilled rib eye steaks, shrimp scampi, fettuccini alfredo, blue cheese wedge salad and home made yeast rolls. Sounds devine but how can I eat all that and not starve the rest of the day? I see a very long run in my future to try to burn some of this off.

    Also, my son was just sworn in to the Marine Corps and I'm not handling it as well as I could. I'm a very pround mom, just not overly excited about the things coming up in his future. He doesn't actually go anywhere for a few months so I'll probably be a basket case then. I'm an emotional eater so I'm trying REAL hard to stay on track. I work out of my home so I don't have a real structured day....
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Good day everyone!! So last night, it rained...crap. I hate going to the gym, but if I don't go, I won't exercise at all. I'll just go home, eat dinner and sit on my *kitten* to watch TV then go to bed. At the gym, I took it slow..25 minutes of intense bike and 15 minutes of light threadmill. It was the first time that I actualy sweated enough to show it on my shirt...kind of gross, but so proud. Today we have rain again, so I'm going down to the gym again, but this time I found on the net a circuit training that I will attempt. If I don't type in tomorrow, it's because my arms are so soar and can't move...LOL I'll keep the rollerbalding cardio for tomorrow since they call for a beautiful sunny day!
    I need you guys, cause when I'm borred, I eat, so when I read all your post, I forget to eat the junk!

    Ps...sorry, for the typo first language is French...!

    Have a great night everyone!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Hi Everyone, I finally found the there an easier way to find it :-/ I am happy to be included in the Kickin Christmas Crew...yeah! What are some of the ways we are going to get to our goals by know Fall and Winter are tough seasons to get through weightloss. I am ready! The only thing I know so far is that weigh-ins are Monday's which I already weigh in every Monday :-) Lets GO!
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    I love that this is more of a support group more then a challenge. :flowerforyou: We can use support. I hope that we all reach our goals. I know we can. Just belive in your selves. I have failed many times in this battle of weight, you can ask Jonie Kendra Mandi and Jamie. Im like a roller coaster. But If you keep trying then someday you will succeed.

    GOing to go for a run. I'll write a little more besides my name later.
    God bless
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    It was the first time that I actualy sweated enough to show it on my shirt...kind of gross, but so proud.
    Celine, I love this. But I so know what you mean! Do you live in France at the moment?

    Alibreasy, sorry the thread wasn't easier to find. From now on you should be able to see it in your "My Topics" section. Also would you mind shooting me your SW and GW so I can add you to the chart? Thanks!

    Mandie, I love the idea of mini goals. Might have to think some up for myself too, although it's very hard to estimate how quickly/slowly you'll lose I find, it's so different every week!

    Had a HORRIFIC day at work today. I allowed myself a lie-in because I thought I'd go to boxercise class at lunchtime, but then couldn't get away from my desk. Then figured I'd go for a run tonight but had to stay so late it was already dark. Grrrr. Better do my planks now then!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Hello all! Hope everyone is having a GREAT day! I have managed to put all the crap life has thrown at me the last few days aside and today I have ate well, drank my water and got in a walk today. One step at a time...

    Thanks for all the support and encouragment! Good luck to all!
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Good Morning everyone!!

    PercyPig (not sure your name yet), no I live in Canada (Ottawa, Ontario). And we are soooo close to the Province of Quebec (Gatineau, Quebec). So I was raise in French, I live there (Gatineau) and I work in Ottawa.
    Actualy, I've never been in France, only in England. (Manchester, then Cornwal) Never even saw London. My then Mother in Law was controling what we did...but I managed to see Stonehedge (not sure of the speling) on our way to Heatrow airport... Not with him anymore, so maybe I'll return and of these days, but my husband loves the beach in Cuba...

    So last night I did the circuit training! 20 minutes of intense threadmill, 45 minutes of circuit, then another 20 minutes of intense threadmill. I was dead. my legs hurts and arm are sore, but I feel good and hopefuly all this extra exercise will pay off on Monday on the scale...fingers cross. I have a realy hard time to lose weight and an even harder time to get my butt to the gym.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Good Morning All - was having interenet issues so I never made it here last night, got mad and went to bed instead and managed to have a fabulous sleep =)

    Things my way have been going good, getting in my morning cardio session before work and loving it. Hopefully will get my 'home gym' set up this weekend, need to move some furniture but need the hubby home to do it and I believe he will be home on Sunday. Once that is done I am getting full force back into my strength, it is time and I miss it =)

    It is a wonderful, beautiful, sunny day here in Southern Alberta couldn't ask for more.

    Joni - I hope things are going well for you in London, I think of you every day :-)
    MamaDee - That is the best way to do it, one day at a time. Wake up and conquer each day and we are always here to help.
    Alyshe - Hello!!! How have you been??? I agree I like that is more support than a challenge, sometimes that is what we need more than anything.
    Alibreasy - Welcome, glad you managed to find us!!!
    SweetCJ - I also live in Canada, Southern Alberta for me. It is always nice to find friends that from the same country. Your circuit sounds awesome glad it worked out well for you =)

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day today!!!
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Morning Kendra! All's well in London, thanks. Things have been quiet for the past two days, luckily! Still can't believe how many kids just enjoy destroying their own neighbourhoods though, very shocking!

    Today is a good day, I had my first compliment since I've started my weightloss journey again. Yay! And if it stops raining soon I might even be able to go for a run tonight!

    Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member

    Today is a good day, I had my first compliment since I've started my weightloss journey again. Yay! And if it stops raining soon I might even be able to go for a run tonight!

    Good morning everyone! I you all have a wonderful Thursday. One more day until the weekend. Woo hoo!

    Those compliments are so nice to get. They kind of get you jazzed up and let you know you're making great progress.
  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    Hi everyone! I'm just about to do some aerobics on the Wii but I'm so tired! Been really tired lately. At least its an excuse to have a nap later! Haha I had an interview yesterday for a job. In some ways I hope I don't get it cause it sounds like the last place I worked which I left due to me started to get depressed. I would cry at work lol but at the same time I need a job. Need to save to go to college cause I want to work with children. It was make up a few months ago! But I'd be worried cause its not very stable.

    Pergypig, yay on the compliments!

  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Good luck with the workout Haylz! I hope you find something you like, unfortunately job hunting isn't the easiest thing so I feel your pain. My job has really been standing in the way of my workouts this week grrrr. Looks like it's a little quieter today so hopefully I'll make it to Circuit class. I had a cheeky peak at the scale today and I'm at exactly the same weight as last Monday, so will have to take things to another level this weekend if I want to see some change on Monday!

    Anyone got any exciting plans for the weekend? I'm going on a date with a guy who is two years younger than me. How did I get myself into THAT mess?

    Joni :flowerforyou:
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    TGIF!!! Yeah, I have been waiting for this day and I am so looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning :-) How is everyone today?

    Haylz - I understand the job hunting, it is hard. I personally hate it but I do hope things work out for you and you can find something soon.
    Joni - How are things in Lodon today? Congrats on the compliments and I hope work lets you get to your class today. Oh yeah and GOOD LUCK on the date ;-) (I am winking but it doesn't look like it) You will have to let us know how that goes for you, wishing you luck =)

    It is going to be another beautiful, warm and wonderful day and it also helps that it is Friday!!! Hope everyone has a good one!!!
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Thanks Kendra! Things are back to normal here now, luckily! And yes I did get some gymtime today, yay!

    Girls, just read this great post and wanted to share: I think I'm in phase 2 now, I haven't really seen great things on the scale this week but reading this post explains that a little bit and encourages me even more to keep going!
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Yay me!!! (boy, I sound like that "London" girl from my daughter's show[The suite Life on Deck]), but I manage to rollerblade last night. It was not raining and the sun was overcast by lots of clouds, but I still went for it. It wasn't so hot, so it was perfect. I did it for 1.5 hours (until my husband picked me up after his work). I felt free and wonderfull. I can't beleive I haven't fell. Now for the next 2 weeks, all the exercise I can do is going for a walk after my daughter goes to bed (I hate leaving her, so as much as possible, when she's awake, I stay with her), but the next 2 weeks she's with me (usualy I get her one week, then she goes to her Dad's for one week)...back on the rollerblading and gym circuit in September!
    Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!!!