The Kickin' Christmas Crew! [Closed]



  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Sorry, for the delay I couldnt find the some pointers from MamaDee :-) Anyhoo, if it is okay with you guys I will post my gain or lost (hopefully lost) tomorrow. And I normally weigh on Mondays, so I dont know what in the world happened to me. But I am in you guys...I need to add a lot of you guys to my friendslist...if you want to make my life easier add me and I will ACCEPT :-)
    I am happy about this challenge, is anyone doing anything different outside of their regular routine to kick it up??
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Today has been a vary good day. A vary relaxed day. Yesterday sucked so Im really glad today went so well!! Hope you all had a good day as well :-)


    .... Joni I think Im going to copy your idea on the ticker. Love it !
  • erikasev
    Morning ladies!

    !!!!!! I'm still waiting for weigh-in info from erikasev, paulajfranco, alibreasy, sreimer07, Celine and jamadler2 !!!!!! Please can you add your info by the end of the day and I'll post our chart tomorrow morning, if I manage to figure out how to :smile:

    Had a great exercise day yesterday, did kettlebells in the morning and went to boxing class at lunchtime. I actually felt quite sore this morning so had a lie-in! Will go to total body conditioning class at lunchtime though! I feel so much better in my skin for doing classes which mix up strength + cardio rather than just cardio. My skin is definitely more toned and I swear to god I saw a beginning of muscle appearing in my arm this morning!

    Crikee, don't be discouraged, hang in there and your efforts will pay off! I haven't seen the scale moving this last week either but I am so much more comfortable in my clothes so we must be doing something right.

    Congrats to everyone for checking in so far, whether you've had a loss or not, we're still on this website and exercising and eating well which is much better than slouching on the couch in front of the TV with seven bags of crisps!

    Have a great Tuesday!
    Joni :flowerforyou:

    I'm so sorryyy! I struggle with these boards. Weigh-in for week:
    Started at 203
    This Monday: 200.1!! :) Three pounds down this week!
    Goal for next Monday: 197

    Lots of running lately so I think 3 lbs/week is totally do-able! :)
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318

    Morning ladies!

    Here are our week 1 results. Congratulations to everyone but a special mention to :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: MamaDee :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: who had a whopping 1.7% loss this week!

    My week is going well so far, I'm feeling really fit which is so the best feeling ever! I really do wonder why we boycot our bodies sometimes and go back to our old ways of eating because really, nothing can beat feeling healthy and fit.

    Have a great day my lovelies
    Joni :flowerforyou:
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Sorry everyone... I will not be late ever again...promise (well unless I'm dead or in the hospital) God forbid! Anyway, I am down 1lb.
    SW 217
    CW 216

    *Great job on the chart,it looks great and wow what work you put into it! You Rock! ;-)

    Oh yeah, just to mention: After getting off at 5pm yesterday I picked up my 8 year old from my grandmother's house, then my 17 year old from her job. Got home (praise God they ate) helped my 8 year old with homework (what in the world, her homework was hard and to think I am a college grad, geesh). Can you believe i mustered up enough energy to go to the gym at 9pm and walk on the treadmill for 65 minutes at a 10 incline the entire time 3.5 speed, I was pouring sweat! Then after that had the nerve to go grocery shopping. I am one pooped lady today! But I am eager to continue this journey with the rest of you!

    Everyone have an awesome week! Let's go!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Hello gals - Today was a very loooong day, have to get up a little earlier than i have been and drive into Calgary for a meeting for work today. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive and I hate driving and then of course driving home. I hate when I have to attend these meetings that don't pertain to me at all. Anyways - I never got any exercise in today because of my super early start today and because of it I feel blah :tongue: Back at it tomorrow morning with a run and then strength after work. :smile:

    Hope you are all having a wonderful week so far and congrats to everybody on their weight loss!!

    Joni - the chart looks awesome, great job :flowerforyou:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Sounds like you had super busy days yesterday girls!

    I AM NOT HAPPY. All week my weight has been going up instead of down, even though I'm eating clean and exercising. It's very frustrating. I'm like 4 pounds up this week! I know there's probably some very good reason for it like sodium or muscle or whatever but it's still no fun. It really pulls me down as well, where is happy Joni from Sunday?
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Joni, the chart looks AWESOME!! my goal is to be 145 by Christmas. Does your weight go up around your TOM? My weight is up right now and I seriously hope its because of TOM...I have no clue why!? Could my bad choices over the weekend just now be catching up to me?!

    I hope everyone's week is going WONDERFUL! :flowerforyou: This is my last week before school starts, so i really am trying to enjoy it but just thinking of how busy I will be is STRESSING me out! one day at a time, i just have to keep reminding myself of that!! I did the 30 day shred yesterday for the first time in a long time---still one of my all time favorite workout videos (actually it is my favorite!!) I felt stronger while doing it, but it still kicked my butt!! I think I'll try and stick with it until the end of Sept before my Vegas trip!! :happy:

    Alright girls, let's keep kicking butt and have some great losses Monday! WE CAN DO IT!!:happy:
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Hey all - Joni that sucks, I hope you manage to figure out why your body is hating you right now. Happy Joni will be back soon I am sure. Jamie, how have things been? Don't let school stress you out, I do know how you feel though. Take it one day at a time and things will work out. I have the 30 day shred DVD but have yet to try it out, I am enjoying my outside time right now while the weather is cooperating.

    W7D2 of C25K for me this morning, it was a beautiful morning out and watching the sunrise in the morning is so beautiful and peaceful. Makes for a really long day but it is so worth it at the end of the day. I restarted my strength on Monday and have been really sore for the last couple of days so I was worried about running this morning with my legs so tired and sore but it wored out well and I think the run with my stretching afterwards really helped and things feel better.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day :happy:
  • sreimer07
    sreimer07 Posts: 154 Member
    Hey everyone! it's friday! I hope you all had a fabulous week! Anyone have any plans for the weekend?
  • erikasev
    Hi All!

    This week I'm working at the Iowa State Fair, writing some press releases. Any suggestions for somewhat healthy Fair food? I've stayed away from it for the most part, but it's getting hard to resist!

    Looking forward to Monday's weigh-in though, I've run 14.5 miles this week! WOOOO! :)

    Good luck everyone!

  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Corn? (without tons of butter)
    Roasted/Grilled veggies on a skewer?
    I don't know, I love giant turkey legs myself...
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Hi guys!!!! Well, I'm on vacation....again....this week. My family and I are camping, so I will not be able to weigh in on Monday... I will be carefull to what I eat tho! Anyway, I'll try to log my food as much as I can, but I can't promiss anything. I'd rather spend my time enjoying my daughter than the computer. Have a great week everyone, and I'll be back next Monday!

  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Hey Celine - Hope you have a wonderful week camping, wish I could be doing the same thing =)

    Finished week 7 of C25K this morning and will start on week 8 Monday morning. It was super tough this morning but I pushed myself through and finished, even though I really wanted to do some walking. Paden did wonderful again this morning as always. Tomorrow we are going to head out for a bike ride whenever we wake up just to get in a few extra calories for tomorrow.

    How is everyone else doing? Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!!!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Hey Joni - I weighed today, my magic number is 168.2 - gained my 0.2 back. Which is crappy all around but I am thinking that maybe it is water weight and it is a samll amount so I am not overly excited about it.

    Hope everyone else is having a wonderful weekend!!!
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Thanks Kendra! Love the new pic, very cute :-)

    I've been really ill for the past 3 days, tummy not happy. So I really liked the number on the scale this morning but I have to be realistic, it's not going to stick, so I'm not going to weigh in this week.

    Hope you all had a fantastic weekend! My best friend told me she's moving to Singapore, I'm a bit sad about that as I will really miss her. She'll be around for a few more months so I will take full advantage of that!

    Celine, enjoy the camping!
  • erikasev
    Hey Joni, I weighed today. Disappointing number after the week I had but it's okay... More motivation for next week. I did use two different scales, which I always feel makes a difference too. Does anybody take tier measurements? I think I may start doin that also - especially for weeks when I great but the scale does not move!

    Starting weight 200
    Today's weight 200.3

    Have a good week everyone!
  • erikasev
    Hey Joni, I weighed today. Disappointing number after the week I had but it's okay... More motivation for next week. I did use two different scales, which I always feel makes a difference too. Does anybody take tier measurements? I think I may start doin that also - especially for weeks when I great but the scale does not move!

    Starting weight 200
    Today's weight 200.3

    Have a good week everyone!
  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    I weighed in yesterday morning at 181.1 to see how my week was going and then stood on those rotten scales again this morning at 183.4. Can't get my rings off this morning and they usually slide on and off fairly easy so I think it's water weight. That just stinks, but it will look good for niext week's weigh in. :wink:

    Feel better Joni!

  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Well well I am...weighed myself today and no change on the scale. But for the first time in forever I am not sad nor mad. I still feel great. I feel like I've lost inches and gained some muscle and had a nice little NSV. I slipped into a pair of jeans I have not been able to wear in years and they fit rather nice and I also had to add another hole to my belt, so I will not complain. I will push a little harder and do more cardio now (especially since I finally purchased a nice little ipod touch from craigslist and can finally listen to some tunes while walking/jogging).

    Last week 216
    This week (still 216)

    Have a great week everyone!
    Alibreasy (Alicia)