The Kickin' Christmas Crew! [Closed]



  • sreimer07
    sreimer07 Posts: 154 Member
    I agree with Crikee. lol i think i set my goal at 200 and i'm thinking 210 might be more realistic lol
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Here is my "long story" I promised...but I seriously made it as short as possible. It just sounded whiney and complainy any other way, so it's the very condensed non-detailed version of the overall decision; if that makes sense! haha
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    I would like to modify mine to 195 (thanks). I think 10-12 pounds is a little more reasonable especially since we are getting into the winter months where are bodies burns a lot less. :-/
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Not near a scale, been babysitting. Will hopefully weigh in tomorrow. Hope everyone is enjoying HALLOWEEN!!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I'm so ashamed and embarrased but here's the ugly truth...

    Today's weight in: 157.4 (I haven't seen that beautiul 151.4 since the first beautiful day it showed up over 4 weeks ago and i've been steadily climbing) :blushing:

    New goal for January 1st: 148

    I'm so discouraged and am lacking the zeal to work hard for this even though i'm starting to notice changes in my body (for the worse...). Ugh, but I still really think I should be able to lose 9 lbs in the coming 2 months because I know that at least 4lbs of it is caused by sodium and over eating and not drinking water the last 3 weeks. Ugh. I CAN DO least I think I can!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I'm so ashamed and embarrased but here's the ugly truth...

    Today's weight in: 157.4 (I haven't seen that beautiul 151.4 since the first beautiful day it showed up over 4 weeks ago and i've been steadily climbing) :blushing:

    New goal for January 1st: 148

    I'm so discouraged and am lacking the zeal to work hard for this even though i'm starting to notice changes in my body (for the worse...). Ugh, but I still really think I should be able to lose 9 lbs in the coming 2 months because I know that at least 4lbs of it is caused by sodium and over eating and not drinking water the last 3 weeks. Ugh. I CAN DO least I think I can!

    Mandie - You can so do this and now that you have rid your life of a lot of stress and you are back home with your family support system it should be much easier and we are also here for you as well. :flowerforyou:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Weighed in at 163.1 on Saturday morning but then had a wild Halloween weekend so may have undone last week's loss already... oops. I have decided however that November is a no-chocolate month as I need to fit in my dress at the office christmas party on 1 December!

    Welcome back, Mandie! Totally agree with Kendra, I know you can do this!
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    I went on the scale yesterday and after a very ugly weekend for food filled with SODIUM, I manage to lose 1 lb, so I'm at 243 right now.

    I had a beautifull weekend filled with LOTS of emotions. First, my husband takes me out for breakfast on Saturday and during the breakfast I tell him that "I don't mind him going out on Fridays, but coming back at 3:30 in the morning is a bit outrageous", so he lots it. He started to fight in the restaurant, so I told him we needed to leave. Outside, was worst...I "ate" for 2 hours straight of his anger, but now I know what the heck the problem is. I got so many name's from the "insult book", from liar to the big "C" word... well I did pretty nasty things behind his back, like talking to his friends and his family saying stuff like "if Ivan can't make us happy, I'll find myself someone else to make us happy" and I even went all the way to ask his friend from work to check his time cards to see if it was true that he did overtime every night...well these people turned and told him wonder he was so angry with me. anyway, after the 2 hours of crying, I left in my car with some heavy metal music blasting (haven't listen to that since high 1993), drove 1 hour to get to my friends house and helped her move in...went horseback riding on her property and just enjoyed a beautifull day with her and did not worry about the time. I got back home at 10 at night expecting an empty house...only to walk into a very quiet and enjoyable place. I saw the calendar sheet of October on the counter, so I check the wall and on November 12, it said "Make no plans", so my first question was "What's on Nov 12th?" My husband says to me "you got home to early and I wanted to suprise you, but since you're here already and I'm not done "this", I'll tell you" Turns out he booked a romantic gateway for us at Niagara Falls, ON. So I sat down in the living room with him and answered his 2 question he left me with that morning and now things are back to normal. He holds me when we sleep, he holds my hand, he touches me, he has a positive attitude when we are together AND he deleted his strange contacts from his phone... I now have the husband I married. Hope this last, cause next time, I might not be as patiente and willing to forgive...

    Oh, and last night, I had an amazing night with my daughter and her 2 best friends. This was my last year of trick-or-treating with her. she 11 years old this year and next year will be her Dad's turn to trick-or-treat with her, so the year after that, she will be 13 and WILL NOT want to have her Mom trailing behind to make sure they are safe. I only ate 4 mini chocolate bars and since Ivan had not had dinner (since he worked to late) he stoped at McDonals...but I took a hamburger and a kid size fries.....and it was NOT GOOD. I DID NOT ENJOY IT as much as I use to, so no more McDonalds for me and even the chocolate bars did not taste as good as I was hoping for.... To the gym I go after work tonight!

    Have a great day ladies!!!!
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    AHHH so happy for you Celine, it sounds like everything has turned around for the better =D

    I weighed in at 181.6 this morning, down .8 lbs. Definitely the most I've lost in recent weeks. Now I just have to figure out how to keep it up =P
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    You guys I suck. I have not worked out like I should in 4 days...those little walks aint nothing and the eating well even though I've been okay with calories the substance of what I am eating is ridiculous. I be honest I am scared to get on the scale to see what damage my crazy self has done ( I feel like I'm in self sabotage mode or something). Someone told me that I probably haven't gained because sometimes when you work out hard and eat right for a long time, if you take a week off or so your body gets confused/tricked and you may either stay the same or even possibly lose. Okay...I just need to encourage myself I know I can do it. I've been encouraging so many other people and have seen so many of my friends/coworkers/associates be encouraged by my journey, which has caused many of them to start their own journeys. I need to get it together and stop feeling sorry for myself I know what it takes to get to my goal. I know the chart goes up just leave my number the same I am going to blow it out the park next week starting with today and when I weigh in next Tuesday I will be doing my happy dance! Blessings to all of you and Celine ( I never stopped praying for you girl)...all of you really, you see that is what I do I pray "have a little talk with God". Love yal!:flowerforyou:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318

    Celine - really happy to hear things are better with the hubby. And you're only 1.5 pounds away from your Christmas goal!!
    Kim - glad to hear the scale is moving a bit quicker again for you, you've been working so hard!
    Mandie - don't you worry, girl, we all have ups and downs and knowing your determination you'll be down again in no time! We're here to encourage you all the way!
    Alicia - sometimes you just need some time "off" to find the motivation again and to realise why you're on this journey, I know you've got this!
    Kendra - how are you doing, girl? I know you're not weighing in at the moment but I still see you're running regularly! I've signed up for another 10K in two weeks, I'm becoming a running junkie!

    Quick update - I'm still not logging food and it's working out really well, it allows me to listen to my body better and only eat when I'm hungry, and when I do eat something which isn't great for me I'm not constantly obsessing about it but I just make up for it with exercise or at the next meal. I think I may have found my happy balance!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Hey All - I guess I should check in with you guys and let you know how it's going. No I am not weighing it right now and probably won't be until end of November or maybe end of the challenge to get a final number and so far I believe this is working for me. Not that I stressed over weighing in before but it seems I stressed over the number and that was getting to me. Walking away from it has helped me a lot. My clothes are fitting differently so I know changes are happening and I am hoping when I do step back on the scale and measure myself I will be much happier with the results.

    Overall I have been doing well, still running every morning and doing strength training every evening and then mixing it up on the weekends. I have a whole schedule I planned out and so far it is working well for me. Eating for the most part is going well for me, I have had some bad days and days I ate more than I was supposed to but overall things have been going well.

    I am happy to see that you guys are all doing amazing, keep up the great work :bigsmile:

    Joni - I have another 5K on Nov 19 that I am really looking forward to, I wouldn't call myself a running addict at this point but I think you are becoming one :happy: Congrats on the 10K, that is awesome and I know you will do a fabulous job and kick your last time in the but :bigsmile:
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    I sure would like to find 5Ks in my area. I am going to start training...what are some of the things you guys do to train for it. A friend of mine runs every weekend. I am trying to find out when I'd have time. I already get up at 5am for the kids, dog and work and get home oh wow hardly ever before 6pm..usually between 6:30-7pm I have such long days. But I am really working myself up on the running, I've been doing in 1-2 times a week on the treadmill. I was suppose to run this trail with my friend Saturday, but its suppose to start raining.
    Everyone is doing so great. I am glad I changed my goal it looks a little more obtainable. Let's get it this week ladies. I guzzled down 101 ounces of water yesterday, trying to beat that number today...we shall see.
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I sure would like to find 5Ks in my area. I am going to start training...what are some of the things you guys do to train for it. A friend of mine runs every weekend. I am trying to find out when I'd have time. I already get up at 5am for the kids, dog and work and get home oh wow hardly ever before 6pm..usually between 6:30-7pm I have such long days. But I am really working myself up on the running, I've been doing in 1-2 times a week on the treadmill. I was suppose to run this trail with my friend Saturday, but its suppose to start raining.
    Everyone is doing so great. I am glad I changed my goal it looks a little more obtainable. Let's get it this week ladies. I guzzled down 101 ounces of water yesterday, trying to beat that number today...we shall see.

    I don't what you are doing for running, are you using a program or just running when you feel like it? I used the C25K program and loved it and the best part is it only takes a 1/2 hour of your day, it is great cardio as well. That is basically my training. I now currently run every morning before work and try and do 4 miles. I always get in the 3.1miles (5K) but it all depends on how Paden (my dog) is doing on whether or not we will push through for the full 4 miles. Other than that I don't do anything special but I also don't run any more than 4 miles in a day. I have no interest at this time pushing for a 10K so Joni may have some other special tips for you.

    Oh and as for the trail you are supposed to run on Saturday - even if it rains I would go, I find running in the rain so refreshing and who know you might enjoy it, don't let a little weather ruin your workout plans. :happy: Just another small note, I am assuming you have only run inside on a treadmill?? When you go out on Saturday be very aware of where you put your feet, trail running and running outside is so much different than inside on a treadmill.

    If you ever have any other questions feel free to ask away :happy:

    Edit: I also just googled Richmond, CA 5K races and came up with a whole ton of them - once you find out who sponsors the races in your area they are easy to find, Good Luck.
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Great job ladies! We are really going at it...and less than 2 months till CHRISTMAS! It's almost that time and I am sooo excited because the holiday season is my favorite time of the year =D. I also heard Starbucks broke out its holiday cups, so I think I'm gonna head over there tomorrow (pushing the stroller through the hills, workout + caffeine is always fun) when I babysit. Have a great week everyone and keep up the awesome work!!

    P.S. It's going to RAIN this weekend?? Crappp...I thought it was just going to be colder....=(
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Hey Joni - You're a doll for not putting my added 6lbs in red :laugh: haha
    Hopefully I'll have a little lower weigh-in on Monday!

    Hope everyone has an AMAZING weekend!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    No change for me this week, which I was expecting as last week was a big week. I had a check-up at the gym today and I lost 5.5% body fat in the past 5 weeks! Looks like my personal training sessions are paying off. It goes without saying that I've renewed for another 5 weeks :-)
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I wasn't able to check in this morning as I got up at 5:30 am to get ready and leave for an interview...I will weigh-in and post it tomorrow :smile:

    Awesome job Joni on your body fat loss - YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!!!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    No change for me this week, which I was expecting as last week was a big week. I had a check-up at the gym today and I lost 5.5% body fat in the past 5 weeks! Looks like my personal training sessions are paying off. It goes without saying that I've renewed for another 5 weeks :-)

    Joni that is fabulous, you are doing awesome :bigsmile: Keep up the great work.
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I wasn't able to check in this morning as I got up at 5:30 am to get ready and leave for an interview...I will weigh-in and post it tomorrow :smile:

    Awesome job Joni on your body fat loss - YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!!!

    Good Luck on the interview, keeping my fingers crossed for you and make sure you let us know how it went :happy: