The Kickin' Christmas Crew! [Closed]



  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Good morning ladies!!!

    Okay, so it's Thanksgiving here in Canada and we have to day off of work, but I got up at 5:30 and went to the gym!!!!! It actualy felt great!

    So I weighed myself and am now at 250.5 !!!!! Holly crap, I never thought I could be 250 again!!!! it was so amazing when I got on the scale, i was like "this thing is wrong or broken" so I got off, reposition the scale weightsback to 0 and got back on...and there it was again...250.5

    Time to go hiking with my 11 year old !!!

    have a great day everyone!!!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Well get it done then Celine! Your doing great! I love your positive vibes that are flowing...and getting up at 5:30am on a day off is pure dedication (I remember those days)... and hiking with your child is awesome. I am going to do that with my (lazy) kids they just dont know it yet. ;-) I want to tell you how proud I am of you and how you keep pressing on despite your personal life challenges, that is what it takes mamaz... And oh yeah I remember when I hit 250, it felt great. The biggest I let myself get was 283 pounds and believe me I never in a million years thought I would be that big you couldn't have told me in my teens or 20s that I'd be that big, but I have learned life happens and if you don't take care of yourself as we take care of others it works against you! Weighing in tomorrow, not expecting to see much of a difference because of 30DS, but I've been losing those inches and I am loving it!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I'm VERY VERY VERY happy with todays' weigh-in: 151.4 :happy:
    I can hardly believe it! I'm pretty sure the last time I weighed this much (little) was when I was a sophomore in high school...
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I once again am not happy with the scale this week and will not be recording my weight...again. I will be changing my weigh ins to once a month instead of every week. I need to get my mind of off the numbers for awhile. I will still be around for support from and for everyone.

    Congrats to everyone on their losses, you guys are all doing awesome :flowerforyou:
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    I once again am not happy with the scale this week and will not be recording my weight...again. I will be changing my weigh ins to once a month instead of every week. I need to get my mind of off the numbers for awhile. I will still be around for support from and for everyone.

    Congrats to everyone on their losses, you guys are all doing awesome :flowerforyou:

    What's going on with you girl!? Is there something in your diet, exercise or personal that is going on...I totally understand been there before...I was plateaued for months maneuvering in my 220s I didnt think I would ever get out of them and people kept saying that maybe my body was happy with that size, I was like oh hell to the no, how can anybody's body especially a woman's body be happy with anything over 200, NOT! So I fluctuated and finally in taking some time off from working out and watching everything I ate for about 7-10 days I came back, got me an HRM and started pushing again and low and behold plateau next goal is ONDERLAND baby! And I am less then 10 pounds away from that...time to get my booty back in gear! You can do it we are cheering you on!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    0.5 pound down...not really worth reporting :-/ (specially since I usually lose a pound, this 1/2 pound is like a slap in the face). But I guess I better be happy considering I've ate ice cream this week (something I dont normally eat because of my lactose intolerance), I also had chocolate chip cookies...thanks to Jillian Michael's 30DS at least I am not gaining...that is one trainer that gets results, her and Bob are off tha hook!
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    183.2 this week, down .4 from last week. This is a whole lot slower than I thought it would be, but thanks for your encouragement and support guys, it helps when I feel like giving up :(
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I once again am not happy with the scale this week and will not be recording my weight...again. I will be changing my weigh ins to once a month instead of every week. I need to get my mind of off the numbers for awhile. I will still be around for support from and for everyone.

    Congrats to everyone on their losses, you guys are all doing awesome :flowerforyou:

    What's going on with you girl!? Is there something in your diet, exercise or personal that is going on...I totally understand been there before...I was plateaued for months maneuvering in my 220s I didnt think I would ever get out of them and people kept saying that maybe my body was happy with that size, I was like oh hell to the no, how can anybody's body especially a woman's body be happy with anything over 200, NOT! So I fluctuated and finally in taking some time off from working out and watching everything I ate for about 7-10 days I came back, got me an HRM and started pushing again and low and behold plateau next goal is ONDERLAND baby! And I am less then 10 pounds away from that...time to get my booty back in gear! You can do it we are cheering you on!

    Not sure what is going on right now, I have some ideas that I am going to start palying with and see what happens and hopefully things will straighten out soon for me.
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Ugh girls I am so sorry I've been absolutely useless for the past few days. My ex sent me an e-mail (A FRIGGIN E-MAIL!) to tell me he's seeing someone else. This is the guy who said he didn't want to be in a relationship. I'm so sick of men sometimes. But anyway, Joni has been back to emotional eating for a few days and is really regretting it now. So need to use this anger and transform it into exercise again, to start I'm going to make my first attempt at running home after work today, let's see how that goes.
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Ugh girls I am so sorry I've been absolutely useless for the past few days. My ex sent me an e-mail (A FRIGGIN E-MAIL!) to tell me he's seeing someone else. This is the guy who said he didn't want to be in a relationship. I'm so sick of men sometimes. But anyway, Joni has been back to emotional eating for a few days and is really regretting it now. So need to use this anger and transform it into exercise again, to start I'm going to make my first attempt at running home after work today, let's see how that goes.

    awww Joni...I'm so sorry. I know exactly how you feel. But why the hell did he tell you that he was seing someone else, if you two were broken up??? In french we call them "sans coeur"...just to rub it in??? does he know that you have a girlfriend support group that will support you in anything your going threw??? and we're ready to take a plane from Canada and go kick his *kitten*..... what an idiot, but I know there are still feeling in your heart for him, cause otherwise this would've not hurt you that bad. Get back on your feet, stop bingging and get your butt at the gym! But on the other hand, I'll be thinking about you, because I know that you are hurting.
    Have a good WILL feel beter after you've done it.

    Well I started my day with a fight with the husband...over a freaken song he dowloaded last night and it just struck a nerve on my personal safe that I thought was locked up deep... And I did not feel like going to the gym either (because of how I feel over this fight issue), but I'm going anyways...I'm starving (because I don't want to eat before, or else, I'll be sick in the gym and I don't want that) and I have to wait for my collegue to be back from her lunch date to replace me at reception...only then will i be able to go down to the gym, workout, then come back up and eat my chickpeas and red kidney beans salad!!!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Let me tell you something about men and I sure hate telling you this right now Jonie, but they say a lot of things and some things they mean and some things they dont. An example: I am really not interested in a relationship right now. I am really not wanting to be committed right now. I really just want to have fun right now, nothing to serious.
    Some of those statements are true and we as women try to look for something else (oh, he meant to say this or he meant to say that)... well no, men usually say exactly what they mean...we (women) are the ones that talk in codes, phrases, metaphors...hey I do it too, expecting the guy to decode what I am saying (he better)! LOL. Most of the time when men say those above statements...they mean... I want to either see you (have sex with you with no strings attached), while I date other people and since I am not committed to you, you can't get mad when you see me with the next woman (OR) they just dont want to see you anymore truthfully and saw something else that caught their eye and either they are going to do the same thing they did to the other woman that they did to you or they may just find what they think they are looking for in that other woman. Unfortunately, it all sounds like a big game. I've been learning a lot from male family, friends and reading books by mean who tell the truth about how men think...very enlightening ladies!
    However, I am with ladies can fly down to Canada and give him a swift kick in the BUTTOCKS!
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Thank you girls for your lovely support. You're the reason I'm back on here, you're the reason that even if I fall off the wagon, I always get back on.

    My relationship with Matt lasted about 18 months, at some stage we both thought we were going to spend the rest of our lives together and I truely believe he meant it, then one day he changed. Apparently he was never one for long term relationships, he's had some trauma in his childhood which is stopping him from wanting a life with someone forever. It certainly was tough but I was able to get through the pain and on with my life because I believed it was not my fault, it wasn't anything I'd done that stopped the relationship, it was him not wanting one. And two months later he's back in a relationship - that's what is hurting me right now. I feel lied to, I feel betrayed. I am ok now with us not being together anymore, I'm moving on, I'm making new friends, trying to date, and I honestly want him to be happy too so it's fine that he's seeing other people too. But I just feel that he lied to me, and that now I'm back to not knowing why we broke up.

    Anyway, I did run all the way back home. A whole 12km (7.5 miles) and I am so damn proud of myself right now.

    Celine - you're a massive inspiration to me - the way you've pulled yourself together is absolutely amazing.
    Alicia - thanks for your wisdom!
    Kendra - you too are a massive inspiration for me, the way you go out there every day running and doing the DVDs, you're friggin awesome girl! I bet you've lost body fat, I bet you've lost inches, I bet your clothes are fitting better, who cares if the scale doesn't move?
    Kim - even if the scale isn't moving as quickly as you'd like, you're back here every single week telling us about it. And that's your biggest achievement, it's the fact that you're just not giving up, so big pat on the back!
    Mandie - congrats on breaking the plateau! Still waiting for the big news :-)

    I love you so much girls, let's keep kicking butt!
    Joni :flowerforyou:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Some big losses this week - great job girls! :flowerforyou:

  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Joni, I know it's hard, but I don't think Matt lied to you...he's lying to himself. Ivan has had some serious trauma in his childhood to. His Monther abused him and his sisters mentaly and abused him sexualy (his sister told me 'cause Ivan does not want to talk about it). He also had a very bad Father figure and what he learned growing up was to not show emotions and to not be stable with any one. Ivan and I broke up a few time before the wedding because he got scared of the commitment and if I did not fight hard for him to come back, he would still be doing the same thing over and over again...3 months here, 10 months there, but nothing serious. I was fighting realy hard for him to come back and for him to stay at times. This last fight was the worst we've ever had and I'm, learning so much more about him (we've been together for 8 years and I still don't know him) and the only reason he is not gone for good, is because we are married, otherwise he would be so far away. I am trying to help him because no one can live like his is and no one should live with the horrible past as a burden. But I chose to live like thins and help Ivan, 'cause I love him to much and I know that deep down inside him is a great guy just waiting to be saved.

    Matt is hurting and he saw commitment with you and it scared him. This new girlfriend of his is not forever and he will do the same thing over and over again and he will never be truly happy with his life. To be happy for him right now is good, but be more happy with yourself. Think of all that you have accomplished in the past and be proud of that. walk straight and your head held high and one day soon, you'll find thins perfect man. The one that God wants you to have.

    Be happy with you first...that's what I've learn in this past month. Then everything else will just fall into place, where they are suppose to fall. It hurst and I know it does and you have every right in this world to be hurting, but don't hurt to long. Get back up and go kick some serious butt, smile and love yourself!

    we'll get threw this together!

  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    This is the best group ever! I am seriously not even joking. I have been a part of so many groups...on here and on FB and this group is so far the absolute best. I mean to the point where I would love to personally meet each one of you and have a girls pow-wow. You all are awesome and supportive and encouraging and inspiring and motivating...Love to love yall! Lets bust through all our setbacks and discouragements and lets be encouraged by one anothers testimonies...We are doing great things...losing weight is a journey and we all are embracing that journey every step of the way and we will be better people from it! Lets make this week count everyone...we may be at the end of the week, but we can make mad strides!
    Love yall!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Joni, I know it's hard, but I don't think Matt lied to you...he's lying to himself. Ivan has had some serious trauma in his childhood to. His Monther abused him and his sisters mentaly and abused him sexualy (his sister told me 'cause Ivan does not want to talk about it). He also had a very bad Father figure and what he learned growing up was to not show emotions and to not be stable with any one. Ivan and I broke up a few time before the wedding because he got scared of the commitment and if I did not fight hard for him to come back, he would still be doing the same thing over and over again...3 months here, 10 months there, but nothing serious. I was fighting realy hard for him to come back and for him to stay at times. This last fight was the worst we've ever had and I'm, learning so much more about him (we've been together for 8 years and I still don't know him) and the only reason he is not gone for good, is because we are married, otherwise he would be so far away. I am trying to help him because no one can live like his is and no one should live with the horrible past as a burden. But I chose to live like thins and help Ivan, 'cause I love him to much and I know that deep down inside him is a great guy just waiting to be saved.

    Matt is hurting and he saw commitment with you and it scared him. This new girlfriend of his is not forever and he will do the same thing over and over again and he will never be truly happy with his life. To be happy for him right now is good, but be more happy with yourself. Think of all that you have accomplished in the past and be proud of that. walk straight and your head held high and one day soon, you'll find thins perfect man. The one that God wants you to have.

    Be happy with you first...that's what I've learn in this past month. Then everything else will just fall into place, where they are suppose to fall. It hurst and I know it does and you have every right in this world to be hurting, but don't hurt to long. Get back up and go kick some serious butt, smile and love yourself!

    we'll get threw this together!


    Very well said Celine, I agree with everything that you said.

    Joni - I am sorry Matt is being an idiot, but in his defense at least he was outright telling you instead of letting you run into them at a bar or something. I know you are hurting but things will get better - I promise :happy: And if you need me to hop on a plan to help come and kick his *kitten* with the other girls just say the word and I will be there :bigsmile: Ok I may be getting a little too excited about kicking his butt :wink: I am always here for you no matter what, anytime - remember that. :flowerforyou:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Celine, such wise words and I totally agree. Thanks hun! Kendra, yep you're totally right, even though doing it via e-mail wasn't great at least he was upfront so I could hear it from him and not via friends (as we still have a few friends in common).

    Now that the initial shock is over I'm actually really fine with it. And no need to go and kick his butt, I've got no more time to waste on that man - on the bright side it has kicked MY butt back into gear!!

    God I love this tread. Anyone else got a boy trouble to share? :tongue:
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Great job ladies on weigh-in this week! Joni, I'm so glad that, despite everything that has happened, you are able to see the good that has come out of your break-up. If you ever need help kicking butt, I'll be there! (Also a great excuse to use my recently acquired passport =D) No boy stories on my end, sorry =P
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Yeah sorry no boy stories here either, been in this relationship for 12 years so unless something happens tomorrow I got nothing to share :happy:
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    I have a couple of boy stories, but not wanting to share because I can write a book on it and an entire mini-series about the both of them (my ex-husband 1st daughter's father and my ex-boyfriend 2nd daughter's father). Also it would reflect on how stupid I was for far TOO long! So hmmm....I'll pass. Maybe I will share if we all every get together one day... :-D