The Kickin' Christmas Crew! [Closed]



  • PercyPig
    Thinking of you Kendra! :happy:
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Thinking of you Kendra! :happy:

    Aww Joni - You are so sweet :flowerforyou:
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Hey everyone so I updated you that I jumped off the wagon a little while ago. But now I have to tell you that I had a small lose in measurments and my weight stayed the same! yhea! the dammage in not as bad as I thought. :-D my weight is still 155lbs.
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    That is awesome! I haven't gotten on the scale this week. TOM is in town (ugh)...but I started 30 Day Shred on Tuesday, so I may try my luck next week...even though I haven't made the best choices with my sweets intake...darn TOM. Its the only time I crave stuff I shouldnt be having.
  • PercyPig
    Ha, finally I got a moment to breathe and catch up on everything! Here's the chart for the past two weeks, hope I didn't forget anyone!


    I'm quite happy with my eating this week, even though I went on a business trip and didn't have my usual routines and foods I was able to make mostly good choices. As I couldn't go to the gym I ended up doing squats and sit-ups of all sorts in my hotel room on Wednesday night, you should have seen me! :smile:

    I'm starting to see a trend in my weight loss: I seem to be able to lose weight one week in the month and struggle to maintain the other 3 weeks, I'm not sure why this is. I am however becoming leaner and more toned as I keep up the regular exercise. Now I just need to try and find a way to lose weight say 2 weeks in the month and maintain the rest and then I might maybe slowly get to my goal!
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Hi Joni,
    Glad to see you can breathe a little and that you staid determind to excersise even by just doing it in your hotel room...that's great!!!

    I just notice that your chart indicate that my goal for Dec 25th is to be at 160...not sure that's good since I started at 266.5 and was thinking of losing 25lbs...losing 100lbs before Christmas is absolutly imposible LOL. My goal for Christmas is to be at 241.5

    Here's some updates on my "heart" health...
    My husband wanted to get a new car (since the car I make him use is soo old, we're never sure he'll get to work on 4 wheels or by foot) so we went and got him a car (had to co-sign since we're already co-signed on my car) we picked it up last night and it's great. My daughter loves it and thinks it looks like a mustang (it's a Dodge Avenger RT/AWD 2008, black) so anyway, he drives me to work this morning in the new car and we ussualy park in front of my work to waste time a bit so this morning he was playing with his new stereo system. when he was done I lean forward to kiss him and stopped half way to see if he's going to go the other half. He did and he kissed me, BUT I didn' lips did NOT move. All I wanted was to be connected and feel his energy, warmth, skin...just for a moment then kiss him. So he moved right away and told me to get the f**k out of the car. If I'm just going to sit there and not move, he wants me out of the car... What a HUGE mistake that was. I don't know why my body did not kiss him back... What the heck is wrong with me?
  • PercyPig
    I just notice that your chart indicate that my goal for Dec 25th is to be at 160...not sure that's good since I started at 266.5 and was thinking of losing 25lbs...losing 100lbs before Christmas is absolutly imposible LOL. My goal for Christmas is to be at 241.5
    Sorry not sure what went wrong there, have amended it for next week!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Those charts are looking great! Great job Joni. I'm on TOM this week, but it didnt stop me from starting Jillians 30DS on Tuesday. Today is Day 4 and let me just say this women in kicking my butt. I haven't made the best food choices this week, so I am just not sure what the scale will say on Monday. I always make poor decisions when TOM is in town, ugh! I start Level 2 on 30DS on Tuesday, its so amazing how we all can keep going when our bodies are so sore! I hope everyone has a great weekend. Can I just say I am tired, my kids have been running me ragged. :-/
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Morning my lovelies! Weighed in at 168.9 this morning, however I did see 166.7 on the scale on Friday so I know it's within reach again. I had such a lovely weekend, we had a mini heatwave here in London which absolutely crazy for October! Spent the past two days in the park in t-shirt and shorts to take advantage of the weather - gorgeous! Hope you all have a lovely week!!

    Joni :flowerforyou:
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Hey Joni just wanted to say thanks for making the chart. !!!! We love it. Hoping to see a change in the scale this week if I have the nerve to get on ;-)
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Weighed in yesterday morning and I was not at all impressed with the number it gave me so I am skipping this week and hopefully next Sunday things will be much better.
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Hi Everyone, hope you enjoyed your weekend. :wink: I will weigh in tomorrow...and let you know the results...
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I just got back to work today after my week off at the respite apartment, so I will weigh in tomorrow morning if that's okay. It probably went up a bit but I am FINALLY going to buckle down and lose the last few lbs. I'm sick of wanting it but not working for it! I need to put some actions behind my words, am I right? haha :laugh: (still crossing my fingers though that I will be at least under 155)
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    I weighed in at 183.6 this morning...but I saw 183.2 earlier, so I'm hoping next week is a bigger loss. Good luck to everyone who is weighing in!!!
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Hello ladies!!!

    I got on the scale this morning and I lots 1 I'm at 254 lbs....I will get there.

    I started my "Body-for-Life" program 2 days ahead of schedule and this morning was suppose to be day 3 with a leg and core zone workout, but had to go to the doctors and ran out of bus I walk all the way to the bus I have a pass for, so that was 1 hour and 15 minutes I'll skip the cardio of tomorrow and do my gym. I think i'm on the right path to success...I so want to succeed. I'm tired of killing myself and my mariage...I need to be happy again for my husband to realize that he does love me.

    He tells me he loves me when I tell him that I love him, but he's still so insecure of who he is and what he wants...he does know that he wants what I was 1 year ago... I think it's not to much to ask...just be happy.
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    1 pound down is what the scale said this morning... (tonight is Day 8 of 30DS - L1) I gotta get my behind in the gym, haven't been since I started 30DS. Need to get on that treadmill...may tomorrow night...Hope everyone else is doing great... these 1 pound losses are crazy...either I stay the same or lose a pound or 1/2 a sure would be nice to get on the scale and see like 2 or 3 pounds loss...I would do the SUPERHAPPY dance, but for now I better take what I can get!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    154.4 this morning but I really can't complain because I haven't been doing anything lately...I have a LONG story to tell you lovely ladies later when I get a bit more time, but basically my life will be A LOT different a month from now and I should be able to get BACK ON TRACK for good then :smile:
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    154.4 this morning but I really can't complain because I haven't been doing anything lately...I have a LONG story to tell you lovely ladies later when I get a bit more time, but basically my life will be A LOT different a month from now and I should be able to get BACK ON TRACK for good then :smile:

    Oh super excited to hear what is up - can't wait :happy:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Great job guys with the weight loss...

    Mandie, I can't wait to read your story!!!