The Kickin' Christmas Crew! [Closed]



  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I saw a pretty number on the scale yesterday...and a not so pretty one today =( I'm off to Southern California for a wedding tomorrow, so hopefully I won't get too off track, since I can't really exercise while I'm there. I asked the bride for the menu ahead of time and logged it in to the best of my ability, but will adjust when I get back. I won't be on MFP until I return (I leave Sat morning and come back Sunday night), so I hope you ladies have a wonderful weekend!

    I wouldn't get too excited over one day, you could just be retaining water. Sounds like you are going to have a fabulous weekend - Enjoy!!!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Happy Sunday Morning All - it is going to be a wonderful day today. Supposed to get to 31 degrees today and i can't wait, heading to the beach for probably the last time this summer with a friend and I can't wait.

    Weighed in this morning at 167.2 :bigsmile: looks like maybe I am back on track.

    Hope everyone has an awesome Sunday!!!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    :frown: I was 153.6 this morning. Ugh. So frustrating.
  • sreimer07
    sreimer07 Posts: 154 Member
    After going away for the weekend, I actually weighed the same as i have been at 227 this morning. not to Mention TOM arrived :(
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Hi Joni,

    I think you can take me out of this crew...I will not be any support for anyone and I will be loosing weight the wrong for the next month or 2...

  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Hi Celine - I don't think we should take you out of the crew, I think you should stick around. Yes you are going to have a rough time and that is when you will need us more than ever before. We are here to provide you with lots of support and whatever else you may need. You should stick around - we love having you here :flowerforyou:
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Yes Celine, Now is not the time to leave the crew...we need to support each other when the scale goes up, stays the same...just as much as we celebrate and support one another when the scale goes down. This is not just a weightloss support crew, we are here to support one another through all the ups and downs...that is the great thing about MFP. Now you keep your head up and lets keep it movin.

    Joni, I am now 212, one pound down... looks like I am going to be
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    I definitely agree that you need to stay Celine, don't give up! And we are definitely here to support and encourage and help you in whatever way we can =D Just let us know what you need.

    I weighed in at 186.0 this morning...I told myself that .2 is not a bad loss while bloated.
  • PercyPig
    I agree with the other girls, Celine, please stay with us. You don't have to weigh in, you don't have to complete your diary if you don't feel like it, we don't care and we won't judge you. But come and see us and have a chat/rant, whether it's to say you spent your entire day crying and eating crap food or that you're feeling a bit better after going for a run, we will listen to everything and encourage you as you go along.
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    OMG thank you so much for this girls... I did spent my whole day crying and I did not eat (just can't keep it in). I am so tired since I have not slept last night and I still can't sleep... The worst is that I DO LOVE my hausband and wish that he would just wake up of the depress momment he's facing. We are 36 years old and we still rent because we don't have money to buy a house and the bank don't want us. To make matters worst, he hate's the apartment I chose 3 years ago and he hates that we are in the Province of Quebec and not in Daughter's dad is very anal and refused to register her to a school near wear I use to be, so I had to move close to her school and she still has 2 more years to go. I don't like my place and I too hate the fact that we are in Quebec, but I have to suck it up and deal with it for my daughters sanity. We also love to travel and spend money on some stuff for us, so we have a hard time saving money for bad days, so we live paycheck to paycheck and it is very hard... I feel his pain, but I would never tell him the things he said last night. My thought was: we might be miserable, but at least we have eachother. I hope that he had time to think during the day and that he will come home saying that he made a mistake last night...
  • PercyPig

    And a special mention for :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Celine :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: because she needs all the courage and support we can give her right now.

    I really do hope he turns around and realises his mistake, Celine. Life is tough enough as it is. It sounds like you have made a lot sacrifices for your daughter and that you are really trying to make things work. I'm sending much love your way :heart:
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Celine, I do know what your facing...I went through this oh so many years ago with my ex-husband and I lost weight the wrong way from not eating, crying and locking myself off from the world...a few friends really encircled me, one of them supported me by taking my daughter most days (so she wouldnt have to deal with the situation or see mommy like that) and the other came over and opened my windows and blinds and just talked me out of my depression, got me up and out of the house for fresh air... and I truly believe my mother and grandmother were praying for me behind the scenes, which brought me out of wallowing in my own self pity. I needed to recognize that it was him and not me with the problem. I want you to know that you were in my prayers last night for your situation to turn itself around and for you husband to recognize the jewel you are and that alone you can't do what you can do together. You need each other more now than ever and I pray that all things work out for you. Know that you have all of us that are encouraging you in your marriage and hoping and praying for everything to work out. TONS OF VIRTUAL HUGS COMING AT YOU!
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Thank you so much for those kind words Ali. You are one great friend...well all of you are. I guess those prayers were answered because my husband was different last night. He was talking to me and he did come to bed with me and not stayed on the sofa. We did have a discution this morning and he did say that he was not going to give up on me. I do have a problem ever since I had my first miscaridge 5 years ago...I was at 18 weeks and I really hated the world after. I am a very mean person towards the ones I love and I do not like what I see in the mirror. I have to fix my head then fix my body then I will be okay. He did say that he does love me, just not the way I am right now. He does accept me even if I'm fat, but I have to stop complaining about my weight. so I have 2 choice, 1) stop complaining about my weight and accept me for who I am and love myself and he will love me or 2) stop complaining about my weight, go to the gym, do something about it, lose the weight and he will love I guess I have to stop saying stuff like "I'm fat", "I need to loose weight" and sitting on the sofa eating chips when I'm bored and ready my books (the ones that I've read 2 times already...I just can't help it, I love Twilight) He want's me to either go to the gym and love myself or just love myself and stop the bikering I do about me being fat. I guess I'll be in pain next week.... I know what i need to do and I just don't do it, so I have to do it now.

    I love you guys! You are great friends to me and wish you were alot closer to me .
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    You just made me smile :-D:happy: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    yay!!!! :happy: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • PercyPig
    Awwwwww so glad to hear that Celine! :flowerforyou:
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Awww that is fabulous, I am so happy that you guys talked things through :flowerforyou:
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Helloooo ladies! As I get ready to start my crazy, fun-filed, jam-packed weekend, I wanted to check in with you all and see what fun other people are up to. Anyone have something awesome planned? I'm going to a baby party for my "niece" in Sacramento this morning and a concert down the Peninsula later tonight, so I have a lot of driving ahead of me. Tomorrow is church and my friend's baby shower, and then possibly volleyball at night...I just got a little tired reading all of that, haha. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :happy:
  • PercyPig
    Hello everyone! Had a pretty great weekend catching up with friends and doing a bit of cheeky shopping. Losing weight costs money though - I used to go into a shop, pick out 5 items, try them on and if I was lucky one would fit and look good but most of the time none would. Now I pick up 5 items and all 5 look good, very expensive :laugh:

    Bit of a disappointing number today (169) but to be fair I went way over calories at the weekend and didn't go for a run so only have myself to blame.
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Down a little bit more again this week, weigh in for today is 166.6 - things are starting to look up again :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday :flowerforyou: