The Kickin' Christmas Crew! [Closed]



  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    I had a great weekend. My husband is now talking to me, I still feel that he's a bit cold to me, but he's there and he is touching me now... I sent him to play golf on Saturday and Sunday so that I could have two days to clean my head...and my house. Now my bathroom and bedroom looks like a museum, but thats good! We rented movies on Saturday night and sunday night and I cooked us a "remake" of our anniversay dinner that I wanted last week. I bought myself flowers and also made his favorite dessert, apple crumble. We had wine and great food and things are somewhat back to normal.

    This morning, I get to work and go to the gym to weigh myslef...I lost 4.5 lbs!!!! I'm reading a book writing by a guy with phicologi back ground and fitness expert and it's realy helping y head and cleaning all weekend instead of watching TV, did help my head too. I feeling much better than last week and so far, the big "D" is not yet. I'm making small goals with specific dates to achive and those goals are stuff to do with my zip lining (I need to fit in the harness) and parachuting (I am over the weight limit). One step at a time and one day at a time, but today, I'm good!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    I am so excited! I am so so excited how prayer works! Yeah! We are all happy that things are beginning to work out for you and woot woot, congrats on that 4.5 pound lost...I would love to have a lost like that :-/ I've been working out like crazy, especially on the weekend.
    last weigh in 212
    today's weigh in 211
    (I dropped another 1 pound) I suppose if I don't get another 2-3pound loss I will be 1 pounding my way to ONE-DER-LAND...
    Let's keep up the momentum everyone!
    I just love Kickin'ChristmasCrew! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I am back at 153.0
    BLARG!!!! haha :laugh: I think my body has officially found it's "happy weight" because no matter how much I eat (alot or a little) or exercise I can't lose or gain from this range of 152-155!!!
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Awww Celine I'm so happy for you! Also jealous of the 4.5 lb loss this week, I wish my body would drop that much. I weighed in at 185.0 this week, 1 lb down from last week =D
  • sreimer07
    sreimer07 Posts: 154 Member
    i weighted in at 227.8 this morning. I'm not going to stress over it cause i know i'll lose it :)
  • PercyPig
    Sorry girls crazy week at work, not sure I'll get a chance to put the chart up! Congrats on all your losses though!! x
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Celine - I am so happy for you and very glad that things are slowly turning around for you, that is so awesome :flowerforyou:

    Congrats to everyone on their losses this week, even if it is only a small amount (like mine lol) that is always much better than gaining anything and besides every little bit counts.

    Mandie - I think you are doing great although it does sound like your body may be trying to tell you something LOL, either way you are fabulous!!!

    Joni you are doing such a fabulous job, I don't think one week is going to hurt any of us. I hope with your busy work week that your week flies by :flowerforyou:
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Hi ladies :-) It sounds like you're all doing great! I jumped off the wagon agien. But I'm back on. I did okay today. I'm not going to weigh in for a while because every time I do I feel like its not good enough. I know its redicoulas. I just can't get my head around the weight.
  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    Omg I'm so useless girls! Sorry I haven't been on here for a while. Kind of got stuck doing nothing but eating. Starting the 30DS today so hopefully the weight will fly off.

    Working at a riding stables 2 days a week so that should help too!

    It's great to see you're all doing do well! X
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    I feel like ****. I feel that even if I do everything in my power to lose weight fast, or even just lose weight, he's leaving anyway. It's like he's waiting for me to tell him to leave. It feel's like living with a room mate. I feel like even if I make myself some goal of fitting in the harnest to go ziplining with that time he will be gone.

    I think he is cheating on me. I saw a text message on his phone (the name was a guys name from work...I never heard of him), but it said "I can't feek the phone", "where are you?" , "Here's the best divorce letter ever...with one of a joke divorce email" and his reply was "ha ha ha good one" and the next text was "I wish it was that easy".... I feel like dying right now, but then I think of my daughter and then I think of killing him or just cutting his d**k...
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Celine that doesnt mean he's cheating on you. It just means that he may want a divorce. You need to talk to him find out whats bothering him and you, see if you can workout your problems and go from there. If you both do what you both feel is right then that will also be what is right for your daughter. We all hope things get better. Keep us up to date.
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Weigh in today is 167.6 back up one pound - again :p
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Weigh-in this morning and the scale says 255 lb
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    My weekend was strange. Ivan came back home at 2 am on Friday night (well Saturday morning), missed the apple picking with the family Saturday AM. Went to test drive a car in the afternoon with him and after the appointment, he was back into the old Ivan I knew...holding my hand, talking to me, kissing me, touching me... by 7PM, just before dinner with some friends (for a friends birthday), he was back at hating me again...even my friends looked at me and were like "what the heck????". Sunday morning, went groceries shopping, came back home to put the food away and I started laundry and cleaning before leaving to go to my parents for dinner...after awhile, I sat on the sofa and wanted to rest a little, so I put my head on his lap and he was all weird and did not know what to do with his arm without touching I just got back up and sat straight. At my parents, he was "cold" to me, but respectful, still not touching During the night (since I was not able to sleep) I decided that he was not allowed to touch me during his sleep and just kept pushing him off. This morning when he drove me to work, I just got out of the car without a word and left. I am just so upset right now, it's not even funny...
  • sreimer07
    sreimer07 Posts: 154 Member
    Weight this morning was 225 :)
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Guess how much I weighed this morning?!?!
    YEP YEP! You guessed it. Still 153. :yawn:
    I'm officially stuck.
  • PercyPig
    Ugh, girls I am so sorry - things are still crazy at work and I have to go to Paris for two days now so I very much doubt I will be able to post the chart again this week - so so sorry! Promise stuff will get back to normal next week. Forgot to weigh in yesterday but had a peek today and am at 170. Not happy with that of course but haven't been able to go to the gym as much and have been eating out with clients all week so can't really say I'm surprised. One more week and things will go back to normal...

    Celine - I haven't been able to encourage you as much as I want, I often think about you though and really hope you and your man sort things out. It sounds like he doesn't really know what he wants and I hope you're able to push him into communicating a bit more.

    Mandie - sounds like you're in plateau-land! Maybe your body is just happy with that number? I understand your frustration though and really hope the scale will start moving soon.

    Joni :flowerforyou:
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Hi everyone!
    Well, I am pushing him to his limits, that's for sure. I need him to be able to talk. I know he's got dark demons inside (so do I), and I know what question to ask to push his buttons back to anger. 300% sure that something happened to him as a child with his Mother, but that's not my job to investigate...that's for him to realize and seek I'm doing for myself.

    I found out last night that the girl living next to me goes every week to motivational seminar and she wants me to go with her...I said YES of course and maybe this will be the begining of a new friendship! Last time I spoke with her, she was so good and positive (just like you guys!) and I need friends like that in my life...enough with the negative from the bus ride home and the negative from work and everything else...I need positive.

    I'm also halfway in my "life" book and this guy is great. I can realy connect with what he says and when I'm done reading, I'm starting the 12 week fitness program he has (Body-for-Life)

    Had a "great" conversation with Ivan this morning on our way to work...I still don't understand everything he is saying, but it sounds like he's realy upset with me, but not going I guess that's a good thing...upset is good sometimes.

    Thanks to everyone of you for your kind words and encouraging words. I needed you more than I thought afterall.

  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Celine - you and your husband are definitely in my prayers, and I'm glad that you guys are at least attempting to communicate <3

    Joni - Good luck and have fun in Paris! =D

    Mandie - Have you tried upping your calories for a few days? I always find that helps. But I'm still jealous of the number you're stuck at =P

    I weighed in at 184.2 this morning....and I have my bridesmaid dress fitting this afternoon. I think I need to readjust my mini goals =(
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Hey all!!!

    Celine - I am very happy that you guys are trying to work things out and attemtping to communicate, be patient.

    Joni - Paris???? I wanna go!!! That is awesome, I am assuming work related? Hope you have a wonderful time and think of me while you are there :flowerforyou:

    Mandie - It sounds like you body has made a decision and just never informed you!! :happy:

    Hope you are all doing great and have a wonderful week!!!