The Kickin' Christmas Crew! [Closed]



  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    Thanks Percypig and kendradl. It sucks so bad! I'm trying so hard and getting nowhere! It is so depressing so its nice working out as I'm not sitting on my fat bum all day lol

    Hope everyone had a good day :)
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I am currently sitting on my BUTT because one of my lovely "daughters" is on house arrest for 3 weeks. Cool, eh? Not. That means I get to sit at home with her while my husband takes the other girls shopping, out to eat, to youth group, church, etc. Yep, it kinda sucks but at least I have time to do my homework, right? haha I am REALLY hoping that I can post a decent weigh-in on Monday for this challenge! I have been drinking water like crazy to flush all the sodium I had last week so we'll see. Sorry that i'm not on much to interact with you, but if you ever have a minute drop me a note on my profile & i'll get back to you as quick as I can...I really do want to get to know each of you!

    HAVE A MARVELOUS WEEKEND...get out of the house for me, mmk? :)
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Hey Ladies. I just found a great show to watch if you want. Hot in Cleveland. Its hilariously funny!
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Hey everyone!! Sorry I've been AWOL the past few days, I'm finally home from Southern California, where I spent the last two days park hopping between Disneyland and CA Adventure...wayyyy too many miles and hours of walking (my exercise log is probably way lower than it should be). I feel really excited to be back, but a little scared for Monday's weigh-in, since I feel like I'm forgetting to log in food that I ate at Disney. Anyways, I have to be up super early on Monday (need to be at work by 7:30), so tomorrow is my one day of rest from all the crazy running around and driving everywhere...hope everyone's Sundays are awesome!!! (It's currently 12:10am Sunday here)

    p.s. hey percypig, the link you posted wouldn't go, can you repost it? thanks!
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Hey everyone!

    Sorry Mandie, don't want to brag since you're on house arrest but my weekend very unexpectedly turned out to be so cool! Ok so on Friday I had this date thing, guy was really cute and he said I looked hot (yay)... He's a bit too young for me though so it won't go anywhere but hey, it's nice to feel wanted. Grabbed some lunch with a friend on Saturday, walked down the Thames and stopped at a photography exhibition, I felt so grown up! Then a friend called to ask whether I wanted to spend Sunday going out on a rib with him to watch the start of a sailing race. I hadn't been on the water for a long time and had so much fun! I didn't make great food choices today but what the heck, it's one day in 3 weeks and it's been a while since I felt this happy. Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

    Crikee - try removing the dot from the end of the link, that should do the trick.
  • erikasev
    Hi Everyone!

    I just found the thread! So late. Anyway, I'm really excited for this group, so please, add me! :) I just finished upo spending an awesome summer in St. Louis and am heading back to school this fall in Des Molines. School is where I gain all my weight -- hoping this will keep me more accountable (less drinking, more running I hope!) Anyway, are we checking in Mondays?

    HW 225.3
    SW 209
    CW 203
    GW (12/25)170
    UGW (Ultimate Goal) 150 by next summer!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Hi all - hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, I had a very busy one and am glad that I am getting in some relax time now before heading off to bed.

    Joni - I am so glad that everything is back to normal there and that you had a fabulous weekend. It is so nice to see you happy again =)

    Alyshe - Love that show, one of the best out there and Betty White is fabulous.

    Mandie - Sorry about the house arrest, that kinda sucks but like you said you can get your homework done this way =)

    crikee - Hello, your adventure sounds wonderful. I heading down there in january and can't wait, it will be my first time. Will send you a friend request.

    Erikasev - Hi, glad you managed to find us. I would think school would be extra hard trying to eat right and everything. We will be here for support when you need it. Will send you a friend request as well.

    Hope you all have a great evening!!
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Happy Monday everyone! Not happy with the results today, scale didn't move unfortunately, although as I haven't been able to exercise as I wanted this week and didn't eat super clean yesterday I guess it's not totally unexpected. I did see the number I want (healthy BMI!) on the scale on Saturday but it didn't stick. Oh well, I will get it next week! Because this time, I am not going to let myself discouraged! This time I am going to reach my goal weight!

    08/08: 167.6
    15/08: 167.6
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Happy Monday everyone! Not happy with the results today, scale didn't move unfortunately, although as I haven't been able to exercise as I wanted this week and didn't eat super clean yesterday I guess it's not totally unexpected. I did see the number I want (healthy BMI!) on the scale on Saturday but it didn't stick. Oh well, I will get it next week! Because this time, I am not going to let myself discouraged! This time I am going to reach my goal weight!

    08/08: 167.6
    15/08: 167.6
    Oh, and I forgot to say that I did lose body fat % so that does make up for the number on the scale!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    THANKS to ALL of you and your support this past week did NOT defeat me!!!

    08/08: 176.7

    08/15: 173.7 = down 3 for this week!

    Hope everyone has a super day and week to come!!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    THANKS to ALL of you and your support this past week did NOT defeat me!!!

    08/08: 176.7

    08/15: 173.7 = down 3 for this week!

    Hope everyone has a super day and week to come!!
    AWESOME JOB!!! 3 lbs in a week is amazing :flowerforyou:

    I was alright with my weigh-in today. Could have been better/could have been worse :ohwell: haha
    8/8: 157
    8/15: 155.6 --> loss of 1.4lbs
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Hey Joni at least you stayed the same, it is better than going up :smile:

    Congrats MamaDee and Mandie, you both did awesome this week :flowerforyou:

    Small loss for me this week but it is better than nothing, but it could have been so much better - oh well!!

    08/08 - 168.2
    08/15 - 168
  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    Wow! It looks like you all are doing pretty well. My mom (who also battles her weight) always used to say, "if you lost 2 pounds, that makes you 4 pounds ahead of the game because you're going in the right direction and didn't gain 2".

    My week was pretty much a wash. I gained .2, but I'm an optimist and thinking it's water. :wink: I had two lemon drops over the weekend and I usually don't drink so I'm sticking with that.

    Happy Monday everyone. Hope you all have a great week and stay focused on your goals.

  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Hey sorry I haven't been able to catch up! Weekends are always SUPER hard for me to do much of anything! I will try and be better this week!! :smile: Here are my numbers:

    8/8: 161.8
    8/15: 160.4

    goal for next week is to be 159.0. I'm REALLY going to try and make it to the gym 4 times this week (only made 3 last week) Log better and drink plenty of water!
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Weighed my self yesterday and I lost about a pound. But I lost an inch around the waist! :bigsmile: I'm so glad we're doing this because this weekend was not the best and I dont feel like doing anything but I'm going to. :-P. I hope today gets better.

    Joni glad you had a great time !!! Thats awesome :-D

    p.s. I said I was going to say more about me. well here it is... Im 26 years old a stay at home mom married and live in Vancouver Wa. if you want to know more check out my profile. Have good day ladies.
  • crikee15
    crikee15 Posts: 155 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm so glad for you guys, losing lbs and inches this week! But...I'm a little discouraged after weighing in this morning, I "gained" about 4 pounds...but I'm hoping and praying that it's either muscle or water weight and bloating (my monthly friend is visiting) because that seems like a lot to gain in less than 2 weeks? On the upside, my legs and arms are smaller (didn't do exact measurements, but I can see more muscle tone and pants & sleeves are fitting better). The school year also started today, so I had to leave for work at 6:40am this morning =( It was an exhausting day trying to fix all of the students' schedules on my caseload, but I'm about to go for a walk and de-stress.

    8/08: 186.2
    8/15: 190.1

    Want to get down to 188.5 next week!!
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Morning ladies!

    !!!!!! I'm still waiting for weigh-in info from erikasev, paulajfranco, alibreasy, sreimer07, Celine and jamadler2 !!!!!! Please can you add your info by the end of the day and I'll post our chart tomorrow morning, if I manage to figure out how to :smile:

    Had a great exercise day yesterday, did kettlebells in the morning and went to boxing class at lunchtime. I actually felt quite sore this morning so had a lie-in! Will go to total body conditioning class at lunchtime though! I feel so much better in my skin for doing classes which mix up strength + cardio rather than just cardio. My skin is definitely more toned and I swear to god I saw a beginning of muscle appearing in my arm this morning!

    Crikee, don't be discouraged, hang in there and your efforts will pay off! I haven't seen the scale moving this last week either but I am so much more comfortable in my clothes so we must be doing something right.

    Congrats to everyone for checking in so far, whether you've had a loss or not, we're still on this website and exercising and eating well which is much better than slouching on the couch in front of the TV with seven bags of crisps!

    Have a great Tuesday!
    Joni :flowerforyou:
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Morning ladies!

    !!!!!! I'm still waiting for weigh-in info from erikasev, paulajfranco, alibreasy, sreimer07, Celine and jamadler2 !!!!!! Please can you add your info by the end of the day and I'll post our chart tomorrow morning, if I manage to figure out how to :smile:

    Had a great exercise day yesterday, did kettlebells in the morning and went to boxing class at lunchtime. I actually felt quite sore this morning so had a lie-in! Will go to total body conditioning class at lunchtime though! I feel so much better in my skin for doing classes which mix up strength + cardio rather than just cardio. My skin is definitely more toned and I swear to god I saw a beginning of muscle appearing in my arm this morning!

    Crikee, don't be discouraged, hang in there and your efforts will pay off! I haven't seen the scale moving this last week either but I am so much more comfortable in my clothes so we must be doing something right.

    Congrats to everyone for checking in so far, whether you've had a loss or not, we're still on this website and exercising and eating well which is much better than slouching on the couch in front of the TV with seven bags of crisps!

    Have a great Tuesday!
    Joni :flowerforyou:

    Amen sister! We are here for encouragement and are here for each other in loss or gain!
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Sorry for the delay.... my bad.
    August 8: 266.5 lbs
    August 15: 264 lbs
    So I manage to lose 2.5 lbs in one week. Now I see that I have to do extrem exercise for me to lose weight, cause I never was able to lose 2.5 lbs ever before...even when I was biking home from work every day (and that's a 10 mile bike ride).

    I have an uneventful weekend. My husband played golf with his buddies and my daughter and I spent Saturday at my parents house. Sunday we did pretty much NOTHING.

    Exercise is pretty tricky this week since I have a hour long bus ride to go get my daughter from my parents home, then when I get home, it's time for showers, lunch fixing and bed time. So I realy trying to be careful with my food and next week, when I'll be on vacation, I'll go for my hour long walks at the campground.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • sreimer07
    sreimer07 Posts: 154 Member
    Sorry for the delay yesterday was crazy!!

    My weight is 230.8, I haven't lost any, but then again is is TOM. So we shall see in a few days!