30 Day Shred Group- August (Part 2)



  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    I am starting day 1 of level 2 today. Looking forward to it. I have been doing 6wk to a 6pk as well and that kills me too
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    L3D8 complete: Did we lose some people on this thread?

    I actually feel like I got a good workout in today..... I can now get through the workout without stopping except for the sumo jumps (they really hurt my knees) but I work through them. I hope I have build up some of my stamina because I want to do the C25K. I will also work on some of the strength from the video a few days a week. Then after C25K I am going to do the 30 DS again and try not to do any of the modified ways...... So far this is my plan.:wink:

    Didn't lose me. I just haven't done the 30DS since Monday =P... Knee's been bothering me and I wanted to take it easy for a few days, so I didn't have to start my physical therapy for my knee all over again. BUT I am determined to finish the 30DS within the 30 days =) So....

    Today's Game Plan: L3D2, L3D3, L3D4....
    Monday's Game Plan: L3D5, L3D6, L3D7....
    Tuesday's Game Plan: L3D8, L3D9, L3D10...
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    i did Day 2 of level 3 today, i'm a day or two behind. struggling to finish this last week of it lol.
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    L3D7 done today. I am so proud of myself, for going to an ammuesment park...being really tired and pushing myself to shred it :0)
    well it felt GREAT!!!!! i'm so bummed though, cause i cut my palm and knuckle with a glass bottle during the weekend (accidently of course, i'm a clumpsy Scorpio) anywho and i cant do one of my fave circuits. the planks with the arm weight lifts and traveling push ups. i love how it kicks my *kitten*...so i just did *rocky style* sit upsduring that part :0) 3 MORE DAYS for me.... yay!!!!!!!!!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Level 1 done for fun! :laugh:

    Just killing time until Thursday.

    ROCK ON!!! :tongue:
  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43
    One more day until 30 days in a row! I have never stuck with anything this long before, so thanks for the thread.

    I'll post final weight and measurements tomorrow, then I'm off for one more round of 30 DS before starting Ripped in 30 for October. I'm so happy to finally be motivated to exercise!
  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    Hey Team August! So proud of you that made it to the finish line! What an accomplishment!

    I have dwindled off because I have yet to go get knee braces (I was at the store Saturday night and completely forgot :( ), and because I've become a friend/co-worker's motivation partner that's just starting out, and I'm getting her to go to the gym for some cardio for now. So, I only finished L3D3 yesterday. I think I will probably take measurements anyway, just to see for myself if even doing 2/3 has made some changes. I intend to keep using the workouts during September, because I think they are good and I'm clueless when I get to the gym, but not every day until I get my knees strengthened.
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Hey Team August! So proud of you that made it to the finish line! What an accomplishment!

    I have dwindled off because I have yet to go get knee braces (I was at the store Saturday night and completely forgot :( ), and because I've become a friend/co-worker's motivation partner that's just starting out, and I'm getting her to go to the gym for some cardio for now. So, I only finished L3D3 yesterday. I think I will probably take measurements anyway, just to see for myself if even doing 2/3 has made some changes. I intend to keep using the workouts during September, because I think they are good and I'm clueless when I get to the gym, but not every day until I get my knees strengthened.

    Just finished L3D3 yesterday too, you're not alone =)
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    One more day until 30 days in a row! I have never stuck with anything this long before, so thanks for the thread.

    I'll post final weight and measurements tomorrow, then I'm off for one more round of 30 DS before starting Ripped in 30 for October. I'm so happy to finally be motivated to exercise!

    I'm there with ya!
  • lovey0707
    Can I join in? I am doing the shred as well but I have a lot of injuries (plus 2 kids, school and a house) that tend to keep me busy. I have completed 4 days and already I can see a difference (even with having to take breaks). I am also resuming my 6-10miles a week of walking. I am interested in tips for someone who has carpal tunnel, knee, back and hip problems. (yes my doc still cleared me lol long story). Any modifications are helpful.
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    L3D8 done today :0) 2 more days and im done! YAY!
  • passionteaaddict
    passionteaaddict Posts: 6 Member
    day 30 done this morning. i'm not the best at posting, but reading everyone's posts has been so motivating. thank you all of you.
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Level 2 done for fun! I'm not going to do any level tomorrow, just use the time for a long run. I'll give myself a break before re-starting the Shred on Thursday. I'm so proud of everyone who's stuck with it, who pushed through the pain and boredom. Wherever you are in your journey, be strong and KNOW that you're accomplishing something GREAT!

    Picture your ideal self and know that everyday you move and eat well, gets you one more day close to you dream bod! :flowerforyou:

    ROCK ON!!!! :tongue:
  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43
    Done! Whoohoo! Thanks for all the motivation.

    Here's my report:
    Lost 9.2 pounds and at least 4 inches (I wasn't the best at taking lots of measurements in the beginning..) but my clothes are very loose, which is pretty fun. I've had many people comment on my physical changes. I'm definitely motivated to keep going!

    As far as the video goes, I had to modify many of the moves. The jump training was really hard on my knees, especially in L3. I followed Annita or I used a previous move from the video instead. I'm glad I never gave up - despite feeling like not every move was good for my body. I pushed myself physically for the first time ever for this amount of time.

    I hope many will join the September thread!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    See you in september!
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    Well I completed L3D10 today. (I did miss 3 days and decided not to make them up) I will do some measurements tonight. I probably should have before dinner...:laugh:

    Well I wish everyone luck on September's 30 days. I am gonna have to give Jullian a rest for a while and give the C25K a shot. On off days I will do some of the things I learned from Jullian. But if it wasnt for this thread then I probably would not have done it at all. So a BIG thanks for everyone, your motivation was also my motivation and support.... :flowerforyou:

    My goal is to come back to the 30DS and be able to complete it without any modifications. For that to happen I need to work on my cardio.

    But everyone at works notices a different in my body shape and my clothes are much looser (some I cant wear anymore. I wll report back with measurements later tonight....
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Well I completed L3D10 today. (I did miss 3 days and decided not to make them up) I will do some measurements tonight. I probably should have before dinner...:laugh:

    Well I wish everyone luck on September's 30 days. I am gonna have to give Jullian a rest for a while and give the C25K a shot. On off days I will do some of the things I learned from Jullian. But if it wasnt for this thread then I probably would not have done it at all. So a BIG thanks for everyone, your motivation was also my motivation and support.... :flowerforyou:

    My goal is to come back to the 30DS and be able to complete it without any modifications. For that to happen I need to work on my cardio.

    But everyone at works notices a different in my body shape and my clothes are much looser (some I cant wear anymore. I wll report back with measurements later tonight....

    I still have 5 days to make up =/ I'm not sure if I should just let it go or not. I'm started over September 1st, so I wanted tomorrow as a rest day... yet I reallllly wanted to do all 30 days. Should I just do them between today and tomorrow?
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    L3D9 done today along with L1....had to skip L2 I hate that level!! lol glad to announce that tomorrow is my last day! Yiippeeee
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    i'm behind as well but i plan to finish it out. finished D4L3 today.
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    Well I completed L3D10 today. (I did miss 3 days and decided not to make them up) I will do some measurements tonight. I probably should have before dinner...:laugh:

    Well I wish everyone luck on September's 30 days. I am gonna have to give Jullian a rest for a while and give the C25K a shot. On off days I will do some of the things I learned from Jullian. But if it wasnt for this thread then I probably would not have done it at all. So a BIG thanks for everyone, your motivation was also my motivation and support.... :flowerforyou:

    My goal is to come back to the 30DS and be able to complete it without any modifications. For that to happen I need to work on my cardio.

    But everyone at works notices a different in my body shape and my clothes are much looser (some I cant wear anymore. I wll report back with measurements later tonight....

    I still have 5 days to make up =/ I'm not sure if I should just let it go or not. I'm started over September 1st, so I wanted tomorrow as a rest day... yet I reallllly wanted to do all 30 days. Should I just do them between today and tomorrow?

    I was going to make up the 3 days I missed but decided not too only because of my knee's really hurt from level 3 so I figured I plan on doing it again soon and will do the 30 then..... So, I say it is completely up to you but def thnk you should have a rest day before starting again