30 Day Shred Group- August (Part 2)



  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    so I took my measurements and I am pretty happy I suppose. I have lost a total of 10 1/2 inches and 6lbs. So maybe when I come back to it and do everything the right way I will loose another 10 inches...... Gotta get this waist smaller, I only lost 1 inch at the waist...
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I have TOM right now, so my weight will be a littler higher, and same with measurements from being bloated... does everyone suggest I take them now? Or wait a few days?
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Wait. I doubt a few days of doing shred will make a diff, as we have seen from the past ...

    Or, take now and in a few days too? Go with which one you like best? :laugh:
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    L3D10 DONE today along with L1 and L2 :0) Doing Level 2 again reenforced the hate i hae for Level2 lol!!
    I am sooo glad that is over with. will be checking in tomorrow morning (which is really afternoon) with measurements and weight.

    what was your least fave Level?
    fave Level?
    most hated move?
    fave move?

    mine was
    LEVEL 2
    LEVEL 3
  • AiJahya
    AiJahya Posts: 84 Member
    Didn't get all 30 days in, but we moved in the middle of August. I haven't taken after pictures yet, but I just looked at my before pictures. There's a big difference! I've also noticed that my thighs, for the first time in my life, are starting to get muscular. Overall, I think I lost about 2" on my waist, 2" on my thighs, and a half inch on my upper arms. Overall weight lost: 4lbs.

    Looking forward to doing it again in September! Just hoping I don't get bored because I can actually do it now!
  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    I'm a little behind too...I just did L3D3 this morning. But I will see it through and finish! Then when thats done I plan to alternate some 30DS with her Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD for awhile before I decide what's next!
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    to anyone who is "afraid" to try another level on the shred - this is what I do. Do the level you know you can do decently- go to the next level and just do what you can, or better yet, just watch it and see what they do. If you are motivated, try it. It can't hurt - Your body is stronger than you think- jillian points this out a lot. I have been mixing up workouts a lot including the 30 day shred with that at least 1 time a week, often 3 or more. I started last year on level one and then broke my foot and stopped altogether. Got back to working out slowly and was on level one a long time. Was excited when I did level 1 and 2 together- exhausted. And just this week I attempted level 3 by itself. VERY CHALLENGING! But if I get winded or need a tiny break, I don't beat myself up...do what you can and do a bit more each day. also do a variety of things. I don't advise to just to the shred everyday. Seems like a lot of people here do. I like to also do other challenging videos, go to the gym, walk/run outside when possible, swim. whatever- get creative and stay motivated. Hope this is of any help. I am no expert and not even near my goal- just really motivated because I am finally seeing results that I have been working for years to get and something is obviously working for me. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    I'm a little behind too...I just did L3D3 this morning. But I will see it through and finish! Then when thats done I plan to alternate some 30DS with her Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD for awhile before I decide what's next!
    The Burn Fat Boost Metabolism is what I did today with a run outside---great video! never did it before. I sweat like a pig!
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member

    So, within the 30 day shred i SKIPPED 4 days (that's one rest day a week) and i never made them up, i just skipped them..so i really did 26 days. hear are my results

    Weight = 202 / 195 **7 pound loss
    upper waist = 38.5 / 35 **3.5 inches loss
    waist@belly bttn = 41.5 / 39 **2.5 inches loss
    Left arm = 15.5 / 14.5 **1 inch loss
    Left thigh = 27.5 / 26 **1.5 inches loss
    hips = 45 / 43 ** 2 inches loss
    calf & neck = ZERO

    I am so glad i stuck to it, and even more glad its over with lol
  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    5 Days to go!!! Can't wait to post inches and weight changes! I ordered Ripped in 30 to move onto next- if I see this much change in 30 workouts why not stick with Jillian right?
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member

    So, within the 30 day shred i SKIPPED 4 days (that's one rest day a week) and i never made them up, i just skipped them..so i really did 26 days. hear are my results

    Weight = 202 / 195 **7 pound loss
    upper waist = 38.5 / 35 **3.5 inches loss
    waist@belly bttn = 41.5 / 39 **2.5 inches loss
    Left arm = 15.5 / 14.5 **1 inch loss
    Left thigh = 27.5 / 26 **1.5 inches loss
    hips = 45 / 43 ** 2 inches loss
    calf & neck = ZERO

    I am so glad i stuck to it, and even more glad its over with lol

    Nice job, Tanya!
  • darina23
    I'm on level 3, day 4 today. I have skipped 3 days total, not in a row, due to extremely fussy baby and hubby unable to help because he just had a surgery. Kinda bad timing, but I'm still going strong and determined to finish!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    I'm on level 3, day 4 today. I have skipped 3 days total, not in a row, due to extremely fussy baby and hubby unable to help because he just had a surgery. Kinda bad timing, but I'm still going strong and determined to finish!

    Keep it going! You're almost done!