TOM's Bad Rap



  • marquesajen
    Apparently there was a national shark week, but my own shark week is coming up soon.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Unless you go with the "husband stitch" and tighten it all back up...
    How about I let him give birth instead?
  • chridow
    chridow Posts: 178
    Unless you go with the "husband stitch" and tighten it all back up...
    How about I let him give birth instead?

    now you KNOW there's too much punka**ness amongst the XYs to be able to handle pregnancy, LET ALONE birth. they can't even handle headcolds, lol!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Unless you go with the "husband stitch" and tighten it all back up...
    How about I let him give birth instead?

    now you KNOW there's too much punka**ness amongst the XYs to be able to handle pregnancy, LET ALONE birth. they can't even handle headcolds, lol!

    this ^