P90X starting Monday Aug 15



  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    Well I dont know if there is still anyone out there doing this. If there is then I will wish you the best of luck for the remainder.

    I have completed the last session today. I did the programme in 93 day's due to three day's of injury at various times,but got there in the end. Loved and hated it along the way.It was never dull,but alway's challenging. Looking forward to some nice hiking now for the next month and letting the soreness die down.

    Good Luck and keep bringing it.

    Great job! What kind of results did you get?

    Hi,Lisa...hope thing's are going well.

    Overall I am pretty pleased with the result's.

    I started the programme for two reason's. I had reached my target weight but I was still losing weight and decided that I needed something to break that cycle and halt the losses. This was achieved and I have kept at my goal weight for the duration of the programme. I have reasoned that as a weight loss vehicle,I could have lost weight doing this,but I felt that to complete it and combat the soreness/tiredness I needed the fuel/food and cutting in my view wouldnt have been an option.

    Secondly,I have a mediacl condition that effects and destroy's the bodies cartlidge. By building muscle, cartlidge can be encouraged to grow,which obviously is quite useful to me...lol. So I have again achieved in that I have better tone and have built extra muscle.

    I am very sore at present and I have over the past month had to curtail the other exercise that I used to do,in order to get through to the finish. I expect though that in a week's time I will feel fantastic as I honestly believe that I have benefitted greatly from the programme.

    My motives may differ slightly from the normal reasons for doing p90x but I have genuinley enjoyed it and will probably at some point do it over or move on to p90x2. I will however spend some time just hiking now for a while and using weights to retain the muscle improvement's.

    Good luck with the remainder of the programme,let me know how you get on.

    Take Care.
  • kiki_ac
    kiki_ac Posts: 49 Member
    I am having a little bit of trouble getting myself to do Yoga X. Its too long and I am slacking. To help with this I am going to try either splitting it up or getting another yoga dvd that is just as intense. Before I start another round of P90X, I am going to get the one-on-one dvd.

    Another note...I do like yoga but I cannot get my mind to shut off. I try but its boring...
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    almost done, did my first workout of week 11 yesterday and nailed it hard, chest & back, I can do a lot of pull ups and pushs ups from almost no pull up and max 15 push ups a not even six month ago.

    Starting this week, many workouts should be the last for that round, i.e. chest & back is done and over for my round 1!!

    I will go into one on one's after the round, to prepare for P90X2!