Funny Facts about you...



  • jjgirl76
    jjgirl76 Posts: 68 Member
    but ok, um... When i was a kid i wanted to be a dolphin and i didn't understand why this couldn't happen.

    I also, when asked, would say I wanted to be a fish when I grew up. It seems completely logical to me. I do SCUBA dive... so as close as I can get until my gills come in.
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    Apparently I always eat my food in a specific order. One item at a time until it's gone and then I move to the next item on the plate.

    Never noticed I did that until my wife pointed it out when we were dating.

    OMG! I do the same thing, I eat in a circle and none of my food can be touching or piled on top of each other. If I run out of room on my plate I will grab a second plate and finish the plate I have, wash it up and fill it up. lol
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    I am afraid of clowns chainsaw and the dark, did I mention i am 25 years old lol

    when i sleep at night my feet have to be out of the blanket or it feels like i cant breath lol
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    Apparently I always eat my food in a specific order. One item at a time until it's gone and then I move to the next item on the plate.

    Never noticed I did that until my wife pointed it out when we were dating.

    OMG! I do the same thing, I eat in a circle and none of my food can be touching or piled on top of each other. If I run out of room on my plate I will grab a second plate and finish the plate I have, wash it up and fill it up. lol

    Now when I eat with my wife I purposely eat things out of order and say, "See! I'm not as weird as you think I am! Ha...I ate a scoop of broccoli then a bite of chicken. Living on the edge baby!"
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I am so obsessive compulsive about things matching that I won't wear gold jewelry if my jeans have silver embellishments on them or my purse has silver buckles or something.or vice-versa. Same goes for underwear. If I'm wearing black undies, I cannot wear brown or blue clothing or I'll have to change everything.

    I eat sandwiches upside down. Like a burger, top bun has to be facing down.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    Apparently I always eat my food in a specific order. One item at a time until it's gone and then I move to the next item on the plate.

    Never noticed I did that until my wife pointed it out when we were dating.

    me too!! i also turn my plate in a circle untill i get the the 1st item i want to eat
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    Apparently I always eat my food in a specific order. One item at a time until it's gone and then I move to the next item on the plate.

    Never noticed I did that until my wife pointed it out when we were dating.

    OMG! I do the same thing, I eat in a circle and none of my food can be touching or piled on top of each other. If I run out of room on my plate I will grab a second plate and finish the plate I have, wash it up and fill it up. lol

    Now when I eat with my wife I purposely eat things out of order and say, "See! I'm not as weird as you think I am! Ha...I ate a scoop of broccoli then a bite of chicken. Living on the edge baby!"

    lol i do that too if i notice someone is watching me lol
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I DONT wear glasses.................I have a theory on eyeglasses and optometrists in general(go on ask me)

    So... what's your theory on optometrists and eyeglasses?

    Probably the same as mine: They will do anything to sell you glasses.

    Ding ding ding......we got a winner! you my man are a smart man!
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    I am so picky about pictures or anything hanging on the wall. I can't stand it if they are crooked! I actually have to be careful when I go to someone else's house and see a crooked picture.... it kills me but how rude would it be for me to walk over and straighten it!! :embarassed:
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I had my first cavity 2 years ago.

    I do Bikram Yoga....and I love it!

    I play video games........................I let out my inner nerd quite frequently!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Apparently I always eat my food in a specific order. One item at a time until it's gone and then I move to the next item on the plate.

    Never noticed I did that until my wife pointed it out when we were dating.

    I do this too! In least to most tasty order.

    I have MAJOR issue with mustard. It makes me wretch to even handle the bottle of it. Yet, I can eat things with mustard in it like deviled eggs if I DIDNT make them myself. I just dont want anyone to MENTION the mustard. blech! Like, Im seriously ill from even typing this. And I will cry if its on my food. for real. haha
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Since I'm fairly new to "Chit chat"!

    As a child loved the show "alf" so much I wished to marry somebody with a last name starting with "F"(first two initials are A L).

    I used to love ALF too, only I wanted to be him:laugh:

    When working, I used to have to open my PC apps in a particular order. if one of them crashed I'd close everything down and reboot my PC. Now I have Windows 7 everything is in a set order and I've moved my toolbar to the right.

    I know 1000001 uselss facts and speak quite a few European languages:bigsmile:
  • TommyWR
    TommyWR Posts: 65
    I too eat one thing at a time. I dont mind of the food is touching, but one thing at a time only. I have a habit of saying "right" when talking to poeple on the phone. Right?
  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    When I was younger I was on the cover of a book called "Little Miss Perfect". It is still being sold on but obviously it wasnt very good....since it is being sold used for a penny! :)
  • Kelnurse
    Kelnurse Posts: 145
    When I was 15, my dad thought it would do me good to get a part time job at a local Wendy's. I thought this was a very bad idea, so I ran off to a different state with my boyfriend and my sister. It was a nice weekend getaway and when I got back my job waiting for me ;)
  • anrev42
    anrev42 Posts: 331
    I'm an organized neat freak. I separate all my clothes by sections (dress shirts, gym wear, casual shirts etc), then by color light to dark. My closet looks like a store rack.

    me too! I want things in place. Everything piece of clothing in my closet has to be color coordinated :happy:
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    I DONT wear glasses.................I have a theory on eyeglasses and optometrists in general(go on ask me)

    So... what's your theory on optometrists and eyeglasses?

    Probably the same as mine: They will do anything to sell you glasses.

    Ding ding ding......we got a winner! you my man are a smart man!
    That's weird (I was a kid when I thought this!!!) this is why I wouldn't wear my glasses as a kid, I didn't think I needed them, so as a 10 year old child I took the decision to never wear them. My eyesight is the best in the family and they are all still wearing glasses!
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    When I was younger I was on the cover of a book called "Little Miss Perfect". It is still being sold on but obviously it wasnt very good....since it is being sold used for a penny! :)

    I actually saw this book referenced in a article on Parenting just last week...
  • LorelieLee
    I can pop both shoulderblades and a hip bone out. And Im a piercing weirdo, I have 14.
  • megamoo04
    megamoo04 Posts: 269
    I can pop both shoulderblades and a hip bone out. And Im a piercing weirdo, I have 14.