Funny Facts about you...



  • wildestian
    wildestian Posts: 188 Member
    I'm crazy about paper, I cannot throw any type of paper, I have it classified: -To recycle (both sides used) -To re-use (one side blank) -Blank pages from old notebooks - Blank but a bit crumpled. - Perfect blank and -Cool paper I found somewhere.
    I also love to draw and organize my drawings like this -Ideas -Work in Progress -Practice/studies -Finished pieces -Sketches -Funny unofficial drawings and -Probably will never finish.
    The saving paper for later makes my mom crazy she says I love to save garbage. The funny thing is I'm the laziest person and really untidy, except for paper.
  • pacmanjack
    pacmanjack Posts: 866 Member
    This one time.... at band camp....
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    I can spell just about ANY word (in english) backwards.

    i p p i s s i s s i M

    This used to keep the kids busy on long car rides, "Stump Mom!"

    Anything that has to do with teeth makes me physically ill. When my girls had loose teeth they'd love to show me and then watch me pass out! And people wonder why some mothers eat their young!

    I was an EMT for 7 years and handled everything until one night a guy had a broken tooth from being in a fight. I couldn't treat him, I had to let my partner do it. (Goes back to that teeth thing) But on the next call, I got thrown up on and was completely fine.
  • FitCoachJen
    FitCoachJen Posts: 139 Member
    I can spell just about ANY word (in english) backwards.

    It's a fear of mine to get pulled over by a police officer and they'll make me recite the alphabet backwards...which I cannot do. Then I'll get thrown in jail for not being drunk.
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    I can spell just about ANY word (in english) backwards.

    It's a fear of mine to get pulled over by a police officer and they'll make me recite the alphabet backwards...which I cannot do. Then I'll get thrown in jail for not being drunk.

    LOL Wanna know a secret? That's NOT how they tell if you're drunk/impaired. First they're going to do the "Follow my finger" test, which can not be seen by the dash cam. If your eyes follow smoothly then you are not impaired. You cannot do that test impaired and have your eyes NOT follow smoothly, or "bounce" as we called it. If that test is failed, then they have you do the "walk the straight line, count backwards from 200 by 6, stand on one foot" tests which CAN be seen by the dash cam which in part can be seen by the jury if it goes to trial. One of my very best friends is a police officer on the Indian Reservation that I used to work on when I was working on the ambulance. He told us this one night when my husband wanted to know how they knew for sure.
  • roadrunner32
    4 years ago I went to Paris with my husband and my two boys by plane and it was my first time flying. I had to have one of the flight attendants holding my hand all the way because I never knew I had a fear of heights. I was fine getting in, taking off, etc but when I realised I wasn't grounded any more I just lost it lol That came along with 4 or 5 panic attacks embarrassing!!!
    On the way back I thought I did much better until I had a chance to reflect (few days after I recovered from the shock) and came to a conclusion that sing this song nearly at the top of my lungs hasn't done me any favours either:

    Should I mention that I haven't been on a plane since?
  • dgilner
    dgilner Posts: 120 Member
    I just love this thread - and I want to be friends with each and everyone of you bc you make me feel so normal!!!

    I absolutely hate crooked blinds...driving throught most neigborhoods makes me insane. I cant even focus on the rest of the house if one set of blinds is crooked.

    I do not like houses without screen doors - I think it makes the whole house look unfinished. Luckily I live in an older neighborhood so most people have gotten around to putting them on in the past 40 years.

    I cannot sleep without flossing my teeth. Even after a night out drinking, I cant sleep without flossing.

    When I was little I was scared of going downstairs after dark. I am damn near 40 now and still have to psyche myself up.

    I cannot stand to hear people kiss - it grosses me out. (not the peck on the cheek kind of kiss - the slobbery kind). I also cannot stand to hear people chew. makes me think of wild animals.
    I could go on and on...
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    I don't like watermelon flavored gum or candy but I love watermelon.

    I'm kind of like that, but backward. I *love* any and everything flavored coconut, but I hate actual coconut. The texture makes me gag.
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    The inside of my garage/workshop is decorated with Christmas items, many of which I light up while working on new decorations for the coming year....with Christmas music the middle of summer. (I set up a 25-30K light display each year.)
    Note: One photo of the display is included with my MFP photos.

    I love this post so much I just had to "quote" it.
    I have Christmas lights in my basement. I plug them in on laundry nights. Also, while soaking up some sunshine over this past weekend, I was listening to Christmas music on my iPod.
    ♪ ♫ Dashing through the snow...♪ ♫ in a one horse open sleigh...♪ ♫...o'er the fields we go! ♪ ♫ Laughing all the way! ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    When I'm eating and I put down my fork or food, I rub my legs while I'm chewing. I didn't even know I was doing it until multiple people pointed it out. When I'm sitting at a desk in front of a computer, I rock back and forth slightly. Again, didn't know this until someone pointed it out. When I (used to) eat pepperoni pizza, I would eat around the closest pepperoni to the crust and then pop that in my mouth as the last bite. I also do similar things with burgers, sandwiches, etc. I eat in a circle until I'm left with the middle then I eat it at one time. It's just a habit lol
  • NatalieWiley
    NatalieWiley Posts: 147 Member
    I have about 150 shotglasses in my collection
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Also, even though I'm not super neat or organized, when I organize my dresser I HAVE to have things facing the same way. My pantry isn't super neat, but all cans have to be facing the same way, boxes have to face the same way, etc. If I have cash in my wallet, the bills have to be smallest in the front, and they have to all have the faces going the same way. I hate odd numbers. And the first thing I look for in a guy is good hands. Chances are, physically speaking, if he has "manly" hands, I won't care too much what his face looks like. lol
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    My childhood imaginary friend was named Alex after Alex P. Keaton(Family Ties) because I was madly in love with Michael J. Fox. Oddly enough, my son is named Alex, and it was more of a coincidence than a choice made because of my previous crush. It was one of the few names my hubby and I could agree on.
  • jonbobfrog
    jonbobfrog Posts: 294
    I rearrange sandwiches/subs so that all toppings are evenly distributed, and then I eat them from the outside in (in a circle, basically.)

    I put on my deodorant really strangely . . . it's too complicated to explain, but it includes 15 strokes from a solid deodorant per arm, PLUS one click of a gel deodorant.

    I will eat after my dog. Or my brother's dog. I also let them lick my face.

    I never untie my shoes.

    I don't eat meat with bones in it.

    I'm addicted to chapstick. I have over 70 tubes of it in various places around my house, car, lunch bag, workout bag, etc. I am convinced that I have caused my lips to stop producing their own moisturizing oils.

    I put sunscreen on my tattoos every single day, even if I don't plan on going outside or even if they're going to be covered by clothes.

    I think smaller pills are harder to swallow than larger pills.

    I constantly edit things/correct people's grammar, syntax, and punctuation in my head.

    I have never had a crush on a movie star.

    I can think of a "Friends" reference for almost anything. (I own the series and have watched all 10 seasons of it all the way through 4 times.)

    I could think of a thousand more . . . my friends are always telling me how weird I am, lol!
  • Estela565
    I never read a magazine from the 1 page I always start backwards ..last page to first...
    I'm left handed but I can print better with my right hand
    Iam terrified of clowns
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    I never read a magazine from the 1 page I always start backwards ..last page to first...

    Me too!!
  • tlcurr7u
    tlcurr7u Posts: 19
    I can touch my nose with my tongue.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I'm terrified of escalators and elevators. So if I am somewhere where they don't have stairs I'm screwed. I have not come up with the will power to use either.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I have never broken a bone.

    When I eat cereal it's milk first THEN handfuls of cereal thrown in the milk. Small handfuls, so I can eat it before it gets squishy. I cannot eat squishy cereal.

    Up until I was 13 I believed I was going to be able to fly WHEN I turned 13, thanks to my mom who fed me this story for many years. Obviously, I was very innocent (or naive!).

    I try to match the color of an item of clothing to its hanger when putting clothes away.
  • FollowThatUnicorn
    FollowThatUnicorn Posts: 200 Member
    I have to eat m&m's in even numbers.
    When I was little, I fell off my swing and stopped breathing and my dad brought me back to life.
    I have a nail polish addiction.