Things that make a woman instantly hotter



  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    It doesn't have to be one or the other. I just think most women don't understand that a man needs to hear that the woman in his life finds him strong and handsome and sexy .. that she thinks of him as a good provider, a good father, etc. A man who doesn't feel like he embodies those things doesn't really feel like a man. It's not "*kitten*-kissing" ... it's just being honest and forthcoming with your feelings. Just tell him how you feel about him as a man, as a husband, as a father. That's it. And I think most women would be surprised at the things their men would say and do for them if they could stop seeing the vocalizing of feelings as "*kitten*-kissing" or "ego-stroking."

    After 34 years of marriage, my mom still randomly tells my dad what a great provider he is. And she does it in front of other people. My dad would walk through fire to make her happy.


    I see women demeaning their men, and men disgracing their women all the time. It bugs me when our significant other's act kinder and/or nicer to complete strangers than to us. It's messed up, they should be our #1 Fan!
    Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic but we have one life, so our partner should be "the love of our life"! and treated as such. It's not *kitten*-kissing it's telling them how you feel and if you don't feel that way then maybe it's not right. Or maybe it's me and I dream too big.
    The best way to be instantly hotter is treat your man like he's the King. He will return it 10 fold!

    I agree 100%. It makes me sad when I see someone demeaning their partner in front of other people. I would NEVER do that to my husband, nor would I ever treat a stranger better than I would treat him. If I didn't respect a man enough to treat him decent, I wouldn't be with him!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I'd rather my husband and I treated each other as equals, not one of us fawning over the other. There are enough men out there with over-inflated egos who think women are either inferior, or delicate little things to be protected. Likewise there are enough women who flutter their eyelids and think they need someone big and manly to protect them. I won't propagate that view. My husband and I treat each other as best friends and as a team. We aren't there to big each other up, we are there to ground each other. We are completely a team.
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I am soo with ya on that one :)
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I think it's most important that you be yourself. But when I see another women and she wows me, she is beautiful and confident but humble at the same time. I think women who put the time into themselves to look feminine is a definite plus. And if she can joke and laugh and hold an intelligent conversation. This is what makes me as a woman think "wow, she's quite the girl". If I was stating what I think makes a woman sexier in a relationship there is more too it.
  • brianblinn
    brianblinn Posts: 70 Member
    Being comfortable with herself.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I thought this was gonna be a "Step by Step How to....." kind thing. You know..arch her back, twist your wrist, put your thumb kinda thing.

    I need all the help I can get. My wife has been checking out the gardner.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I'd rather my husband and I treated each other as equals, not one of us fawning over the other. There are enough men out there with over-inflated egos who think women are either inferior, or delicate little things to be protected. Likewise there are enough women who flutter their eyelids and think they need someone big and manly to protect them. I won't propagate that view. My husband and I treat each other as best friends and as a team. We aren't there to big each other up, we are there to ground each other. We are completely a team.

    Ahh.'s the time you're mugged, maybe your husband should stand there and do nothing. Heaven forbid he protect you, right?

    The team thing...I'm all on board with. Unfortunately though hun, a quarterback does not equal a wide receiver. Nor does a man equal a woman. You have your jobs, he has his. That's where the problems come in. Too many people confuse filling your gender role with being subservient or degrading...or being a pig and controlling. If I tried to get pregnant...I'd fail miserably. If you tried to GET someone'd fail miserably. Is either of us better than the other?

    Umm, no.

    See...? Gender roles are OK! Let's all say it together, shall we?

    Gender. Roles. Are. Ok!

    Very good!

    Next time you can't open a jar your husband could open easily, or can't change the transmission that went out in your Volvo...I certainly hope you won't be asking your husband for his help. How degrading to expect him to be a know?
  • smallerthighs
    I'm taking lots of notes........... because I really wanna know what's up!!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I'd rather my husband and I treated each other as equals, not one of us fawning over the other. There are enough men out there with over-inflated egos who think women are either inferior, or delicate little things to be protected. Likewise there are enough women who flutter their eyelids and think they need someone big and manly to protect them. I won't propagate that view. My husband and I treat each other as best friends and as a team. We aren't there to big each other up, we are there to ground each other. We are completely a team.

    Ahh.'s the time you're mugged, maybe your husband should stand there and do nothing. Heaven forbid he protect you, right?

    The team thing...I'm all on board with. Unfortunately though hun, a quarterback does not equal a wide receiver. Nor does a man equal a woman. You have your jobs, he has his. That's where the problems come in. Too many people confuse filling your gender role with being subservient or degrading...or being a pig and controlling. If I tried to get pregnant...I'd fail miserably. If you tried to GET someone'd fail miserably. Is either of us better than the other?

    Umm, no.

    See...? Gender roles are OK! Let's all say it together, shall we?

    Gender. Roles. Are. Ok!

    Very good!

    Next time you can't open a jar your husband could open easily, or can't change the transmission that went out in your Volvo...I certainly hope you won't be asking your husband for his help. How degrading to expect him to be a know?

    Amen. Being a strong, independent, intelligent, competent woman does not mean completely abandoning the things that MAKE you a woman or expecting the man in your life to ignore what makes him a man. I don't understand why women can't get it through their heads that this stuff is biological, not societal. You're not being degraded because a man feels a responsibility to protect you; you're being cherished and honored and loved.

    Saying that men should get over their protective instincts is like saying mothers should get over their nurturing instincts. Your baby is crying? Ignore him; he's probably not dying. He's hungry? He can wait till later. Does that make any sense to you? About as much sense as it makes to a man to tell him "I can protect myself" when he sees you being physically threatened by a creep who is three times your size.

    As for women fluttering their eyelids in adoration, if it makes my man happy, I will flutter the hell out of mine.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I'd rather my husband and I treated each other as equals, not one of us fawning over the other. There are enough men out there with over-inflated egos who think women are either inferior, or delicate little things to be protected. Likewise there are enough women who flutter their eyelids and think they need someone big and manly to protect them. I won't propagate that view. My husband and I treat each other as best friends and as a team. We aren't there to big each other up, we are there to ground each other. We are completely a team.

    Ahh.'s the time you're mugged, maybe your husband should stand there and do nothing. Heaven forbid he protect you, right?

    The team thing...I'm all on board with. Unfortunately though hun, a quarterback does not equal a wide receiver. Nor does a man equal a woman. You have your jobs, he has his. That's where the problems come in. Too many people confuse filling your gender role with being subservient or degrading...or being a pig and controlling. If I tried to get pregnant...I'd fail miserably. If you tried to GET someone'd fail miserably. Is either of us better than the other?

    Umm, no.

    See...? Gender roles are OK! Let's all say it together, shall we?

    Gender. Roles. Are. Ok!

    Very good!

    Next time you can't open a jar your husband could open easily, or can't change the transmission that went out in your Volvo...I certainly hope you won't be asking your husband for his help. How degrading to expect him to be a know?

    Reproduction aside (which is a bit of a non-starter as an argument, really, isn't it?), my husband expects me to be able to do everything he can. I don't think he could open a jar I couldn't. TBH, I'd stick it in the kettle and expand the metal and not try to use brute strength anyway. I don't expect him to do the "manly jobs" He'd rather I was independent, and I would too. Luckily I am married to a man who doesn't think manliness equals big biceps.
    If something goes wrong with my car (which is a Merc, btw, not a Volvo), I take it to the garage. Not that he isn't capable, he is more than, but he's busy and I'd rather pay someone than take up the time he could be spending with his children.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Football season is around the corner. When she doesn't interupt during the games that is the hottest thing she can do!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Football season is around the corner. When she doesn't interupt during the games that is the hottest thing she can do!

    Haha! Even better when she's cheering next to me!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    [ I don't think he could open a jar I couldn't. TBH, I'd stick it in the kettle and expand the metal and not try to use brute strength anyway. I don't expect him to do the "manly jobs" He'd rather I was independent, and I would too. Luckily I am married to a man who doesn't think manliness equals big biceps.
    If something goes wrong with my car (which is a Merc, btw, not a Volvo), I take it to the garage. Not that he isn't capable, he is more than, but he's busy and I'd rather pay someone than take up the time he could be spending with his children.

    This pretty much explains it.

    Particularly the first sentence.

    And for the record...manliness to me, means holding my crying child, comforting my daughter when her friends upset her, listening to my wife talk about her workplace drama, making sure the house STAYS clean between cleanings...opening Jays, taking out the trash, lifting heavy objects, fixing the car, protecting my family...and yes...making babies (wth would eliminate that as an argument?).

    Who ever said manliness equals biceps?

    My girl is secure enough in her independence to NOT be offended by me being what I was created to be. hot as hell.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Football season is around the corner. When she doesn't interupt during the games that is the hottest thing she can do!

    Haha! Even better when she's cheering next to me!

    Amen Brutha! Mine watches more than me now . . .I might lose my man card.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    what if I'm the one to initiate a quickie during halftime of the football game? :devil:

    It depends on whether is is with me or my wife . . .
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    what if I'm the one to initiate a quickie during halftime of the football game? :devil:

    It depends on whether is is with me or my wife . . .

    she is pretty cute...

    Hehe . . .Ill bring the camera!

    * on a side note: it is impossible to make bynsky blush :P
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I forgot to say no gag reflexes!!!