Your favorite/memorable Seinfeld quotes or episodes?



  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    Way too many to mention..

    My nightly routine is Seinfeld and The Office on DVR....never miss a night of re-runs
  • tcmay72
    tcmay72 Posts: 82 Member
    my fav! "Sponge Worthy" classic
  • I1ahunt
    I1ahunt Posts: 72
    "I am master of my own domain"

    I'mmmm OUT!
  • I1ahunt
    I1ahunt Posts: 72
    "Jimmy got new shoes...they help Jimmy jump hire."

    "Jimmy likes Elaine."
  • melgillis
    melgillis Posts: 75 Member
    The episode where Kramer is debating with Elaine and Jerry and George about briefs or boxers. He says something like - "my boys - they gotta have a nest"

    Also, "Tell Jerry, yes, they are real and they are spectacular"

    And, "you are sooo good looking"

    How fun! Thanks for posting this topic!
  • melgillis
    melgillis Posts: 75 Member
    Oh, yeah, I love the episode where Jerry is trying to sell the van and somehow, George's parents get ahold of it. They're in central park and say, "if you see this van rockin', don't come a'knockin' "

    OMGosh, and another one - the episode with Mel Torme and Kramer is wearing his white "jumping shoes" with the huge soles and he ends up being guest of honor with mel torme at a banquet benefiting "special people" because he's wearing the special shoes and just had dental work with novacaine (I think) and Mel Torme sings to him "when you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you"
  • TweedleDebo
    TweedleDebo Posts: 423 Member
    "It wasn't a pick, it was a scratch!"
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    "this seat is saved!!!"

    from the seat saving incident episode. 10 years on my husband and I still refuse to save seats for each other (or at least joke about it) lol
  • chocs_away
    chocs_away Posts: 29 Member
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    My favorite was the episode that took place in the Chinese restaurant. They waited and waited and waited and finally when they leave…
    “Seinfeld – four”
    I L-O-V-E that show!!!!!
  • dawnsheree
    I say, "Maybe the dingo ate your baby" all the time! i think i love every episode, except the last one....
  • BootcampJunkie
    BootcampJunkie Posts: 69 Member
    Elaine: Some night, huh?

    Ben: Yeah, I wish I had my telescope.

    Elaine: Some dinner, huh?

    Ben: Nothing like fresh caught lobster.

    Elaine: Some house, huh?

    Ben: It was built by Mark Farman.

    Elaine: Some ugly baby, huh?

    Ben: What did you say?

    this whole episode makes me crack up

  • mazie61
    mazie61 Posts: 106 Member
    Giddy up!!
  • melsy21
    melsy21 Posts: 193 Member
    The junior mint episode....kramer... "they're VERY refreshing!"

    I am still not tired of that show. I watch the season's over and over.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    It's the Kung Pao , George likes his chicken spicy

    Pretty much any line in the "Jimmy" episode :)
  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    Maybe the dingo ate your baby!

    I would drape myself in velvet if it were socially acceptable

    I'm not a lesbian. I hate men, but I'm not a lesbian

    If I don't get this guy on a plane to Seattle and out of my life, I'm gonna kill him, and everyone who tries to stop me.

    LOL OMG Maybe the ding-o ate yo baby

    LOL! I had that poster above my fireplace in my first apartment.

    For some reason....."I was in the pool!!!" comes to mind. Good episode.
  • bigtone34
    bigtone34 Posts: 136
    These pretzels are making me THIRSTY!!!
  • HRBush
    HRBush Posts: 72 Member
    2 words: Elaine's dancing

    The Bet

    Elaine's nip slip on her Christmas card and rubbing George's face in her chest

    "She had man hands"

    Festivus for the Rest of us!

    Sponge worthy!

    *Now I want to go home and watch the seasons of Seinfeld. :)
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    "Just DIE, just stop walking around the desert and DIE already! DIE!"
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    'Steinbrenner's here, George is dead, Call me Back' & 'Hoochie Mama' - really anything Frank Costanza said.

    'Who is this?' upon answering the phone

    The episode with the Japanese visitors sleeping in Kramer's chest of drawers after they ran out of money.

    Elaine's hatred of The English Patient (mostly because I hated that movie, too)

    The drama of Del Boca Vista

    George being chased on his Rascal Scooter and the old man yelling 'Eat Hickory!'

    The episode with 'Scandals and Animals'

    I loved Seinfeld!