Worst Relationship



  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member

    Schmoopie? Were we drunk?

    I really like Corn or Hoor. Thanks:) I don't need anymore delusions of granduer with "Loverpants" because let's be serious, the love is not in my pants. It's in my bra.

    Could you reach in there quick? I think my love fell in there too...

    Trust me friend, she'd go in head first if I let her.
  • joeygirl84
    joeygirl84 Posts: 224 Member
    I've just realized how messed up this world really is.
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    I've just realized how messed up this world really is.

    It took you this thread to realize this?
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    when i dated this sh**face that took me and my best friend to a festival several hours away from home then they left me in the van with no key and no phone for 6 hours while they went in the woods and had sex with each other.

    omg what a **** head!!
  • Mixmode
    Mixmode Posts: 332
    What an interesting read this thread has been. Facepalms for days!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    when i was 15 and i was going out with a 27 year old drunk.

    For some reason it wont let me edit my previosu post..
    But after reading all this i feel i should add the bits i left out..

    He use to get upset and cut himself. And i dont mean a little cut he would be rushed into hospital and given someone elses blood. And the reason was he was sad that i was at school.. Being 15 and all.
    He also got taken to the hospital alot for what i found out when i left him was a heroin addiction.
    He use to get drunk at the pub, and he'd call me. and id had to come and help him walk home while people laughed at me. and spat at me, while he pissed himself.
    He use to get kicked out of his house all the time and make me stay with him in a tent in an abandoned warehouse.
    And then he cheated on me..
    And then when i left him he started going out with someone 13!! =(
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    Let's just say a legal no-contact order is currently in place.

    YUP...That'd be my worst too
  • Delyla07
    Delyla07 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm about to end this thread. I've got the heavyweight belt of bad relationships.


    Former fiancee faked terminal brain cancer to cover drug/alcohol addiction.

    *bows* thank you, thank you.

    WOW thats harsh!
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I can GLADLY say I've never had one. Been together w/ my bf since I was 14 and now I'm 26. We are actually getting married tomorrow!!! Woo Hoo.

    Congrats on the wedding and the baby! Oh, and for never having a bad relationship!
  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    My very first boyfriend became abusive physically and mentally slowly over our 4 year relationship. Broke loose when I met my best friend and she helped show me what was really going on since I was in too deep and too brainwashed to see it.

    Glad it happened when I was young. It changed so much in me for the better and I came out on the other side stronger and with more self esteem.
  • Tinaatpeace
    Tinaatpeace Posts: 6 Member
    That was a good one. Thanks for sharing
  • Hootsmamma
    Hootsmamma Posts: 254 Member
    My First Marriage! I was married for 3 L O N G, Horrible, terrible, horrible, terrible years! Finally decided I had to get out and I walked away from everything. Let him have the house, all the furniture all the money in savings etc. Oh, and I took ALL of the bills! (Was I stupid or what??!!) Didn't care. I took my dog, my 2 cats, my horse and my saddle and left. Didn't want to fight him or drag it out. Knew if I didn't leave and leave soon, I was going to do something silly. Wasn't worth it. Stayed single for 12 yrs after until I met my soul-mate and best friend (my current husband of 11 years --StevLL).
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    My marriage...thank god that's long gone.
    Time does help you to heal.
    I am now in the early part of a new relationship...moving slowly and carefully :bigsmile:
    Thankfully I now know what I will and will not tolerate :happy:
  • melo78
    melo78 Posts: 32 Member
    ~~I'm about to end this thread. I've got the heavyweight belt of bad relationships.


    Former fiancee faked terminal brain cancer to cover drug/alcohol addiction.

    *bows* thank you, thank you.


    wow! that is pretty low! people are sick
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    That would be the one where I was 21 and pregnant and found out I had been cheated on AND that the other woman was also pregnant. He was in a "relationship" with her too. I dropped him and all of his belongings off at a gas station an hour away, in the middle of the night where the other woman could pick him up. I never went back for him. Ever. I found out he was an addict. My "relationship" with him has always been a non-relationship where I spent my pregnancy alone, raised our son without him, and kept him at an arm's distance (or more when he is using) so he can't do any more damage.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    a client of mine in a fitness class I taught was going through a pretty bad divorce, then started clinging to me and my husband for emotional support. Then he confided in us that he is Bipolar, and wanted to change his life. He started getting friendly, intrusive, then possessive, stalkerish, rude, and crazy.

    Broke off friendship and kicked him out of our business, but he was smart and started going to Church where we worshiped, telling everyone behind our back that we were having "maritial problems", and separating us from our friends. Then he completely started stalking me and sharing with me his feelings, giving me long emails (I would share with my husband), and love songs on CDs he would burn.

    After a spring of that behaivor we sat him down and told him good bye, and we went to another church to worship, and kept him out of our business. But he kept stalking me by follwing me everywhere I would be in public, and I also found out he was interfering in my business by calling peers and slandering us, or publicly slandering and defaming them using my emails or my profiles.

    By the fall, death threats, gun fire outside of our home, vandalizims, he would send me emails to my business explaining of how he would "warn" me to becareful against rapers or serial killers who get away with such actions and never get caught, emails or flat out telling me that he was fantazing about killing my husband and explainign to me how he would get me pregnant...
    we were freaked. Got a stalking restraining order on him, which only made him worse.

    Next time, shoot the *kitten*, never play nice. That was the oddest nonrelationship I've ever had. Crazy people suck.
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    I've been in an abusive relationship and I never want to go back there. It was more mental than physical.

    I also dated a guy for a very long time. I was completely convinced that I was going to marry him... until I walked in on him cheating on me with my best friend of 15 years.

    One of my really good friends had a life saving operation earlier this summer. Her fiance stood by her during everything leading up to the operation and the recovery afterward. However, when she had complications and was put back in the hospital, her fiance cheated on her and ultimately broke up with her while she was in the ICU in critical condition. He is so freakin' low that I wouldn't even classify him as human.
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    I'm about to end this thread. I've got the heavyweight belt of bad relationships.


    Former fiancee faked terminal brain cancer to cover drug/alcohol addiction.

    *bows* thank you, thank you.

    ...they make medicine for ppl like that
  • dawndelicious
    dawndelicious Posts: 22 Member
    I've only made it through 2 pages of this post and I can't believe some of the **** you all have gone through!
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Let's just say a legal no-contact order is currently in place.


    I have one of those too!

    My last relationship was my worst!

    Him, 40 year old who managed to hold a job for 3-4 months out of the 2.5 years we were together (not 3-4 months consecutively either). Alcoholic/drug addict who liked to hit girls when he was drunk. And for all of the times that I told the cops 'no, he didn't hit me' (the cops were called on us pretty often) one time I had hit him back and he had me arrested...