

  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    If any team needs a walker/runner, I can do that. I am just finishing up my 30 miles for August's challenge, and although I walk a lot more than run, maybe by the end of the month I can be doing a little jogging. Hard for a girl still 300 lbs.... LOL!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Could i do the individual? I think i could do the individual ironman in a month, but ley's say Olympic so i don't set myself up to fail!

    Happy to contribute to a team too if needed.
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    Just doing a little organizing here so we know where we are...

    Steph (ITU long)
    Sara (half)
    Lynn (full)
    JJ (full)
    Becky (full)
    Bobbie (full)
    Carla (full)
    Andrea (Olympic)
    Staci (Olympic)
    Bonnie (ITU long)
    Lexi (full)
    Renae (Olympic)
    Eileen (Olympic)
    Brisa (Ironman)
    Meerkat (Olympic)


    Honey Badgers -- Becky (swimming) / Lexi (bicycling) / Renae (running)
    Wabbid Wombats -- Cynthia (swimming) / Staci (bicycling) / Julie (running)
    Tri-Ing to Lose -- Carla (swimming) / Bobbie (bicycling) / Sara (running)
    Stitch Witches-- Steph (swimming) /Bonnie (bicycling) / JJ (running)

    Still looking for teams: Lynn (swimmer or runner), Greg (runner), Dusty (runner), Andrea (biker), Brandi (runner), Meerkat (event?)

    Possible team: Lynn (swimmer), Greg (runner), Andrea (biker)
    Another Possible team: ???? (swimmer), Dusty (runner), Meerkat (biker?)
    Another Possible team: ??? (swimmer), Brandi (runner), ???? (biker)

    These are only suggestions, feel free to talk amongst yourselves! But it looks like if Meerkat would be a swimmer or biker then we need one only one more person for that team (and if I remember right swimmers can be on more than one team? So maybe someone could fill in here?). And then one more swimmer and one more biker to make a team with Brandi. So if anyone is still interested in participating but has not yet signed up for a team, now is the time to jump in!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Happy to do any of the events, as needed. But if you can't fit me in a team, that's ok too. :-)

    And having had another look, could you make mine the full ironman for the individual? Sorry to be a pest.
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    I would be happy with this team:

    Possible team: Lynn (swimmer), Greg (runner), Andrea (biker)
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I DID IT!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    OK... before I even attempt to catch up on posts and all of that I just have to celebrate and THIS is the appropriate thread, I believe... but I did it!! I did it!! I ACTUALLY EFFING DID IT!!!

    Today... decided my goal would be to try and do 6 dang miles on the stupid bike! I HATE the bike! I hate it! I don't know why... I used to love to bike... but my fat butt on the seats with my big legs and I just... UGH! I hate it! But... stupid me (not, but play along) started this whole thing and said she was going to be an ironwoman... which means freaking 114 miles on a bike in 30 days?!? WTF was I thinking??? Seriously, WTF?? <<sigh>> So, I decide I am going to force myself to get at least 6 miles. Secretly, I was saying to myself that I would be happy with 5 miles. My friend decides that she will go with me -- who at a 4.8 mph is still walking without problem fyi. But I go with her and we get on the bikes... and we talk, and visit, and I tell her I hate the bike but I am doing OK, in fact I am kinda feeling good! We decide we are gonna switch bikes because she knows that my goal was to do 6 miles on the bike today - and we change at the 5 mile mark for me. She's burning... and I, I am OK. So she talks me into getting onto the treadmill... the things scare the crap out of me but I get on... and we go till I get to the 1K and she gets to the 2K mark. Then, off and onto more bikes. Now, I said we didn't have to but she's up for it because I built it up in her head. We get on and do the Coastal Run... 3.3 mile course. I kicked her butt! I did! We were both burning... She says she is done for the day and I go get on the elliptical and in my head I am calculating... and I figure out that another 4 miles and I'm to the mark... So I did it... I did a Sprint Triathalon today!!

    Gotta run, company is here!
  • andilynn82
    andilynn82 Posts: 75 Member
    I would be happy with this team:

    Possible team: Lynn (swimmer), Greg (runner), Andrea (biker)

    Sounds good to me :)

    Becky - I'm seriously in awe of you right now! Way to go!!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Just doing a little organizing here so we know where we are...


    Honey Badgers -- Becky (swimming) / Lexi (bicycling) / Renae (running)
    Wabbid Wombats -- Cynthia (swimming) / Staci (bicycling) / Julie (running)
    Tri-Ing to Lose -- Carla (swimming) / Bobbie (bicycling) / Sara (running)
    Stitch Witches-- Steph (swimming) /Bonnie (bicycling) / JJ (running)

    Still looking for teams: Lynn (swimmer or runner), Greg (runner), Dusty (runner), Andrea (biker), Brandi (runner), Meerkat (event?)

    Possible team: Lynn (swimmer), Greg (runner), Andrea (biker)
    Another Possible team: ???? (swimmer), Dusty (runner), Meerkat (biker?)
    Another Possible team: ??? (swimmer), Brandi (runner), ???? (biker)


    So it looks like we have a 5th team - Lynn, Greg and Andrea. Please pick a name!
    For the 6th team - we have Dusty, Meerkat (please post your actual name to sign up! It's part of the "requirements" as we want to best support everyone) and Brandi. However -- we need to have the 3 of you pick your event. Meerkat said anything was fine but both Dusty and Brandi are saying walker/runner.

    ALSO -- I hate to be a pain here BUT... we decided that this would be a CLOSED thread. I am COMPLETELY OK with anyone signing up... but we need to really ensure that everyone on the list are actual members of our group and are actually planning to follow through with the challenge, particularly about the Teams... if you lose a member than the other 2 can help to "cover" the 3rd event.

    As the Originator of the Challenge - I am asking everyone to please post and confirm that you are indeed still doing the event you signed up for.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I'm Becky... Confirming that I am the SWIMMER on (the winning team) THE HONEY BADGERS!!

    I am also setting a goal of completing the FULL triathalon (a.k.a. IronWOMAN) as an Individual.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member

    Becky - I'm seriously in awe of you right now! Way to go!!

    Thank you... I was inspired by Steph who did it a couple weeks ago... wasn't it Steph?!? If you see her posts about it I said "yeah, I wish I could do that, but that isn't gonna happen." Welp, I was wrong! Happily wrong... but I was inspired by Steph - wouldn't have even tried for it had it not been for her!

    THANK YOU STEPH!! :happy:
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Wow great job Becky!!!!
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    I am JJ and I am confirming that I am the runner for the awesome, amazing and crafty Stitch Witches, who will not only win this thing, but tie it up with a bow, knit it a cozy and then cover it in glitter.

    I will also be completing an individual Ironman triathalon. And I will be doing rowing for my swimming component. I did some tonight and found that I really enjoy the rhythm of it. Was there a conversion for that Becky?
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I am JJ and I am confirming that I am the runner for the awesome, amazing and crafty Stitch Witches, who will not only win this thing, but tie it up with a bow, knit it a cozy and then cover it in glitter.

    I will also be completing an individual Ironman triathalon. And I will be doing rowing for my swimming component. I did some tonight and found that I really enjoy the rhythm of it. Was there a conversion for that Becky?

    I think mile for mile... but I'll do more research... the quick research I see is maybe leading towards 2 to 1... We'll see! Good question.
  • simplysara9
    I am confirming I am the runner for Tri-Ing to Lose. I will also be completing a half tri as my individual!:smile:
  • simplysara9
    So far on our data sheet this is what we have...


    Becky -- Swim
    Renae -- Run
    Lexi -- Bike

    Julie -- Run
    Staci -- Bike
    Cynthia -- Swim

    Steph -- Swim
    Bonnie -- Bike
    JJ -- Run

    Bobbie -- Swim
    Sara -- Run
    Carla -- Bike

    Lynn -- Swim
    Greg -- Run
    Andrea -- Bike

    Personal Tri's

  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    :devil: :devil: BE AFRAID... BE VERY, VERY, VERY AFRAID... :devil: :devil: if you aren't a Honey Badger, that is! :devil:

    That's right, be afraid! If I could do a Sprint Triathalon in a single day... these Honey Badgers are gonna get this Ironman Triathalon done FIRST and so fast your heads will spin!! :noway: Yep, Be Afraid! HONEY BADGERS ARE GONNA WIN THIS!! :laugh:
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I have some great thoughts for those who don't end up with a team! So, please don't give up if you don't have a team...

    Thanks Sara for reposting what you were seeing and probably what you and Cynthia have on the Spreadsheet. I am gonna send out some PMs to see if people are really still around and doing this. May also look to see if/how often they have been on the 100+ to Lose Thread. I just don't want to set up any frustrations because people aren't pulling their ends. Especially if you are a part of a team and not doing your own individual... because the team needs to go on.

    Sorry, I feel like I am harping but when we get the official thread up it will all be positive... just feeling like I want to keep this going with committed members...


    .... oh, and Honey Badgers are going wipe the floor with you! ... have you seen the video?!? We just keep working, and working, and working!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hello ladies, I was going through the team info, and I'm biking for us...Carla is swimming.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I'm Jane
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member