Pet Peeve - logging non 'exercise' exercise



  • THCamel
    THCamel Posts: 54 Member
    OP - I like the way u speak ur mind! Made me :laugh:

    I don't take umbrage by it however :smile:
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    If someone has selected their activity level as "sedentary" and they do their cleaning a couple of times a week and put some backbone into it, then why not log it? I personally don't because my lifestyle is active anyway so it's just part of my "active" lifestyle. As far as I see it, I've already logged it by selecting "active", but for those who selected "sedentary" then log away. If it helps an inactive person to be more active then why not. Different strategies help different people. It obviously doesn't help you, or me for that matter, but it does help some people and in some cases it seems perfectly valid to log cleaning as exercise.
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    Well, I logged cleaning yesterday but I was doing it for 3 hours solid and it wasn't just washing dishes and sweeping the floor either it was serious scrubbing and humphing things about. It was a serious work out and I was shattered after it, so why shouldn't I log it?
    Regardless of how strenuous the activity, if it makes people feel better about themselves and helps them to improve, then who cares if they log it. This is a personal journey in which we are all taking control our lives so I think we should do what works for us and screw what other people think. (pardon my French)
  • BrownEyedGiRL928
    BrownEyedGiRL928 Posts: 51 Member
    I hardly post on these boards but I couldn't help replying to this one.

    I can understand the point you are trying to make - BUT - for people who are seriously counting their calories they need to log their activity/calories burned throughout the day so they know if they have exceeded their calorie quota even after doing light activities.

    I wear a activity monitor all day long and log how many calories I burn in a day... everyday. There are days I don't do strenuous activity but by the end of the day I've burned 500-600 calories just from walking around the office, cleaning, grocery shopping, etc. Those calories burned make a huge impact towards achieving my goal - doesn't matter if I burned them cleaning or doing a heavy cardio work-out.
  • Pete_Mann
    I'm going to log in my exercise journal that I replied to this topic.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Different strokes for different folks. To me, it really just depends on what type of lifestyle you live now compared to what you were living before. I mean if this person never ever mowed the lawn before making a commitment to a healthier lifestyle and joining MFP, but now they do mow the yard, then I say go ahead and count it as exercise.

    For me, the rule is this: Did I perform this activity before living this healthier lifestyle? If the answer is YES, then I DO NOT log it. If the answer is NO, then I log it. I don't log walking the dogs, mowing the lawn, cleaning, etc because I did all of these things before trying to lose weight, it was part of my life then, its part of my life now, I don't log it.

    But everyone is different and I am not going to judge. Maybe they never ever did much house cleaning before but now that they are committed to a healthier lifestyle they have improved fitness and can do it or are choosing to do it to be less sedentary.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Sometimes people forget that we are all different !!! That is my pet peeve LOL!!

    I just don't understand why some people get so personally upset by other peoples choices? If you don't want to log cleaning then don't?

    Personally I log daily walking and I eat back my 'exercise' calories burnt from said walking! I am 1lb away from goal weight and I have always used this method, so it works - for me! Of course that doesn't mean it would work for everyone.

    MFP is on the whole a very supportive, friendly place so it saddens me to read threads like this.

    Yes we are all here to support each other but ultimaltely our own indivdual weightloss is our own business and is shaped by our own choices. What works for someone will not work for someone else!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    PS I think the original poster is getting a bit too much stick for just expressing an opinion - she didn't say these people are evil or deserve bad things to happen to them...I think a pet peeve is just that - not quite strong enough to be a genuine annoyance but something she just finds a little irritating and she wanted to share it! Let her express her opinion people, that's all she's doing! :)

    I agree with this. i dont log cleaning etc, and everyone's entitled to their own opinion!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    There is a really wonderful and inspirational woman on this site who was so sedentary and heavy that she almost never even stood up. Her inspirational blog posts chronicled her progress. At one point she could not walk to the bathroom and back without stopping to rest. She rejoiced with joyful tears the first time she got to the shower, showered, and got back out of the bathroom without having to sit down. She would log 5 minutes of seated chair-aerobics and that exhausted her at first. We cheered her on when she logged grocery shopping as exercise because she actually left the house and walked around the store for the first time in years.
    She is amazing.
    Don't judge because you don't know everyone's whole story.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Pet peeve~people who feel the need to put others down for their effort ( no matter how small) instead of encouraging them!

    Pet peeve~people who assume they know everything about a strangers life, and are thus able to judge what is appropriate for the other person!

    Pet peeve~ the phrase " real exercise" which apparently means if you are accomplishing something other than burning calories, you are not exercising.

    I like you!! lol
  • shazzamax11
    To be honest I dont really care what people log, as everybody says its a personal preference.
    If you do no exercise and have a sedentary job then cleaning is using cardio whether its light, moderate or heavy. If you clean a house from top to bottom then you can burn calories. If you run up and down the stairs then you burn calories. Either way its a personal choice what you decide to record and its not something anybody should have a problem with,
    This is supposed to be a supportive site.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    'I know this may come off rude, and I don't mean it like that, but it drives me crazy when' people worry too much about what other people are doing when it really doesn't affect them in the first place.

    As another poster said: Maybe it would just be easier/better for you to not be friends with people who do it since you aren't supportive of it.
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    I DON'T log those things....But, this is THEIR journey NOT ours. Don't let it drive you crazy....worry about what you have to do for your journey & I don't mean to come off rude. : )
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I understand your point completely. I sometimes question why some people are on this when they look great already. Then I come to a realization that it's a mental thing. If it makes em feel like they did something, and helps them continue to keep going; then it's for them. If something as tiny as that is a pet peeve for you, maybe we need to analyze what really matters in life. As the saying goes, "whatever floats your boat!"

    So, because I am already a size 2-4, I should not be on here? I am not on here to lose weight and state that in my profile. I am here to maintain and get toned and ripped. In order to get toned and ripped while maintaining my current weight, I need to keep track of my protein and carb intake, to make sure they are high enough, while my overall calories are not in excess.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I can only conclude from this thread that a lot of people in it have VERY easy and stress-free lives if this is what bothers them. :-)

    This is my take on the subject.
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    PS I think the original poster is getting a bit too much stick for just expressing an opinion - she didn't say these people are evil or deserve bad things to happen to them...I think a pet peeve is just that - not quite strong enough to be a genuine annoyance but something she just finds a little irritating and she wanted to share it! Let her express her opinion people, that's all she's doing! :)

    If that opinion is hurtful, it's not surprising that she's 'getting stick'. "To me it feels like grasping at straws just to earn extra calories." <--- This was pretty insulting.
  • shazzamax11
    I'm going to log in my exercise journal that I replied to this topic.

    love it ;o)
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    PS I think the original poster is getting a bit too much stick for just expressing an opinion - she didn't say these people are evil or deserve bad things to happen to them...I think a pet peeve is just that - not quite strong enough to be a genuine annoyance but something she just finds a little irritating and she wanted to share it! Let her express her opinion people, that's all she's doing! :)

    I agree with this. i dont log cleaning etc, and everyone's entitled to their own opinion!

    Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but sometimes we all need to learn when to keep our opinions to ourselves. If it doesn't affect you, you really don't need to put other people down.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I find the mini-burns I see logged to be mildly amusing...if I am doing any strenuous "non-historical" exercise activity like mowing grass or plowing snow, I will wear the HRM and I will log the burn minus what I would have burned if I had sat watching TV in a sedentary my weight, I burn 1.5 calories on average per minute sitting I just account for those calories and subtract them from what the HRM says and log the difference...that way I won't tend to overeat, but still get a little bonus burn for something extra at dinner...

    I will echo earlier comments...I have enough to worry about in my own life to get irratated by what someone else does on this site...
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member

    I'm glad my mom has no clue how to find a forum thread. She's already embarrassed about how little she can do even just around her tiny one bedroom apartment (she has degenerative disc disease and is on disability for it), if she saw this or the other posts I've seen like it, she'd never do anything out of discouragement.

    I'm glad the OP got to vent her feelings tho. That is the point of the forums.
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