Pet Peeve - logging non 'exercise' exercise



  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Some good reading for those who get so annoyed about what others log as exercise:
  • phoenix9115
    personal trainer or not,this IS rude,and unnessesary.If these light duties didnt burn calories than they wouldnt be on the site,period.everyone lives their lives differently.i live on the 3rd floor with a complete *kitten* living under my so i cant do any exercise videos or even use my wii fit because he comes up screaming at me for shaking the house..I also live in not the best town where i cannot take a walk in my neighborhood,and am a stay at home mom with my 2 year old so going to the gym is not really something i can get into my day.I clean up after her constantly,wash dishes 3 times a day,do laundry everyday and by the end of the day im pretty pooped..I will be DAMNED if i am going to let some judgemental high and mighty personal trainer tell me or anyone else that cleaning all day long and running around after a 2 year old doesnt count as any excercise..I dont add in the exercise calories to my diet i dont eat them back,but i log them in to feel i accomplished something during the day..i have one thing to say to you and anyone else on this site who downs people who add cleaning as exercise..F*** you..get off your high horse,mind your own f***ing business or get the f*** off this is for supporting people and giving other people respect and helping them along their daily lives,not to sift through and see what annoys you about other peoples lives..get a life and personally train yourself to shut the f*** up.
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    I think it doesn't really matter and I truly think that if they are logging it because they are motivated than that is a step in the right direction, I mean who are we to down people for logging any kind of exercise. Just my opinion. When I clean my house, I don't just do 15 minutes, I do like 90 + minutes so you bet I will log that. To each his own I think...
  • Pete_Mann
    I'm going to log in my exercise journal that I replied to this topic.

    love it ;o)

    I totally did too! Now I got an extra calorie to eat back.

    I'm just having a little fun with the OP. For me, if I do something outside of my normal daily activity I usually log it. Though, I don't really have an opinion on what others log. If it works for them, then I'm 100% supportive.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I have to admit, I've seen things logged that make me stop and wonder, but when it comes down to it, each journey is personal, and if it's working for that person, then it's working. That simple.
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    oh man when i posted something like this i got like 9-10 pages of people trying to mouth me that, thats the ONLY activity they can do because of health issiues, weight, etc...

    IMO!!!!! did u cook food before? did you clean your house before? did you go for a 5min walk before? yes? well then why are you still unhealthy? what makes you think that you logging those same things you did before will all off a sudden make you healthier or make u loose weight? exercise..... thats the only way to do it... and yes if you cant run 30-40min because of health issiues go for a 1 hour walk.. if you cant walk that long.. go for a 10min walk, rest for 10min then walk another 10 min... only way to get better... if u just sit and clean ur house once a week isnt going to make a diffrance
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    I log if it's well outside my normal daily activity. And I only log half because MFP over-estimates.

    Example - Last week I spent 4 hours gardening (fairly strenuous digging etc) which I logged as 2 hours of gardening.

    Example - A few weeks ago I spent 6 hours walking around a theme park up and down hills which I logged as 3 hours of walking.

    Walking around the shops for 2 hours I wouldn't log as I do it every week so it's part of my regular activity.

    Cleaning the house for an hour or 2 on a Saturday I wouldn't log as it's just going from room to room which I'd probably be doing for one reason or another even if I wasn't cleaning.

    My take on it is that my activity level (sedentary) takes into account anything from sitting on the couch all day to normal daily tasks and chores. Anything I log would have to take me above what I consider my regular sedentary lifestyle.
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member

    Yes.....yes I totally agree with this comment. Wow.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    oh man when i posted something like this i got like 9-10 pages of people trying to mouth me that, thats the ONLY activity they can do because of health issiues, weight, etc...

    IMO!!!!! did u cook food before? did you clean your house before? did you go for a 5min walk before? yes? well then why are you still unhealthy? what makes you think that you logging those same things you did before will all off a sudden make you healthier or make u loose weight? exercise..... thats the only way to do it... and yes if you cant run 30-40min because of health issiues go for a 1 hour walk.. if you cant walk that long.. go for a 10min walk, rest for 10min then walk another 10 min... only way to get better... if u just sit and clean ur house once a week isnt going to make a diffrance

    I gained 10 pounds while running/walking 42 miles-plus a week. Maybe I shouldn't count that, either?
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Why is is people always got to stick their noses in other peoples *kitten*? Does it impact you in anyway when people log this stuff?
  • airind
    airind Posts: 31
    personal trainer or not,this IS rude,and unnessesary.If these light duties didnt burn calories than they wouldnt be on the site,period.everyone lives their lives differently.i live on the 3rd floor with a complete *kitten* living under my so i cant do any exercise videos or even use my wii fit because he comes up screaming at me for shaking the house..I also live in not the best town where i cannot take a walk in my neighborhood,and am a stay at home mom with my 2 year old so going to the gym is not really something i can get into my day.I clean up after her constantly,wash dishes 3 times a day,do laundry everyday and by the end of the day im pretty pooped..I will be DAMNED if i am going to let some judgemental high and mighty personal trainer tell me or anyone else that cleaning all day long and running around after a 2 year old doesnt count as any excercise..I dont add in the exercise calories to my diet i dont eat them back,but i log them in to feel i accomplished something during the day..i have one thing to say to you and anyone else on this site who downs people who add cleaning as exercise..F*** you..get off your high horse,mind your own f***ing business or get the f*** off this is for supporting people and giving other people respect and helping them along their daily lives,not to sift through and see what annoys you about other peoples lives..get a life and personally train yourself to shut the f*** up.

    I would like you to reread your post and what you are saying this forum and site should be for ("it is for supporting people and giving other people respect") and decide for yourself whether your post demonstrates the behaviours that you are advocating for.
    Please also read my clarifying post about what I was actually seeing on my wall. I have a 3.5 year old and chasing after him certainly IS exercise, but would be included in my daily allowance anyway.
  • Sweetcheeks278
    This subject AGAIN! Really?! Wow, this is getting old. Let me get to the point - It doesnt impact you in any way so don't worry about what other people are doing.
  • airind
    airind Posts: 31
    This subject AGAIN! Really?! Wow, this is getting old. Let me get to the point - It doesnt impact you in any way so don't worry about what other people are doing.

    Well sorry. I'm fairly new to MFP, so I didn't realize this is a subject that has been hashed out too many times.

    There is power in education though. It may not impact me, but it will eventually impact them. At the end of the day, I just want to see people being successful though intentional, planned exercise. I realize many of you do not support me in that, and that's cool! I respect your opinion even if you don't respect mine.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Unless it's causing you to not lose weight (or gain it), why in the world would it drive you crazy?

    I don't log those things, but it's none of my business if someone else does.

    I agree. Why do you care what someone else does?
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    This subject AGAIN! Really?! Wow, this is getting old. Let me get to the point - It doesnt impact you in any way so don't worry about what other people are doing.

    Well sorry. I'm fairly new to MFP, so I didn't realize this is a subject that has been hashed out too many times.

    There is power in education though. It may not impact me, but it will eventually impact them. At the end of the day, I just want to see people being successful though intentional, planned exercise. I realize many of you do not support me in that, and that's cool! I respect your opinion even if you don't respect mine.

    How about you educate yourself through another opinion and read this
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    This subject AGAIN! Really?! Wow, this is getting old. Let me get to the point - It doesnt impact you in any way so don't worry about what other people are doing.

    Well sorry. I'm fairly new to MFP, so I didn't realize this is a subject that has been hashed out too many times.

    There is power in education though. It may not impact me, but it will eventually impact them. At the end of the day, I just want to see people being successful though intentional, planned exercise. I realize many of you do not support me in that, and that's cool! I respect your opinion even if you don't respect mine.

    How about you educate yourself through another opinion and read this

    But she's a personal trainer, so she HAS to know it ALL! LoL
  • airind
    airind Posts: 31

    How about you educate yourself through another opinion and read this

    Actually, that post just proves my point. The people I was referring to are in no way sedentary, therefore these activities would be included in their allowance already and should not be logged. I should've clarified in my OP who I was talking about, because I'm getting a lot of flack about a sedentary lifestyle and that was not what I was referring to.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Three thoughts.

    1) Any thing you do outside your normal routine is worth logging - as long as you know that your target was right in the first place... for example if you are sedentary (like me, sat at a computer all day) - and find that at, say 1400 calories you are loosing 1lb a week - then decide to spend two hours every Thursday cleaning in order to help your weight loss - yes - log this and either feel good about loosing weight quicker or don't feel guilty about the extra treat you allow yourself. That said - if you're not loosing to start with you need to work this out before worrying about the extras like this.

    2) A little exercise for a long time makes a big difference - 30 minutes walk every day = 850 calories a week - which is for most people is 0.2 lb extra loss per week (or 20% faster weight loss!!!!!) so- yes, if you decide to spend 30 minutes cleaning the house every day, not only will you have a lovely clean house but you will loose weight faster!

    3) I personally think its none of my business to judge what people choose to log - unless someone asks for help and requests that I look at their diary. And then all I'll look at is if your food choices are the right ones and if your basic targets are correct. I don't care if you walk, run, clean, dance, lift weights, or tie on a false tail and chase it round the garden... if you are getting off your butt and moving good for you.
  • airind
    airind Posts: 31
    But she's a personal trainer, so she HAS to know it ALL! LoL

    LOL - if only! I'd be mighty famous if that were true.
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    "Well sorry. I'm fairly new to MFP, so I didn't realize this is a subject that has been hashed out too many times."


    Thats what the search button is for. See my signature.
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