Pet Peeve - logging non 'exercise' exercise



  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    I feel sorry for people that stress about what other people that they don't know do or don't do to better themselves. I suggest a diary or a shrink or finding something productive to better cope with such a stressful situation (cleaning or preparing food perhaps - don't worry you don't have to log it).
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
  • airind
    airind Posts: 31
    I feel sorry for people that stress about what other people that they don't know do or don't do to better themselves. I suggest a diary or a shrink or finding something productive to better cope with such a stressful situation (cleaning or preparing food perhaps - don't worry you don't have to log it).

    Funniest part was, I wasn't stressed until everyone started freaking out at me about it! I simply stated it and moved on. I will continue not to stress but not trying to justify myself in every post as well, it doesn't seem to be doing any good anyway!

    Hopefully the rest of you can also move on with your day.
  • kerriknox
    kerriknox Posts: 276 Member

    lol - I actually thought for a sec there that you had that much time on your hands and created a new one!
  • FindingFit50s
    Why does it matter what someone else wants to log or not log as exercise? Everyone has their own reasons. Some people chose to log less than they actually do, so maybe the did more than "light" cleaning, but dont want to over estimate because they dont have a hrm, or maybe they use that to prompt themselves to do more housework. Maybe they have their activity set to sedentary, so that everything over that is extra. Maybe they don't even eat that back anyway, but still like to log it. Maybe they are recovering from an injury, or sickness, or have a debilitating condition so that all they can do is light, and everything is an achievement. Let people use this tool as a tool, how best works for them. You use it how you want too.


    And stop assuming you know what's best for ANYone besides yourself. If you take care of your own business and health, you should have enough to keep yourself top busy to be "peeved" about other people's programs.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Oh man, wouldn't it be just so magical if we could make people use this site the way we see fit? If I could, I'd totally make people use the search function instead of resurrecting dead horses for further flogging. Also, I'd create a unicorn that gives me delicious calorie/fat free french fries. Since I can do neither of these things, I suppose I'll have to accept it and move on with my life. Sad, really.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    Just a lttle advice for future posting...if you feel the need to start out saying "I'm sorry if this offends anyone," don't post it. By starting out with those little words, you already know you are going to start up some trouble. If you really feel the need to type it out, put it in your personal blog, not on the public forums.
  • airind
    airind Posts: 31
    Just a lttle advice for future posting...if you feel the need to start out saying "I'm sorry if this offends anyone," don't post it. By starting out with those little words, you already know you are going to start up some trouble. If you really feel the need to type it out, put it in your personal blog, not on the public forums.

    That is an excellent tip. Thanks!
  • airind
    airind Posts: 31
    Oh man, wouldn't it be just so magical if we could make people use this site the way we see fit? If I could, I'd totally make people use the search function instead of resurrecting dead horses for further flogging. Also, I'd create a unicorn that gives me delicious calorie/fat free french fries. Since I can do neither of these things, I suppose I'll have to accept it and move on with my life. Sad, really.

    It is. If you ever do find that unicorn, please let me know. Calorie free fries sound amazing!
  • FindingFit50s
    For some people, getting up and making dinner or cleaning their house is exercise. As an RN, I once attended an extreme weight-loss class for morbidly obese people (the people that if wanting life-changing surgery needed to lose 50+ lbs in 3months) for work and learned that just walking in 5 minute bursts up their stairs was more exercise than they've probably done in a long time. The class made let you know calories in, calories out. At my house, there are 3 levels so doing laundry for everyone and putting it away can give me a few miles on my pedometer with all of the stairs I'm walking. Not everyone has the same fitness level and if cleaning house, standing to make dinner or walking to the mail box if their exercise for the day, then congrats to them for making some type of movement besides picking up a fork or remotes.

    and THIS too!

    Which *may* have occurred to you, OP, if you could take a moment to step outside of your self-absorbed, near-sighted conceit for a moment. You know, like: "Don't judge my journey until you've walked a mile in my body."

    AND.... why the freak are so many people feeling obligated to respond to this by justifying why they do or don't log this or that??? It's NONE of her business!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member

    I feel another threat to your geek card a'brewin'!
  • bpayne78
    bpayne78 Posts: 249 Member
    I didn't read all 6 pages so if this is a duplicate of what someone else said......sorry.

    That being said, there are some of us (like myself), that those kinds of things ARE our exercise. I have an auto-immune disorder that affects my muscles. It's called Dermatomyositis and it is an inflammatory muscle degenerative disorder. I also have suspicions that I may have Fibromyalgia as well. This makes most physical activity difficult. To be able to go to work, I have to "save up" my energy and that means no "official workout". So for ME, the going to the beach with the kids, walking the zoo on a field trip with work, cleaning the bathrooms......that IS my movement/workout. It wears me out as much as a Zumba class may wear someone else out. That's not everyday stuff for me. I don't count doing the laundry, cooking, showering, etc because those are things that I DO do on a regular basis. But if I give the bathroom a good scrub better believe I'm going to count it.

    Just my 2 cents and why I put those types of things.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I don't log much of anything....anymore. I used to and didn't lose weight. I discovered that I don't burn very much at all during my workouts, never mind yard work or cleaning or shopping. The most I'm likely to burn is when I run - 100 cal per mile. Whooptidoo. Specially, since I can't run very far, lol.

    So, if it works for you...go for it. If it doesn't, then by all means, don't log it.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member

    It is. If you ever do find that unicorn, please let me know. Calorie free fries sound amazing!

    You're getting a lot of flak for this but you're totally taking it like a champ. So despite the fact that you did two things that are pet peeves for me, I think I actually like you. :laugh:
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    I know this may come off rude, and I don't mean it like that, but it drives me crazy when people log things like "cleaning, light effort", or "food preparation" and count that as their daily exercise.

    I do realize this stuff burns calories, but it is not the same kind of heart rate exceleration and body challenge that real exercise will give you. To me it feels like grasping at straws just to earn extra calories. Then you see comments underneath congratulating that person for making dinner. I mean don't get me wrong, if I clean my whole house and break a sweat, I'll for sure log that... but if I just mop the floor for 15 min, that doesn't count for me.

    You don't need to be sweating for 2 hours a day at the gym to be "exercising", and not everyone can do that anyway.

    Getting Fit is a LIFEstyle choice and it's a matter of adding up those smaller changes which make for a much larger difference over time.

    Consider someone who might only be capable of going for a 10 minute walk every day at a slow pace. Maybe they'll only burn 50 calories doing that....BUT....if they do that every day throughout the year...that's 18250 calories over all, which WILL make a difference in that person.

    Similarly, we are in general a sedentary population who spend our time sitting (in front of computers, TV's, in name it).

    ANYthing that gets the average person up and doing something, counts in the long run.
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    I only log it if it involved getting changed and going to the gym, or going for a run, anything else I figure fits in the Sedentary profile. After all even couch potatoes have to make dinner.

    Agree totally!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Keefypoos
    Keefypoos Posts: 231 Member
    yeah I have to agree with you on this one. I clean for a living - maybe I should log all that work? :)

    Maybe you have your profile to lighlty active instaed of sedentry
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    Amen to that, sista! I am so glad yo posted this topic, 'cause I hate to be rude to people...but I totally agree with you! Grasping at straws for sure..."gardening, mowing the lawn"...silly stuff to me. As a rule, I just don't comment one way or the other on those types of "exercises", so as not to offend..

    thanks for speaking up!
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    It annoys me too!

    I once put in 'cleaning' because I was curious to see how much it had burnt and felt very silly afterwards! never again! that sort of thing should be in your activity level!
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