TURBO FIRE 8/22: The Holiday Countdown!!!!



  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Fire 45, jog and stretch 10 today! Felt great afterwards. I looked over the schedule and realized I miscalculated my last day of TurboFire. I'll be finished Dec 30 "my birthday". Yay. Not Jan 5 like I thought. Keep up the great work everyone :)
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Whoop! Gat way to celebrate your birthday!

    I did fire 45 today, I think it is my favourite, I love the boom, I got your bf routine and the finale just seems to unleash energy in my I didn't realise I still had! I even enjoyed the 3 HIITs today!

    Also....drumroll....I started B210K today, ran 3.44 miles. I am BEYOND proud of myself for running this!

    Not sure how the next few weeks will pan out, during term time, I find it really easy to do TF and running 4 days a week. In the Xmas holidays, I want to knock it down a bit, so I'm only exercising an hour a day, I'll just have too many other jobs to do. If the weather doesn't get much colder, I'm thinking of continuing the 10k programme 3 days a week and doing either some TF strength or CLX 3 days a week. If it gets too cold and icy, I think I'll just continue with my TF programme!
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    Hey all!
    I'm on week 17!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It looks like week 20 will fall for me on the last week of this month. KIM I like the idea of starting a hybrid in February. So I'm in!

    I finally got my labs back from the docs. My Insulin levels dropped 10 points!!!!!!!! I'm officially no longer insulin resistant.
    This is such a blessing for me. So now I keep pushing for my health. The weight loss is just an extra perk.

    Last week was a weird week. I think it's because my eating was off. In some way's I'll be glad when the holidays are over. All of these get togethers and food have been a bit of distraction. I finally have my eating back on track though.

    It's snowing here in the south!!!!!!! I'm off today and woke to a total white suprise. Going to take a pic of my snowed over home.
    Have a great day!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    It sounds like everyone is on the right track! Go us!

    Yesterday I did fire 55. That one drags for me. Idk why? Today I did fire 30 and sculpt 30.
  • hags82
    hags82 Posts: 13
    Hi everyone! I was just reading all your posts about Turbo Fire and wanted to tell you what a great job you guys are doing! I just finished the 20 week program 2 weeks ago and I just loved it! I am doing P90X now. I have already lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks! I love the Beachbody programs so much that I decided to be a coach! Now I can help other people find their "soul-mate" workouts! Friend me if you like!
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Hey everyone Wow! Can you believe it's less than 2 wks before Christmas! Im into my 10th week of TF moving along great. My strength and endurance is improving each week. Mondays are usually my rest days but Im having a medical procedure done Thurs so Im making it my rest day. I have HIIT 25 and sculpt 30 today! Have a great week everyone.

    Oh yeah since I'll be done with the regular TF in 2 weeks Im preparing for my next fitness plan. I plan to do my own made up hybrid of P90X, TF, running and add a day or 2 of Shaun T's Rockin' body. Basically I'll be doing P90X strength training and running 3 days a week and doing TF and Rockin Body the other days for cardio. Im still trying to decide if I should take one or two rest days. Other option would be a rest day and then a stretch/yoga day. I still have time to figure it out before the new year.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I should have started week 12 this week, but I got super busy last week, with starting B210K and the build up to Christmas, and my essay for college - sometimes it just all happens at once!

    I think I'm going to use this week to try and catch up with the workouts I missed from last week and take it from there. The school holidays start on Friday, we have visitors at the weekend and then the next weekend is Christmas - it sounds like I'm making excuses, but I sometimes can't justify doing 2 hours of exercise a day! (on my running days if I do TF, that's what it works out at).

    Am still looking to complete the 20 week programme though, I might have to adapt it to fit in with my schedule! Keep pushing play!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Week 17! Woooop woooop woooooop! :) Hi all! Sorry it's been a few days, I've been without internet on my laptop and busy, so the combo meant no time!

    Anyway, it's back and it's good! Can't believe I'm on week 17! The last page of the calendar workout is SO my speed! I love the HIITS and the long cardio! :) I did have to switch my rest day of tomorrow with Monday because my husband got sick and I was taking care of him all day. Soooo, other than that, totally on schedule!


    While I weigh around the same 138-139, in one month I have noticed a HUGE difference in my clothes and pants especially! I just bought some new TIGHT yoga pants (more like leggings) last month that are now "too big" and I think going ot be for pjs! I have lost 2 inches in my waist/belly, 1 inch in my chest, 1.5 inches in my upper thighs and 2 inches inches in my booty/hips! HOLY DANG!

    SOOOOOOO, I am feeling really really really really really good about this program! If any of you ever thought it wouldn't happen or couldn't happen or that you are pooped... KEEP GOING! I can't wait to see the results this time around!

    Haven't had a chance to read all your posts, just skim briefly but it seems you guys are doing great! KEEP IT UP! KEEP STRONG!

  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Good job, ladies!

    I'm been incredibly sick these last couple of days so not TF for me:( I'm hoping to get going again on it tomorrow and knock out week 6 before I leave for vacation on Sunday!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Couldn't access Turbo today so I thought I'd have a crack at Jillian Michael's cardio kickbox.......easy peasy, barely even broke a sweat, c'mon Jillian, give me a challenge!
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Couldn't access Turbo today so I thought I'd have a crack at Jillian Michael's cardio kickbox.......easy peasy, barely even broke a sweat, c'mon Jillian, give me a challenge!

    Haha- that's great, I'd been wondering how I'd handle the JM after TF! Will try it out in the new year I think!

    I did HIIT 25 yest and sculpt 30, good workouts, I have no time to do any TF today, if I want to go for my run (even though it's very cold!), finalise my essay, deliver my husbands dissertation to university, and do my Christmas baking! All by 1pm as I'm doing my support line from then til 330! Stressed? moi?:laugh:
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Couldn't access Turbo today so I thought I'd have a crack at Jillian Michael's cardio kickbox.......easy peasy, barely even broke a sweat, c'mon Jillian, give me a challenge!

    LOL I agree. A lot of her workouts I actually find are easy peasy... UNLESS i ahven't done TFIRE in a few months. But after Tfire it's like, pump it up LOL

    @Becka, you keep doing it, you will get there, even if you have to modify it! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :D
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    I celebrate Christmas with my family in 10 days! WOW! I didn't get to 135 by Christmas, but I might! I'm only 2 pounds away and so I'm very happy! I have done it and actually lost weight this holiday season! :)

    The real trick will be to not GAIN weight while we are on vacation from the 26th through the new year! Although, we will be hiking some 4-12 miles every day and mountain biking, so tha counts right? :D

  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    After 5 days off from being severely sick, I got back to TF! I did Fire30 and Tone30. Like both of them but they kicked my booty from not working out the last several days. Feels good to be back though:)
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Just finished up Fire 60 today---woohoo! Great songs and everything. it was my second time doing it and it feels good to get more and more in shape. Can't wait to get a bit more definition in the abs... oh, I did Abs 10 two days ago. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW. Still feeling it, but definitely looking forward to doing it again! :)
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hello! I know the holidays are almost here, but where you all at?!?!?

    Well week 18 on Monday and I'm just so so so so soooooo happy to be wrapping it up!

    Now let me explain what i mean by that..

    I'm not happy that it's over, I'm happy that I mentally stuck through something, that I got in great shape and that I lost close to 25 pounds! :) Mostly though, I am proud that I never gave up during the times life got busy, dramas arose and well... JUST HAPPY! ! !

    I can't wait to continue and start up something new mid January! I am thinking I want to do it again with Extreme or p90x!

    I have started a new thread just getting ideas of how many people would join a new challenge! LET'S DO IT TOGETHER AND GET TO OUR SUMMER BODIES!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. I did my first Cardio Class at the studio on Friday and today adn well... EVERYONE was saying what good shape I am in. And by that, I mean MY HEART! I was kicking these girl's (and skinny, super flexy girls) BUTTS! They had to stop, sit down and well drink water every other second... me, I NEVEr stopped AND i did all the plyo and accelerated postures. I love my yoga, I love my barre, I love my pilates BUT I STILL LOVE CARDIO! I want to be healthy in all ways and balanced. And well, TFIRE does it!

    SOOOO Thanks all! I will be back on Monday! Not tomorrow because I'm finishing up Christmas wrapping, sending, cards (not the mailed ones) putting up extra decorations and making vegan cookies! :) TOODLES!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Hey! I'm heading to Japan for 2 weeks so if I'm not around that's why! Stick with it, ladies!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    OMG i have fun in Japan Beckkotsch!!!!! Take some pics for me, eat wonderful noodles and be inspired! What takes you to Japan?!?!?!

    Well everyone, week 18 for me and I'm killing it! I'm sooooo happy I haven't gained weight this year at Christmas! LOL So happy! :)

    Anyway, wanted to sy thanks again for joining me on this journey! How are you all doing with it? Food, injuries, fatique, weightloss, measurements etc?/

    Also, what protein shakes or meal replacement powders do you use? How do you use it and what does it taste like?

    I'm always looking for something good, but vegan protein costs A LOT so I'm broadening my horizon. As I begin teaching more and am on the road I will need more than my usual green smoothies with chia seeds! thought I would ask here first before I take it to the forums. Oh and yes, I do have Shakeology, but I don't like the carbs in it. Looking for something lower!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    OMG i have fun in Japan Beckkotsch!!!!! Take some pics for me, eat wonderful noodles and be inspired! What takes you to Japan?!?!?!

    Well everyone, week 18 for me and I'm killing it! I'm sooooo happy I haven't gained weight this year at Christmas! LOL So happy! :)

    Anyway, wanted to sy thanks again for joining me on this journey! How are you all doing with it? Food, injuries, fatique, weightloss, measurements etc?/

    Also, what protein shakes or meal replacement powders do you use? How do you use it and what does it taste like?

    I'm always looking for something good, but vegan protein costs A LOT so I'm broadening my horizon. As I begin teaching more and am on the road I will need more than my usual green smoothies with chia seeds! thought I would ask here first before I take it to the forums. Oh and yes, I do have Shakeology, but I don't like the carbs in it. Looking for something lower!
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    I'm still here. I'm actually on vacation right now with my family. Workouts are still going well. I only missed one day and that's because of traveling. I'll make it up next week. Keep up the great work everyone and Happy Holidays!