P90X Support Group...



  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Ok guys, here goes... Day 1 left, day 30 right.

    By the way, the wearing the same shorts wasn't intentional, I happened to do day 1 and day 30 in the same shorts - how random!






  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    So no major visible changes but I was prepared for that... I feel the changes and I just don't think these shots are doing me much justice.. Here's a better one I took post kenpo last week:


    Here's to Day 60!


    P.S. - Plyometrics was satisfyingly tough today ;)
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Drew and Jay , you both look great. Keep up the good work! Makes me wish I would have taken pics so I could see if I have any changes. I can feel them so I know I do, but it would take a couple rounds of p90x to look as good as you two!
  • danadee
    danadee Posts: 49
    Hey Group!

    This looks like the most active P90X group here. I did a round of P90X last year and lost 22 lbs. I have mixed in other programs and lost a total of 45 lbs. I want to lose 65 total, so I started a new round of P90X on Monday. Day 90 will be 12/31/2011.
    Gonna lose those last 20 lbs by the end of year. No other option!!!

    Doing Classic.

    Chest & Back was Monday. No longer have a place for my pullup bar, so had to do bands for those.
    Plyo was yesterday. OMG, I forgot how hard it was! Kicked my behind!! Had to press pause a few times to catch my breath, but it was a great burn!
    Today - Shoulders & Arms.

    I started a 90 day accountability group on facebook, but I'm always looking for more people to talk to about P90X. All insight is helpful! :)

    Bring It!

  • drwstown76
    Nikki... Thanks! :) I would go ahead and take some pics now so you have something to compare to at the end. Bring It!

    Wendy... Thank you very much! :blushing:

    Jay... Dude... I definitely see changes in your pics. You are looking FANTASTIC bro! You have added significant bulk to your shoulders, bis, tris... and ABS!

    Way to go man... give yourself some credit! You are crushing this thing!

    I get off in 45 min... Cant wait to get some plyo in! BooM!

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Thanks guys. I wasn't fishing for compliments there, just keeping it real, but it's nice to hear it anyway :)

    Drew, you're seeing some big results dude! You can see the bodyfat shredding off and mad definition coming through. Reckon you're on your way to 6 pack land by day 60 the rate you're going! :)

    Overall I'm pleased with my results so far - I'll take some more of that please! Watch this space for some awesome day 60 pics coming right up!

    Danadee - welcome to the group! Always great to have a grad aboard :)

  • ladyrae1104
    HI! Im new to this site, but I am on week of 6 of P90, I haven't lost any weight but I have gained tons of muscle in my arms and my legs! Im a little upset about not losing the pounds, but my husband keeps telling me its a process! Im hoping you all will help keep me motivated and push me to stick with it!!
  • barell
    barell Posts: 8 Member
    Drew and Jay, thank you so much for posting your 30 day pics. It helps motivation more than you can know!
  • roballesteros
    I did CardioX today and nothing else, no run....just not enough time in the day:sad: I have promised myself that I will get out and run early in the morning tomorrow. I must up my commitment, the pics that Drew and Jay posted leave me no choice!

    I will be posting progress pics but I fear that there will be little to no diff. :grumble: Even though I have not missed a workout in 30 days, apperantly my intensity is not up to par! I need to re-focus!!!

    Thanks for posting your pics Jay & Drew...the bar has been raised and I have been inspired!

    I will be making MY workout COUNT!

  • danadee
    danadee Posts: 49
    Thanks Jay for the warm welcome! :)

    Ladyrae - Have you lost inches? Did you take measurements when you started? If you have gained muscle, you have also burned fat, and you should have lost some inches. Maybe you aren't eating enough?? How much do you have to lose?

  • barell
    barell Posts: 8 Member
    Let me throw my two cents in regarding weight loss. The past week I have been doing A LOT of research on the nutrition side of P90X, and it seems pretty unanimous that if your weight loss stalls (or doesn't begin) and your are bringing it to your workouts your need to take a very hard look at what you are eating. The shocker for me was how much food they want you to consume. Seems to fly in the face of logic, but I added more calories and in three days I can see and feel a difference. They say 65% of this program is the nutrition and I had kind of blown that off, thinking if I just kept my calories low the weight would come off but it is counterproductive with this program. Just wanted to throw that out there for those of us that aren't seeing the results that we thought we would.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    My weight is all over the place.

    I started out at about 160 (goal weight I'd reached through diet).
    I was up at 167 just before recovery week.
    Weighed in at 164 last Saturday, but that was a dehydrated weigh in as I'd drank alcohol the night before without taking ion enough water.
    By this Monday just passed I was up to 169.
    This morning back at 166.

    All over the place! Still, I'm not too concerned, my goal here isn't to lose any weight or even any size, I'm trying to gain lean mass and get ripped. I reckon realistically I'll have gained a pound of lean mass since starting - I believe that it's physically impossible to grow more than 1.5lb of muscle mass per month without steroids (and there's something I'll never do!).

    How am I eating? Well I'm aiming at 2600 calories a day with a 40/40/20 macro split. My maintenance level of calories (BMR with activity multiplier) is 2130 so this is a modest surplus, although I'm not eating back any exercise calories because I don't have a HRM so that's a surplus of only 470 to account for my workout burn and to supply my body with the building blocks to grow... Hmm... Now I think of it like that, I realise I'm sitting on the fence here... I need to make my mind up whether to go for bulk and eat another 400 or so quality calories daily or start my cut and eat 4 or 5 hundred less.

    Well, this is all a new experience to me anyway. Just getting into the workout routine was enough of a challenge so I accepted from the start that if I tried to do the P90x diet verbatim I'd probably end up failing and that could bring down the whole thing. Maybe now I'm getting the hang of it, my round 2 will include the strict p90x diet...

  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Good morning team! Yoga X completed this morning to put day 39 in the books! It's official, I actually enjoy Yoga X now... Who would have thought?

    My opinion on the nutrition/calories/weight loss topic is that many people eat way too little while doing P90X. This quickly leads to a lack of energy, inability to push hard during the workouts, sub-par performance, and in the end less than optimal results.

    I've had debates on other forums with people who think they need to eat UNDER their BMR to lose weight, all while doing intense exercise like P90X. UNDER my BMR??!?!?? Are you kidding me??!!?! My BMR is probably less than 1800 calories! If I ate less than that I would walk around like a zombie, and would probably be forced to quit at some point. I am eating 2400-2500 calories most days, maybe a little less (2000-2200) on rest days, and so far in 5.5 weeks of P90X I've lost 6 pounds. That is pretty much EXACTLY the pace I'm looking for, although I only want to lose maybe 5-10 more to get to 170-175. More important than weight at this point to me is getting my body fat percentage down to about 10%. It's about 15% right now.

    Jay, if you're looking to add lean mass, you should be up around 3000 calories I would say. Once I get my body fat down to where i want it, I'll probably do a bulking phase at about 3000 calories to add a little more lean mass myself.

    Anyway, the pictures look great guys, the program works and you guys are working it!

    Legs & Back / Ab Ripper for me in the morning!!!


  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Happy Thursday all! On day 37 here, ready for it:explode: Burned 802 calories on Core yesterday, felt fantastic! I did take a pic yesterday Drew just to have for comparison as you said. Still made me a little ill to look at it :sick: Thats ok though I can see differences just from pics of me from the fair in early August, my face and waist is slimmer. Had a NSV last night too! Got to move a slot up on the belt :bigsmile: Made my day. Can't wait to see the final results, hope I look 1/2 as good as Dana! You got it going on girl! Great results! Keep on Bringing it everyone!:drinker:
  • drwstown76
    Hey Yall!!! Day 31.... Phase Two is underway! BooM!
    Has anyone heard from Sassy? I haven't seen her post in a while... I REALLY hope she i still with us!

    OK... Back and Bis with ARX! WowiE! Man, that workout is a freaking beast. You were right Mike! Halfway into this thing, I was like... "Cmon Boy! Whats the matter with you!!!" hahahahaha... I freaking love it! :explode:

    So starting today, I have decided to incorporate another serving of good carbs into my diet. I still am trying to get under 10% body fat, but like Mike said, my energy has really dropped off. Plus I got sick. I have no doubt that this was not a coincidence. I feel great and strong.

    Wendy... Thanks for the info on the almond milk... I tried some today and I LOVE IT!!!! 4g of non saturated fat per serving is pretty darn good if you factor in the limited carbs and cals.

    Nikki... Way to go on that pic! You are working your butt on this program... fully committed and strong! Keep it up... You rock.

    Jay and Mike... You guys are the backbone of Team X! Thanks so much for getting in here and updating every day! You definitely make my journey more pleasant.


    to the newbies.... welcome! We need you! Thanks for joining....

    Bring It yall! Boom!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Ok, so who here has adjustable dumbbells? Can you explain to me how in the hell we're meant to get through this thing in under 2 hours??

    I feel the same way as I did about Core Synergistics the first time I did it. I'm pretty angry at this video for expecting things that are outside most reasonable home users means. 2 hours I spent doing this routine including pausing after every damn move to change my weights. At one point, I'm sure I changed back and forth between the same 2 weights 4 times! Why in the hell would it be structured that way!?!?

    Ok Tony H, so in addition to the hundred odd quid it costs for the DVD's, we're expected to own a full rack of weights for this are we? I didn't even do the strip set curls. I looked at it and thought "Line up 4 weights? Yeah alright Tony, you go line up 4 weights in your Hollywood home gym and I'll sit here on the floor spinning and un-spinning these adjustables with your mug leering down at me on pause from the screen shall I"... I'd do my best and forget the rest but I can't do my best because I'm spending more time changing weights than I am lifting weights.

    I guess I'm also a bit miffed that I can't get unassisted pullups again. Gone, like I never got them in the first place :(

    Grrr... Frustrated!

    Ok, rant over. Normal positivity will be resumed shortly :wink:

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Alright alright, I checked my facts and it was actually about an hour and 40 not including arx which I haven't done yet - it's late, I need to eat dinner, I'll do it later. Should be able to speed it up in future by knowing what weight i need to use for each move so I won't be starting a move then having to wind it back to go again with the proper weight.

    Also gonna buy another set of spinlock bars so I can keep a high weight and a low weight ready on the bar all the time. Should work for most moves.

    What a frustrating workout! Oh well, yoga tomorrow to relax me a bit :)

  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Ok, so who here has adjustable dumbbells? Can you explain to me how in the hell we're meant to get through this thing in under 2 hours??

    I feel the same way as I did about Core Synergistics the first time I did it. I'm pretty angry at this video for expecting things that are outside most reasonable home users means. 2 hours I spent doing this routine including pausing after every damn move to change my weights. At one point, I'm sure I changed back and forth between the same 2 weights 4 times! Why in the hell would it be structured that way!?!?

    Ok Tony H, so in addition to the hundred odd quid it costs for the DVD's, we're expected to own a full rack of weights for this are we? I didn't even do the strip set curls. I looked at it and thought "Line up 4 weights? Yeah alright Tony, you go line up 4 weights in your Hollywood home gym and I'll sit here on the floor spinning and un-spinning these adjustables with your mug leering down at me on pause from the screen shall I"... I'd do my best and forget the rest but I can't do my best because I'm spending more time changing weights than I am lifting weights.

    Just wanted to say that these are the best things I ever bought:


    They're not cheap, but they eliminate this problem.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Mike, those look awesome! No way i'm affording a set of them though :( got a wedding to save for! :)

  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member

    I looked back at my beginning photos from round 1 and I was so angry at the pictures! I looked AWFUL!! I couldn't believe that I let myself get to that point. I started at 240lbs and ended at 197lbs, doing lean. My friends that were obese like me complained about it being to hard, but like most people, I made modifications and kept pushing. If you really want it, you'll do what it takes to lose the weight through exercise and healthy diet.

    I started round 2 at 176lbs, and I hope to lose between 20-30lbs. I'm really loving this new adventure with you guys!!

    Wow! You are an inspiration! I'm just lurking here to see how everyone does. I'm currently doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day SHred and have been thinking about buying P90X but thinking that may be beyond my curren abilities. You all are making me think that I may be able to do it.