P90X Support Group...



  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,981 Member
    PlyoX in the books today. Tried to incorporate holding my 8# Medicine Ball for some of the moves...such as Mary Kathrine and Jump Squats (just to name a few). I think I was able to add it in about 8moves.

    CoreSyn- I like that DVD. It works the lower back musles....which oppose the Abdominal wall....oposing muscles =more strength= on the way to a 6pack.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey team! Happy Monday...

    Kicked off week 6 today with Chest, Shoulders & Triceps / Ab Ripper X, after finishing week 5 yesterday with X Stretch.

    I definitely improved on C/S/T today from last week, which had been my 1st time doing it. I increased my numbers on most of the moves, and felt great! I also had a really good Ab Ripper, feeling stronger there as well. I always do better on Ab Ripper when it's not Legs & Back day...

    So... week 6 underway! 2nd week of phase 2! Looking forward to Plyo X tomorrow!!!


  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    I have decided that I have no will power during the weekends. I once again did not work out, except moving furniture and cleaning carpets, and I ate not so good for me meals. Only a couple though! I still tracked everything and was well over my goal. I am determined to kick some major fat this week! Wish me luck!
  • MrsBooker
    MrsBooker Posts: 17 Member
    Hello fellow P90Xers!

    So week one was not so great for me. :( I missed a few days, and was not able to make them all up, so I have not yet tried KenpoX , and I was SO looking forward to that! I am praying that I will be able to be more consistent this week.

    I did have a little victrory...my hubby convinced me to try unassisted pullups, and I was able to do 3! I was quite impressed, to say I was not even going to attempt that for a few more weeks. :)

    I also wanted to say that as I have noticed other people mention, I am adding additional cardio to my workouts. I miss my Zumba too much, so I will be doing it 3-5 days a week on top of P90X. We will see how that goes. :)

    Have an awesome week everybody!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Monday all.

    So I didn't get nearly enough quality sleep last night and I've been feeling it all day long. I've been aching all over today - and not the nice "I've worked out hard" ache, more the "my body never woke up with me this morning" ache.

    So with this in mind, I skipped the yoga I was going to make up today and did the X Stretch instead. Is it just me, or is the ballistic hamstring stretch just Fifer Scissors in disguise?

    Anyway, I'm SOOO looking forward to getting back to some proper resistance training from tomorrow! I've missed feeling my muscles grow day by day so I'm looking forward to getting stuck right into the phase 2 workouts! :)

    Don't forget team, those day 30 pictures will need to be taken Wednesday this week! I think I'm forgetting what I looked like on day 1 so it'll be pretty cool to see the day 1 and day 30 shots side by side to compare.

  • roballesteros
    So I did not workout over the weekend, nothiing, not even a run. What I did do is sleep alot...long naps....so I was wondering what the hell... I never nap ( when you have 4 boys, you never nap and you sleep with one eye open ;-)). Today I realized what was up...I WAS TIRED! My body was in need of some real rest.

    Today I doubled up on the workouts to catch up....I did Cardio X and Yoga X....I could not believe how great I felt. I was completing positions in Yoga that I only dreamed of making last week.....like the one you have to reach under your thigh with one arm and then reach around your back with the other...I DID IT! I was so excited that I yelled for my husband to come and see and yes, of course, he thought I was a wierdo for being so excited.

    Although I do not recommend skipping workouts, I feel ENERGIZED! I am sooooo ready to ready to start Phase II.

    Nikki - I have to admit, my self control goes out the window on the weekends as well...it doesn't help when I have 4 boys who can eat anything because they swim competitively 4-5 hours a day and burn millions of calories...thier father (my husband) likes to indulge them on the weekends with unhealthy, deep fried, junk food. Did I mention that they have 6 pack abs (even the 12 yr old) It's sickening I know! Mean while I have marshmellow belly (my son's term) eating salad with no dressing....ugh!!!
    BUT...I'm gaining on them....slowly but surely...I'm gaining on them!

    PHASE II tomorrow....BRING IT!!! I ain't scared!

    Make it Count!

  • drwstown76
    Hey Yall! :)

    Just checkin in.... Loooong Mondays!
    Today is rest day, but I went ahead and did Asylum Vertical Plyo to get some burn in... Feeling good!
    Week 5 tomorrow!
    way to go Team X!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Good morning all!

    Day 37 for me and it was.......Plyometrics! I woke up feeling great this morning, popped right out of bed at 5am, had my little snack, a little coffee and some water, and pushed play at 5:45 READY TO ROCK. I have to say, I absolutely KILLED Plyo today. Kept up the pace throughout, no dragging my feet, no modifications, worked super hard, dropped buckets of sweat, and burned a ton of calories. My best Plyo session yet, no doubt about it.

    I am ready to BRING IT super hard on Back & Biceps tomorrow. That one kind of kicked my *kitten* last week (first time I did it), but I will turn the tables tomorrow morning!!!

    Hope you all have a great day! I think some of you are starting phase 2 today, right? Get ready, it's gonna be great!

  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    Woo hoo!! I love doing Doubles. I feel more energized and ready for the day.

    Drew, Jay, Mike523, roballesteros, and Sassy, you all are a true inspiration. I've decided to start adding extra cardio in like most you guys.

    I looked back at my beginning photos from round 1 and I was so angry at the pictures! I looked AWFUL!! I couldn't believe that I let myself get to that point. I started at 240lbs and ended at 197lbs, doing lean. My friends that were obese like me complained about it being to hard, but like most people, I made modifications and kept pushing. If you really want it, you'll do what it takes to lose the weight through exercise and healthy diet.

    I started round 2 at 176lbs, and I hope to lose between 20-30lbs. I'm really loving this new adventure with you guys!!
  • kmccoleman
    Afternoon my fellow P90Xers!

    So yesterday was the start of Week 8 and all my plans of "bringing it" were short lived thanks to a very painful migraine and a tweeked knee compliments of Legs and Back. So I gave myself an extra day of rest and I'm crossing my fingers my knees will cooperate during Core Synergistics today. I definitely need the core and cardio work and from what I remember about that particular workout its a lot of rolling, jumping and core pain..fun..

    So come hell or hgh water I will be attempting it tonight. I iced my knees last night to give them some TLC and I'll do it again tonight before I work out so they'll be easier to work with. Im just happy it isn't Plyo day..I don't think my knees could take the abuse..lol!

    I hope everyone is eating right and pushing play and bringing it today! Till tomorrow everyone!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Evening all.

    Well I gotta tell ya... Phase 2 resistance workouts are TOUGH! It's like Tony just jacked us up a level! I mean... Will somebody tell the guy that it ain't natural to leave the ground between pushups? LOL!

    Seriously though, it was tough. I'm not massively pleased with my results, if only because I don't know what's coming and so I've no idea what weight I should be using for each movement. And with no 2nd pass of each move on this workout, there's no chance to modify up or down next time round. I should be able to do better next week as I'll have a frame of reference for what I need to push on each move.

    So looking at my stats, I got a measly 54 total pushups - but I got 112 over 5 sets in hundred pushup challenge prior to this one so that ups my total a bit I guess.

    Ab ripper - I didn't feel like I had anything in me after Ch/Sh/Tri so I went away, drank a shake, ate a meal, watched some TV and came back for it at 9:30. Managed a new personal best of 447 moves in ARX today. I reckon 450ish is the limit of what's physically possible to do within the time as I really went for it loads today. If only I could hold for 25 on Fifer scissors!

    You guys are awesome. Mike, Wendy, Drew, Sassy, msaap, Ro, kmc, mrs P90x, anyone else I missed, you're all awesome.

    The main group of us is at day 30 tomorrow and I want to see everyone check in for a big day 30 celebration! Hard to believe we're a third of the way through already! Before this, the longest I stuck at a single defined program was 18 days of 30 day shred. We got this sucker by the balls guys, well done!

  • drwstown76
    Hey Yall!!!!!!! Week 5 HAS BEGUN! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!

    Chest, Shoulders, and Tris... wow. What a freaking beast! I LOVED IT. I'm with Jaybone on this one.... I was a little miffed by numbers, but now that some time has passed and I feel like I might not be able to put the dishes away because I cant lift my arms over my head, I feel like this workout did the trick! Plyo push ups and one handers are so hard! I love it! I did about 7 (halfway down) one armers! haha! I cant wait to try again!

    I crushed ab ripper today... Struggled a little bit with heel to heaven and oblique v ups. I was completely exhausted after my workout today... I suppose thats the point. Muscle confusion starts today yall! BOOM! I fired up!

    Day 30 is tomorrow! Take your pictures yall... lets see your results!
    Team X is here to stay! Phase freaking 2! Boom!
  • roballesteros
    Started Phase II today...Core Synergistics for me....I'm getting so much better at Superman/Banana...even though I do feel like if someone walked in off the street while doing it they would think I was off my rocker....
    I do think the the reach high and under push-ups are my fav! :heart:

    I also did a short 2 mile run on the tread mill...time was not on my side today.

    Jay & msapp...thank you for your comments on our awesomeness...but the truth of the matter is that I can not wait to read your posts everyday. You guys are the ones that keep me going...I surely have not lasted this long because I enjoy T.Horton's corny jokes....or Dreyas over the top, exaggerated exercise movements for the camera :noway:


    Make It Count!

  • Ucsb23
    Ucsb23 Posts: 27 Member
    I woke up and took my 30 day (alright 29 day) pics and got really motivated. I saw results and can't wait until day 90. I have along way to go but can see a difference and excitied about whats to come. I did chest, shoulders and triceps today and it was a good workout. I totally had to do knee pushups most of the time but sure I'll get better in time. Keep it up and push play!!!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Happy day 30 all!

    I'll be in later with my day 30 pics but just wanted to drop you all a 30 day gift. Here's a fun photo to amuse you guys:


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey everyone!!! Another day, another workout crushed!!!

    Day 38 in the books, Back & Biceps / Ab Ripper X. I did MUCH better on Back & Biceps this week. No bonk, lots of energy, pushed hard, and improved almost all my numbers from last week. Feeling good overall, but a little tired now - up late last night watching the Yankee game.

    Looking forward to going to bed early tonight (no game, thank goodness...) and getting a good night's sleep.

    Yoga X in the morning!!


  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Love it Jay :laugh:

    I have been trying to get back on track, slowly getting there. Had an awesome workout yesterday, Core today. Lost another #, and I am super excited about it since my BMI is now in the overweight range and not the obese:bigsmile: Only 6# left before I am pre-baby weight! Trying my best to keep pushing play to get there!
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    Woke up this morning and did Cardio X at 6am. I was downstairs working it out and the 2 year old tripps me up because I had no idea she was behind me. I guess I woke her up this morning when I checked on her. Of course she has to have attention, so I stopped and went into "mommy mode." After breakfast and turning on Dora in my room (sorry I can't justify putting a TV in a 2 year old room yet), I was able to finish Cardio X.

    Later, I realized that was my first time stopping a video in the middle and restarting it later. It felt a little weird. But after reading other comments about stopping and restarting, I know that it's okay to do. In my mind, I always told myself not to start doing a video unless I can finish it in that one setting. During round 1, this lead to many late nights sessions where I felt like I could have done better.
  • drwstown76
    Day 30 pics... :explode:




  • drwstown76
    Well... I thought it would be easy for me to put these pictures up without being nervous... But I definitely feel nervous!
    Here they are yall! Bring It! :)

    30 days in you guys... Stick with us! YOU CAN DO IT.... SO CAN I!

    I believe... :flowerforyou:


    p.s. I am sick as a dog! I get off work at 630. I was gonna wait til after the Phillies playoff game to push play and do plyo, but im just gonna have to do it as soon as I get home bc I want to get in bed! THIS GROUP IS MY MOTIVATION... THANKS TO ALL OF YOU! BOOM!