P90X Support Group...



  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey guys I'm alive haha - it's been a rough few days (week almost) I haven't gotten in many workouts as I have been in training with loads of team dinners. I am back home and back at it tonight and planning on getting in day 3 week 4 an bringing it like I did at the start.

    Want to say a huge THANKS to drew Nikki and Wendy for checking in and saying hi. I will update tonight after reading the two pages of posts I missed and how it felt to do back and biceps!

    Thanks again and I'm looking forward to bringing it!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Sassy! Welcome back! Way to jump straight back into it :)


  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Wendy - Good Yom Tov for Yom Kippur tomorrow. My fiance is Jewish, although not strict so won't be observing the fast.

    I'd say switch your rest day around and do chest/shoulders/tri's today and rest on fast day. That's what I'd probably do.

    I'm away to Tennessee next week. I fly out on Friday and fly back on Monday. The itinerary is pretty hectic so there's no way I'll be able to do any P90x while out there. My plan is to do a double on Thursday with Back & Biceps in the morning and Yoga X in the afternoon to get one day ahead. Then when I get back on Monday, if I'm not too wiped, I'll do legs/back and do a double of Kenpo and chest/shoulders/tri's on Tuesday. Worst comes to worse, I'll have to skip a day or 2 and I'll call in a couple of the bonus workouts I did the week before I started the round proper.

  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Good morning! Glad to see you are back Sassy! We missed you!

    Day 38 today, yoga :indifferent: I haven't decided if I am excited or not about this. I have such a busy day today, guess I will be getting to bed late tonight. I can't complain too much though, looks like Jay has a super busy week, hope it goes smoothly for you! I am glad that Drew and Wendy are on the almond milk kick too. I have been having it with my breakfast for the last month or so and I am addicted. Can't beat 60 calories a cup!

    I hope everyone has a great Friday and a fantastic workout. Don't forget to bring it this weekend, I know I am going to try my best this weekend.
  • msaap
    msaap Posts: 89 Member
    It's FRIDAY!!! Although I'm loving the Doubles, I'm happy for the weekend and 2 days of just cardio. I can't remember who it was that recommended using leg weights with Cardio X, but THANK YOU!! I also use a leg band during Plyo that was recommended to me by a friend. I'm really feeling the workouts in my legs now. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! :flowerforyou:
  • lukychic04
    Hey everyone I am new to this! I am on my first week of p90x! I absolutely LOVE it! I am needing to know what kenpo is compared to so I can put it on my exercise? I have lost 6 lbs. now so I am hoping for great results at the end of my 90 days!!!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    Yoga - Love love love this today. I swear, my feelings on Yoga change more often than I change my socks. Feel like I could do 2 Yoga's today! :)

    The yoga blocks I got the other day reeeaaallly help me a lot for the likes of right angled pose and I even managed to get through most of the one legged warrior 3 and onward section.

    For you guys who are seriously struggling to find time for Yoga X, I would very much recommend the Tony Horton One on One 'Fountain of Youth' Yoga. It's intense but cut back to about 48 minutes. A very good yoga routine with all the essentials in there. It's available on the Beachbody site for like $20. Wouldn't recommend subbing it out completely but it's a great backup option when you're struggling for time.

    I think I'm going to have to get me some of that almond milk, it sounds delish! Thanks for the recommendation Nikki!

    msaap - you're KILLING this! Great job!

    Lukychic - welcome on board. Looking forward to reading your check ins :)

    Make it count today guys. Let's hear how it went for you.

  • drwstown76

    Day 32! Over 35% finished... this thing is FLYING BY! BooM!

    I am pretty darn sick... Im having a hard time shaking it. I still managed to get up and push play today... as I will tomorrow!



    Lucky... welcome to our group.
    sassy... welcome back!
    Msaap! Your a beast! keep it up!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey all, Legs & Back & Ab Ripper done today for day 40. Feeling very tired today and kind of under the weather today, but there's no way I'm skipping. I think I was just up too late last night watching the Yankees lose.

    Anyway, it's going to be another late night tonight, I'll be rockin' out with the band until about 1am... So I'll try to sleep in a little tomorrow, and then rock Kenpo X.

    Hope you're all doing great, and have a great weekend!

  • queenfresh
    queenfresh Posts: 32 Member
    Just completed Yoga in week 5 today! I'm 27 years old, 5'1'', and 126 lbs. I haven't seen the scale move too much, so I should be building muscle!
  • queenfresh
    queenfresh Posts: 32 Member
    Also, feel free to friend me!
  • roballesteros
    Hello Team X,

    I have been buried under a pile of paper work at work...I worked until 10:30 PM last night...needless to say I did not workout yesterday. BUT to day is a completely different story...I started my day with a vengence! I ran 7 milee came home and did Chest, Arms and Tri then tonight I finished it off with YogaX. I am determined not to fall behind, I gotta get it all in even if it means double or tripple workouts! (I may be dead by Dec...but you people will come to my funeral I'm sure ;-))

    I have to say that Chest, Arms and Tri is NOT my favorite...I do not like push ups and this whole damn DVD is about push-ups! Geeeez, I think T. Horton is insane if he thinks I am going to do a one handed push-ups.... who does he think I am??? Demi Moore?? My arms were on fire after this work out and I am sure I will be feeling it tomorrow.

    Sassy - I am so glad you are back!

    Jay - I love the T.Horton graphic....that is exactly what I was thinking of him after the 100th set of push-ups (slight exaggeration) today!

    Mike - Sorry the Yankees lost...I watched the game...what the hell is wrong with A-Rod??

    Everyone else on TEAM X, YOU ROCK!!!

    It's the weekend people, BRING IT!

    Make it count!

  • MrsBooker
    MrsBooker Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I really enjoy reading all the posts on here. Very inspiring and motivational.

    Drew and Jay, thanks for posting your 30 day pics! Your results are amazing so far.

    Thanks for all your input about calories and diet. I have been trying to find a balance on this. I upped my cals from 1200 to 1500, and have been eating back some of the workout cals from P90X, but trying to go by P90X suggestions for my macros is tough! I can never seem to eat enough protein, and am ALWAYS over on my cals.

    I also am rounding out week 2, and have not had a consistent 6 day stretch yet. I have not seen any noticeable changes in the scale, but I can do more unassisted pushups and pullups than I ever have in my life, so I guess I am getting stronger.

    I am going to try my best to push play every day for Week 3.

    Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Happy Saturday team!!!! Day 41 completed, Kenpo X!

    Had a few cocktails last night, and slept in the morning (the family all went out so the house is quiet...). Got up feeling good and rested, and banged out Kenpo X.

    How's everyone doing?? We need to keep this thread going strong!!! Welcome to the new people, and to everyone else, KEEP IT UP!

    BRING IT!!!!

  • drwstown76
    Ro... hahahaha@the demi moore comment! Truth is... you ARE like G I Jane! BooM! Keep at those push ups AND great job today!

    Mike... I totally agree man. We gotta keep this thing going! You are crusing it bro.... Its nice to have a rested feeling when you wake up in the morning!


    Mrs Booker... Dont worry about that scale. Its misleading. You are blowing this thing out of the box! 2 weeks done... ALMOST THERE! BOOM!

    Queenfresh! Week 5 complete! POW!! You are slightly ahead of us... welcome to the group and thanks for paving the way.

    Just an update on me... They cancelled the weigh in this week. Im not sure how I feel about that. I think I lost another lb this week, i guess we will find out next week. Also, I didn't make my week 5 video yet bc I have been pretty sick. Voice is all messed up... Hopefully monday.

    Have a great weekend yall.... Go Eagles.... E.A.G.L.E.S. EAGLES!!!!
  • MrsBooker
    MrsBooker Posts: 17 Member
    I forgot to add my 2 cents about almond milk. It is DELISH!! I highly recommend it. I use it for everything except things like scrambled eggs (whites of course) and casseroles. If you can get your hands on the unsweetened variety it is only 35-40 cals per cup (depends on which brand)! And for an extra treat the chocolate milk is pretty tasty too. :)
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    I forgot to add my 2 cents about almond milk. It is DELISH!! I highly recommend it. I use it for everything except things like scrambled eggs (whites of course) and casseroles. If you can get your hands on the unsweetened variety it is only 35-40 cals per cup (depends on which brand)! And for an extra treat the chocolate milk is pretty tasty too. :)

    Yep, I use the unsweetened one too. I mix my whey protein with it.
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    lean is an easier version of the program, you usually do the reverse, lean then classic.

    to get leaner, the version is called doubles, and it adds a lot of extra cardio on top of the regular workouts (depending of the weeks, I think it is up to three extra workouts)

  • ricardorides
    ricardorides Posts: 10 Member
    Tomorrow I'll start my THIRD attempt at P90X, on both of the previous attempts I got sick about 30 days in. Have just got over the flu so I'm hoping that's me done with illness & can complete the programme by Christmas Day (will drop a week from the first part of the programme). Any support would be much appreciated!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Why do I do it? Yet again I managed to miss Saturday's workout so I did Legs/Back today instead. I'll pick up Kenpo tomorrow. Pretty lame to be fair, maybe I just try and fit too much other stuff into my Saturdays...

    Anyway, legs back was good to get back onto. I got my pullups back :) Managed 17 unassisted over the workout and 5 in a row being my max consecutive. Everything else was about the same as where I left off. Increased the weight on my calf raises by 2.5kg in each hand but all other weights were the same. I'm finding that my forearms and wrists are really aching when just holding onto weights for squats etc.

    Hope you all had a good couple of days? Be back on tomorrow for the usual update, off to bed shortly. Early night for me, I'm wiped.

    Drew - Can't believe how much you're pushing on through a sick time! You're a workout machine!
