Things you don't get about your gender



  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    It's on the opposite gender, angle pictures, You know, when women hold their camera really high and take a picture looking downwards. "who are you trying to convince you're thin, me or you?" and the eye thing women do, holding their head still but looking sideways...

    This is a follow up on the "duck face" pictures.
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Totally agree!! Cause that's just being selfish..if you don't have friends make some to go out with every now and then...cause that's just hateful and childish if they can't go out because you didn't get to!
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    My pet peeve: Women who suck up all of their guys time and want the guy to be at their side 24/7 and they get mad if the guy wants to spend time with friends, or doing whatever it is that they enjoy doing, such as hobbies, etc.

    Totally agree!! Cause that's just being selfish..if you don't have friends make some to go out with every now and then...cause that's just hateful and childish if they can't go out because you didn't get to!]
  • jenniferrawrbby
    Spending hours and hours at the mall shopping.

    I don't get it! 15 mins at the mall and I have a headache! I loathe shopping with the passion of the burning sun.

    if I had it my way I'd do all shopping online. I HATE shopping.

    I'm an online kind of shopper as well.
  • jenniferrawrbby
    When girls wear heels all the time. and i mean, ALL the time.
    honey, you know your feet are killing you.
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    I don't understand why some girls pretend to be dumb because they think it's cute. >:(
    Or shaving off your eyebrows just to pencil them back on :|

    Hahaha. I love the eyebrow one! I completely agree!
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    Women who treat their husbands or significant others like children. My husband has several friend's who "aren't allowed" (their words, not mine) to play video games/go to fight nights etc.

    He made a friend through work and we went out with the friend and his wife a few times, but she was so controlling of him that we couldn't stand hanging out with them. Especially since she seemed to think that I should be ordering my husband around like she was hers.

    That was a fairly extreme example, but I see lesser examples of the same attitude all the time. I married a grown man who can think and make decisions for himself. I expect him to treat me s a equal and respect my opinions, I owe him the same.

    Totally agree with you, and I would include in that kind of behavior telling your husband that he's not allowed to look at other women (staring is one thing, looking is human nature), not allowed to go places where there may be attractive women, etc. I would say that I pity men who are stuck with women like that, but I don't; if they had any balls at all, they'd straighten the situation out. But some men seem to be deathly afraid of their wives. Doesn't make sense to me. I would not want to be married to a man who allowed me to lead him around by the nose like that.

    I totally agree with this, my bf didn't last long with his ex, she wouldn't let him watch tv if there was a beautiful girl on there, she wouldn't let him look at magazines with girls, she would watch his every move, read over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't trying to get another girl, etc. She drove him crazy....

    Also, there was my SIL's dad who was going out with this horrible woman, we would have a big family party when the babies were born and she would just give orders to everyone in the house for just anything, sorry lady, ain't playing like that. She broke up with him last week after asking him to go on a trip to rekindled their couple and then on the trip telling him she was seeing someone else and that it was over...what a b.....