Things you don't get about your gender



  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I don't know if anyone has said this, but I know quite a few women who expect their man to listen to them constantly, think they can "train" their man to do what they want, and expect to be treated like a princess and have their man worship the ground they walk on. And those girls that say, "Oh, all I want is someone who will hold me and never judge me and support me." That's all well and good, but a relationship is should be 50-50. How are you gonna expect someone to kiss your rings and bow when you walk into the room, but you won't treat him the same? Seriously, if a guy ever said that he thinks he can "train" his girlfriend, expects to be treated like a prince, etc., you know all the same girls would be crying sexism. :grumble:
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I know a bunch of girls that sleep around a ton, and then cause drama because they slept with the same guy...
    ...yea he's a manwhore, but you all slept with him. Don't get mad at each other and start rumors over it. You all slept with someone else within a week of that Im sure.

    Not to mention said manwhore is like my best friend so I get sick of girls looking to me to care about their drama over him.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Someone reminded me of something else that bothers me. There is a woman in my class that is CONSTANTLY calling me conceited and going, "Oh, conceited are we? Isn't she conceited?" if I say something along the lines of being comfortable with myself. One time I said in passing that while I believe I'm beautiful, I wasn't happy with my body and that's why I wanted to change it. She called me conceited. Another time she said that she doesn't understand why some women go out of the house without make up, she wouldn't be caught dead without it. So I said, I don't wear make up and I think I look just fine. So she goes, wow, that's conceited. It's like, really, just because YOU aren't comfortable and will scare away small children if you step out of the house without mascara, doesn't mean everyone else is conceited because they don't feel that way.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Guys who turn EVERYTHING into a D*CK swinging contest!
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    Seriously, if a guy ever said that he thinks he can "train" his girlfriend, expects to be treated like a prince, etc., you know all the same girls would be crying sexism. :grumble:

    LOL yes! they would
    Someone reminded me of something else that bothers me. There is a woman in my class that is CONSTANTLY calling me conceited and going, "Oh, conceited are we? Isn't she conceited?" if I say something along the lines of being comfortable with myself. One time I said in passing that while I believe I'm beautiful, I wasn't happy with my body and that's why I wanted to change it. She called me conceited. Another time she said that she doesn't understand why some women go out of the house without make up, she wouldn't be caught dead without it. So I said, I don't wear make up and I think I look just fine. So she goes, wow, that's conceited. It's like, really, just because YOU aren't comfortable and will scare away small children if you step out of the house without mascara, doesn't mean everyone else is conceited because they don't feel that way.

    she just screams insecurity. SCREAMS IT lol
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Seriously, if a guy ever said that he thinks he can "train" his girlfriend, expects to be treated like a prince, etc., you know all the same girls would be crying sexism. :grumble:

    LOL yes! they would
    Someone reminded me of something else that bothers me. There is a woman in my class that is CONSTANTLY calling me conceited and going, "Oh, conceited are we? Isn't she conceited?" if I say something along the lines of being comfortable with myself. One time I said in passing that while I believe I'm beautiful, I wasn't happy with my body and that's why I wanted to change it. She called me conceited. Another time she said that she doesn't understand why some women go out of the house without make up, she wouldn't be caught dead without it. So I said, I don't wear make up and I think I look just fine. So she goes, wow, that's conceited. It's like, really, just because YOU aren't comfortable and will scare away small children if you step out of the house without mascara, doesn't mean everyone else is conceited because they don't feel that way.

    she just screams insecurity. SCREAMS IT lol

    Tell me about it. Thing is, she's actually a very pretty woman. Her personality makes her ugly, though.
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
    Guys who turn EVERYTHING into a D*CK swinging contest!

    I bet out I can out-swing you! Ha!

    haha - i think this one is in our genes boys...something about conquering the opposite sex back in our primate days..
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Guys who turn EVERYTHING into a D*CK swinging contest!

    I bet out I can out-swing you! Ha!

    haha - i think this one is in our genes boys...something about conquering the opposite sex back in our primate days..

    I've not seen this. Are they swinging their own, each others, or from each others?
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    Girls who have to have 100000 million pictures of herself.

    Making the same face.
    This one chick friended me on facebook(I've met her once for about 10 minutes) anyhow she has about 60 pictures. All of them her making the same face with her boyfriends friends.

  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member

    I've not seen this. Are they swinging their own, each others, or from each others?

    Spoken like a true Beta male haha just kidding....... I'm refering to the guys that have to be right about everything sports,politics,religion or anything else being talked about in their presence.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    That toughness can be bought. A Harley, leather chaps, tattoos, a hummer, and talking loudly doesn't make you tough. It makes you a douche. Now get back to work at the office, poser.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    Women who treat their husbands or significant others like children. My husband has several friend's who "aren't allowed" (their words, not mine) to play video games/go to fight nights etc.

    He made a friend through work and we went out with the friend and his wife a few times, but she was so controlling of him that we couldn't stand hanging out with them. Especially since she seemed to think that I should be ordering my husband around like she was hers.

    That was a fairly extreme example, but I see lesser examples of the same attitude all the time. I married a grown man who can think and make decisions for himself. I expect him to treat me s a equal and respect my opinions, I owe him the same.
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    I keep coming across this one and it bugs the heck out of me: Suddenly changing your views/hobbies/interests to that of your SO. I get that people want to get along with said SO but turning 180 in order to match them- creepy. Get a backbone, disagree SOMETHING.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    We should be sticking together, and ruling all. Instead, we hate each other for the same stupid reasons. Only making men look better. Sad.
  • I_give_it_2_u_str8
    I_give_it_2_u_str8 Posts: 680 Member
    That toughness can be bought. A Harley, leather chaps, tattoos, a hummer, and talking loudly doesn't make you tough. It makes you a douche. Now get back to work at the office, poser.

    dont know who that was geared toward, but that sounds like something someone said hit a nerve about being a real man?

    guess you dont like your housewife duties currently, no?
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    along the same lines, using sex as a weapon. If he's not getting any, neither am I... and how is that any good?
    Then act angry, and surprised when he gets it somewhere else. Sex is a need, just like affection, food or sleep.

    Most women don't understand this because sex is not a "need" for most women in the same way that it is for men, just like women need to express their emotions, while men are taught practically from the womb that showing your emotions is a bad thing.

    But I agree, somewhat, on the cheating thing. I don't think the wife withholding sex makes it okay for the husband to cheat, but I do view withholding sex as a form of betrayal. And no, I don't mean a wife should give it up every single time the husband wants it, even when she's sick, exhausted, etc. I just mean that I know some women who stopped having sex with their husbands the minute they were done having children, and I think that is just a different kind of infidelity.
  • ma34113
    ma34113 Posts: 93 Member
    We should be sticking together, and ruling all. Instead, we hate each other for the same stupid reasons. Only making men look better. Sad.

    sad. but so true. girls are sooo mean! and all it proves is that most of us are b'''''s and then the nice ones get a bad rap
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    why I went on holiday on my own a couple of years ago.

    I cant understand this one, but then maybe its because i haven't been able to keep mine home long enough to get annoyed with him or spend quality time together.
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    We should be sticking together, and ruling all. Instead, we hate each other for the same stupid reasons. Only making men look better. Sad.

    I'm not sure they look better. They're having weenie contests and looking eachother in the eye while doing so.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    That toughness can be bought. A Harley, leather chaps, tattoos, a hummer, and talking loudly doesn't make you tough. It makes you a douche. Now get back to work at the office, poser.

    dont know who that was geared toward, but that sounds like something someone said hit a nerve about being a real man?

    guess you dont like your housewife duties currently, no?

    Oh, I've had several older people mention that in a negative light. It's hilarious. If I want to take care of kids and drive around in a minivan wearing a pink dress, it doesn't erase what I've done in life. But I was more poking at the general attitude of AMerican men that buy into that macho BS.