mfp crush



  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    None so far, but with so many fine ladies about it's bound to happen eventually. Wonder if there's any crushin' on me.... ? Any... ? No... ? Damn.

    Hi, I'm Tracy :flowerforyou:
    DAMNIT why didnt I try that line???????

    no doubt David! what were we thinkin'?

    :drinker: I'm gonnna have one, would you care to join me?
  • _David_
    _David_ Posts: 476 Member
    Now here's a question for you girls. Does your crush know you're crushing?

    Mine does...definitely lol.

    While I was typing out my "crush" list, I thought of like...4 more to add, but decided to stop at 3 :-P
    Thanks ;Belle you made my night! Embarrassed a bit bit thank you!
  • CSelf1
    CSelf1 Posts: 431 Member
    Okay, after being called out and reading back at other people who could man-up and name names, I've got 3 that immediately come to mind (there's more, but I'd be going through practically my whole friends list)

    So in no particular order: (Actually, alphabetical because I'm a bit OCD)

    Alex215 - He's a good guy, he takes time to listen and is a good friend. He has a head on his shoulders, a plan for his future and (sorry ladies) a girlfriend. Definitely an MFPeep I'm happy to have on my list.

    DavidS78 - Just look at his picture. Now, get a towel and wipe up the drool, seriously, you're embarrassing yourself :-P But don't worry, I did the same thing. He is so DEDICATED, made huge progress and continues on still. He can speak intelligently about macros, work-outs and motivation - not only for himself, but others. He takes the time to actually read the food diary and make comments. And his wifey (CSelf1) is an absolute GEM. I would say she's lucky to have him, but he's just as lucky to have her. :-)

    JNick77 - He's on this list for similar reasons as Alex & David. Post a new picture? He notices (and comments). It seems like no matter what's going on, he takes the time and the interest to respond. He communicates well, is supportive and perpetually encourages people to do their own research to find what works for them. He's an absolute sweetheart. Also unavailable. :-P

    That's it! I have no shame in officially admitting that ESVABelle is my official MFP crush :blushing: (And if you have to ask why then you obviously don't have her as a friend but should!)
  • CSelf1
    CSelf1 Posts: 431 Member
    Not really a crush, but more intimidated by his hotness. So much so that I, the chick rarely at a loss for words, can only post the lamest of WTGs & good jobs, & one word posts to his posts & questions. Lol Loser!

    HAHAHA...welp then we definitely know the guys that AREN'T your crush!
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    That's it! I have no shame in officially admitting that ESVABelle is my official MFP crush :blushing: (And if you have to ask why then you obviously don't have her as a friend but should!)

    Haha. Too kind, my dear. You are too kind. <3
  • JsGirl93
    JsGirl93 Posts: 1,156
    Not really a crush, but more intimidated by his hotness. So much so that I, the chick rarely at a loss for words, can only post the lamest of WTGs & good jobs, & one word posts to his posts & questions. Lol Loser!

    HAHAHA...welp then we definitely know the guys that AREN'T your crush!
    Haha! C I suppose you know of at LEAST three who aren't! Lol
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    leaving this well alone........... she knows
  • mnsmith83
    mnsmith83 Posts: 128
    For his whole personality and amazing physical progress: crisanderson27

    so true!
  • Rocki_
    Rocki_ Posts: 166 Member
    A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell.


  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    I definitely have one but he knows who he is! I won't be revealing any names though. :flowerforyou:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Now let me see...

    dontgiveup82: gorgeous, funny, intelligent and understanding. An all round great person who always makes me smile.
    Shannon: queen of the Chit Chat section without question. Acerbic wit, sarcastic, funny, egalitarian. That, and she looks like she could suck a golfball through a hosepipe...
    jq2122: truly a lady in every sense of the word. If I didn't know better I would be sure she attended a Swiss Finishing School as her awareness and sensitivity to manners and etiquette is astonishing.
    sleepy texan: kind, compassionate but mostly just utterly, utterly beautiful. Everytime I see her profile pic I stop breathing a little.
    swimgoddess: understands that Darwin isn't a burger joint, strong willed, sexy as hell but mostly that chick has cojones. Ain't nothing quite like a chick with balls...
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Hmm...I wanna crush...

    OK you got one (uh wow!) but don't want to be perceived as a dirty old man. Have a few others on here as well, not sure if they know. But am a happily married man and not sure the wifey would be to fond of this, so definitely not naming any names. Well more then the one I have already named.
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 985 Member
    Not really a crush, but more intimidated by his hotness. So much so that I, the chick rarely at a loss for words, can only post the lamest of WTGs & good jobs, & one word posts to his posts & questions. Lol Loser!

    You, speechless? Nah
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Now let me see...

    dontgiveup82: gorgeous, funny, intelligent and understanding. An all round great person who always makes me smile.
    Shannon: queen of the Chit Chat section without question. Acerbic wit, sarcastic, funny, egalitarian. That, and she looks like she could suck a golfball through a hosepipe...
    jq2122: truly a lady in every sense of the word. If I didn't know better I would be sure she attended a Swiss Finishing School as her awareness and sensitivity to manners and etiquette is astonishing.
    sleepy texan: kind, compassionate but mostly just utterly, utterly beautiful. Everytime I see her profile pic I stop breathing a little.
    swimgoddess: understands that Darwin isn't a burger joint, strong willed, sexy as hell but mostly that chick has cojones. Ain't nothing quite like a chick with balls...

    Three of your choices are my MFP buddies, and I couldn't agree more with your assessment of their personalities. Truly awesome people :). Also, my crush is on that list lol. careful with Liz.

    She bites lol.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Alright, I'm coming clean because these people probably know anyway!

    Msf74-He's well spoken, funny, supportive, and well let's face it...he's pleasing to my eyes :p.
    MMCPEREZ- A total sweetheart, funny and handsome...def a great supporter.
    Crisanderson - Another handsome sweetheart, supportive in more areas than just fitness (which I'll always be thankful for) and such a gentleman :-D

    And Beachgirl!! She is such a beautiful woman with a big heart, sassy attitude, and great head on her shoulders!

    That is my top ones at the moment, though I will say all my friends are pretty awesome! :p There has only been one other person but that will remain private!
  • krash999
    krash999 Posts: 476 Member
    i have some as well, but im too shy to name names..... wait.... if im too shy to name names then i should be too shy to make this post.... aww crap.... i guess i lose out again.....
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I must be the ONLY married woman who not only named names, but gave detailed reasons why AND had no qualms about showing my husband!

    What's wrong with you people? You may be married, not dead. It's also a rare thing that IRL rendezvous are a possibility, so give compliments where they are most certainly due! *hops of soapbox and gives it a good frustrated kick*

    I definitely named names and am married, because like you, I think people should hear they are gorgeous, hot, sweet, caring, adorable, and maybe even fantized about, etc.... Nothing at all wrong with that. Not really sure why, but my list keeps growing. Smartasses rally rev my engine. :tongue:
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    Now let me see...

    dontgiveup82: gorgeous, funny, intelligent and understanding. An all round great person who always makes me smile.
    Shannon: queen of the Chit Chat section without question. Acerbic wit, sarcastic, funny, egalitarian. That, and she looks like she could suck a golfball through a hosepipe...
    jq2122: truly a lady in every sense of the word. If I didn't know better I would be sure she attended a Swiss Finishing School as her awareness and sensitivity to manners and etiquette is astonishing.
    sleepy texan: kind, compassionate but mostly just utterly, utterly beautiful. Everytime I see her profile pic I stop breathing a little.
    swimgoddess: understands that Darwin isn't a burger joint, strong willed, sexy as hell but mostly that chick has cojones. Ain't nothing quite like a chick with balls...

    Three of your choices are my MFP buddies, and I couldn't agree more with your assessment of their personalities. Truly awesome people :). Also, my crush is on that list lol. careful with Liz.

    She bites lol.

    HEY, i dont bite!.....well at least not hard anyways... :wink:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I'm too old for "crushes", but from time to time I might find someone unusually attractive :flowerforyou: . This changes frequently, which is good...because there are a lot of beautiful people on this site (and I don't just mean physically).
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    <~~~married woman who gave names and details!