Exhausted with Low/No Carb Eating



  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    ditto watching "Fat Head"... it's free on Hulu too...


    Another resource, is Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes. Read it and it will change the way you think about the overweight completely.
    ive seen it, so you are saying a should listen to a computer programmer over peer reviewed studies on pubmed?the article i sent you disproves the whole insulin thing. also, if youve seen that documentary you know that sat fats and cholesterol arent bad for you. that makes you more intelligent than a lot of people regarding nutrition

    =====you also didnt answer the question in the example i made. look it over and answer me=====

    i dont mean to come off sounding rude i just dont want you to be scared of carbs, you can enjoy the foods you love and still lose weight and get healthier. read the information i sent you and get back to me.

    I'm not scared of carbs. I just know how they affect me, and many many many others like me. When I reach my goal body composition, I will go back to eating carbs from veggies, fruits, nuts, etc to the tune of 100-150g a day for maintenance. But for fat loss, which is my current goal, I will stay well below 100g. I did answer your question...I think. You subscribe to calories in/calories out. I don't and if you look back I talked about losing weight vs. losing fat. I like Fat Head not because of the guy who narrates it, but the evidence shown and the people he went to for research. I know what works for me, and for ME, Gary Taubes, Loren Cordain, Mark Sisson, etc have it right. Carbs are not inherently evil, they just don't promote fat loss!
    they dont promote fat gain either. if you dont believe in cals in/cals out why are you on a website where the whole basis of the website is calorie counting.

    also in fat head the guy eats a lot of carbs everyday from mcdonalds and loses weight and at the end of it is more healthy then when he started. if carbs make you fat, how do you explain that?
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    well . . . in my opinion (I know -- who cares, right?!), low/no carb eating is a silly fad that is unsustainable as a lifestyle, and is detrimental to those who exercise, as well as those who like to have energy.



    Sorry, but low carb eating is not a silly fad. Please read William Banting's Letter of Corpulence, he is considered to be the Father of low carb and this was written in the 1800's.

    Low Carb eating is about eating CLEAN, WHOLE foods such as fats, meats and primarily vegetables with some fruits added in. Where is this a fad and where is not not sustainable???

    I started Atkins in 2003 when I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes. I lost 100 pounds in 6 months and kept that weight off for 8 years until 2008 when I had a near fatal car accident and then I gained a lot of weight due to hospital food, my hubby not being a great cook and not really knowing how to shop and the fact that I couldn't exercise for a long time.

    It is an excuse to eat cake, cookies and ice cream to say that low carb is not sustainable.

    i meant to quote you, please read above ^^^

    and why cant you enjoy cake, cookies, or ice cream on a diet? please say the sugar content lol

    It is not part of my lifestyle.

    Cake and cookies are processed white flour, sugar and preservatives. Ice cream I will eat IF and a big if..........I make it using RAW cream from a farmer, raw sugar and it is home made.......

    I don't eat anything processed or from a box or container from the store.

    My meats, eggs, raw dairy and raw cheese ALL come from local farmers. I get vegetables and fruits from my CSA club, farmers markets and local pick your own gardens and orchards.

    When my husband eats bread - it is because I make it for him and it is gluten free.

    I make my own sugar scrubs, shampoo, soaps, cleaning supplies and lotions. I use soap nuts for laundry washing and household cleaning in additon to the cleaning supplies I make at home.

    There is no need for the crap in our eating. My lifestyle and my opinion.

    You do what makes you happy and what you can live with.

    if you dont like to eat sweets then dont. but your not going to experience any benefit of body composition by cutting them out. there is no one food that makes a person fat, its there overall diet for the day. i know it makes a lot of peoples diets much easier to know that if at the end of the day they have reached their protein and fat macros and can fit it a dessert they like then they can eat it. there is no reason you cant enjoy the foods you love and still get healthier. as long as most of your calories and nutrition come from whole foods (something we both agree on) then you are fine

    the only reason i replyed to you was bc you made it sound like there is some magical benefit to cutting out carbs and if youre eating carbs youre doing it wrong

    that being said you have lost 100 pounds which is a fantastic acheivement and is definitely something you should be proud of

    Umm, there is huge benefit from cutting out sugar and refined carbs. The result is fat loss and reducing inflammation and oxidation in the blood due to grains and sugar.

    I am no longer putting anything in my body that my body doesn't need. My body needs FATS, protein and carbs in the form of vegetables.

    If I feel I need something sweet, sitting down and enjoying an apple or some berries is good for me.

    I have never been a big cookie or cake eater as I didn't grow up having things like that in my house. My mom made home made cakes for our birthdays and cookies and candies around the holidays - again home made. I didn't grow up eating chips, cookies and stuff like that from a grocery store.

    My weight was gained from eating inflammatory grains and caused insulin issues and other endocrine issues.
    so let me ask you this. if you need 2000 calories a day and you eat 2200 cals of foods that you believe to be "healthy" what will happen to your weight?

    Cutting out the processed foods I can eat far more calories of fat and protein and lose weight and fat loss a whole lot better than your everything in moderation.

    do the reading and the research.
    ok, so youve done all the research already. please SHOW ME A STUDY where two people with the same caloric deficit experience different weight loss based on solely the amount of carbs they eat.
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    you guys will probably think this is made up but watch this guys series of videos if you get a chance. this is just video 1


    this guy is cutting to 6 percent body fat (do you even know what that looks like?) with getting half his calories everyday from ben and jerrys.

    this is just supporting evidence for my argument.

    i really wish you guys would open your eyes, it will dieting much easier
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    The actual pounds lost may be similar but the fat loss is going to be greater with the low carb group.
  • thegoodner
    thegoodner Posts: 113 Member
    ditto watching "Fat Head"... it's free on Hulu too...


    Another resource, is Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes. Read it and it will change the way you think about the overweight completely.
    ive seen it, so you are saying a should listen to a computer programmer over peer reviewed studies on pubmed?the article i sent you disproves the whole insulin thing. also, if youve seen that documentary you know that sat fats and cholesterol arent bad for you. that makes you more intelligent than a lot of people regarding nutrition

    =====you also didnt answer the question in the example i made. look it over and answer me=====

    i dont mean to come off sounding rude i just dont want you to be scared of carbs, you can enjoy the foods you love and still lose weight and get healthier. read the information i sent you and get back to me.

    I'm not scared of carbs. I just know how they affect me, and many many many others like me. When I reach my goal body composition, I will go back to eating carbs from veggies, fruits, nuts, etc to the tune of 100-150g a day for maintenance. But for fat loss, which is my current goal, I will stay well below 100g. I did answer your question...I think. You subscribe to calories in/calories out. I don't and if you look back I talked about losing weight vs. losing fat. I like Fat Head not because of the guy who narrates it, but the evidence shown and the people he went to for research. I know what works for me, and for ME, Gary Taubes, Loren Cordain, Mark Sisson, etc have it right. Carbs are not inherently evil, they just don't promote fat loss!
    they dont promote fat gain either. if you dont believe in cals in/cals out why are you on a website where the whole basis of the website is calorie counting.

    also in fat head the guy eats a lot of carbs everyday from mcdonalds and loses weight and at the end of it is more healthy then when he started. if carbs make you fat, how do you explain that?

    Dude, you missed the point of Fat Head then. He ate 100g of carbs a day or less and lost all that weight without watching his fat. THIS IS MY POINT EXACTLY! He didn't watch his calories, he watched his CARBS. I"m on this site to count my carbs, thanks very much, and I have a lot of friends here that eat like I do and I like to spend time with them :). Insulin stores excess carbs not burned as FAT!!! Eating more than 150g of carbs a day, like MFP actually recommended for me, would cause me to store excess fat. How do I know? Because low calorie dieting was how I lived my life - eating a deficit of calories and low fat, and getting fatter! Each of us is hormonally unique...insulin is a hormone...I will respond differently than you, and much differently than your calorie formulas. No one here has been advocating a NO carb diet. I eat LOW carb because I believe veggies are important and nutritious and I love eating them, and I am trying to burn fat.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    you guys will probably think this is made up but watch this guys series of videos if you get a chance. this is just video 1


    this guy is cutting to 6 percent body fat (do you even know what that looks like?) with getting half his calories everyday from ben and jerrys.

    this is just supporting evidence for my argument.

    i really wish you guys would open your eyes, it will dieting much easier
    I'm not trying to diet. I'm trying to live a lifestyle that suits me. For me, low carb is the solution. I don't eat grains because I don't want to, not because I think they are evil. Why is that so hard for you to accept?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    you guys will probably think this is made up but watch this guys series of videos if you get a chance. this is just video 1


    this guy is cutting to 6 percent body fat (do you even know what that looks like?) with getting half his calories everyday from ben and jerrys.

    this is just supporting evidence for my argument.

    i really wish you guys would open your eyes, it will dieting much easier

    I am not dieting - a huge difference for me than you.

    I am only interested in lifestyle changing - which I have done. Everything about my lifestyle has changed so I don't care what someone does eating ben and jerry's - it will never touch my lips again - due to being made from factory farmed cows which are not healthy and the milk they produce is not healthy in the least.

    I am only interested in HEALTH and healing my body. Ben and Jerry's, cakes and cookies are not going to heal my body, therefore have no place in my household.

    Losing weight is a side effect of my ultimate goal.

    Have a good day.
  • thegoodner
    thegoodner Posts: 113 Member
    you guys will probably think this is made up but watch this guys series of videos if you get a chance. this is just video 1


    this guy is cutting to 6 percent body fat (do you even know what that looks like?) with getting half his calories everyday from ben and jerrys.

    this is just supporting evidence for my argument.

    i really wish you guys would open your eyes, it will dieting much easier

    What makes you think eating this way is hard for me? I feel the best I've ever felt in my life and I'm never hungry. I like the way I live and the way I eat.
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    Personally, I try to eat as Primal/Paleo as I can, though I don't get to follow as closely as I'd like. The wife and I are living with her parents for the time being because we just moved here and we all share food, so I've got to try and strike as good a balance as I can. I really believe that Primal is the best way to eat. I've noticed that the closer I stick to it, the better I feel. My energy and testosterone levels are better than ever, my skin feels great and even my hair is softer than it was before. From what I can see, that method of eating can do everyone some measure of good.

    BUT, everybody is different, it's a fact. I've got a brother who can eat pizzas (plural) and bags of chips, and whatever else he wants in huge amounts and he never gains an ounce. He's not terribly active either. I can't even stand close to food like that without gaining weight. That's just how it is. I think the best thing is to do the research. Talk to a doctor and a trainer. Dig through the net, read some books, watch some documentaries, strike a balance and then adjust whatever you're doing until you are losing consistently in the healthiest way possible. Once you're where you want to be, find the right calorie level, exercise for at least 30 minutes a day most of the days of the week, and you can maintain. I'm not a dietitian or anything (YET!) but until I become one, that's the direction I'm going...You just have to be willing to put the work into it.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    ok, so youve done all the research already. please SHOW ME A STUDY where two people with the same caloric deficit experience different weight loss based on solely the amount of carbs they eat.

    We're not talking calorie defecit, we're talking calorie expenditure. I can eat more calories than an inactive 65 yo woman, and lose more weight than her. I don't think you can argue with that analogy.

    There is no way you can measure the calorie expenditure of a person, so no test that your requesting could exist.
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    this is just you saying words right now. post some studies and i will take you seriously

    also i didnt see your post earlier about not believing stuff from a .gov. you must be trolling. stuff from there is peer reviewed scientific studies.

    do you understand that you got your info from atkins.com where a guy is literally trying to sell you stuff. thats how he makes money by telling people like you that if they want to lose the most fat they have to buy into his products and lifestyle
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    you guys will probably think this is made up but watch this guys series of videos if you get a chance. this is just video 1


    this guy is cutting to 6 percent body fat (do you even know what that looks like?) with getting half his calories everyday from ben and jerrys.

    this is just supporting evidence for my argument.

    i really wish you guys would open your eyes, it will dieting much easier

    What makes you think eating this way is hard for me? I feel the best I've ever felt in my life and I'm never hungry.

    Most people can't wrap their head around people not believing in the "Everything in Moderation camp"............. :laugh: :laugh:

    Its not hard for me either...............Its actually a whole hell of a lot easier than calorie counting.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    ditto watching "Fat Head"... it's free on Hulu too...


    Another resource, is Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes. Read it and it will change the way you think about the overweight completely.
    ive seen it, so you are saying a should listen to a computer programmer over peer reviewed studies on pubmed?the article i sent you disproves the whole insulin thing. also, if youve seen that documentary you know that sat fats and cholesterol arent bad for you. that makes you more intelligent than a lot of people regarding nutrition

    =====you also didnt answer the question in the example i made. look it over and answer me=====

    i dont mean to come off sounding rude i just dont want you to be scared of carbs, you can enjoy the foods you love and still lose weight and get healthier. read the information i sent you and get back to me.

    I'm not scared of carbs. I just know how they affect me, and many many many others like me. When I reach my goal body composition, I will go back to eating carbs from veggies, fruits, nuts, etc to the tune of 100-150g a day for maintenance. But for fat loss, which is my current goal, I will stay well below 100g. I did answer your question...I think. You subscribe to calories in/calories out. I don't and if you look back I talked about losing weight vs. losing fat. I like Fat Head not because of the guy who narrates it, but the evidence shown and the people he went to for research. I know what works for me, and for ME, Gary Taubes, Loren Cordain, Mark Sisson, etc have it right. Carbs are not inherently evil, they just don't promote fat loss!

    I am, I am terrified of carbs, I have Nightmares........ carbs........they are chasing me........... the want to eat my brains ....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    The best meal plan is one that is individually tailored to your individual body. With that said, let's not get overly influenced by some of these fringe internet groups that have decided to simply throw away 40 years worth of nutritional research.

    Arguments like "watch Fathead" or watch this documentary or any other highly agenda-based documentary is not a safe rule to live by. Based on that method, one could watch "Bigger, Stronger and Faster" and pretty much deem steroids as less dangerous than taking an antacid.

    I saw Fathead. It was corny, cheesy and I didn't entirely agree with him but he was trying to make a point and did a pretty good job of making it.

    And the last 40 years of nutritional research has been entirely based on money and politics and flawed and twisted and ignored science/evidence/data. Our government can't even run this country properly. I am not putting my health into its hands anymore.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    they dont promote fat gain either. if you dont believe in cals in/cals out why are you on a website where the whole basis of the website is calorie counting.


    because this website is fully customizable and i can use it to monitor my carb intake as well as calories
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    this is just you saying words right now. post some studies and i will take you seriously

    also i didnt see your post earlier about not believing stuff from a .gov. you must be trolling. stuff from there is peer reviewed scientific studies.

    do you understand that you got your info from atkins.com where a guy is literally trying to sell you stuff. thats how he makes money by telling people like you that if they want to lose the most fat they have to buy into his products and lifestyle

    I don't care if you don't take me seriously. I am here to support others that have the same lifestyle as I do and I am here for myself and myself ONLY.

    What part of WE don't believe or trust ANYTHING from a .GOV site don't you understand????????????

    And the Atkins.com site is now a corporation - not the Dr Atkins approved plan that I did when he was still alive. The Atkins Nutritionals COMPANY has taken and ruined his name with their protein shakes, bars and processed foods.

    That is NOT what Dr Atkins advocated in any of his books preceeding his death. And most people that I know that take on the Atkins lifestyle use the older edition of the books, not this new edition that was printed earlier this year.
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    ok, so youve done all the research already. please SHOW ME A STUDY where two people with the same caloric deficit experience different weight loss based on solely the amount of carbs they eat.

    We're not talking calorie defecit, we're talking calorie expenditure. I can eat more calories than an inactive 65 yo woman, and lose more weight than her. I don't think you can argue with that analogy.

    There is no way you can measure the calorie expenditure of a person, so no test that your requesting could exist.
    I AM talking about caloric deficits. what i mean by that is if a persons weight stays the same at 2000 calories and they eat 1800 they will lose weight. (Which is the point of this whole site, if you dont believe cals in/cals out why are you here?)

    you could find the amount of calories in your test subjects where they both lose around 1 pound a week. give one person carbs and dont give the other person carbs. observe what happens
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    this is just you saying words right now. post some studies and i will take you seriously

    also i didnt see your post earlier about not believing stuff from a .gov. you must be trolling. stuff from there is peer reviewed scientific studies.

    do you understand that you got your info from atkins.com where a guy is literally trying to sell you stuff. thats how he makes money by telling people like you that if they want to lose the most fat they have to buy into his products and lifestyle

    WOW you are a hateful person. I guess you are referring to me, since I was the one who aluded to not blindly trusting the government. I also edited to say that it was noting more than a search engine for medical research, which a lot of people are familiar with. All you've done in this post is argue and challenge every person who does not agree with your cookie cutter one size fits all solution to weight loss.

    I've been living the Atkins lifestyle for a while and not one person I have encountered on here buys the products. We all eat real, normal food. In fact, most people are adamantly against the Atkins products. I didn't get my info from atkins.com. I got it mostly from the book and other members here.

    Are you like this in real life? Do you dispute and argue with everyone who doesn't live up to your standards?
  • thegoodner
    thegoodner Posts: 113 Member
    this is just you saying words right now. post some studies and i will take you seriously

    also i didnt see your post earlier about not believing stuff from a .gov. you must be trolling. stuff from there is peer reviewed scientific studies.

    do you understand that you got your info from atkins.com where a guy is literally trying to sell you stuff. thats how he makes money by telling people like you that if they want to lose the most fat they have to buy into his products and lifestyle

    Just FYI, I have never once visited an Atkins website or bought an Atkins product. I do not follow Atkins, he does not own the idea of low carb living, and that stuff isn't "food." I can give you my sources, but they are these things called "books", and the authors did a great job of compiling decades of research here...

    Why We Get Fat
    Good Calories Bad Calories
    (both of the above by Gary Taubes)
    The Paleo Diet - Robb Wolf
    The Primal Blueprint - Mark Sisson

    I've also watched hours of YouTube lectures on low carb living, fat loss and gain, insulin, etc. But never once, have I consulted Atkins.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    ok, so youve done all the research already. please SHOW ME A STUDY where two people with the same caloric deficit experience different weight loss based on solely the amount of carbs they eat.

    We're not talking calorie defecit, we're talking calorie expenditure. I can eat more calories than an inactive 65 yo woman, and lose more weight than her. I don't think you can argue with that analogy.

    There is no way you can measure the calorie expenditure of a person, so no test that your requesting could exist.
    I AM talking about caloric deficits. what i mean by that is if a persons weight stays the same at 2000 calories and they eat 1800 they will lose weight. (Which is the point of this whole site, if you dont believe cals in/cals out why are you here?)

    you could find the amount of calories in your test subjects where they both lose around 1 pound a week. give one person carbs and dont give the other person carbs. observe what happens

    This site is not only for calorie counting. It is used to track how you personally want to and says it is compatible for any plan.

    Go to the home page without being logged in and check it out for yourself..............

    It is not as simple as Calories In, Calories Out.

    Here are some studies............

This discussion has been closed.