Team Truffle Shufflers! September Challenge (CLOSED GROUP)



  • trout3063
    trout3063 Posts: 121 Member
    I think a new or added format sounds good. I had a tough time fitting some of the longer workouts in this week needing an additional 5K on a few of the days on top of the workouts I'm already doing (maybe doing the 30 day shred wasn't the best idea for September along with the challange).

    I agree, I'd like the exercises to be mixed up a bit more and maybe make them harder, rather then LONGER....fitting in an 'additional" 5K just didn't work out for me....on those days JUST the challenge workouts became my work outs. If they are "additional" challenges I think they shouldn't take more then 15-20 minutes to complete total.....for me, THAT's weekly extra that may take 30-45 minutes to complete (or like the crunches, can be spread out over several days) is a good format for me.

    ME, ME, ME ;) sorry to sound like ti's all about me!
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member

    We Work Out!!!

    EPIC! :heart: haha glad I some influence. :wink:

    As for the weekly exercises, adding in some other things would be awesome. It sometimes hard to push through the ones we have because they are so repetitive. I'm super stoked for October!!
  • cj2lose
    cj2lose Posts: 80 Member
    Finally checked out the website. That lady is fit! I'd be up for trying some of her workouts and some of the challenges. I've really been doing the challenge workouts and not having time for my own workout or the other way around. 100 toe touches takes forever!

    Does the challenge end tomorrow?? Just realized that it's the 30th tomorrow. I will not make my goal if it ends tomorrow but at least I have had a loss this month so that is a positive!!
  • hefinator
    Finally checked out the website. That lady is fit! I'd be up for trying some of her workouts and some of the challenges. I've really been doing the challenge workouts and not having time for my own workout or the other way around. 100 toe touches takes forever!

    Does the challenge end tomorrow?? Just realized that it's the 30th tomorrow. I will not make my goal if it ends tomorrow but at least I have had a loss this month so that is a positive!!

    Isn't she insane!? what i like about the site is that they have some very basic extreme beginner exercises, all the way up to to mega advanced!!

    Yes, the challenge ends tomorrow!! Final september info will need to be in to me over the weekend, so don't weigh in until Saturday morning! :) gives you the whole day tomorrow to help meet that goal!! I will be making a new spreadsheet and putting it on googledocs for all of us to access. Since i'm going to be using the same format that Gary provided for the last 2 challenge months, I will be tracking team points, but will also add individual points!!! See if we can't get some individual competition within the team! :)

    Can't wait to finish up this month and move on to next month!
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    Day 1: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (Yes)
    Day 2: Daily exercise challenge completed? (No) Team challenge Completed? (Yes)
    Day 3: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (yes)
    Day 4: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (Yes)
    Day 5: Daily exercise challenge completed? (no) Team challenge Completed? (no-too many calories")
    Day 6:Daily exercise challenge completed? (yes) Team challenge Completed? (yes)

    2 5ks completed
    Ending weight 184.5
  • cj2lose
    cj2lose Posts: 80 Member
    Day 1: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (Yes)
    Day 2: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (No on calories)
    Day 3: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (yes)
    Day 4: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (No on calories)
    Day 5: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (no on calories)
    Day 6:Daily exercise challenge completed? (yes) Team challenge Completed? (yes)

    2 5ks

    Did not make my overall goal but at least I lost weight. My ending weight is the same, no loss. On to October!!
  • trout3063
    trout3063 Posts: 121 Member
    Sept final....174.5 lost two? Lbs did the challenges for the first three days and met my goals totally atw over my calories and didn't exercise the very last day...I was prepping for my Saturday killer extreme games...burned over 1500 calories Saturday!!!! On to October!!
  • vampee
    vampee Posts: 103 Member
    Day 1 - challanges (yes) water/food (yes)
    Day 2 – challanges (yes) water/food (yes)
    Day 3 -challanges (yes) water/food (yes)
    Day 4 - challanges (yes) water/food (yes)
    Day 5 - challanges (yes) water/food (yes)
    Day 6- finished team challange of miles
    Day 7- finished the extra team crunches

    October 1st weigh in 232. Not the amount I was aiming for but it was only 2 pounds away....I did however meet my own original mini goal of loosing 30 pounds before October 1st. On to October. :wink:
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    Day 1: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (No)
    Day 2: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (No)
    Day 3: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (Yes)
    Day 4: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (Yes)
    Day 5: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (No)
    Day 6:Daily exercise challenge completed? (yes) Team challenge Completed? (Yes)

    Completed 5 5Ks and did a total of 700 crunches this week!! My abs are S-O-R-E!
    Ending weight: 244.8
    I didn't loose as much weight as I was hoping for (10 lbs), BUT I did loose. I started the month at 248.5, had a gain because of some medication that I was on and weighed in at 250.9 on 9/5. So overall, since the 1st week of Sept I have lost a total of 6.1 lbs. woohoo!!

    Now, I'm ready to truffle shuffle the crap out of October!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:
  • Maggiedc
    Day 1: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (Yes)
    Day 2: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (Yes)
    Day 3: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (Yes)
    Day 4: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (Yes)
    Day 5: Daily exercise challenge completed? (Yes) Team challenge Completed? (Yes)
    Day 6:Daily exercise challenge completed? (yes) Team challenge Completed? (No)

    Final Weight: 234.4...lost 0.6 lbs finally!!!!!!!! And after a month of trial and error figured out what the problem was so I should be shufflin' for October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And I finished both the crunches and the additional 5K