Last post is the WINNER thread!



  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    not!!!!!!!!! (the win part) but Can't is still a great friend!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Silly girl! I shall claim victory for this one too!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    LOL!!!!!!!! At least it was you that won!!! I am glad it was you even if it wasnt me!! Congrats my Friend:flowerforyou:
  • ahunkofmexican
    Well ladies , shall we take a ride in my Maserati and have some martinis , shaken not stirred ?
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Betty congratulates Debi on the roll and as the ladies ride away with Chunk for drinks, Betty takes the WIN and heads for the nearest dry town where nobody will find her.
  • ahunkofmexican
    While Betty enjoys her dry martini Chunk , Cant , and Debi all gang up on her and tie her up by her favorite chair leaving a beautiful box of bon bons just out of reach ! Cant finishes off her dry Martini while Debi says a short prayer for Betty and Chunk snaps a photo and sends it viral ! They all, minus Betty get in Chunks Maserati and Zoommmmmmmmm off. Suddenly the Maserati stops and the back up lights turn on and the Maserati returns for Betty. As Cant and Debi get out to smear Bettys makeup and pull off her false eye lashes Chunk speeds off with the win ! C'ya later Girls ! :bigsmile:
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Sorry I wasn't here for the finish but I'm so glad you won it this time Cant!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    After Chunk two-timed Cant and Debi, they untied Betty, gave her the WIN and all three of them tracked Chunk down, tied him up and forcefed him 5 pots of coffee.


    Then they invited NotGoddess for a Maserati decorating party.

  • ahunkofmexican
    When Betty woke up from her dream , she realised that none of that could of happened ! :huh: Betty realised that Chunk speed off with the win as she was left with Cant and Debi . In order for Betty to hold the win she must play the order of the game as to who and how the win was with last. Since Betty has a hard time remembering Since she is OLDer ! She tries reaching for the bon bons that Cant and Debi left just a little bit closer to her pudgy fingers 2 reach and she falls out of the ropes that Cant and Debi poorly tied and was free. After a big breakfast of beans and broccoli She called Cant and Debi and said HA hA ! i cut 1 loose , I mean i cut myself loose and going for the win. Chunk is the last one who had it and Betty is determined to get it. Betty , decides to drive her Pope mobile car and as she gets the keys she slips on a packet of mustard that Cant had dropped when she was thinking of the farmer john wiener that Chunk used 2 distract CANT with, :wink: and knocks herself unconscious. Chunk , Decides that it has been long enough and turns the spotless Maserati around and heads back to Betty . When Chunk enters the doorway he finds Betty unconscious face first in the kitty liter and her nose right next to a deposit that she forgot to clean. Chunk puts down the win and says a prayer for Betty and miraculously Betty awakes. As Betty starts 2 cry :cry: Chunk feels bad that such a nice and simple woman only wanted to hold the win for a few, ~~~~~~~~~~ So Chunk picks up the win and hands it to Betty. ~~~~~~~~~~~, Betty looks up to Chunk and says bless you kind Nobel sir , for i am old and feeble and have very little time left and i need to lose 25 more pounds and by having the win i shall have the confidence to continue on with my success. Chunk , winks at Betty and with a sway of the hip Chunk burns calories as he Discos out the door as a salute to Betty's Golden days ! :drinker:
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Chunk got a little carried away with his dancing and tripped over his own feet right into the arms of Bubbles who wasn't feeling too happy at being left out of the win, she grabs the win, throws Chunk to the floor and runs off into the night
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Betty cracks up while reading Chunks post. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Then she grabs his car keys and hops into his Maserati, does a few doughnuts on him and speeds off after Bubbles. When she catches up to Bubbles, Betty grabs the WIN, turns around and heads back towards Chunk who jumps out of the way fearing that Betty has come back to do some more doughnuts on him. Instead Betty honks at him and flashes the WIN as she speeds on by laughing gleefully.

    Oh, btw, Betty doesn't drive a Pope mobile car because she's not Catholic. :bigsmile:
  • pmcder10
    So who won?
  • ahunkofmexican
    After Betty showed her true colors, :grumble: Chunk offers the newbie pmcder10 his hand to say hello , As pmcder10 reaches out CHUNK DOES ANOTHER KARATE CHOP and flips pmcder10 over the fence into the neighbors yard where a great Dane ready for affection pounces on pmcder10 and licks the last of her blond hair coloring off and shows the real brunette hair color and the graying roots. Chunk now pulls out another secrete weapon , his personal remote control application and scrolls down to the eject button. As Betty was driving not aware that pmcder10 had stolen the win and lost it to chunk , Chunk hits eject just as Betty was turning the corner in front of the kitty litter factory and he taps EJECT. as Betty is ejected she flies threw the air with not the greatest of ease as the ejector seat has a weight limit :laugh: the seat hesitates and stops short of clearing the factory. As the seat heads down do to the heaviness it crashes safely thru the roof and splashes into the the fresh and clean ( unlike at home ) kitty litter. Chunk now sets the Maserati to return home safely and picks Chunk and the Win up. Chunk turns on the radio and lets the top down and Zoommmmmmmmmmm 's off down to the coast 2 find Cant. :tongue:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Betty rides on a giant kitty cat who is trying to get back to the jungle. As they are crossing the road they spot Chunk walking along carrying a gas can. Seems his Maserati ran out of gas. Poor thing. The giant kitty cat leaps on Chunk and starts licking his face. Betty grabs the WIN back and hops on the back of a passing Harley driven by a hunk named Andre' and they speed off down the highway.
  • ahunkofmexican
    As Betty and her hunk Andre' speed off down the highway on his Harley , The Harley too has a weight limit. :laugh: The tires begin to deflate and Andre' pushes Betty off the bike and picks up a slimmer more younger Chick and speed off. Chunk after filling his Maserati with water and the latest science of gas technology pill. Starts the furious Maserati up. Chunk Press the eliminator button and the Maserati transforms into the Betty Eliminator ! Chunk punches the gas pedal and slams it in gear and speeds off directly towards Betty. Betty beginning to shake in her panty hoses Panics,and begins to run in circles and much like a chicken without a head Betty begins 2 say AH Cluck ! Chunk is speeding straight towards Betty~~~~~As Betty continues to read whats about to happen to her v
    Suddenly Betty remembers ALL THINGS THRU PRAYER ! She gets on her knees and begins to pray. As chunk get closer he begins to see a halo forming around Betty. Chunk who is a Catholic , knows that all he has to do is go 2 confession and put money in the donation basket , Steps on the gas pedal all the way. Betty on her last bead of rosary says " Ah screw this ", and jumps out of the way and right in the mouth of the giant kitty cat Who begins to choke on betty's hair. Ahee Ahee Ahee aaaa heeee. The giant kitty cat throws up a giant Betty hair ball and then proceeds to lick the vomit up. As Betty is covered in Cat vomit she begins to struggle as the giant kitty is almost done licking up whats left of the vomit. Betty once again turns 2 Chunk 4 help. Chunk who has already turned the Maserati around revs the engine. Veroom ! Veroom ! EeeeRRRRRRRR As the Maserati get closer Betty folds her hands and prays again, This time perhaps 4 the LAST time. While Betty is praying she lets go of the win and just as Chunk is about to Help Betty have a FLAT BELLY swerves and grabs the win ! and takes off down the road knowing he was a good Catholic for not harming Betty !
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    That's great. I'm laughing so hard I'm losing myself. ROFLOL
  • ahunkofmexican
    While fit4mom is laughing she rofl right off the side of theporch and into a muddy puddle and loses the win 2 Chunk !
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    MAN! I just got bested by a hot dog!
  • ahunkofmexican
    As fit4mom got the best hot dog bump ! She decides that she has to have carbs again. She takes the win with her to the kitchen and begins to EAT! Since fit4mom never puts herself first or have time for herself she begins to ignore the kids who r hungry too ! She throws a piece of carrot at them and tells them to go do something charitable like get mom more ICE CREAM . When the kids come back they find that fit4mom has eaten everything. The kids go outside and yell 4 help ! Just then Chunk cruises by and screeches 2 a stop. The kids beg the stylish Hot Dog driver to help get there mom out of the kitchen , not because they care but because they didn't want mom to get to the secrete stash of Yoo Hoo's that the kids earned while helping little old ladies like Betty across the street. Chunk whips out his pocket knife and unscrews the door off the hinges and proceeds 2 push fit4mom out the door. Chunk realises that he needs to find motivation so he calls Willy Wonka for help. In a flash 10 Umpa Lumpas show up and begin 2 sing .suddenly fit4mom begins to jiggle and giggle. Umpa,umpa, umpa, umpa soon fit is thru the door. The Umpa Lumpas carry fit to Wonka land and the kids cheer cause no homework and they have there Yoo Hoos. Since fits children do not know how to play this game they find the win and give it to Chunk. Chunk thanks the children with praise and healthy snacks and tells them not to worry that mommy will be back just as soon as she loses the last 4 pounds!
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Fit4mom breaks outa wonka land with a crazed chocolate buzzed look on her face. Chunks was very impressed by fit4mom's diligent determination to keep going and ran crying shaking in his boots as fit4mom blazed past Chunks leaving behind the sent of burnt rubber from her stylish Newbalance Kicks. Fit4mom races to the fountain and grabs a drink remembering her kids in the next room as Chunks had given them a garbage bag full of chocolate and a fridge full of soda to sabotage fit4mom's efforts at peace. Fit4mom saves the day giving her kids the look and besmirching their efforts to climb the walls. Fit4mom slumps on the couch in relieved exasperation as she victoriously nibbled on a piece of dark chocolate.