Last post is the WINNER thread!



  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Like a vision of lovliness CANT emerges from a long weekend of work....Looking quite dashing in her new miniskirt (WHAT? I have never worn a mini skirt) and dashing new ankle boots CANT saunters into the thread and scowls at all the knickers laying around! CANT tidies up the thread and takes out the trash. What the others don't realize is that she stuck the win in the knickers and is currently heading down the street with the win!
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Fit kindly thanks Cant for going into Betty's house to tidy up for the generous women (who hugs three armed children from the three armed foreign adoption agency at church) and gives her a big hug. Suprised to see that she quite liked the hug (as Cant was from a home that thought hugging was a sign of alien inhabitation) went into a daze of happiness and fell into a calming sleep gently upon the floor. It was about time as that poor girl really seemed to need a rest for her moonlighting as a tiny dancer at the tiny dancing happy feet orphanage for kids who can't dance. So fit grabbed the win from the hand of Cant taking a much needed nap and slipped out the door to a gleefully awaiting Betty. They sped off in anticipated urgency to see the wizard for the win.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    CANT pats fit and betty on the heads and snags the win and riverdances off with the orphans
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    As Cant relaxes with a glass of wine and thinks she's outta the woods(LOL) she passes out(let's face it Cant is not a heavyweight, I mean 1 drink, really?). Fit not far behind pulls up the blanket and tucks a pillow under her head as fit slips in (man this has been an exhausting journey) and takes a snuggle and a quick nap. Fit kisses Cant on the forehead and thanks her for the warm welcome given in an alternate time and space and proceeds to give Betty a high five as they head out the door and down the road, TO THE WIZARD> DUNDUNDUN>>>>>For the win.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    As the gentle rain starts to fall on Fit and Betty, Betty offers Fit an umbrella and holds the WIN for awhile because it was getting quite heavy for Fit. The two lovely ladies gleefully tiptoe through the poppies as they continue their merry way towards the WIN.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    CANT awakens to this stupid bird singing a happy song outside her window at 530 in the morning and despite CANT's best efforts to go back to sleep, the bird continues to sing for 5 more hours. CANT throws broccoli at the bird and eases on down the road where she stumbles on snoring Betty and drolling fit sleeping in the poppy field. CANT snaps a picture for comic relief later, grabs the win and hitches a ride with a flying monkey
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Fit comes to as the good witch Brenda(Sorry you know how those copyright infringements are) causes potato flakes to fall from the sky. OWE OWE, Wait I can't see I'm blind, I'm blind. Betty shakes Fit firmly and slaps her across the face saying, "chill out you daft woman." Fit rubs her eyes and calms down with a big sigh as she realizes that it was harmless potato flakes. (but man those buggers hurt when your eyes are open to unexpected things falling in them. "Sorry(echoes Brenda's voice from afar) were on a budget and the snow isn't available for 2 more seasons." Thank you Betty I needed that." Fit get's up and offers Betty her hand as they trip and fall laughing to the ground, fit knocking her elbow against the side of Betty's head, feet flipping over, Betty flinging to the side. They both giggled at the sillyness of this particular scenerio as Fit says sarcastically, "Here let me injure you while I help you up." They had a fit of 10 minutes of uncontrollable laughter as they got up and continued on. There went Cant high above with the brewed of flying monkey's. One Flying monkey conveniently sat there as he had defected from the group (union rules) for not receiving his benefits for a freak broom accident with the (slightly psychotic, bipolar affected) enchantress. (Were not qualified to expound on the severity of the incident as it is still under investigation). Fit asks the monkey if he would oblige them with a ride and he said, "Why not I got nuttin else to do." So off they go to battle Cant for the win
    Cut to mad awesome kung fu fighting scene (which fit was suprised at the agility and superb fighting technique of Cant)
    (Sorry ran a little long, the director has issues with letting the action scenes cut back, You tell it'll be fine it's good, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO they gotta go and fancy it up, cause their the director and the author WRITING THE THING, doesn't know what their doing. End unnecessary rant.) Betty (that supprisingly quick moving mamma) came from behind and gave Cant the slip. Before she knew what happened Fit and Betty were on the move with the win but one problem, DUNDUNDUN, The location of the turn in was misteriously gone. Can't had called ahead and had the producer move the location (apparently she knows people). They looked down and there was a clue, a trail of bread crumbs leading the way! On they went ( Hanz and Gretchen, names changed for the protection of said movers) had not paid attention at the "Miss Leading People By Moving Things" school of the arts, to the golden rule: Don't leave a trail of breadcrumbs to your hiding location.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Fit and Betty continue down the trail>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Until they come to a
    giant beanstalk. What, you thought I was going to say a gingerbread house? With all that candy and frosting on it? Are you nuts?! Beans are good for you. WIN!! Betty starts to climb up the stalk and reaches down to give Fit a hand because she's busy stuffing beans into her pockets so she can make some veggie soup for supper.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Fit Thanks Betty for providing food for her family ( as Betty is just that giving) and continues to climb. They step onto the clouds( because appearantly clouds really are made of cotton candy) and ponder their surroundings. Who knew there was a whole other world up in the sky. There were 2 paths to follow through the overgrowth of woods (that was obviously neglected by the forest industry due to outcrys of tree abuse from Pita) one was warm and friendly and the other dark and mysterious. (Sorry no oversized giants at this particular venture in the game). Betty looked at fit and with a silent prayer asked which way to go. "I don't know." says Fit. You know what they said on Finding Nemo. They also warn that to get to the current, they must go through the nearby trench, not over it, as scared as Marlin was. So Betty and Fit gather up their strength and (based on what they learned from a fictitious cartoon, although I never have heard fish talks so maybe it's the whole tree falling in the woods theory) head down the path that smells of "Teen Spirit."
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Yeah and those teens sure know how to create a Thanksgiving feast! Betty and Fit are welcomed with open arms. Betty holds the WIN while Fit runs around checking out all the dishes and making sure everything is healthy. Unfortunately Betty isn't very creative when it comes to story telling. :ohwell: But she's good at holding the WIN. :bigsmile:
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Once checked (and wondering if the feast is a day early because allot of out of town people are coming) Fit thanks Betty and gives her a seat as Fit kindly puts the win in her back pocket. Thank goodness Fit was able to protect the win as you never know who intends to come by and (with creative writers license) take it. So Fit continues to keep an eye out not trusting that all the guests where who they appeared. All of a sudden out of no where, "FOOD FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!" No way! Awesome. Fit and Betty were covered with mashed potatoes and a plethera of other varieties of soft foods. Who know they had walked right into a pre thanksgiving feast of food fights. Fit couldn't have planned that better if she'd tried.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Here she is to save the daaaaaaaayyyyyyy! er threeeeeaaaaaad! er Here she is to WIN the threeeeeeaaaaaaad! Fit had the WIN for two days. My turn. Her arm was getting really tired holding that WIN for so long. Not to mention all that food throwing she was doing. She burned a lot of calories though. :bigsmile:
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    CANT sneaks in and steals the win and growls at anyone who tries to take it from her
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Fit knows that Cant has a problem with snoring so kit takes the growling as innocent sleep patterns. LOL
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Betty giggles as she pokes a snoring Cant then runs off with the WIN while Fit tries to find a quick place to hide. :laugh:
  • ahunkofmexican
    As Betty isn't looking while she giggles, she begins to poke Cant in the wrong area. WE ALL KNOW HOW MUCH CANT hates broccoli BUTT only a couple of her close friends know why . As Betty Continues to poke one too many times, she is suddenly surprised by a loud explosion of GAS ! Betty's giggling becomes a suffocating uncontrollable cough. As Betty gasps and heads for the open door way she left behind the win. Chunk who brought along his Government approved gas mask walks in past the coughing Betty and swipes the Shaw off of her and places the hand made world war 1 Shaw on top of Cant 2 cover up the rip in the back end of her jeans . As Betty is beginning to turn Green :sick: Chunk whips out his Febreeze and 1 , 2 , 3 , sprays and 3 seconds later the room smells fresh again. Betty who searches the ground for her glasses mistakenly goes in the wrong direction and heads out the doorway heading straight for the men's locker room. As Chunk gently helps Cant up on her feet ,realises he has to make a choice. Does he drop Cant and run after Betty. being that Betty is devoted christian and Cant curses like a drunken sailor he decides to let go of Cant and run after Betty. As chunk gets thru the door way he hears a cheer of Men coming from the locker room. As he enters he see Betty, On all fours , face first between the legs of
    the table just about to touch the foot of the locker room bench thinking that its her glasses. As she begins to paw around she suddenly realises she not in Kansas any more and begins 2 back up the way she came from. As Chunk hands Betty her eye glasses Betty now is aware that she is in a room full of naked , well endowed men , Chunk included , ( endowed that is ) and begins to gasp at what she is seeing. :blushing: She ask Chunk is that the win in your pocket or are you happy 2 sashimi? embarrassed and KINDA impressed , Betty take one last look and heads out the locker room with out the win. Chunk Surprised that Betty had to take another look puts the win in his 501's and walks away Cowboy Style.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Being that Chunk was oblivious to the memory that he was deemed unfit for society having been found wandering the roads mumbling, "I'm a pretty pretty princess, I have a kingdom of yellow bellied ducks and misstreated one legged munchkins." He didn't see hoard of clown gorilla security force who kept Chunk at bay in the mental hospital with high security, 50 foot tall fences and surrounded by cameras with their tickle feathers (bare tickled feet were his kryptonite) and fits of giggling caused by bad comedy.
    So here they came tackling Chunk to the ground causing him to spasm out of control with fits of giggling. The win sailed 5 feet away at the foot of Fit's feet (man that was a mouthful) as Chunk was incapacitated yet once again. (Chunk really needs to go back and read. Hilarious if the author does say so herself). Off runs Fit grasping Betty's arm and gives her a reassuring pat on the back and a nod of it'll be alright. They run off as Fit looks back one last satisfying time to see the hoard of clown gorillas dragging a straight jacketed Chunk off to the funny farm in a clown mobile. Man it was a tight fit but they got him in there. Where was he gonna put that win anyways? So off skip a happy Betty and Fit as they take off on their journey for the win.
  • ahunkofmexican
    As fit continues to babble nonsense and belongs in a mental hospital with high security ! Chunk Grabs the win and forgets that fit exists ! And your one to talk about going back 2 read ! Just stick 2 your friends and just find some one else to bother. I really don't read what your babble says most of the time and i humor the people i care for , you not being one of them ! Goodbye and Ah, never mind . :noway:
  • CaptainAmerica1970
    as FIT, MOM, and Can't ALL SIT around rant and ponder!! as to How to break out of their FUNK ...and begin to fire SNARKY remarks at poor Innocent Chunk! For they all know HE is the undisputed CHAMPION!! thats why they have been counting entries also known as camp'n! A new new person shows up.... Which Causes them to consternation. For in like a Flash, Crack like a WHIP, CAPTAIN Holds the WIN and slips away like JOLLY 'OL SAINT NICK!!