Last post is the WINNER thread!



  • ahunkofmexican
    Fit, Still not recovered from wonka land, Goes on a bender. She locks the doors and proceeds to the Children's Halloween candy bags. She begins 2 eat and eat and eat. Soon as fit begins to swell cause chocolate makes her gassy , begins to regret eating so much that she is stuck on her back on the floor. Chunk once again uses his pocket knife and pops open the 99 cent door lock and walks right up 2 fit. she begs him to have mercy as Chunk unwraps a mr good bar. Knowing that fit is allergic to peanuts. She begs and begs but chunk shoves the whole bar in her mouth cause it wasn't easy and waits.......tick.......tick......tick......tick......suddenly there is a rumble Chunk grabs fit by the pinkie toe and spins fit 180 degrees and aims her Buttocks at the safe that fit locked the win in. 5.....4........3.........2.........1 fit lets out a huge FART and blows the door to the safe open. Chunk who already put on a government approved gas mask walk over to the safe and grabs the win. Fit , who has begun 2 un swell said , " I'd rather give birth over, then do that again " and passes out do 2 the smell. chunk drives off and waits 2 enjoys the next encounter.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Fit4mom comes to and sees a trail of misjudgement leading to a line of burnt rubber from an oversized Mercedes Benze. Fit4mom grabs her white stallion and gallops down the trail that spoke of foreboding. As fit4mom goes a mile down the road she catches Chunks walking on food leaving behind a flipped over spun out of control unscratched car. Chunks rubs eyes in disappointed disbelief as fit4mom races past, side saddle grabbing the reward smoothly out of Chunks pocket. Thinking, empassioned by Chunks trailing injured yellow belly orphaned ducks, she stops and hands back the reward. Fit4mom explains that anyone who has the compassion to care for orphaned ducks and run a farm for mistreated onelegged munchkins indeed deserved the reward. Fit4mom gave the reward to chunks and with a soft pat on the back of well done walked back to the house (burning off the excess calories from all that missjudgement of regrettably eaten candy) and a sigh of relief that deep down inside she was a winner.
  • ahunkofmexican
    SUCKER ! I still have the reward of the win ! P.S. thanks for not scratching the over sized Mercedes Benz . :bigsmile:
    Chunk says under his breath , but forgot 2 turn off the subtitles. Fit who carries a remote control cause she's 2 lazy 2 get up and change the channel hits mute as Chunk's trailing injured yellow belly orphaned ducks Quack obscene remarks for being called yellow belly. Fit realises as she was walking home that the ducks waddell has become a flash mob of running ducks. Fit regrets her vanity of choosing her stylish New Balance Kicks , instead of Nike's and loses BALANCE as she stepped on the scattered food chunk was donating 2 the mistreated one legged munchkins . As the mighty Ducks catch up to fit they begin to pinch her all over and securing her to the ground like Gulliver face first as her rather large hiney is exposed just at the right height for the one legged munchkins. The munchkins paired in two , 1 to the left and 1 to the right. Together they are able to get in line to kick her so the extra 4 pounds spread out evenly. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ..............................This goes on for a really long time cause the last 4 pounds are always very hard to make disappear.
    Finally as number 100 gets her chance to kick fit in the now slimmer hiney. they let go and fit begins 2 mumble why me ! why me ! BUTT i'm Christian ! The ducks hi 5 the one legged munchkins. They all gather around the MASERATI and flip it back right side up. Chunk makes sure to send 4 a bus to take the munchkins and mighty ducks safely home , minus the much needed food Grrrrrr ! Chunk drives up next to fit and takes one look , and begins 2 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: . Chunk speeds off throwing a mirror at fit , so she can C herself. As chunk is very far away with the win , Fit looks in the mirror and GASP ! instant Beverly Hills Collagen injection , Fit looks 20 all over again with full lips and cheeks and less wrinkle lines. A far cry from before :sad: . Fit :drinker: waves a tremendous thanks 2 Chunk and jumps on a passing turtle for a lift home sipping a slim fast on the way.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Fit, looks in amazement as Chunks Mercedes turns into a Maserati. In Chunks haste to flee he did not realize that the brainwashed munchkins and yellow bellied orphaned ducks (who apperantly had issues with self identification because Chunk would make them stare in the mirror every morning and shout,"you are a blue bellied duck, yellow bellied ducks have red hair") came to their good senses as their hearts grew 3 times that day from the kindness of fit. They came running to the aid of Fit and surrounded Chunk in dismayed astonishment for his betrayel to humanity. They hoisted Fit on their shoulders shouting, "For she's a jolly good amazing 20 looking, skinny fanny, fast running friend of munchkins that nobody can deny."
    Chunks laughter turned into fits of :sad: as Chunk realized there was no hope of escape. The one legged munchkins now dawned prosthetic legs donated by the newly founded (appearantly fast acting) munchkins with one leg foundation. They held chunk at bay with the look as he pondered his life choices and wondered if he could have had some better common sense. The yellow bellied ducks who were better now as they went through the (appearantly also fast acting) deprogramming unnecessary brainwashing therapy that Fit had generously provided. They waddled up to Chunk and with snorts of dismay grabbed the reward from Chunks hands and donated it to the: I can't believe how obviously bored this guy is, but yet creative, foundation. Laughing in victory :laugh: Fit gives the munchkins and yellow bellied ducks high fives as they were finally free from Chunks obviously deceptive attempts to provide comfort to those in need, when Chunk was secretly conniving a plan to create an army of unassuming but kickers to create skinny women to do his bidding of slipping into those hard to reach places Chunk couldn't get to with his oversize 10 pack muscles. (Somebody over did it with the steroids, though not Chunks fault as a result of asthma treatments gone wrong that Chunk took as a youth) Chunk walked away hanging his head and shaking it in dismay :emberased: as his heart grew 3 times that day and donated the car to the munchkins new foundation.
  • ahunkofmexican
    Since Chunk is So bored that he took the time to play a game for the last few days that Fit and her pals have played for ever ! Since they are married to a ball and chain , Chunk grabs fits ball and throws it and fit in the ocean chain and all including the win. For Chunk will never see the win ever again or fit as she sinks ino the deepest part of the ocean.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    COM is killing me!!!! Keep it coming!!! WIN!!!

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    yep keep it coming - pass it on, thanks!
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Fit lay at the bottom of the ocean pondering (since she'd only been after the prize for 24 hrs.) (and she's had great fun doing it) Chunks sadness as a mermaid came by to release the ball and chain, delivering her to the shore of Eden. There she found Chunk pouting and gave him a hug. "Well that just sucks Chunk, I thought we'd be friends" and to Fit's amazement Chunk gave her the slip and ran with the prize. Little did he know there was fine print to the prize (in order to cash in the prize it must be delivered and turned in with the help of a friend. No prizes are elligible without ethical treatment of dolphins and helping hands of a friend. Not accepted in Canada or Hawaii.) So there Chunk was astounded at what He did not know and realized that for the win he'd have to swallow his pride and accept the hand of goodwill from whom he'd chosen to be his very own nemesisesisesis. So on Chunk trekked to find the illusive hope of gaining the reward.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    In the meantime, Betty slips in and claims the WIN.
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Betty's that busy looking over her shoulder she misses the step and throws the win away to catch herself, Bubbles says thankyou and run off to the forrest
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Betty falls into the top of a tree. She climbs down from the tree and jumps from the lowest branch landing on top of Bubbles. Betty grabs the WIN from Bubbles and runs out of the forest where she sees a hot air balloon. Betty hops into the hot air balloon and sails off into the sunset.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    As Betty runs off she was unaware of the imminent danger that lay in wait. Suddenly a 10 foot tall horn footed, man shaking, grizzly came out of nowhere and grabbed bubbles who was in suprised anxt over the sudden unwelcome, firm but gentle shake. Not realizing the bear had thought Betty to be it's baby. Suddenly Betty tasted a foul smelling stench as mamma grizzly tried to feed it something that had made the mistake of getting in it's path. Fit, who had been on the trail of the win comes from behind a distracted Betty(for obvious reasons) and takes the win. Not realizing that Bubbles was right behind Fit got tripped and challenged to a kungFU Showdown
    Needless to say Fit wins the showdown with a quick foot to the stomach while simultaniously knocking the reward up in the are and grabbing it mid flight with a triple flip double cartwheel eye rub...(Pause for momentary interruption of technical difficulties) triple sow full spin amazement of impossible moves. Off and running fit leaves Betty and bubbles in the tornado of her dust there jaws hanging open and catching unwanted flying dirt (from the flying tornado of dust off fits fast running shoes). The taste of DE FEET lay remorsefully upon their tongues, tears rolling down their cheeks as fit was now unseen. (Enter lone rider theme music.)
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Betty doesn't have time to be creative because it's after midnight and she has church later so she needs to get her butt to bed. Betty grabs the WIN and crawls off to beddy bye. :yawn:
  • ahunkofmexican
    Since Chunk has been very busy with work , he had no time to play around. So he waited till the exhausted lady Betty was crawling to bed. As she moved along slower than a turtle , Chunk snuck-ed up behind her and with a 10 foot pole and gloves, slaps her on the heinie , startling her making Betty slam right into her dusty hope chest , Knocking Betty unconscious. Chunk closes the curtains so none of the MFP readers can see what happens next.

    As Betty wakes, she realises her hope chest has been pried open. All of Betty's world war one dresses, were scattered about the room and her favorite pair of knickers were missing. Betty , Surprised that someone would even touch her knickers realises she is late to church. As Betty jumps out of the shower and starts to get dressed she realises again that she has no knickers to put on. She puts on a lovely flower print dress and fixes her wig and leaves for church Commando style. As she parks her tennis ball walker , she starts to walk along the sidewalk noticing snotty looks from the other women from the parish and winks from the men. Betty adjust her eye glasses and expresses a quirky look of concern and proceeds to the main entry hall. Betty Passes a long line of men waiting for the confession door to unlock and they all smile big at Betty. She sits in her usual seat as everyone in that row gets up and leaves to sit some where else. As mass concludes and the Chaplin is giving out the hosts, Betty still puzzled, Gets up and walks alone to receive communion. As she's just about to kneel , she trips and loses her balance and falls face first with her bare bum exposed to the congregation. The whole congregation gasp and the men whistle and chunk gets up and walks out with the win. Betty unaware that her knickers are on display hanging from the flag pole, next to a sign that says " If you like what you see, see me in confession " :tongue:
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Fit who was jogging by the church grabbed some clothes from the very compassionate prosthetics for misstreated one legged munchkins foundation and gave them to Betty. She also cleaned up the mess and took down the sign as she was now on a mission to find that miscreant Chunk who was obviously on a downward spiral of bad choices with no parachute to slow him down. Her band of (miscreant hunting, bad choice maker finding, consequence giving) cows in tow, Fit was on the hunt. Who knew someone could be so brass as to ruff up a poor lady (Betty) who was on her way to church where she'd serve in the daycare giving hugs to babies with a third arm who were adopted by parents who supported organizations of parents with third legs adopting children of foreign countries with third arms. Poor Betty hadn't known what was gonna hit her when Chunk had dastardly decided to close the curtains so none of the MFP readers could see what happened next. Fit and Betty were now in an alliance, (mad hot electric pink head bans and smooth 70's runners outfits dawned with anti Chunk retaliating forcfield shoes on). They vowed to make right the world and get the win from Chunk. So on they marched (as Betty had found time for a break from hugging the 3 armed babies), coming up to a suprised Chunk who was once again surrounded but this time by the band of (miscreant hunting, bad choice maker finding, consequence giving) cows in tow. .....(Sorry this is embarrassing we are once again interrupted by technical difficulties) (The tech. guys really need to do something about this. It is their duty. I just typed duty.:sad: :laugh: ) Chunk now incapacitated by the (Sorry this is embarrassing we are once again interrupted by technical difficulties) came to in a mental hospital with high security, 50 foot tall fences and surrounded by cameras. He was deemed unfit for society having been found wandering the roads mumbling, "I'm a pretty pretty princess, I have a kingdom of yellow bellied ducks and misstreated one legged munchkins." Of course who would believe that? Certainly not the clown gorilla security force who kept Chunk at bay with their tickle feathers (bare tickled feet were his kryptonite) and fits of giggling caused by bad comedy. Meanwhile back at the bat cave Betty and Fit were on their way to accept the reward for the win which included a 5 night stay on a cruise for 2 to the Fabulous Bahama's, all exspenses paid for, meals included, shopping trip to Macy's woman's nightgown department (gosh that's oddly specific, sorry Chunk) trip of a lifetime. High fives at hand they trudged on down the yellow brick road....
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Yeah, what Fit said. :tongue: Also I might add, Chunk is clearly dillusional because Betty goes to a Baptist church and they don't have a confessional and on top of that, Betty was born well into the 20th century and doesn't own wigs or world war 1 clothing (except for the costume she bought for old fashioned day at church. So there! pppppppllllllllllllllbbbbbbbbbbbbttttttttttttttttttttt :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Yeah, what Fit said. :tongue: Also I might add, Chunk is clearly dillusional because Betty goes to a Baptist church and they don't have a confessional and on top of that, Betty was born well into the 20th century and doesn't own wigs or world war 1 clothing (except for the costume she bought for old fashioned day at church. So there! pppppppllllllllllllllbbbbbbbbbbbbttttttttttttttttttttt :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    And now Fit, with Betty in hand skipped down the yellow brick road whistling (the sun will come out tomarrow) as they now qualified to accept the reward for the win which included a 5 night stay on a cruise for 2 to the Fabulous Bahama's, all exspenses paid for, meals included, shopping trip to Macy's woman's nightgown department (gosh that's oddly specific, sorry Chunk) trip of a lifetime, based on the fine print: . No prizes are elligible without ethical treatment of dolphins and helping hands of a friend. Not accepted in Canada or Hawaii.)
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    WooHoo. If fit doesn't maintain the win with Betty in hand she sure does get the prize for long lasting.:D
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Hey Fit, it's my turn to hold the WIN for a little while, ok? :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Hey Fit, it's my turn to hold the WIN for a little while, ok? :smile: :flowerforyou:
    And with that Betty broke Fit's smolder (total cop off of tangled). But they made up and continued skipping. Fit was sorry she couldn't resist but suffers from a horrible memory (do baby brains ever go away?) and had to type it out before she forgot.