Question for the ladies



  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    Well I guess I am out of the majority here. . Falling for a guy is not just about looks. . . I want my bestfriend. . someone that accepts me for who I am. . . Someone that is honest, and a gentleman. . .

    It is nice to share some of the same interests as well. . . but I am not going to pick by body type. . I will say I don't want some scrawny little dude. . . But I do want someone that heck. . wants to go out fourwheelin, or weightlifting. . . . or just lounge on the couch. . . Watch movies. . walk on the beach. . go to church. .

    I bet you're well within the majority hun. This question, I more of a 'if the guy has all the qualities you like, but you got to pick his build' type thing lol.

    agreed! ... and he must be willing to remove all spiders from being anywhere near me:)..
  • Dolphingirlie81
    I like a guy with nice arms, (big guns). But it also just depends on the guy. Some guys can pull off certain things while others can't. Same goes for woman.
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    They look deformed. Little pinheads with oversized muscles.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Okay, now that I've read the rest of the responses I'll qualify. I like muscles. Muscular pecs are a MUST. The guy can have a beer cut as long as he has muscular pecs. I like big bulky muscles and tight lean muscles (as long as the dude isn't leaner and thinner than me).

    I do NOT like really low body fat, veiny, steriody muscles (these are NOT natural). I correspondingly do not like twiggy arms, chicken legs and/or flabby pecs (this is probably "natural" but no thanks)..
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Naked and chained to my bed.


    what was the question again?
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    Naked and chained to my bed.


    what was the question again?

    best answer yet!
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Naked and chained to my bed.


    what was the question again?

    You win. :heart:
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    I love men.

    Um, "fit", in that he can a) see his feet while standing, and/or b) see his own package, and can walk up stairs, carry groceries, wield a vacuum cleaner, and maintain his energy level for an "extended" period of time...

    Six packs don't do it for me. A hint of "hey, that looks like muscle under there!" does.

    Oh, and he needs to actually have a neck.

    But, that's just "my ideal"... I am attracted to a variety of body types, as it has a lot more to do with that sparkle in the eye, the winning personality, and the nice smile. I tend to find myself MOST attracted to tall, slightly cuddly guys (think IT guys)...
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Naked and chained to my bed.


    what was the question again?

  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I like the body that looks like it was built on a soccer field or a track or on a surf board, NOT in gym. You can tell when a guy is an athlete and his body was sculpted from action not repetition. Of course they spend time in the gym, but that's not all they do.

    This. There's a secondary reason I'm a soccer junkie... THE BODIES! Wow. A fellow female soccer fan once called soccer "porn for women" :blushing: Aaanyway, ok now that I'm done blushing... I don't want overly muscular. Toned is my style. Nice abs are a plus, but not absolutely necessary.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    natural look for sure.. Muscles are a turn-off I like to lay my head on a soft belly and not a rock hard stomach


    and i continue to lower my standards as the years go by...

    I agree. By the time I was 35, all I wanted was a chubby obedient one...
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I like muscles on a guy alot. Not the "every muscle and vein popping out" look though.. I hate that - they have to have a bit of body fat on them. Basically if they look big & strong, like they could defend themselves/others easily, I like!
  • jonesz922
    jonesz922 Posts: 89 Member
    If you can't put your arms DOWN, it's time to stop lifting!! Oh, and most girls would LOVE to see an *kitten*, so don't forget you have a lower body too :wink:
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    natural look for sure.. Muscles are a turn-off I like to lay my head on a soft belly and not a rock hard stomach


    and i continue to lower my standards as the years go by...

    I agree. By the time I was 35, all I wanted was a chubby obedient one...

    *LMAO* I'm 34... five more years of this and I may not even require a partner with a penis.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    natural look for sure.. Muscles are a turn-off I like to lay my head on a soft belly and not a rock hard stomach


    and i continue to lower my standards as the years go by...

    I agree. By the time I was 35, all I wanted was a chubby obedient one...

    LOL :laugh:
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    If you can't put your arms DOWN, it's time to stop lifting!! Oh, and most girls would LOVE to see an *kitten*, so don't forget you have a lower body too :wink:

    Hockey player butt :) mmmmm.....
  • ncgatorfan
    ncgatorfan Posts: 517
    If you can't put your arms DOWN, it's time to stop lifting!! Oh, and most girls would LOVE to see an *kitten*, so don't forget you have a lower body too :wink:

    ^^^^ MOST DEFINITELY!!!!!!!!!
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    natural look for sure.. Muscles are a turn-off I like to lay my head on a soft belly and not a rock hard stomach


    and i continue to lower my standards as the years go by...

    I agree. By the time I was 35, all I wanted was a chubby obedient one...

    *LMAO* I'm 34... five more years of this and I may not even require a partner with a penis.

    ROFL! :laugh:
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    Natual look.............but with nice arms........