Butterball Babies~ ! (Closed Group)



  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Updated to this point!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Okay, my weight as of today is 170.6. You do the math. :laugh:

    Good work everyone!
  • SlimLittleMrs
    Hey bb's - just a quick check in. I had a somewhat off week - I did my best though and I am still proud of my accomplishments. I was under my calorie total for all days except 1, drank all of my water but only got in 2285 calories burned. Still pretty good considering I was really ill yesterday and just couldn't do it.

    I'm excited about this week though, I've already got 15 mins of weight training in, drank 7 cups of water so far today and have already burned 556 calories so far today - I'm not quite finished, I'm going to do a bit more cycling - talk to you all soon and congratulations on all of your wonderful accomplishments!

    oh & p.s. my visitor came and unfortunately I have no change in my weight to report this week.
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    Weighing in aat 169.2 so I lost that pound from last week and an additional .4lbs..woo hoo! It's awsome to see everyone's loss this week..way to go girls!
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    159!! I'm doing terrible! I haven't been drink as much water as I should...failed miserably there. But I did manage to burn well over 3500 calories!
  • SlimLittleMrs
    okay just finished my last workout for today - I burned 978 Calories today, drank 10 Cups of water, did 15 minutes of weights, hmmmm, I feel like I'm forgetting something....
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Hey Butterball Babies!

    Question: Does Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones DVD count towards Strength Training?
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Hey Butterball Babies!

    Question: Does Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones DVD count towards Strength Training?
    She works out with weights in that one doesn't she? If so, then yes. :)
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    For those who stole my format.....it's fine. :smile:

    Setting up my goals for the week:

    Thurs: strength trng - 15 mins, H2O - 13 cups (had a couple more after closing out diary), cals burned - 321, under cals

    Total mins of strength training: 15/45
    Total cups of water: 13/60
    Number of days under cals: 1/7
    Number of days over cals: 0/7
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Min of Strength Train:
    Calories Burned:
    # Cups 'o Water:
    # of days under calories:----1/6-(net)---(.-272.)/
    # of days over calories:
    Wow, so many awesome results for the weigh ins! Great job guys!

    As for 'what do you do for work'--I am an RN, but I do computer programming for the IT&S department to program the screens that our nurses use for their electronic documentation. Is nice, because computer science was my first major and I dropped out because I didn't want to stare at the computer screen all day...ah, how we change...
  • welcominganewself
    weigh in 240.8 Not a big loss this wee kbut since it is TOM I will take it.
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    10/6- 18 cups water, 386 calories burned, 0 minutes strength training, under calories
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Had to edit...realized I put Tues calorie burn in for yesterday's. Don't wanna cheat! Plus I added a line (for those using my format)...I added a line for total calories burned. Hopefully, will updated today's efforts later tonight. Have a great day/weekend everyone!

    Thurs: strength trng - 15 mins, H2O - 13 cups (had a couple more after closing out diary), cals burned - 278, under cals

    Total calories burned: 278/2000
    Total mins of strength training: 15/45
    Total cups of water: 13/60
    Number of days under cals: 1/7
    Number of days over cals: 0/7
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Updated to this point.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    159!! I'm doing terrible! I haven't been drink as much water as I should...failed miserably there. But I did manage to burn well over 3500 calories!

    I'm not doing great either! But I am back on track with my eating the last two days. Although your pie might be my downfall. lo. thanks for the recipe! I'm going to try to just eat some of the filling and not so much of the crust.... :)
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    okay just finished my last workout for today - I burned 978 Calories today, drank 10 Cups of water, did 15 minutes of weights, hmmmm, I feel like I'm forgetting something....

    wow, awesome!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Thurs: over cals a little bit, but it was with healthy food so I'm ok with it! Couldn't resist my raw almonds! 7 cups of water.

    Total calories burned: 0/2000
    Total mins of strength training: 0/45
    Total cups of water: 7/60
    Number of days under cals: 0/7
    Number of days over cals: 1/7
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,416 Member
    Jojo-nobody's hatin' on you. I am a SAHM mom with 2 teen boys (which of course means I never stay home!) and I have a hard time keeping up with this very active group (not that I'm complaining-please don't take it that way!!!). Do the best you can!

    Stealing the format that everybody else has stolen for this weeks challenge! (why re-invent the wheel???) This is updated through this morning after my workout and breakfast. Probably won't get back to it until Sunday. We are heading over to Orlando tonight for a swim meet so pretty sure tomorrow will be my over calorie day. Don't know what kind if any exercise I'll be able to get and will be eating out for breakfast and lunch and depending on how the meet goes dinner! I also won't have access to a computer once we leave so I'll just be logging from my phone.

    Thurs: under calories, burned 463 calories, 0 minutes strength, 9 cups water
    Fri: burned 680 calories, 30 minutes strength,

    Total calories burned:1143 /2000
    Total mins of strength training: 30/45
    Total cups of water: 9/60
    Number of days under cals: 1/7
    Number of days over cals: 0/7

    Have a great weekend everybody!!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    CW: 182.6, lost 1.6lbs this week!

    Challenge Update:

    Cals Burned: 520/2000
    Cups of H20: 12/60
    Mins of ST: 30/45
    Days UC: 1/6
    Days OC: 0/1
  • Kittu125
    Kittu125 Posts: 360 Member
    Challenge update up until Today oct 4:
    Sep 29 - 14 water , 1428 burned, under cals
    Sep 30 - 10 cups, 799 burned, under cals
    Oct 1- 12 water, 763 burned , under cals
    Oct 2 - 11 water, 761 burned, under cals
    Oct 3 - 16 water, 1259 burned , under cals
    Oct 4 -14 water, 1664 burned , under cals
    Oct 5 - 14 water, 349 burned, under cals
    Calories B-turned: 7023/3500
    Cups of Water: 91/60
    Days Under Cal: 7/7

    also checking today for Thursday weigh in . Taught don't hold it against me I was little busy at work. Do I did weigh in on Thursday only and posted it in my profile page. I weigh in at

    155.4 from 155.8 so just lost .4 lbs this week. Had some major call this week but food was culprit this week. Eating all my exercises cask back doesn't work for me I guess.

    everybody did awesome this week. Congratulations to those who had a loss this week. Taught thanks for new chalkenge . I like the little treat you gave us. Awesome!