Butterball Babies~ ! (Closed Group)



  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    I gained 0.4lbs so my current weight is 169.6...oh well..I didn't have the best food choices and I feel like eating everything right now...I am happy I didn't gain anymore!
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    I like the calories burned (2000), water intake (60), days under/over (6/1), sodium is cool--under sodium 6 days

    But what about adding something like--taking 10 minutes at least 5 days for reflection/relaxation/meditation? Meaning you have to stop whatever you are doing, put on some soft/nature/no music and just try to relax your whole body and mind? (means 10 straight minutes...turn off phone...no facebook...hide from your kids...)

    Pmsl hide from kids, relaxation sounds good, 10 minutes to myself well that would be something. I think some people it will be a hard thing to do
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    I like the calories burned (2000), water intake (60), days under/over (6/1), sodium is cool--under sodium 6 days

    But what about adding something like--taking 10 minutes at least 5 days for reflection/relaxation/meditation? Meaning you have to stop whatever you are doing, put on some soft/nature/no music and just try to relax your whole body and mind? (means 10 straight minutes...turn off phone...no facebook...hide from your kids...)

    Pmsl hide from kids, relaxation sounds good, 10 minutes to myself well that would be something. I think some people it will be a hard thing to do

    i can run but i can't HIDE!!! this will be a mission!! does doing to the bathroom count?!?!? :)

    OK- you guys are KILLING ME- now what does "pmsl" stand for?!?!? I need to write a dictionary to keep up on here!!

    tara- i agree that i don't want to blame TOM for the gain, today i'm already back down to norm, so YES next week i better see a nice drop!!

    happy weekend butterballs!!!!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    It is Friday and I feel lost!!! Can someone please tell me what to do??? (joke!!!!)

    Well, ladies... Since Tausha is on a well deserved vacation...what should we do? Create goals ourselves? Do individual goals? Consider it a "rest' week? (Nat will have a coronary...she doesn't know how to rest!) Seriously, Nat, you are my HERO! I am lifting today because of you! I am also sore as heck because I increased the poundage that I am lifting, because of YOU!:flowerforyou:


    LOL! But the long-term results will show soon & you'll be totally BUFF!! And yes, if someone told me to rest I'd probably crash & burn!
    I like the goals - but I also need to get a grip on my cals & stop eating so much! The week before & of our little mishapped HM I was SUPER careful & the results showed (even with TOM in full flow - pardon the pun :laugh: !).
    Therefor, my personal goal is to NOT eat back all my exercise calories: I want to leave at least 300 (except for today since I don't get my PM burn & we're eating at Sonny's tonight with Grandpa - it'll be my little cheat :wink: ).

    So - Team Orange Butterballs - keep me in check on calories & I'll keep you in check on sodium :flowerforyou:
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    OK- you guys are KILLING ME- now what does "pmsl" stand for?!?!? I need to write a dictionary to keep up on here!!

    Are you from another country??? :)

    PMS = PreMenstrual Syndrome (bloating, cramps, appetite issues, etc). This is a common term even before the internet was created!! lol (laugh out loud). I am cracking myself up over here. I wish you could see me!

    Edited to Add: I am an idiot. I thought you said pms. Now I see it is pmsl. I have no idea! That's a new one!!
    Note: I could have just deleted this to be blank or said something else so I didn't look like a complete idiot, but I thought it might give you a good laugh. lol
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    OK- you guys are KILLING ME- now what does "pmsl" stand for?!?!? I need to write a dictionary to keep up on here!!

    Are you from another country??? :)

    PMS = PreMenstrual Syndrome (bloating, cramps, appetite issues, etc). This is a common term even before the internet was created!! lol (laugh out loud). I am cracking myself up over here. I wish you could see me!

    Edited to Add: I am an idiot. I thought you said pms. Now I see it is pmsl. I have no idea! That's a new one!!
    Note: I could have just deleted this to be blank or said something else so I didn't look like a complete idiot, but I thought it might give you a good laugh. lol

    OMG THAT IS GREAT!!! AND YOU THOUGHT I WAS THE DUMBASS!!! takes one to know one:)

    and i THINK i may have cracked the code---- does it mean, "pissing my self laughing"?!?!?!?!?
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    OK- you guys are KILLING ME- now what does "pmsl" stand for?!?!? I need to write a dictionary to keep up on here!!

    Are you from another country??? :)

    PMS = PreMenstrual Syndrome (bloating, cramps, appetite issues, etc). This is a common term even before the internet was created!! lol (laugh out loud). I am cracking myself up over here. I wish you could see me!

    Edited to Add: I am an idiot. I thought you said pms. Now I see it is pmsl. I have no idea! That's a new one!!
    Note: I could have just deleted this to be blank or said something else so I didn't look like a complete idiot, but I thought it might give you a good laugh. lol

    OMG THAT IS GREAT!!! AND YOU THOUGHT I WAS THE DUMBASS!!! takes one to know one:)

    and i THINK i may have cracked the code---- does it mean, "pissing my self laughing"?!?!?!?!?

    omg i am pmsl so hard right now! lol. ycmu!! (you crack me up..i just made that up.)
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    OK- you guys are KILLING ME- now what does "pmsl" stand for?!?!? I need to write a dictionary to keep up on here!!

    Are you from another country??? :)

    PMS = PreMenstrual Syndrome (bloating, cramps, appetite issues, etc). This is a common term even before the internet was created!! lol (laugh out loud). I am cracking myself up over here. I wish you could see me!

    Edited to Add: I am an idiot. I thought you said pms. Now I see it is pmsl. I have no idea! That's a new one!!
    Note: I could have just deleted this to be blank or said something else so I didn't look like a complete idiot, but I thought it might give you a good laugh. lol

    OMG THAT IS GREAT!!! AND YOU THOUGHT I WAS THE DUMBASS!!! takes one to know one:)

    and i THINK i may have cracked the code---- does it mean, "pissing my self laughing"?!?!?!?!?

    omg i am pmsl so hard right now! lol. ycmu!! (you crack me up..i just made that up.)

    OMG, IMHO (IYDM), we should all PMSL and go AKF for some H2O (not H2O2)

    Oh my god, in my humble opinion (if you don't mind), we should all PMSL and go away from keyboard for some water (not hydrogen peroxide)...all actual quips, pending PMSL's authentication code...
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    Waaay to much craziness going on over here....

    lol just kidding! Keep it coming! I think I'll just stick with the goals from last week, since I didn't meat the strength training.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    OMG, IMHO (IYDM), we should all PMSL and go AKF for some H2O (not H2O2)

    Oh my god, in my humble opinion (if you don't mind), we should all PMSL and go away from keyboard for some water (not hydrogen peroxide)...all actual quips, pending PMSL's authentication code...

    You still didn't tell us what PMSL means!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    whats the goal for this week?

    shall we set one for ourselves?

    i like the water challenge of 60 cups, what about calorie burns? maybe aim for 2500? what do you all think? what about making a point of logging onto the thread once a day? i know i struggle with logging in everyday so should be able to do this.

    orange ladies: shall we start our team challenges again?
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    as for auntie flo! hehe love it, i used to call it AF. find it very weird to call it TOM now! another tmi question, ladies do u get a lot of bloating when u are ovulating? i find im up or down 2lbs during TOM and ovulation!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    CW: 183.6, I gained 1lb :grumble:

    Tara & Maria~There was no challenge posted for this week because Tausha is on vacation. So, Im just going to stick with the challenges from last week but increase the amount to challenge myself.

    Results from Thursday:

    Cals Burned: 318/3500
    Cups of H20: 15/85
    Mins of ST: 40/150
    Days UC: 0/5
    Days OC: 1/2
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I think everyone is setting their own goals, along with continuing some from before. My personal goal is to go to the gym at least 3 days. I mostly exercise at home, but I have a gym membership I haven't been using, and I know when I go I feel so energized afterwards. I need to stop being lazy and just go! I went one time last week.

    I completely blew yesterday. I had a really bad day, not just with food and exercise, but also emotionally. So today I'm starting with a clean slate. Here are my goals for the next 6 days:

    2500 Calories Burned
    60 Cups of Water
    Under Calories 5 Days
    Exercise 5 Days, 3 of them at the Gym

    I have been recording everyone's weight for the chart I post. It is updated to this point. Still need lots of weigh-ins!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    :drinker: CONGRATS to everyone with a loss this week, and to those of us who have met the goals!!:drinker:

    To all of us with a gain this week/ or who did not reach the goals...guess what...move on!! we are on a new week with new goals, so quit making excuses and push yourself...see what you can accomplish when you put your whole mind/body in it and LET'S DO THIS!!:bigsmile:

    Donna-making our own goals is a great idea!!

    Kory-Meditation will be on my list! and CONGRATS on the 160's!!!!

    Melinda /Jojo/Kory-u guys r FN hilarious!!! w/ all these abbr who the h3ll knos wut we r sayn?! but 4 real...when u find out wut pmsl means lemme kno wudda?! LMAO!!!!!!!!:laugh:

    Mariam-yah some of us are just taking last weeks goals and adding a few more of our own or a lil twist to the ones that were there!! as for TOM...I don't notice any normal gain during these weeks...however, I was really really good this week and I still gained...so I am blaming it on this, this week!! :tongue:

    as for my goals:
    under cals: 0/6
    under sodium: 0/5
    burn 2000 cals: 392/2000
    10min relax time: 0/6
    80oz H20/day: 1/7
    cal avg for week 1400:
    weight: 10/12-125.8.........10/19-TBA
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    under cals: 1/6.......Th (-180).....Fr
    under sodium: 1/5.......Th (-170)......Fr
    burn 2000 cals: 190/2000.....Th (190)....Fr
    10min relax time: 1/6.....Th (0).....Fr (1).....Sa
    80oz H20/day: 0/7.....Th (48)....Fr (
    cal avg for week 1220/1400:.....Th (1220)....Fr
    weight: 10/12-167.8.........10/19-TBA

    And we're off! VRRROOOOM!!!

    and, for those of you that didn't catch the prior post

    Question: What Is 'PMSL'? What Does PMSL Mean?

    Answer: So, you're conversing online in a chat room or in an Internet game, and you keep seeing this odd expression "PMSL" People chat in the online game, sending pmsl messages left and right.

    Well, this peculiar acronym expression is very much a United Kingdom expression. It stands for "Pissing myself laughing". It is the same as "rofl" or "lmao" in American English. The pmsl expression, like many other Internet expressions, is part of online conversation culture.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I'm setting my goals too..

    Cals Burned: 1233/3500
    Water: 10/60
    Under calories: 1/7
    Consume under 2000 calories: 1/6
    Rest day: 0/1
    Under Sodium: 1/5
    Strength training: 0/45
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,416 Member
    O.K., you guys crack me up! Kory, I'll try for that 10 minutes a day thing. Does reading a book count??????
  • kbcakes
    kbcakes Posts: 84
    Hi Ladies!!!!!

    I hope you all are doing well. I feel bad that I forgot to weigh in on Thursday! I was busy getting ready to take my ds to visit a couple of colleges in OH. We left last night for Cleveland (a 5 hour drive), spent the morning at one college, the afternoon at another, then drove back to Michigan to visit a third tomorrow morning. Whew! It will be good to sleep in my own bed tomorrow night.

    Needless to say, since I'm away from home, and my scale, I don't know what my weight is.

    Let's just say it's the same - 168, and hope that all the exercise and walking I've done this week, will get me a good loss for next Thursday!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    O.K., you guys crack me up! Kory, I'll try for that 10 minutes a day thing. Does reading a book count??????

    Im going to try this too. I dont really get any time out to myself apart from zumba and running so will make an effort.