Butterball Babies~ ! (Closed Group)



  • NEcamper47
    NEcamper47 Posts: 38 Member
    I added a couple of goals to last weeks like going to the gym vs. swimming and going walking outdoors while I still can. My mid week check in:
    Thurs: 0 water, 355 cals
    Fri: 2 water, 908 cals
    Sat: 2 water, 296 cals
    Sun: 4 water, 391 cals
    Mon: water, cals
    Tues: water, cals!
    Wed: water, cals
    Total calories burned: 1950/3500
    3 miles outside / 6
    Total mins of strength training: 35/45 (gym1/3)
    Total cups of water: 8/40 (revised for me)
    Number of days over cals: 1/7
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Kinda have a hard time keeping tabs, but I'm killing it in both cardio + strength training. I'll try and be as accurate as I can here. :smile:

    Cals Burned: 4088/3500
    Water: 43/60
    Under calories: 4/7
    Consume under 2000 calories: 1/6
    Rest day: 1/1
    Under Sodium: 2/5
    Strength training: 80/45

    Kinda struggling with keeping it under 2000--I have those high burning days, and feel hungrier. Sodium, well thats kinda a toss up..have both my good and bad days, but drinking a lot of water to combat it. :happy:
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    10/13--596 calories, 18 cups water, 0 minutes strength training, under calories
    10/14--665 calories, 12 cups water, 20 minutes strength training, over calories
    10/15--1150 calories, 12 cups water, 0 minutes strength training, under calories
    10/16--1026 calories, 15 cups water, 0 minutes strength training, under calories

    Calories burned: 3437/4000
    H2O Intake: 57/110 cups
    Under Intake Calories: 3/7 days
    Strength Training: 20/60 minutes
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Pat-great goals!!! keep on chippin away at em!

    Suzanne-awesome cal burn as always, and way to get in your rest day!

    Laura-doing a great job over there!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member

    Cals Burned: 2103/3500
    Cups of H20: 51/85
    Mins of ST: 90/150
    Days UC: 2/5
    Days OC: 2/2
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    Pat-great goals!!! keep on chippin away at em!

    Suzanne-awesome cal burn as always, and way to get in your rest day!

    Laura-doing a great job over there!
    Thanks Tara--

    I have to burn as much as I can right now because Aunt Flo is knocking at my door and she makes me want to eat EVERYTHING...what a B*itch! HAHAHA
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    (wow...sorry for the length...my pain meds and coffee must've kicked in...)

    under cals: 2/5.......Th (180).....Fr (20)...Sa (-690)...Su (210)...Mo (
    under sodium: 2/5.......Th (170)......Fr.....(-435)...Sa (-112)...Su (290)...Mo (
    burn 2000 cals: 620/3000.....Th (190)....Fr...(0)...Sa (0)...Su (430)...Mo (
    10min relax time: 2/5.....Th (0).....Fr (1).....Sa (1)...Su (0)...Mo (
    60 cups of water: 18/60.....Th (6)....Fr (8)...Sa(0)...Sun (4)...Mo (
    cal avg for week 1440/1400:.....Th (1220)....Fr (1210)...Sa (1900)...Su (1430)...Mo (
    weight: 10/12-167.8.........10/19-TBA

    Awesome job so far guys! Tausha, hope you are having an awesome time on your vacay!

    Annie--Completely understand. I had to drop a group that I had started because I realized that I wasn't on the same page at the time and needed to focus on something else. You are correct that if you are fibbing on your diary to meet the goals of the group, then it isn't helping you at all. My hope is that you will feel comfortable posting everything here, including the not meeting of goals (or maybe modify your goals to where it is closer to what you can actually obtain...just don't make it easy...you have to work for it). I don't think anyone says anything about not meeting goals (but will say something if you try to make excuses everyday). Just post your results, recognize your accomplishments, realize what you need to work on, and go from there! By all means, do not give up! Realize your potential and you will succeed! (sorry, Jillian is still in my head even after not doing her video for 2 months).

    Anita--all I can say is WOW! all that PLUS 90 of those damn burpees! wow..... yep... just wow... (very impressed)

    Laura-I think Aunt Flo and Uncle Tom need to go out and do one of those homicide/suicide things you see on TV! Will have to track mine one more month to see if that causes any weight fluctuations...wish I could mark it on my weight somehow....

    Suzanne--Wow, great job on your goals! If you are burning that many calories, don't fret the missing <2000 mark as long as you aren't eating all of the calories back...same with sodium, you are sweating (I assume) a lot, so body may be needing it!

    Karen--Thanks so much for the table update! You rock (and congrats on the loss! )

    Melinda--Did you enter the wrong starting weight or did something happen? I noticed that you had a 6 pound gain on the first week and didn't know if the data was incorrect (or you were sick the week before). If it was truly that weight, then no biggie and we can get back...but if it wasn't, I would suggest requesting a change in documentation so you don't get frustrated at that final column... (but congrats on the loss with this last weigh in!)

    Nat--You are a MACHINE! Wow. Just curious (from my previous issue, just seeing if you find the same) do you have concerns that your high calorie burn is affecting your actual weight loss, or are you seeing enough of a body transformation that the scale doesn't matter?

    Great job on the weight losses this last weigh in! I went shopping for new work pants (mine kept sliding down my butt and they were too bunched up w/ a belt). So excited that the size 14s are actually loose and I can fit into my jeans that I had saved from my last weight loss experience! Yay! So glad I kept them...this time I will get to the point that they will be too big and I will not outgrow them again!!!

    I have learned that staying below on sodium is hard. I don't add salt to ANYTHING and it is still really close. I saw my 17 y/o step-daughter on Saturday sprinkle salt on her chick fil a sandwich (probably mimicing her mother) and wanted to educate her on it, but she gets EXTREMELY defensive when anything regarding her weight is brought up (has caused a few family fights) so we have told her that we won't try to help her w/ her weight/eating unless she comes to us...but it is really hard to not say something when she is doing something that is so unhealthy!

    Sorry for not responding on the 'what is 10 minutes to self'. I am counting it as any time that you are w/o electronics...relaxing your brain/reflecting/meditating/whatever...the main thing is that you aren't having to focus on any kind of stimulus. I am not counting reading for myself becuase I try to get some in every day, but if it isn't normal for you to read, then go ahead and count it (but the idea of it is more of a little bit of time to look, w/ your imagination, what you look like, what you see yourself looking like, what are your goals for the week, how is your financial status and how to make easier for yourself...any type of reflection and motivation...de-stressing...whatever you need it to be).
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,416 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA here for a few days. My phone is in the process of dying so I can really only do stuff on the computer. Since my son's laptop is in the hospital, we are fighting for the use of my computer and unfortunately, that darn school work has to come first. Then when I do get it, I have to be really quick to log my food, check e-mails, work on the golf tournament I'm chairing and so on....

    Anita-wow! That race sounds really hard and I bow down to you for the 90 burpees! They absolutely kick my butt!

    Annie-no worries. We don't want you to drop out so do what you need to for YOU. These challenges are to help you in your quest (I feel like a hobbit now) not make it more difficult!
    Kory-I'm having a really hard time with that 10 minute thing-especially over the weekend with kids and husbands home. I do read every day so guess I can't count that time! I will say though that our golf course is finally open again (it's been closed for 6 months while they basically re-built it!) and I haven't touched a club since June. I get to play tomorrow! I may not get 10 solid minutes but I do find myself truly appreciating things when I'm on the golf course.

    Suzanne-sodium is my killer too and I try to eat to within 200 calories every day and some days if I have a big workout, I'm eating close to 2400! Your body needs the fuel so don't be too hard on yourself!

    Tausha-glad you're having fun, but we miss you!

    Nat-you are a rock star. You need to eat to fuel those monster workouts and I can't believe you can stay that low on sodium!

    Alright, there is my quick catch up. I know I missed people and I hate that! Everybody who posted a loss, great job last week. For those of us who either gained or didn't post anything (uh, that would be me!), this is a new week and we are in this for LIFE so get back on the wagon and we'll be awesome this week! Have a lovely Mnday everybody!

    Checking in through Sunday:
    calories burned: 2033/1200
    cups water:37/60
    days under calories: 3/7
    days over calories: 1/7 (actually didn't finish logging on Saturday. didn't log dinner or evening snacks while we did a family movie night so don't know if I actually was over, but I'm gonna say I was!)
    days under sodium: 1/7 (I suck at this!!!)
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Thursday goal idea--what about a protein goal for the next round? Not too high, but at least something to shoot for. I know protein is recommended for weight loss (not talking about no carb, just increased protein)

    Thoughts? Recommendations for amount? If we like, should it be an amount or a percentage of calories?
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    updated through monday (cept for water and walks)
    under cals: 4/6
    under sodium: 3/5
    burn 2000 cals: 1591/2000
    10min relax time: 4/6 (does MFP time count?!-LOL!)
    80oz H20/day: 4/7
    cal avg for week 1400:
    weight: 10/12-125.8.........10/19-TBA

    Renee-finish it out strong girl....3 days to go, and all must be UC goal!! you can do it!

    Laura-sucks!!! I feelya too...mine should be here today or tomorrow!!! Grrrrrr!

    Kory-CONGRATS on your NSV this week!!! Sorry to here about your daughter...it is hard growing up and being overweight...I know this from personal experience...she will come to you when she is ready...and probably sooner then later!! Your job now is to be the best role model that you can be....make and eat good food at home, and ask her along on FUN activities like bowling, minigolf, hiking, or a bike ride!! As far as protein...I shoot for 70g/day (which I have a hard time getting, and is LOWER then my recommended!) but they say you should be getting 1g per each lb of lean body mass (weight times estimated body fat %). so I weigh 125 with a 20%bf...which would be a recommended 100g of protein/day!! yah right!!! Maybe we sould shoot for half our total lbs in protein (ie. 62.5g would be half my weight, and my goal)?!?!?!? whatcha think??
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    (wow...sorry for the length...my pain meds and coffee must've kicked in...)

    under cals: 2/5.......Th (180).....Fr (20)...Sa (-690)...Su (210)...Mo (
    under sodium: 2/5.......Th (170)......Fr.....(-435)...Sa (-112)...Su (290)...Mo (
    burn 2000 cals: 620/3000.....Th (190)....Fr...(0)...Sa (0)...Su (430)...Mo (
    10min relax time: 2/5.....Th (0).....Fr (1).....Sa (1)...Su (0)...Mo (
    60 cups of water: 18/60.....Th (6)....Fr (8)...Sa(0)...Sun (4)...Mo (
    cal avg for week 1440/1400:.....Th (1220)....Fr (1210)...Sa (1900)...Su (1430)...Mo (
    weight: 10/12-167.8.........10/19-TBA

    Awesome job so far guys! Tausha, hope you are having an awesome time on your vacay!

    Annie--Completely understand. I had to drop a group that I had started because I realized that I wasn't on the same page at the time and needed to focus on something else. You are correct that if you are fibbing on your diary to meet the goals of the group, then it isn't helping you at all. My hope is that you will feel comfortable posting everything here, including the not meeting of goals (or maybe modify your goals to where it is closer to what you can actually obtain...just don't make it easy...you have to work for it). I don't think anyone says anything about not meeting goals (but will say something if you try to make excuses everyday). Just post your results, recognize your accomplishments, realize what you need to work on, and go from there! By all means, do not give up! Realize your potential and you will succeed! (sorry, Jillian is still in my head even after not doing her video for 2 months).

    Anita--all I can say is WOW! all that PLUS 90 of those damn burpees! wow..... yep... just wow... (very impressed)

    Laura-I think Aunt Flo and Uncle Tom need to go out and do one of those homicide/suicide things you see on TV! Will have to track mine one more month to see if that causes any weight fluctuations...wish I could mark it on my weight somehow....

    Suzanne--Wow, great job on your goals! If you are burning that many calories, don't fret the missing <2000 mark as long as you aren't eating all of the calories back...same with sodium, you are sweating (I assume) a lot, so body may be needing it!

    Karen--Thanks so much for the table update! You rock (and congrats on the loss! )

    Melinda--Did you enter the wrong starting weight or did something happen? I noticed that you had a 6 pound gain on the first week and didn't know if the data was incorrect (or you were sick the week before). If it was truly that weight, then no biggie and we can get back...but if it wasn't, I would suggest requesting a change in documentation so you don't get frustrated at that final column... (but congrats on the loss with this last weigh in!)

    Nat--You are a MACHINE! Wow. Just curious (from my previous issue, just seeing if you find the same) do you have concerns that your high calorie burn is affecting your actual weight loss, or are you seeing enough of a body transformation that the scale doesn't matter?

    Great job on the weight losses this last weigh in! I went shopping for new work pants (mine kept sliding down my butt and they were too bunched up w/ a belt). So excited that the size 14s are actually loose and I can fit into my jeans that I had saved from my last weight loss experience! Yay! So glad I kept them...this time I will get to the point that they will be too big and I will not outgrow them again!!!

    I have learned that staying below on sodium is hard. I don't add salt to ANYTHING and it is still really close. I saw my 17 y/o step-daughter on Saturday sprinkle salt on her chick fil a sandwich (probably mimicing her mother) and wanted to educate her on it, but she gets EXTREMELY defensive when anything regarding her weight is brought up (has caused a few family fights) so we have told her that we won't try to help her w/ her weight/eating unless she comes to us...but it is really hard to not say something when she is doing something that is so unhealthy!

    Sorry for not responding on the 'what is 10 minutes to self'. I am counting it as any time that you are w/o electronics...relaxing your brain/reflecting/meditating/whatever...the main thing is that you aren't having to focus on any kind of stimulus. I am not counting reading for myself becuase I try to get some in every day, but if it isn't normal for you to read, then go ahead and count it (but the idea of it is more of a little bit of time to look, w/ your imagination, what you look like, what you see yourself looking like, what are your goals for the week, how is your financial status and how to make easier for yourself...any type of reflection and motivation...de-stressing...whatever you need it to be).

    Haha..love it! You could track it when you log your food..at the bottom you can write note to yourself..maybe that might help!
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    Things have been...okay. I haven't had a chance to log every day though. Thursday we saw Jeff Dunham, and Friday we went out with a couple friends. I've been keeping an eye on the scale(naughty!) and haven't gained anything, so I'm not ruining my hard work thus far. I am surprised I haven't seen a loss yet, as I've been sick the last few days and not eating much, just lots and lots of fluids.
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    10/13--596 calories, 18 cups water, 0 minutes strength training, under calories
    10/14--665 calories, 12 cups water, 20 minutes strength training, over calories
    10/15--1150 calories, 12 cups water, 0 minutes strength training, under calories
    10/16--1026 calories, 15 cups water, 0 minutes strength training, under calories
    10/17--205 calories, 18 cups water, 20 minutes strength training, under calories

    Calories burned: 3642/4000
    H2O Intake: 75/110 cups
    Under Intake Calories: 4/7 days
    Strength Training: 40/60 minutes
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Kory~I like your idea to have a protein goal for the next challenge. Half of your body weight sounds like a good goal (Thanks for the suggestion Tara)

    Tara~You are rockin it this week!

    Annie~Hope you feel better!

    Laura~Looks like you’ll be hitting your goals this week. Keep up the good work! GO TEAM PURPLE!!!


    Cals Burned: 3030/3500
    Cups of H20: 64/85
    Mins of ST: 130/150
    Days UC: 3/5
    Days OC: 2/2
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    updated through monday
    under cals: 4/6
    under sodium: 3/5
    burn 2000 cals: 1686/2000
    10min relax time: 4/6 (does MFP time count?!-LOL!)
    80oz H20/day: 5/7
    cal avg for week 1400:
    weight: 10/12-125.8.........10/19-TBA

    Laura-awesome job as always!

    Renee-sweet!!! I think I will add that protein goal for myself next week, even if the group doesn't decide to do it!! Nice job on ALL of your goals so far!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    (wow...sorry for the length...my pain meds and coffee must've kicked in...)

    under cals: 2/5.......Th (180).....Fr (20)...Sa (-690)...Su (210)...Mo (
    under sodium: 2/5.......Th (170)......Fr.....(-435)...Sa (-112)...Su (290)...Mo (
    burn 2000 cals: 620/3000.....Th (190)....Fr...(0)...Sa (0)...Su (430)...Mo (
    10min relax time: 2/5.....Th (0).....Fr (1).....Sa (1)...Su (0)...Mo (
    60 cups of water: 18/60.....Th (6)....Fr (8)...Sa(0)...Sun (4)...Mo (
    cal avg for week 1440/1400:.....Th (1220)....Fr (1210)...Sa (1900)...Su (1430)...Mo (
    weight: 10/12-167.8.........10/19-TBA

    Awesome job so far guys! Tausha, hope you are having an awesome time on your vacay!

    Annie--Completely understand. I had to drop a group that I had started because I realized that I wasn't on the same page at the time and needed to focus on something else. You are correct that if you are fibbing on your diary to meet the goals of the group, then it isn't helping you at all. My hope is that you will feel comfortable posting everything here, including the not meeting of goals (or maybe modify your goals to where it is closer to what you can actually obtain...just don't make it easy...you have to work for it). I don't think anyone says anything about not meeting goals (but will say something if you try to make excuses everyday). Just post your results, recognize your accomplishments, realize what you need to work on, and go from there! By all means, do not give up! Realize your potential and you will succeed! (sorry, Jillian is still in my head even after not doing her video for 2 months).

    Anita--all I can say is WOW! all that PLUS 90 of those damn burpees! wow..... yep... just wow... (very impressed)

    Laura-I think Aunt Flo and Uncle Tom need to go out and do one of those homicide/suicide things you see on TV! Will have to track mine one more month to see if that causes any weight fluctuations...wish I could mark it on my weight somehow....

    Suzanne--Wow, great job on your goals! If you are burning that many calories, don't fret the missing <2000 mark as long as you aren't eating all of the calories back...same with sodium, you are sweating (I assume) a lot, so body may be needing it!

    Karen--Thanks so much for the table update! You rock (and congrats on the loss! )

    Melinda--Did you enter the wrong starting weight or did something happen? I noticed that you had a 6 pound gain on the first week and didn't know if the data was incorrect (or you were sick the week before). If it was truly that weight, then no biggie and we can get back...but if it wasn't, I would suggest requesting a change in documentation so you don't get frustrated at that final column... (but congrats on the loss with this last weigh in!)

    Nat--You are a MACHINE! Wow. Just curious (from my previous issue, just seeing if you find the same) do you have concerns that your high calorie burn is affecting your actual weight loss, or are you seeing enough of a body transformation that the scale doesn't matter?

    Great job on the weight losses this last weigh in! I went shopping for new work pants (mine kept sliding down my butt and they were too bunched up w/ a belt). So excited that the size 14s are actually loose and I can fit into my jeans that I had saved from my last weight loss experience! Yay! So glad I kept them...this time I will get to the point that they will be too big and I will not outgrow them again!!!

    I have learned that staying below on sodium is hard. I don't add salt to ANYTHING and it is still really close. I saw my 17 y/o step-daughter on Saturday sprinkle salt on her chick fil a sandwich (probably mimicing her mother) and wanted to educate her on it, but she gets EXTREMELY defensive when anything regarding her weight is brought up (has caused a few family fights) so we have told her that we won't try to help her w/ her weight/eating unless she comes to us...but it is really hard to not say something when she is doing something that is so unhealthy!

    Sorry for not responding on the 'what is 10 minutes to self'. I am counting it as any time that you are w/o electronics...relaxing your brain/reflecting/meditating/whatever...the main thing is that you aren't having to focus on any kind of stimulus. I am not counting reading for myself becuase I try to get some in every day, but if it isn't normal for you to read, then go ahead and count it (but the idea of it is more of a little bit of time to look, w/ your imagination, what you look like, what you see yourself looking like, what are your goals for the week, how is your financial status and how to make easier for yourself...any type of reflection and motivation...de-stressing...whatever you need it to be).

    Thanx for the compliment (MACHINE :tongue: ): I use the scale to keep "in check" but rely more on my tape measure than anything else now since I am building muscle & burning fat at a pretty even ratio. I actually weigh more than I did a few months ago, however, I've lost an entire inch off each forearm & around my chest (yes, that means the girls have suffered a little but they're firmer than ever thanx to the muscle pushing out :wink: ) and gained 3/4" on left bicep & 1/4" on right bicep. I'm starting to add more cardio in to balance the strength training so I can burn more fat off the muslce & get more cut, but I do all this slowly so not only my body can get used to the change, but my mind as well. This way, I've found I'm more likely to stick with the changes permanently because I've given myself adjustement periods so it's not total shock :happy:

    In response to Angie - I usually am low on sodium since I don't eat a lot of processed foods: most of what I eat is fresh or I look for low sodium alternatives (thanx to my food allergies & being limited in choices). I go over on some days, like if I go on a cheese, chips & salsa binge, but I drink plenty extra water, take a mild natural water pill & workout extra hard the next few days to combat it. It used to be hard to stay under, but it's amazing what your body gets used to :happy:

    I'll update later today on my last couple days - just hoppped on at work to check out everyone's progress - seeing some AWESOME progress BTW!

    Oh - and I LOVE the protein goal for this coming week!!! I've been building up my protein to help with my muscle buidling so I can definitely use this challenge to take it to the next level :happy:
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    under cals: 3/5.......Th (180).....Fr (20)...Sa (-690)...Su (210)...Mo (112)...Tu (
    under sodium: 3/5.......Th (170)......Fr.....(-435)...Sa (-112)...Su (290)...Mo (18)...Tu (
    burn 2000 cals: 1128/3000.....Th (190)....Fr...(0)...Sa (0)...Su (430)...Mo (508)...Tu (
    10min relax time: 2/5.....Th (0).....Fr (1).....Sa (1)...Su (0)...Mo (1)...Tu (1)...We (
    60 cups of water: 26/60.....Th (6)....Fr (8)...Sa(0)...Sun (4)...Mo (8)...Tu (
    cal avg for week 1473/1400:.....Th (1220)....Fr (1210)...Sa (1900)...Su (1430)...Mo (1606)...Tu (
    weight: 10/12-167.8.........10/19-TBA

    1/2 your body weight for protein goal will work for some (it will work for me), but I think it will be too low for those that are lower body weight and/or exercise a lot. I was trying to think of some EASY calculation to determine your goal...(i.e. every gram of protein has 4 calories...so, in order to be 30% protein, you have to eat 75 grams of protein for every 1000 calories you eat in a day. So if you are an exercise fanatic and burn 1500 calories in a day and end up eating 2500 calories for your day, you actaully need to eat 200 grams of protein to be at 30% protein intake)

    What about do the 1/2 body weight for this next challenge just to see how we are doing and to get used to watching it, then next week pump it up to 30% caloric intake from protein? (will be very hard for me, but it is good for you) So will be:
    (total calories for day) x (0.30) / (4) = protein goal (or you can set your profile to auto calculate your goal on your food diary)
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,416 Member
    Checking in through Monday:
    calories burned: 2658/1200
    cups water:54/60
    days under calories: 4/7
    days over calories: 1/7 (actually didn't finish logging on Saturday. didn't log dinner or evening snacks while we did a family movie night so don't know if I actually was over, but I'm gonna say I was!)
    days under sodium: 1/7 (I suck at this!!! but I was just over by a little bit today so better!)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    updated through Tues (cept for water and walks)
    under cals: 5/6
    under sodium: 4/5
    burn 2000 cals: 1686/2000
    10min relax time: OK...I failed miserably at this one...I barely have time for life I have decided!
    80oz H20/day: 5/7
    cal avg for week 1400: actual~1449cals
    weight: 10/12-125.8.........10/19-TBA

    I will need to get in at least 36 minutes of walking tonight at work plus my RI30 tomorrow to hit my cal goal this week...no probs there!!! WOOT!!

    Kory-that would be about 105g for me...I know that I will fail miserably at this, since I have been shooting for just 70g and can barely hit that most days!! It's hard to get 105g out of 1400 cals!!! BUT I will def shoot for the half my weight in grams this next week, and I will TRY for the 105g next week too!
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    10/13--596 calories, 18 cups water, 0 minutes strength training, under calories
    10/14--665 calories, 12 cups water, 20 minutes strength training, over calories
    10/15--1150 calories, 12 cups water, 0 minutes strength training, under calories
    10/16--1026 calories, 15 cups water, 0 minutes strength training, under calories
    10/17--205 calories, 18 cups water, 20 minutes strength training, under calories
    10/18--153 calories, 20 cups water, 10 minutes strength training, under calories

    Calories burned: 3795/4000
    H2O Intake: 95/110 cups
    Under Intake Calories: 5/7 days
    Strength Training: 50/60 minutes