Butterball Babies~ ! (Closed Group)



  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    CW: 183.6...weight is the same this week. I ate pretty good and had great workouts so I dont know whats going on :ohwell:

    Goals for this week:

    Cals Burned: 400/3500
    Cups of H20: 15/85
    Days UC: 1/5
    Days US: 1/5
    Days UCarbs: 1/5
    75g+ of Protein: 1/5


    Kristen~WTG! Nice los! GO TEAM PURPLE!!

    Kory~You have some good goals. Good Luck!

    Suzanne~I love junk food too. I just try to have it in moderation. However, I have those days were I lose control

    Angie~:laugh: Thanks for the laugh :laugh:

    Melinda~I hope everything works out well at the doctor :flowerforyou:

    Keerti~You rocked your challenges! Good Job! GO TEAM PURPLE!!!

    Maria~Yeah, we’re setting our own goals this week. No More Trouble Zones is a great workout! FYI: the dvd is about 55 mins (from beginning to end)
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    calories burned: 2732
    days under calorie: 5/7

    I am getting back on track!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247

    whew... That was a lot of reading! You girls are amazing. Way to keep it going while I was away. I say for this week set your own goals again.

    I promise to kick into gear and have goals for next week. !! :0)

    Love you all and thanks for the sweet messages while I was away. I gained 3 pounds and enjoyed every bit of it! haha... I think it's mostly water...I feel SO BLOATED and KNOw I was swimming in Sodium eating out all the time.

    See ya soon!

    Oh.. I'm going to start Turbo Fire soon... Kind of nervous.

  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    10/20--500 calories burned, 21 c water, 0 strength training, under calories
    10/21--500 calories burned, 15 c water, 10 strength training, OVER calories

    Calories burned: 1000/4000
    H2O Intake: 36/110 cups
    Under Intake Calories: 1/7 days
    Strength Training: 10/60 minutes
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    (caught up through Thursday)
    under cals: 0/6
    under sodium: 0/5
    cals burned: 351/2000
    10min meditation: 0/3
    70 cups H20 total: 6/70
    cal avg for week 1400: actual~
    weight: 10/19-123.8.........10/26-TBA

    Chandra-welcome back girl!!

    Pat-don't get discouraged...you have the right idea....drink more water, and move more!!!! you will do great this week!

    Suzanne-that is the one that really counts...plus you kill the exercise goals every week anyways!

    Angie-LMAO!!!!! I am most of the time too!!!:laugh:

    Jojo-glad SOMEONE likes pilates!! LOL!:laugh:

    Mariam-I'm withya girly!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Tausha-welcome back!! and you are gonna love turbo!!! p.s. didya catch my weigh-in?? I posted it a day early....123.8....down 2lbs (just in case!)

    Renee-posted on your wall....offered you a repeat challenge, if you are interested!!?

  • SlimLittleMrs
    Hi everyone! I've been missing you! Congratulations to everyone for all of their hard work this week!

    I'm sorry I've been MIA so much this week - I've been helping out a close friend, staying with her and trying to help her get through her struggles. I'm only with her one more day (after today) and then I'm coming home and getting back on track - I've still been eating quite well, and getting a teeny bit of exersize but nothing like what is normal for me. I actually can't wait to get back so I can go back to my normal routine, and start focusing on me again! I'm having surgery on November 10th and I want to be as healthy as is possible by that time.

    Do we have any challenges I can jump into on Monday with you?

    thanks! (((((hugs)))) to all of you!!

    Oops - and Tara - I'm down 1.2 lbs this week for a total of 26.2 lbs
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,424 Member
    Hey all.

    Had a nice time at our event last night and even though I didn't log, I may not have gone over in calories. Well, yes I did. I didn't do a workout so only had around 500 left for dinner but it may not have been as bad as I thought (we won't discuss the bananas foster-I needed potassium!!).

    Spent the morning cleaning the entire house, been baking (help me find willpower-I have an apple pie AND caramel pecan brownies!), getting ready to clean the pool. Shouldn't be too bad today but will get back to normal tomorrow.

    Have a lovely weekend!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Just hopped on to glance through the progress - I see a lot of good progress :smile:
    And some that are in the same boat as me - no change. I'm not updating my goals from last week as after the last time I logged I couldn't stay under my cals by as much as I wanted & some days I went a little over. I've been starving & trying to really only eat when hungry. I'm still rocking on the exercise, building muscle - no weight loss but I'm pretty sure I'm getting more solid. As long as I don't gain any weight, I can deal with this.

    Not sure if there are any set goals/challenges for this week - I am upping my protein and seem to be getting in close if not over half my body weight each day, so if that's one challenge I think it's one I can actually do :happy:

    Anyway... I'm still hoping I get a little loss by the end of this coming week, there is no way I can workout this hard and build this much muscle without losing some fat at the least! Any ideas?
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hi Ladies! I've updated the spreadsheets to this point for the last two weeks. I'm missing a few weigh ins.

    I will list them... but will probably be removing those who haven't posted by tomorrow.

    TEAM BLUE....(down to only 2 active members)... we need to check on Ladybug1620 and Cuddles2523. If they choose not to check in I was wondering if you would like to join the red team to receive some more support? So...Nat (purplebutterfly) and Anita (sas16) Let me know if you hear from them and if you are ok with me including you in the Red team? They have a pretty cute team logo and all... Hope they dont mind either.

    TEAM ORANGE: You all are rocking it and everyone is pretty great about check ins! Keep it up!

    TEAM RED:.. I'm missing weigh ins from Callmefor911 (kym) and Jenneyd (Jenney) ...so really you are down to 2 active members as well..unless these girls check in soon! How do you feel about the blue team joining you?

    TEAM PURPLE: Thanks so much for being dedicated! How lucky I am to have an awesome group!

    TEAM YELLOW: Everyone seems to have checked in for you as well! Your team is doing great!

    Team Pink: We are missing Shelley (aquasw16) for the past few weeks now. I know she was considering a move and a new job. Can you check on her and I will remove her if we don't hear from her. Let me know!

    Other than that we are doing awesome!

    As for me.... Well I've got a bit of catching up to do. lol. Vacation was amazing and though I did tons of walking and swimming...I still gained around 4 pounds. I feel very bloated...been trying to down the water, but the past 2 days home have been filled with trying to get things back to normal around here.

    SO>.... since I've not posted any challenges, I'm going to actually set some for myself for the next few days until weigh in. I feel like if I don't set any...(even though it's not a whole week)...that I will give myself excuses to slack. If ANYONE wants to join me I would love it!

    I promise to have new goals for EVERYONE this coming Wednesday!

    Ok...so starting tomorrow, SUNDAY October 23rd...(my birthday!)... through Wednesday night...

    10 cups of water daily
    30 minutes of Cardio minimum daily....(actual planned sweaty exercise...not counting daily activities...)
    30 Push ups per day
    Under Calories daily

    There... I need to get my booty in gear!! :0) Who's joining me? I know some of you have set your own awesome goals! Let me know what you're doing!! :0)

    Thanks for bearing with me while I was gone. I missed you all!


  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    (caught up through Friday)
    under cals: 1/6
    under sodium: 1/5
    cals burned: 561/2000 (includes Sat workout)
    10min meditation: 0/3
    70 cups H20 total: 15/70
    cal avg for week 1400: actual~
    weight: 10/19-123.8.........10/26-TBA

    Sandy-congrats on the loss this week and so far...that is great! as for challenges...we all made our own again for the week, and most of us are stayin similar to last weeks goals! Seeya when you get back :)

    Nat-of course my recommendation would be to log your food everyday (just to be sure you are close to your goals at least). other than that, inches are going to show your true progress with you focusing on the exercise portion, and I would recommend you meaure at least every other week to keep you motivated with your progress...I would measure: biceps, chest, ribs, natural waist, belly button, hips, thighs, and calfs...this will give you the best idea of how your REALLY are doing vs what the scale says. Keep on movin girl!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I know I'm not using my usual format--but wanted to check in anyway! :bigsmile: And Tausha, welcome back from your vacation! Hope you enjoyed every bit of it! The last few days I've been killing my calorie burning goals as usual and staying under my calories since Thursday. Some days I have gone close, and almost gone over. Still eating more then i'd like to, comfort wise, but always been making up for with it for exercise. I decided to check in on the scale as well..i do peak every few days, just not every day since it can be stressful..too much..I'm already down 0.4lbs..so next time, I'll weigh in Thursday for the final result. I'm still going in the right direction! :flowerforyou: As for water--I'm still drinking a minimum of 8 cups. sometimes i have to use a water bottle and use propel a little to flavor it..(despite knowing the chemicals) all and all, im going good!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. My in laws are here so managing to keep food under control as im doing the cooking. Time for exercise limited but walked loads yesterday and planning to do same today. Am on annual leave as of tomorrow so week off yay! Got to tidy the house and get some muchh needed chill time. Plus planning to try out my new jillian dvd and go running in the mornings and ikeep up with my zumba and running club in the evening. I will get my 3500 cal burn! Lol
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    10/20--500 calories burned, 21 c water, 0 strength training, under calories
    10/21--500 calories burned, 15 c water, 10 strength training, OVER calories
    10/22--1200 calories burned, 12 c, 0 strength training, under calories

    Calories burned: 2200/3500
    H2O Intake: 48/110 cups
    Under Intake Calories: 2/7 days
    Strength Training: 10/60 minutes
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    (caught up through Friday)
    under cals: 1/6
    under sodium: 1/5
    cals burned: 561/2000 (includes Sat workout)
    10min meditation: 0/3
    70 cups H20 total: 15/70
    cal avg for week 1400: actual~
    weight: 10/19-123.8.........10/26-TBA

    Sandy-congrats on the loss this week and so far...that is great! as for challenges...we all made our own again for the week, and most of us are stayin similar to last weeks goals! Seeya when you get back :)

    Nat-of course my recommendation would be to log your food everyday (just to be sure you are close to your goals at least). other than that, inches are going to show your true progress with you focusing on the exercise portion, and I would recommend you meaure at least every other week to keep you motivated with your progress...I would measure: biceps, chest, ribs, natural waist, belly button, hips, thighs, and calfs...this will give you the best idea of how your REALLY are doing vs what the scale says. Keep on movin girl!

    Thanx - I do log all my food every day - except for when I eat at my Mum's house - no clue what it is & why it's so hard to log there, but we know it's always good home cooking, no canned/premixed stuff & LOADS of veggies: but it would probably be good to get a handle on my eating there - but I don't think once per week or every other week would really hinder me much. I measure about once p/mnth with Hubz - he seems to really enjoy measuring my chest... :laugh: ... But since he's pushing harder at the gym I think we are going to switch to measuring once p/wk, I'm going to add the calf measuring in as well as he says I no longer look like I have tree-trunk legs, so maybe things are changing just slowly enough that I'm not "seeing" it, but trusty tape measure will "show" it. And, of course, the way my clothes look & feel is a good tell-tale. I think I'm just frustrated that I work my butt off & the "scale" still doesn't move, but as long as the muscle is getting more solid I think I can deal with it. Though I wouldn't complain if the scale did move!

    And, not sure if this is an NSV, or maybe it's a BBV (body-builder victory - lol!): I have to get a new winter jacket: none of my old ones fit... well, they do fit, I just can't move my arms! Apparently while my chest has lost an inch, my shoulders have gained a couple & while the jackets fit & zip up, my shoulders are so broad I can't move my arms much & when I can the sleeves seem shorter than I remember! So there is a plus to firming & building as well as the minus :tongue:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    (caught up through Sat)
    under cals: 2/6
    under sodium: 2/5
    cals burned: 862/2000 (includes Sun workout-walks)
    10min meditation: 0/3
    70 cups H20 total: 27/70
    cal avg for week 1400: actual~
    weight: 10/19-123.8.........10/26-TBA

    I will most likely be over on cals tonight (we are having a potluck at work) but if I am, I will use it as my cheat day for next week and move on! Gonna try my best not to go overboard though...I HATE potlucks!

    Suzanne-keep goin strong girl!! I can't wait to see your final results on Thursday :)

    Mariam-which new JM DVD didya get?!

    Nat-sounds like a plan!! Maybe a bodyfat % test is in order now too?! Just saying....you might be getting SO ripped that there is NO other way to tell but that!!! Other than that, the scale will start going in the right direction eventually, so don't lose hope! and congrats on your BBV!! :laugh:
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I've been out of town since Friday morning. I pretty much splurged all weekend and I haven't been on to log anything.

    I'm going to join Tausha for the remainder of the week, so here are my goals Monday thru Wednesday:
    10 cups of water daily
    30 minutes of Cardio minimum daily....(actual planned sweaty exercise...not counting daily activities...)
    30 Push ups per day
    Under Calories daily
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Hi Ladies! I've updated the spreadsheets to this point for the last two weeks. I'm missing a few weigh ins.

    I will list them... but will probably be removing those who haven't posted by tomorrow.

    TEAM BLUE....(down to only 2 active members)... we need to check on Ladybug1620 and Cuddles2523. If they choose not to check in I was wondering if you would like to join the red team to receive some more support? So...Nat (purplebutterfly) and Anita (sas16) Let me know if you hear from them and if you are ok with me including you in the Red team? They have a pretty cute team logo and all... Hope they dont mind either.

    TEAM ORANGE: You all are rocking it and everyone is pretty great about check ins! Keep it up!

    TEAM RED:.. I'm missing weigh ins from Callmefor911 (kym) and Jenneyd (Jenney) ...so really you are down to 2 active members as well..unless these girls check in soon! How do you feel about the blue team joining you?

    TEAM PURPLE: Thanks so much for being dedicated! How lucky I am to have an awesome group!

    TEAM YELLOW: Everyone seems to have checked in for you as well! Your team is doing great!

    Team Pink: We are missing Shelley (aquasw16) for the past few weeks now. I know she was considering a move and a new job. Can you check on her and I will remove her if we don't hear from her. Let me know!

    I messaged Shelley for Team Pink. She said she is mostly doing Weight Watchers now with her roommate. She did take the new job also. So I don't think she is continuing with this challenge.
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    10/20--500 calories burned, 21 c water, 0 strength training, under calories
    10/21--500 calories burned, 15 c water, 10 strength training, OVER calories
    10/22--1200 calories burned, 12 c water, 0 strength training, under calories
    10/23--500 calories burned, 15 c water, 0 strength training, under calories

    Calories burned: 2700/3500
    H2O Intake: 63/110 cups
    Under Intake Calories: 3/7 days
    Strength Training: 10/60 minutes
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Nat: well done on your bbv. I agree with Tara, id measure everywhere as im sure u are losing inches. Plus you work so hard i reckon your body fat percentage as reduced as well. Do your trousers feel looser? As the scales may not be obliging but you may be getting leaner which is better in my opinion. I need to get back to ripped and doing JM workouts as i dropped a dress size without losing any weight by doing JM workouts- I was getting leaner which i much preferred rather than what the scales said.

    Tara: im sure you've told me before but what is a potluck? is it a party? Ive got No more trouble zones. Im planning for that and ripped to be my winter workouts. im not sure how often i will be able to go out for runs when it snow so have a back up plan along with my zumba. so should be all set.

    AFM: i think period is def due as im still bloated and my scales show a 4lb gain! eeeekk!!! lol! it the higher end of my maintainance range so ive changed my settings to lose 0.5lbs/ week and will prob keep it that way for the imminent future . Plus i'll let you all in on a secret. Id like to lose a bit more weight and get closer to 116-118 as hubby and i are trying for no 2.
    I dont want to balloon up and gain 40lbs again so will keep it sensible, my hubby is agreeable with this! lol, i usually get a lot of resistance from him when i talk about losing more. If i get my weight under control now i shouldnt have that much to lose. Im petrified as Ive worked so hard to lose it- but hey if i did it once i can do it again. My daughter is 3 in january and ideally i dont want more than 4-5 yr age gap so its now or never! Im hoping to continue being active if we do get pregnant. I think my attitude towards food and exercise now are vastly different to what they used to be- plus i want to continue to run as late as i can! Nothing on my main feed please- trying to keep it quiet :)
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,424 Member
    Oh, Mariam, good luck on the baby!! You definitely will be able to remain active while you're pregnant and that and eating healthy will give you a good healthy weight gain.

    Nat, you're working out so much and I know you eat well, you must be growing tons of muscle and burning fat. That's probably why you're starving too! I second the body fat measurement. I'm scheduling one for me the early part of November. Even if the caliper test isn't spot on perfect, it's a good gauge of where you are.

    I had an awful (really good!) weekend. It started Friday night and just kept on going. I had high hopes for Sunday but never got my planned workout in, had a huge breakfast with our out of town company and the desserts I made on Saturday kept calling to me all day long.

    BUT, last night hubby said he wants to get back on the working out and eating right train (Whoo-hoo-it's about time!) so I won't have him bringing the junk in the house and always asking for takeout. Other than my son's birthday and a couple of golf tournaments where lunch is included and I have no control over it, I have the rest of November until we leave on our cruise to eat right and keep working out. Even though I'm in my maintenance range, I'm going to try and drop a few lbs. before our cruise to give myself a cushion so I'm resetting my goals to 1/2 lb. per week.

    Tausha, I'm with you on the next three days. I've already had 8 cups of water this morning, gotten a 700+ calorie workout in and did strength work. I won't actually be doing pushups because I did chest presses and flyes this morning and the muscles are sore.

    Have a great day all! I have 2 weeks until the golf tournament I"m in charge of and have TONS to do on it. We've already raised over $10,000 though so I'm really excited. Our goal is to net $10,000 so have to get some more golfers. Anybody wanna come play??? :laugh: