Butterball Babies~ ! (Closed Group)



  • NEcamper47
    NEcamper47 Posts: 38 Member
    OK. Checking in for the week. It wasn't a bad week. I haven't done a weigh in yet though.
    Thurs: 6 water, 0 cals, 1 veg
    Fri: 5 water, 60 cals, 1 fruit
    Sat: 5 water, 477 cals, 5 f&v 2 miles
    Sun: 8 water, 813cals 6 f&v, 25 min Strengh Training
    Mon: 5 water, 145 cals, f&v
    Tues: 2 water, 0 cals, 4 fv
    Wed: 4water, 0 cals, 3fv
    Total calories burned: 1495/3500
    2 miles outside / 6
    Total mins of strength training: 25/45
    Total cups of water: 35/40
    Number of days over cals: 2/7
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Laura-fantastic as always!

    Pat-great job on your water...that is a huge improvement from last week even!
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Update thru Wed night
    :smokin: Zigzag cals-1130/1130/1930 (net) Rotation: 6/6...Th(1602)...Fr(995)...Sa(2207)...Su(700)...Mo(1171)...Tu(932)...We(1812)
    :cry: under sodium: 3/5...Th(-139)...Fr(181)...Sa(1349)...Su(337)...Mo(-465)...Tu(-233)...We(-1615)
    :cry: over 75 g protein: 3/5...Th(88)...Fr(64)...Sa(31)...Su(60)...Mo(84)...Tu(54)...We(80)
    :smokin: burn 2500 calories: 2937/2500...Th(621)...Fr(340)...Sa(0)...Su(510)...Mo(449)...Tu(599)...We(418)
    :smokin: 10 min relax time: 5/5...Th(1)...Fr(1)...Sa(0)...Su(1)...Mo(1)...Tu(0)...We(1)
    :cry: 60 cups of water: 40/60...Th(8)...Fr(4)...Sa(0)...Su(7)...Mo(8)...Tu(5)...We(8)
    Weight: 10/20 167.6.................10/27

    :smokin: = met or on road to meet goal
    :ohwell: = 1 off of goal, easy to meet
    :cry: = 2 off of goal, may be able to meet
    :sad: = 3 or more off goal, difficult or impossible to meet

    Wow...wouldn't have thought that I would eat more than a days worth of sodium in 3 pieces of pepperoni pizza...daaaaammmnnn!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kory-hehe...gotta be careful for your sodium now that you upped your cals!!! processed food, frozen food, and fast food suck for sodium!!! great job on the zig-zagging though!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member

    Cals Burned: 4005/3500
    Cups of H20: 92/85
    Days UC: 4/5
    Days US: 4/5
    Days UCarbs: 4/5
    75g+ of Protein: 7/5

    Tausha~Hope your dogs are returned soon *HUGS* :flowerforyou:

    Tara~CONGRATS on meeting your Cals Burned ! Question: What schedule did you use for your Ripped in 30? Did you do 4 weeks or 30 days (total)? Im starting Ripped in 30 in November so Im trying to figure out my game plan. Thanks!

    Rynatat~CONGRATS on the NSVs!!

    Laura~You did a great job with your goals this week! GO TEAM PURPLE!

    Kory~I :heart: your symbols! I see we have something in common, I love pizza! It sucks that it has so much sodium:grumble: ...It's tough getting in protein, I have to really plan my day to make sure I reach my goal. I try to eat 20-30g per meal and its hard. Just keep focusing on getting more and you'll have it under control in no time.
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Scale said 133.4 this morning. I'm actually down 0.8 lb. Surprising since I don't feel like I had a good week. But....I'll take it!! :happy:
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    I lost absolutely nothing this week...i did well with my workouts but i admit i ate like crap this week....oh well..there is always this week to catch up..plus losing the 3 lbs last week and keeping it off.....i am a happy camper!!! Good luck everyone!!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Kory: I would say maybe stick to somthing light as if you may find it difficult to eat all the food back. Especially as the idea is really to shock your metabolism than you dont want to have a small net. i dont know, just my two pence worth. let me know how the zz goes, im tempted to try it out properly this time. :wink:

    Tausha: im sorry to hear about your dogs, hope u are ok :)

    Suzanne- defninitely up for JM workouts. I find fitness goals tend to keep me focused rather than just calorie goals.let me know as i would love to get some more muscle definition.

    Tara: well done on your calorie burns. fingers crossed for your weigh in.

    Nat: well done on your NSv, you totally rock all your workouts! and you look smoking hot in both your outfits! I think Angie and i made similar comments! great minds!!! as for being fit in your 30 absolutely! im fitter now and take more care of my body than when i was starting my 20s! so being 30 is not so bad! im over my 30 wobbles! lol

    Laura: doing great!

    Pat: some improvements over last week, well done.

    Kory: i agree, sodium in pizza and other fast food is horrendously high! but good work with your zigzagging. fingers crossed you bust out of your plataeu. I love how creative your goals are too!

    sas: well done on your loss

    AFM: weighed in at 123lbs! so 1lb loss, plus tom is here so explains the gain! fingers crossed for a better weigh in next week.
    in terms of my goals

    Calorie burn : 1650/ 3500 cals hah! this one sucked! but its my time off and im chilling out!
    Run/walk 20 miles: 25.5 miles/ 20 miles DONE
    More fruit and veg: managed everyday with a portion of fruit and veg atleast once a day!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hey Butterball Babies! Here are the goals for the week!


    1. Re-Examine your original goals. We have 4 weigh ins left. Can you meet your original goal? Have you toned and strengthened? Have you really pushed yourself as hard as you can the past couple of weeks?

    If not, what's the new goal? What's realistic for you to acheive the next 4 weeks?

    It's not failure to look over our progress and make a new game plan! Come on girls!

    2. Burn 3000 (three thousand) calories this week! Come on girls!! :0) I'm guilty of not pushing hard enough the past couple of weeks.

    3. Log EVERYTHING EVERY DAY! (some of us have fallen off the wagon here.)

    4. 60 Cups of water for the week.

    5. Self check in on the TYPES of food you are eating. Remember, just being under calories doesn't really mean you are nurturing your body and promoting fat burning. Let's try to reduce the amounts of processed, sodium loaded foods. Let's up the fresh produce, whole grains, and fresh meats/proteins.

    So, really goals 1 and 5 are just some self evaluations and the ones we need to keep up with to check in are numbers 2, 3, & 4.

    Hope this encourages you and helps have some self thought time. We all probably KNOW where things are slacking. And we defintely KNOW where we are kicking butt! :0) You are amazing ladies. I'm excited to see the changes this week!

    Love ya!

  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,424 Member
    Hey guys, I'm gonna have to take a pause from the challenge for the next week or so. Like all of us, I have a lot of stuff going on and I need to focus on that right now. It's championship season for high school swimming, my other son is struggling in school so many teacher conferences are scheduled, it's his birthday next week, the golf tournament I'm chairing is in 10 days and to top it all off, my mentally handicapped aunt had a heart attack and is on life support. Prayers and good thoughts would be appreciated.
    So, I know you all will continue to do amazing and I'm sorry to have to drop out. Maybe I can pick it back up on 11/7 once the tournament is over and most of the swim meets are over.

    Good luck Babies!
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Weigh in this AM-169.6 (from 167.6) Can't blame on zigzag, because I was at 170.2 on Monday...fluid retention from somthing, can't gain that much real weight from eating (of course, since I was in permanant dehydration and am now drinking water, may be fluid normality! lol)

    Tara-I think that was my problem (focusing on GROSS cals, as opposed to net). I don't think it was that big of an issue when I was only exercising 3x week for lower calorie burns, but now I am doing 6 hours a week w/ 3000+ burns, so I think it caused my net to be too low. Will def keep you updated on how it is working! I added Kashi granola bars for my afternoon snack to help boost my protein a bit (6 g protein, 4g fiber, 130 calories and very nomalicious-dark mocha almond)

    Laura-Hey, at least you recognize what happened and are willing to change it! Do you seem to always follow-up a great weight loss week w/ a poor eating week? I do! I don't know why, but it seems like I am always doing that...

    Miriam-Thanks for the feedback-I tried to exercise light, but I still burned about 450 calories. BUT it did make my net be about 1800, which was below the high zig zag target of 1930, but a lot more than I would've normally eaten. Had to supplement w/ 3 snacks throughout the day (2 granola bars and digestives!) I agree that I am needing to shake up my metabolism to get this going again.

    Tausha-Good idea for posting the basics. You are correct that I could've pushed myself more (i.e. focus more on water/sodium/protein goals, not just using my goals list as a 'try to' list, but as actual GOALS!) Thanks for the new goals (and taking the time to make the goals)--any news on pups? :heart:

    Goals for this week:
    Personal Goals-
    ZigZag goals-1130/1130/1930 (net) Rotation-0/6:
    60 g Protein/Day-0/6:
    Under Sodium-0/6:

    Group Goals-
    3000 Calories-0/3000:
    60 Cups o'Water-0-60:
    Log Everything-0/7:

    Weight: 10/27-169.6...............11/03-TBA
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I'm definitely in for the new challenge: I've gone back over my initial goals & if I don't lose any more weight, I really am good with that, as long as the tape measure shows me the difference :happy:
    I'm sure I can burn at least 3000 calories this week :wink:
    I have definitely made it a point to log all my food in the last week because I really want to see where my downfalls are
    Water is no problem :wink:

    I cannot believe it's only 4 weeks left to Thanxgiving! WOW! This year has flown but we've all made some killer accomplishments in the last few weeks - these challenges have given us a chance to see what/where/how we each work & see what we need to do to change and accomplish our goals. I think moving on with a New Years Challenge would give us greater success as we've now figured out a lot about ourselves & can definitely accomplish a lot more!

    Tausha - I'm hoping you find your babies!

    Angie - we'll be here when you need us!

    Miriam - Baby steps starts it all - you've been doing amazing with your running club (and it sounds like you guys have awesome run-fun!); I see BIG changes in your future by the end of this month!

    Kory - I like your zig-zag idea - I may be trying a variated version of it as we're suspecting I'm not eating enough to balance out my weight training - need to shock my body a little extra so will be working on that after halloween :happy:

    Laura - great job on keeping the weight off! It means that your body knows & understands what you're doing & eating a little more or not the best once in a while is not going to affect you too much in the long run!

    Looking forward to an AWESOME Challenge Week :happy:
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am deffently in for another challenge ! I lost a pound this week to be checking in at 184.0 this week . Love the challenges for next week thanks for all your hard work Tausha !
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    under cals: 5/6 (no cheat day this upcoming week for me)
    under sodium: 5/5
    cals burned: 2143/2000
    10min meditation: 0/3 (I SUCK at this!)
    70 cups H20 total: 75/70
    cal avg for week 1400: actual~1892 (bad, bad, bad!)
    weight: 10/19-123.8.........10/27-124.2 ......... +0.4lbs (with 2 cheat days this week...I'll take it!)

    Renee-awesome work this week! As for RI30...I did 6/7 days (rest days Tues) for 4 weeks...so 24/28 days total!!! JM recommends 1-2 rest days on this program...good luck girl!


    Laura-no worries girl...that is still an avg of 1.5lbs/week, which is great!

    Mariam-great job on your loss and your goals! 1 week of not meeting your cal burn is not the end of the world...glad you enjoyed your vacay time!

    Tausha-AWESOME goals for the week!!

    Angie-I'll keep you and youR family in my thoughts...seeya when you get back *HUGS*

    Kory-make sure you give the added workouts, cals, and water a few weeks do catch up!! all of those things may make you retain!!! A few more high protein ideas: milk, Atkins Bars<<<<super yummy!!!!! and WW smoked string cheese!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    MY original weightloss goal for this challenge was 17.6lbs (16-20lb group) in 13weeks, to put me down to my goal weight. I have done a lot of research and have realized that with the amount of lean muscle mass that I have right now, I can not get down to my original goal weight/body fat % of 112lbs and 18%...so after a lot of thought and a few math equations, I have changed my goal weight to 119lbs at 18% body fat!! This still keeps me in the mid-low healthy weight range (and BMI), and keeps me at the "athletic" body fat% that I want! So...that means that I would still like to get to my new goal by Thanksgiving (now 10.6lbs total), which would be another 5.2lbs or 1.3lbs/week!!!

    Re-evaluate wt goal: DONE!!
    cals burned: 410/3000
    log everything: X/7
    cups of H20: X/60
    "clean" eating: X/7

    under cals: X/7
    under sodium: X/5
    80g protein: X/7
    cal avg for week 1450: actual~??
    weight: 10/27-124.2 ......... 11/2-TBA
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    hey strangers!!! sounds like your all doing well!!

    Yes, Tausha - this was a good reminder- I printed it out to bring home & re-evaluate myself. I believe i first wanted to be down to 145 by Turkey Day. Without beating myself up- i am pretty sure that i will not make that goal. I will now be happy if i can get down to 147 by then. I am happy with my slow & steady loss so far. I have made this workout routine a habit & really don't like the days i skip- so that makes me proud of my life change!!

    today I thought i'd treat myself to "arby's" chicken sandwich & curly fries since i have been doing so good. I find amusing that i almost feel sick having now eaten that crap (and to think that THIS was such a routine for me). So it turns out, my "treat" to myself really isn't much of a "treat"- this fast food makes me tired & frumpy....

    and to think that Arby's slogan is "GOOD MOOD FOOD"- i think NOT!!!

    keep it up girls!!
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    oh and my WI today was 151.4 :) one lb down from last week!!! whoot whoot
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Re-evaluate wt goal: Done--still think I can reach 160.
    cals burned: 898/3000
    log everything: 1/6
    cups of H20: 10/60
    "clean" eating: 0/6

    30 minutes of outside movement daily- 1/6
    90 minutes of strength training- 20/90
    3 servings of fruits & veggies- 1/6

    Weight loss for this week: 167.2--down 2lbs!! :bigsmile:
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Personal Goals-
    :smile: ZigZag goals-1130/1130/1930 (net) Rotation-1/6: Th (1084)...Fr (
    :smile: 60 g Protein/Day-0/6: Th (101)...Fr (

    Group Goals-
    :smile: Exercise 3000 Calories-621/3000: Th (621)...Fr (
    :smile: 60 Cups o'Water-8/60: Th (8)...Fr (
    :smile: Log Everything-1/7: Th (1)...Fr (

    Weight: 10/27-169.6...............11/03-TBA

    Wow...throw some chicken on some carb balance tortillas and cheese...that almost gets me to my daily protein goal! :smokin:
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    Weight for today: 209.4 this week, so down .8lbs.

    1. Re-Examine your original goals: Definitely not going to reach the 20+ weight loss. But I'm okay with that, I've lost 8lbs since starting this challenge, which is more than I can say for the whole summer!

    Realistic for the next 4 weeks? I would say I could lose another 5lbs +/-. That would put me at a total of 13lbs. Ya know, I think I could push myself for 15.

    2. Burn 3000 (three thousand) calories this week! Ugh...Okay...I will do this.

    3. Log EVERYTHING EVERY DAY! Yeah...there's been a few days I haven't done this :-s

    4. 60 Cups of water for the week. Not a problem!

    5. Self check in on the TYPES of food you are eating. I actually do eat relatively well(most days).